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How Do I Raise My Kids in Extreme Poverty? (Poor Family Documentary) | Real Stories

May 16, 2024
we can find. the house right now so reading clean the three


me alex and richard and look there's a screen here you can remove the top and there's a pocket and here and if you want to see a window in this store but you have to go like This then Who sleeps there? I left Ellen, everyone except the voice guys, we have to organize everything, put all the food there, all the clothes and all the accessories we need on that side, right above the corner and we just need to put something at the bottom so that Don't let the bugs get in, she's already at the bottom of the barrel, my daughter felt like she had no self-esteem, she wasn't a good mother because now her


lived in a tent, I don't care, you get everything, it's not easy to keep your


together, even when you're homeless, especially then I mean it's a very difficult situation, I actually think a lot of people who are going through this would probably have jumped from the nearest one. bridge to go through what I went through because it crossed my mind several times to just walk in front of a vehicle, so what do you do?
how do i raise my kids in extreme poverty poor family documentary real stories
The laws are supposed to be there to protect you, we don't feel like they are. there to protect you at allThe days were getting cold and it rained a lot and unfortunately the tents were not leak proof, they were not waterproof, so Mrs. Rice had caught a very bad cold, she was shivering, she clearly had a fever, the party is ready to continue. In the morning, Kaye is too sick to attend final housing court. The job of presenting the


's case falls to Carl. It's a classic case of renters wanting to live somewhere for nothing. They want to live off the efforts of others.
how do i raise my kids in extreme poverty poor family documentary real stories

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It is our position that the tenant owes arrears of one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars I have maintenance and interference with reasonable enjoyment harassment and trespass which Mr. Harriman what request do you want to continue shortly after moving out carl was whatever you just lost for some reason carl look for the letter from the landlord threatening the family with the help of the children it's starting to be like watching paint dry in here let's move on this is a letter to mr carl harriman and ms k rice is threatening to call the children , basically they are on this staircase and then the last sentence What does it say in that same paragraph?
how do i raise my kids in extreme poverty poor family documentary real stories
I trust her, where we can reach an amicable and mutual agreement to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Does it sound threatening? He's threatening you before and the previous lines and then he apologizes basically apologizes for the next one. one is bullying gentlemen I thank you for your participation this matter was adjourned subject to my order I will issue the order as soon as possible it will be another six weeks before a verdict is issued the concern was which school are we going to because school was approaching quite quickly I want I mean, they were there in the month of August, so school was coming up and they didn't know where we were going to end up because she didn't have a residence and if the kids would be involved that they would pull those six kids out and throw them into the system if they ended up getting help. , then there will be no one who would accept the six children into their home, that is not going to happen, they will lose their brothers and sisters and losing them we must do something, so we decided to intensify our efforts to find them permanent accommodation and we tried, we tried oh well, I'm homeless oh well, I'll move on, it's got to get better at some point.
how do i raise my kids in extreme poverty poor family documentary real stories
We are looking for a job We are looking for a place to live There are jobs out there I have shown it I mean just this week I have been offered two jobs but one every two days a week is not enough These people are It is offered at 6.85 an hour, like this There are jobs available, but the salaries are. Sorry, I would have to get three four jobs easily. Hello, yes, okay, so it's not a


area, okay. Carl is calling to report on a house in near Aurelia for 850 a month the closets are all new everything is new so it's freshly painted new everything in the house has been gutted and redone have you told them we have kids?
Well, now we have to lie to get it. Do we lie? Or do we tell the truth? The Rice family told the future lady in Aurelia that they had three children when the time came after going through more than 100 places. We had a lie. We had no other option. We even had to say that Carl was working and he. Didn't they give me my name as a reference? The landlady called here and put me in a bit of a dilemma because I know they have six children. Do not give references that are false. You don't do that as a Catholic teacher, so I.
I said yes, I know all three of them, I didn't say that they only have three children, but I also didn't tell the whole truth and I don't know if that is acceptable or unacceptable, it was a decision that I had to make between me and my creator at that time certified a check payable to the landlady and they had a roof over their heads and our prayers were hurt oh nice new appliances smell like new and have something in them to roast things or roast things like marshmallows okay so what do you think? This place is amazing, there is a bookshelf that is mom and dad's room, yes, as you see, there is a closet that you can put like knick-knacks or things like that.
Take off your shoes, oh shit, Christ our lord, amen, okay, this is the school I go to, our grading class has more, you? Have a fun day, no, no, we will, how about you guys not ask us how my day was? What was your day? I got a job they got it 11 15 an hour yeah Kaye works nights full time and has to walk two hours a day to catch a free bus to the casino I work in the VIP room the platinum room is for high rollers and I just revive tables and prepare food and wash dishes, happy birthday to you, happy birthday too, just say what you want Well, I wish everyone to have fun soon after the birthday party.
Rice received the housing court ruling. Kay is disappointed at the end of the day. The judge says we owed a lot of rent, but we didn't. I know we didn't, so I don't know where you get your numbers from and then you say you owe us for maintenance and repairs, not for harassment or anything else for maintenance and repairs, so we end up with 72, 89. I'll never see it I think I know what you want because they didn't learn much except the bullies won that's what they learned they thought we were going to get our money back we didn't why don't we get our money back?
I don't know, I mean, what am I supposed to tell them? Oh, we're


, we couldn't afford a lawyer. The truth did not win. You told them to tell the truth all the time and you think about it. They found out that the owner was bullying us. he got his way it cost us all kinds of money we were already poor to begin with it made us worse we had to lie to get this place so what did they learn? They learned the complete opposite of what we taught them almost a year later. He is still unemployed and Kaye still works nights to pay the rent.
The Rice family faces an uncertain future, but at least they are still together. All I hope is that they turn out to be the best they can be and just try to do it. Be good people and you will get what you want in life. That's all I can hope for.

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