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Jimi Hendrix Stories Told on the Stern Show

Apr 30, 2024
They went to a club and everyone looked at each other and said, we don't even like playing GU, what are we doing? That was the famous story that the community generally thinks, yeah, what. What the hell are we doing? Did you feel that way? Yes, you did when you played with him. Did he say oh wow Joe? Maybe we should meet in a studio and do something together or we'll never get that far. No, never. I got that far, but he


ed me his guitar and I saw that I paid attention to how the heavy strings, the light strings, how high the strings are, what the action is because he was tough, you know, because he was left-handed. , so everything was backwards that's why it sounded like that none of us right-handed guitarists could do what he was doing if he played a left-handed guitar no, he was playing a right-handed guitar with his head down oh wow, that's why it sounded like that you and that's why we couldn't crack the code oh my god that's fascinating that's why we were all banging our heads but that's why you're a great guitarist because you're a student sitting with Jimmy Hendricks , it's a master class, yeah, wow. even if it's three or four minutes and I had Paul and he looked at that and uh he was really very nice and just a good guy when I read about you guys the beginnings of him and things like Billy you were. opening for Jimmy Hendrick, yeah, and you credit Hendrick for your guitar style, you said you learned a lot from him, yeah, somehow, somehow they picked us up from the beginning, yeah, and uh, they were, they were were.
jimi hendrix stories told on the stern show
I wouldn't say they were Straight Shooters, but they were. t Shooters, at that time, Hendricks' experience and the experience, yeah, yeah, and you know what Jimmy was doing with that guitar was crazy, just, yeah, the inventors never dreamed of that, you know he was doing things that they said Well, they didn't say. he can't do it he just started doing it where were you when you first saw him? it was my whiff yeah it was scary and uh there's an interesting side uh he took care of it I remember seeing this console record player being They brought it to the room Night after night and he made sure I had a room across the hall and He called me and said: Hey, yeah, what do you think about this?
jimi hendrix stories told on the stern show

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jimi hendrix stories told on the stern show...

And he was playing and learning by listening to Jeff. Beck Beck was listening to Jeff Beck's first album, but isn't he as crazy as him? I don't think he ever had a guitar lesson in his life or that he was a real svant in a sense, I mean he really was a genius, yeah man. So what was the deal for you? You would sit there and watch him play and learn the technique. He said: Do you know this? And I said no, but continue. I want to know this and could you actually imitate some of the things he did? he was doing, yeah, he taught me the sly woman, wow, that's really amazing.
jimi hendrix stories told on the stern show
I had always heard a rumor when talking about Jimmy Hendricks in the experience that the B player of his didn't read, who I knew wasn't really a bassist, which he wasn't. Very cool, it's fair to say that he was, I suppose, the background glue that worked, but he fancied himself more of a guitarist and Jimmy either played bass on those albums or he didn't play bass on those albums. he didn't play he did on the first two first oh it's okay cuz it's an unfair rap that always got it right yeah yeah did you know Jimmy Hendricks?
jimi hendrix stories told on the stern show
I met him at Monteray pop oh no kidding in fact we played together no kidding if you could call me if you touch me trying to keep up he plays such a different style you're everywhere he was an extraordinarily talented guitarist that No, it's not new news but that's where I met him. I saw that


where he set his guitar on fire. What did you do? I thought it was an amazing show act, talk about mon a Ray pop when you guys played, flipped a coin with Jimmy Hendrick and said, "Whoever wins the coin toss, I guess we do." You're going to go first, that's how it's determined and who won the toss, so you guys have to go first and that's good because you probably just want to get out of there, well, it wasn't that unknown to most people, Jimmy. actually all that guitar lick and all that stuff on the speakers that he had copied from Pete, he did, that was Pete's show in 1964 65 Jimmy came and saw it and just took everything to a different level, but He took that from that, it was all Pete's show and of course we were going if he goes on before us, he did very well, the thing is Pete was the guy who used to break his guitar and smash it and Jimmy was like uhoh, yo.
He had to get over it, so he set his guitar on fire at Monterey and then at Woodstock, of course, he set his guitar on fire and he kind of became known for that, he had to irritate you a little bit. . I'm up a little bit, but anyway we won, we won the TOs and we went on first and sadly for Jimmy, when he came up, you know the last mic was almost broken if you watch the Monteray film because that's it. borrowed equipment and you can see people running to save the microphones Dr., it's cool, I love it, oh man he's so crazy.
I was thinking about Jimmy Hendrick, what the hell would he be doing now? You wonder if it would be like that. completely out of it or he would have continued making good music, he just never met the people, some people he did Jazz, he was really getting into jazz when he was moving in that direction, he was really moving in that direction, I know and Jimmy. He was very calm, very, very philosophical, very poetic. He maybe he would have been a poet, a jazz poet, maybe who knows, it's a shame, right?

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