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Adam Sandler’s Most Memorable Moments on the Stern Show

Jun 25, 2024
I wrote for him and I also thought, wow, okay, you've got Adam Sandler playing the tough Jew that you're now portraying in the new Netflix special that you sing. A song about being a bar mitzvah guy, yeah, yeah, yeah, Isn't that the strangest situation you sing about in your entire performance? The Bar Mitzvah people are evaluating you on how well you sing this secret language in your barid that you don't know what it is. it means and you don't know anything what that means that's funny yes yes yes what do you say when I say very cool your wife gave you tips for kissing Jennifer and she did the same with the uncut gems well the uncut gems yeah she was I'm going to say these are beautiful women with uncut gems and you're kissing.
adam sandler s most memorable moments on the stern show
We don't see much of Adam Sandler in his movies, but with uncut gems, what do you mean? Don't downplay it. I don't know, man, disgusting, disgusting. Is it disgusting to see yourself in a movie? It's disgusting in all the movies to see me, listen, aren't you naked in the trunk of a car? The


humiliating part of being naked in the trunk of a car in front of a camera crew is getting out. Then, oh my God, you really knew well that I was covering my penis with your hand or I think there was a sweatshirt in the truck, anything but


ing that yes, God, oh, I can't imagine that I wouldn't have done it.
adam sandler s most memorable moments on the stern show

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adam sandler s most memorable moments on the stern show...

I took the movie just for that, it certainly made taking the movie a little harder when I read naked man. I don't want to be naked. Your character's name is Howard. That's what I love too. The Safy brothers love you. These are the directors. brothers, if you went out with these two guys, you would be very happy that they know everything about you, they love them, they will be very disappointed, no, they love him, my character, Howard Ratner, will be a strong Jew, a guy who walks into a room , Ratner, the biggest name. well Ratner and mention me, Al Goldstein and Rodney wow Tri, you love that gold feels good, what I'm saying is fine, I was working out at this shitty gym.
adam sandler s most memorable moments on the stern show
I just got on SNL. I keep walking. Go. Holy cow, I think that guy looks like Bruce Springstein and I finally understand that you're not supposed to bother these guys, you know you're working out, you have to be masculine and also it didn't make sense for him to be there because he was some kind of shit and I thought, well, he wouldn't work here, but I'm that guy that looks like him, but whatever, and I finally walked past him and said, hey, Bruce, and he goes, hey, hey and then I say my name. , uh and he says I know you, you're Adam Stanley and I say, yeah, yeah.
adam sandler s most memorable moments on the stern show
I was like whoa and then I told everyone at SNL that I came back, it was like I knew Bruce, he knew me and blah, they're like shut up, no one believes me and then when Bruce came and did the


, did you remember the name of Adam Stanley? No, him, we're all standing there and he's waving at us and everyone's like, "Oh my God," and then he looks me in the eyes. Are you still doing belly exercise? I was like I told you, you guys thought I made this up, let's tell people your daughter was having a robot, yeah, they had the guts to pick up the phone and call Adam Lavine, yeah, when Sandler called them to say hi, I want you to do the Mitzvah for my daughter's robot.
Is Sandler such a great artist that you can't say no? He knew that he loved him and that's why he knew that he was going to say no. All the kids love Maroon 5. All the kids. It's going crazy because it's all girls and it's like this love, they were like Beetle Mania, there was a list of friends that with her, Chris Rock of course, Conan, I love Conan, my mom is like oh oh oh, it's Dustin Hoffman at our table and All I know is that my daughter was excited about the Galaxy theme. She didn't even know what it meant, but she looked good.
There were stars everywhere. in the moon landing, Jeff Bezos is in a jetpack throwing confetti, it was like, you know, in Billy Madison, when he likes graduates like third graders and he has a crazy party like that. He would have felt to me like he was looking at his little sister saying oh. You're going to do this too, my God, we have to double down, thank God you didn't have three children. Well, Adam Sandler, you've done it all and now you've done the show. He was so excited for you to come. because I wanted the chance to tell you how much I loved you on the show.
I love you. I loved you when I was a child. My friends and I talk about you all the time. You did a parody of Gary on Saturday Night Live. Saturday Night Live Howard. the car is here to take you to Harford um I had prosthetic teeth yeah yeah that was a tough impression to do I don't know how well I did Gary was fine with that he said I did everything we loved it I did an Adam Sandler impression because at that time no one did that. I actually called Adam before I did it. Adam picked up the phone and likes Hello, how are you?
Jimmy, yeah, says Jimmy, says, are you going to make an impression, are you going to make an uh, are you the impression I have and he starts laughing and says, I love it, that's cool, the guy hit a home run, do it, They were both students at New York University, he was a star on campus, he was going to stand up in the dorms, people said. There are theater classes all day and then we go to clubs at night. I mean, it was amazing, you're like, "Get out of the way, watch out, he worked harder than everyone wrote a lot every time I talk to him, he's in the office writing." Completely focused on making the best movie he can, the man is in charge of every detail of every movie he makes.
I love Adam Sandler the man is the best he puts all his friends in his movies and takes care of everyone if the man needs a kidney just look straight to your left baby I'm here baby thank you many times in my career he has been a cheerleader for me and I for him he's very loyal he's loyal to people I see he won't buy any car unless it's American car, that's how loyal Adam is, you've done it again, you come here, you love it to the hilt every time that I did it, man, you did a good job, I did a great job, you did a great job, it was a perfect look.

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