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Jerusalem: Three religions, three families | Faith Matters

Jun 07, 2021
For almost a century, Arabs and Jews have fought for control of the Holy Land. Jerusalem is sacred to all




, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and here politics and religion are deeply linked. All



associate the city with their core beliefs, so how do those who do? living here facing this tense situation for Christians Jerusalem is the city where Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is built on the site where these events are believed to have happened for Jews Jerusalem is the holy city that God has given them the Western Wall is all that remains of the second temple destroyed by the Romans almost 2,000 years ago, where the temple once stood.
jerusalem three religions three families faith matters
The Al-Aqsa Mosque now rises into the heavens after Mecca and Medina. This site in Jerusalem is the holiest in Islam. The Dome of the Rock is built on the spot where Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven in the ancient city that covers less than a square kilometer. The three religions live side by side in clearly defined districts. The three see Abraham as their father and they all believe in the same God but there are differences, there is also the political dimension. In 1967 Israel occupied East Jerusalem and it is here where a mountain of discord is found due to the elevation that the Jews called the Temple Mount and We Muslims al-haram al-sharif are fighting him politically to steer our ship to get the most validity from all the different countries, European, United States, etc., because we have the Arab nation against us, friend, you know, like this that we always feel it, we always have our finger on the pulse that the Jewish state is trying to have. the whole cake for her appearance right there this is difficult this could make a few words the Syeds are devout Arabs and Muslims today the women of the family go together to pray at the nearby Dome of the Rock Henan is the eldest of the three girls her The Father Yasin considers it his duty to raise his daughters according to the Koran.
jerusalem three religions three families faith matters

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jerusalem three religions three families faith matters...

The Arabs call it the Haram al-sharif, the noble shrine and that is exactly what it means that from an early age children have been introduced to the religion of their parents. At this holy site, the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven on a winged horse to receive Allah's commandments on what Muslims call his night journey. After prayers, the family goes out to the old city. Yasin works here in a restaurant. He sells freshly squeezed pomegranate juice throughout Jerusalem to girls. It's a treat before they meet his father and walk him home from work.
jerusalem three religions three families faith matters
Here, in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem, the cry of the moussine that calls the


ful to prayer echoes through the narrow streets. alleys five times a day Yassin is a devout Muslim, although he doesn't pray five times a day, he has a strong connection with his religion, you know, when I wake up in the morning I say Ya Allah in the way of God, so it doesn't matter. which direction I choose, but I say it in the name of God. As I started my day at the other end of the old city on Mount Zion I live with the Goldsteins, an Orthodox Jewish family before dinner, the girls sang hello Vanya Raquel Rivka and Esther have time. to play the children Moshe and helped his mother Shoshanna in the kitchen his father Rabbi Goldstein just arrived home being able to live here with his family is very important to him I live here Mount Zion has prophesied that the Jews will ride again then we there and this is part of the gift of God created the world and he promised and his Bible to give it back to the Jews those promises will be fulfilled basically the people in this area most of them are very religious and their religion is that core of existence which is paramount in life like your religion and the only way people live is because people have the need to live and part of life is that they have to relate to each other and business and different relationships that life requires and therefore So in those aspects they relate to each other with respect then with the covering of honor and peace but when it comes to the point of a religion it is a consolation with life because I want to protest or say a statement in different situations or different times, then the The same person, who is your friend, your worker or your boss, can be a totally different person and they can reach the level of violence and even the level of killing the culture here, the culture of the Middle East is not where you come from, it is a culture totally different totally different culture religion is a primary honor primary values ​​you come from the western world which is physical and there is more wealth so people talk about love and care, but when you come from more than a survival society the values ​​are honor religion is a totally different world here describes that world led me to obey God's commandments share with others help my mother and make God happy in the synagogue there are Torah readings three days a week on Saturday on Monday and Thursday the service begins early in the morning according to Orthodox tradition at least 10 men over the age of 13 must be present a Jewish boy is considered spiritually mature at age 13 a new section of the Torah is read each week so that the first five books of the Bible, The law of Moses is read every year in its entirety, women are separated from men and participate in silence.
jerusalem three religions three families faith matters
What does Rabbi Goldstein believe is the essence of religion? I would say a few things, a few steps, number one is the Jewish religion is built and has a very, very strong foundation, the Bible states that a few million Jews saw God and stayed alive and continued in the distant fire, that It is something very powerful that no one can deny. Rabbi Goldstein also believes that all of God's prophecies have been fulfilled. So far this proves that the scriptures are true, he says, and that God has chosen the Jewish people, what would he say if one of his children wanted to marry someone of another religion?
My first reaction will be, I see, if he is serious, I will try to convince the other spouse to marry. become a Jew to accept the Jewish religion and my second thought will be that, for example, my door is to enter the Jewish religion, if the mother is Jewish and the father is not Jewish, the children are still Jews, so our focus is a lot. maintain the relationship with that with the husband because my goal is the children because they are the Trojans for the Jews easier to understand and for the Jewish religious people who train the children from a very young age the Jewish values ​​back to the Muslim neighborhood how are they raising the Syeds?
The children, their daughters, mean everything to them, what do they want to transmit to them to be human, how to be human, how to grow in goodness with good and enough experience in life. Hanan is 13 years old and Doha is 11. The older sister already knows what she wants to do when she grows up. go to university become a lawyer regarding your daughter's education science is very modern and open-minded at school children come into contact with other religions this open-minded young generation may hold the key to better relations between communities, however, reconciliation would hardly be possible without the religious leaders also wanting it and that is not always the case in a small mosque in the old city Imam Haj Rabia the bakry prepares to say his prayers, how would you describe his religion? to an external Islam to surrender for God the message of Moose was until the time of Jesus when Jesus came the message of Moses is the end we no longer have the religion of Moses we must believe in Jesus now all human beings believe in the message of Jesus until the Prophet Muhammad came when Prophet Mohammed Azharuddin came, he came with the Quran, the Quran collects all the messages that have been before Moses and Jesus, so after Muhammad Ali salat WA Salam, everyone should believe in the Muhammad's message, which is the Quran, nevertheless exists.
There are several interpretations of the sacred writings. Yes, Singh's wife comes from Jordan. Her relatives arranged the marriage. Islam rejects the notion that Jews are God's chosen people. He conflated the Christian notion of a Trinitarian God as blasphemous. However, Yasin gets along well with Jews and Christians, but what would he say if one of her daughters wanted to marry someone of another


? I was either a Hickam Muslim or not. It is not allowed in our religion. How did Christians live in the old city near the seventh station of the cross on the border between the Muslim and Christian neighborhoods lives the Shahada the father is a cook and delights his family with his culinary skills today there is lamb with almonds on the menu the Shahadah Zar Arabs and devout Christians only Christians live in this apartment building although it is in the Muslim neighborhood Shahada is flat looks towards the colorful alleys of the rooty bazaar Shahada is a nurse in a children's hospital today she has a night shift but that It doesn't bother you I love my job in a few real words I love my job No It doesn't matter who they are, what they are, you know, the hospice of their penty Muslims, Christians, Jews, even other religious people, Antarctica doesn't say anything, so Therefore, everyone is equal, Jerusalem residents are generally helpful and respectful to each other, but when it comes to religion.
Suddenly tensions arose some people even get angry about their own religion every story had the mission of the story had something we have to say a life we ​​have to say to see how great Jesus is I can't say there is a special part you know , but what I don't like what I don't like in the story of Jesus is that when he says that someone hits you on your left, turn it towards your life so that our face is like that of your fan, you know this way . You know the Jewish problem, part of Israel the hardest thing to love is your enemy, but like Jesus said you have to love your enemy, what is very different is difficult for us because we are busy and we have many enemies, so we are trying to love our enemies as much as we can elvira wants to go to university and be a chemist, however, in a city like


, where even children are drawn into political and religious tensions, she is anxious about her future now i am living my life, but in the future, what will happen if we have many fights with the other religion, for example, how we will live in many strange places, we will work killing, I will live, we will live happily, yes, how would God tell us that we like to live happily and have? many fights, many things that happen to us like this, I hope that in the future it will be better than I think, like what it is today, being very difficult for them, very, very difficult, for example, I will not do it, I will not allow my daughter now she is 17 years old she would get married he happens later and without knowing it but I don't expect to marry another piece of furniture looking east of Jerusalem you can see the seven meter high wall that Israel has built to enclose the Palestinian territories those territories include the West Bank and part of the Judean Desert in the 1967 Six-Day War Israel occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as Gaza, the Palestinians want the pre-1967 borders to be restored and the recognition of an autonomous Palestinian state, thus political conflict is inseparable the diversity of peoples and their centuries-old religious conflicts father Josef Suk beanies sees little progress the glider in the east is not very lacuna and unfortunately religions are sometimes a source of division in the Middle East instead of a basis for coexistence between the peoples of The religious feelings of the Middle East are the most sensitive when it comes to finding food.
Damn, man can be fearful, so it's easy to play with them and manipulate them. Sometimes we suffer from both Orthodox Jewish fanatics and Muslim fanatics, but the political issue is the most important. Israelis trade for peace. Will they give up East Jerusalem? Will they return Palestine to its pre-1967 borders? Yes, everyone has their rights. We are all humans. God's creation. That is the Christian vision. When we talk to others in the church, it is about peace, about rights. of both nations, the Jewish people and the Palestinian people have rights, the reality we experience is that peace is very far away, is it not your fight?
Vic for freed is a model of how diverse cultures and religions can coexist peacefully it is the small town of never shalom wahad al salam halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem the name is a combination of Hebrew and Arabic and means oasis of peace Evie Guggenheim a Swiss Jew met Palestinian Muslim beta at an intercultural workshop here in 1988 years later they married and made never Shalom wahad al salam their home founded by the French priest Bruno SR in 1967 the spiritual center of never Shalom waha Al Salam da la welcome Arabs and Jews, people from diverse cultures and religious backgrounds gather here in an effort to understand each other in their faith at the school of peace we have observed encounters between people that give me some hope in this dead end situation gossip I believe that the feeling towards others all the negative attitudes everything we call fundamentalism does not belong to religion, it belongs because of the social psychological attitude of the person we use our religions to be fundamentalists we are not religion when speaking the main concept of all religionsand especially of the three military technologies is based on peace there is a place on the slopes of the village where everyone is welcome to pray in silence or meditate the name of this building is dunya Sakina dunya in Hebrew Sakina in Arabic means deep silence Satan silence Schrag is the common language of all religions because the word of God remains silent let's vote courtesan you know when you look at Jerusalem, it is part of paradise Jerusalem is part of paradise when there will be superficial peace, people will have paradise here Jerusalem, the house of God of Beth, so house of burden, except all, Jerusalem has a unique symbolic meaning politically and religiously and cannot really be compared to any other place on earth 3,000 years ago King Solomon built the first Jewish temple here, as the Temple city Jerusalem became the center of the Jewish faith, but has since been subject to various cultural and religious influences, claims by individual groups that the cities belonging to them alone have repeatedly been the cause of the war, despite all the failed roadmaps and diplomatic initiatives, the warring parties say they want peace and there is a real chance they can achieve it, but for that to happen, two nations and three religions.
I would have to reconcile you

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