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Jeremy Clarkson Vs. Piers Morgan Highlights | Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Jun 14, 2024
Now our first contestant is someone I've had a few disagreements with over the years, but come on, it's Christmas, so let's put all that behind us and play nice as we welcome the simply horrible human being that is Piers Morgan. I should see what I wrote, it's a lot worse, right, so your mates are from London, uh, I'm not actually, no, I'm from Sussex, okay, you're from Sussex, but you also have houses in LA and London, yeah , and you're a daytime TV presenter I'm a breakfast TV star yeah, during the day and you're here to play who


to be a


and I need to explain the rules to you, I guess, because you're usually in bed, but this is You know, no I watch the show exactly, so I used to watch the old one, but yeah, sure, when it's presented by a proper stand-up character, but you're 15, you'll never make it, you're 15. questions for a million pounds you won't do it, you're four. lifesaver well I have three on you yeah you have 50 50 and then this is a real problem for you you have two phone friends, I cleaned my my dollies and they were both available, right?
jeremy clarkson vs piers morgan highlights who wants to be a millionaire
And then, as you correctly point out, you can ask me. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. I love the waves of applause. I wasn't expecting anything but blind hatred here, unusual. For you, we know you're a tabloid journalist, you're friends with Donald Trump and you're an Arsenal fan, but this is your chance to tell everyone that there's actually a heart there too. This for charity, yes I'm doing it because it's a wonderful little charity called Scotty's Little Soldiers and it's to help the children of the service men and women who die defending this great country of ours and they just do a wonderful job looking after the children they give them. grief counseling give them a vacation well I'm familiar with this it's actually very, yes I am and now it's very good so it's doubly annoying because now I really hope you do well you've seen a lot of these creatures will have hit your windshield so you want to ask me?
jeremy clarkson vs piers morgan highlights who wants to be a millionaire

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jeremy clarkson vs piers morgan highlights who wants to be a millionaire...

In fact, I think I want to ask you. Yes. This is what I believe. I think Piers Morgan just asked me for help. Besides, I know the answer. Yes, but I'm not going to do it. I tell you you really know the answer I do it well well I'm not 100 sure I know well now look mosquito only has a couple right a domestic flight come on you've already tried to squish enough in your life I already have a couple I recently made some wetlands for insects and the dragonflies have moved on and I spent many hours looking at them and now they definitely have two pairs of wings, on the basis that the dragonfly definitely has two pairs of wings and only one of those lots has two pairs of wings it is unlikely to be the nat do you see my logic?
jeremy clarkson vs piers morgan highlights who wants to be a millionaire
I do accordingly I would say the answer is b dragonfly and that would be my final answer my instinct was dragonfly you think it's dragonfly I can think of a million reasons why I shouldn't trust you including a scar on my forehead um and there Your victim is broken, my finger is broken from where it hit me uh actually I'm going to say the words I never thought I would say I trust you I believe in you and at least this way if I'm wrong it's your fault dragonfly final answer okay computer can we reveal the correct answer please thank you


you kept me in thank you thank you if I could kiss you I would I could wrap my big arms around you and give you a big Christmas hug that's what I do it's time to take a break we'll be back in a few moments until Then which of these world champion drivers has not been Lewis Hamilton's teammate in Formula One Kimi Raikkonen Nico Rosberg Fernando Alonso Jensen Button Well, I think this is a question about Mercedes and Ferrari so Alonso I think it was Ferrari Button I think which was ferrari rosberg I don't really watch formula one much I have to be honest rosberg ryken It could be one of those things where it's not the other Brit who isn't Jensen Button as it is who isn't his teammate.
jeremy clarkson vs piers morgan highlights who wants to be a millionaire
I don't know if I can remember them as teammates. Well, I don't know the answer and there's no point in not using my last life preserver, although I don't think my friend is going to know the answer, but I do see a possible way out of any ignominy by putting all the blame on her, so I'll call My friend, who is Susanna Reid, ah, well. let's call her, then let's call susannah and um and see if she can help. Hello Susannah, yes, hello Jeremy Clarkson, whose




to be, how are you and, more importantly, how are his colleagues getting along?
Turns out he doesn't know anything. absolutely nothing at all um he's wandering around and getting stuck endlessly I don't believe it for a moment yes you do can I check that there's someone from our office with you there making sure you're not looking for things? yeah, filming my every move Okay, show up, you know the way, yeah, 30 seconds, you're ready, I'm ready, your time starts now. You may not thank me for this, but which of these world champion drivers hasn't been a teammate of Lewis Hamilton in Formula One? kimi raikkonen nico rosberg fernando alonso or jensen button why would no one know the answer to that?
I didn't anticipate you doing it at all if you were guessing which one you'd guess he's never been hamilton raikkonen rosberg alonso's teammate that was it oh um you had to use me for your bugs which is annoying for Scotty's little soldiers because well it's particularly annoying because obviously you would have gotten this in 10 seconds, easy, this one for me, I mean, it's easy if you know and I really obviously. I know this, I feel like I should and if I'm wrong I'll make up the difference with the Scots so the charity gets the 16 grand no matter what, whether it comes from you, the show or me, so let's leave that. aside so the charity doesn't lose I only lose what's left of my reputation so I'm going to take a guess and it's a guess the answer is jensen up I need to hear the next two words final answer final answer them Say yes You wait on the river bank long enough, your enemies' bodies will merge.
Yours just walked past me because that's the wrong answer. Yes, they didn't? Kimi raikkonen. Yeah, um, I mean, look, I can tell you. he was with Button at McLaren which is, of course, where he was before he went to Mercedes and he was with Alonso at McLaren and then he was with Rosberg at Mercedes and of course now he's with um, I don't watch enough. you have always had an ass now you have humiliated yourself it has cost you fifteen thousand pounds that is true or very really very noble that is true credit where the credits will make up the difference with the little Scottish soldiers which is great I am trying to find a positive spin for you, let me think that you got to 4000 pounds on your own, thank you, thank you and then you will know that everyone else has helped you, the rest of the world, that's true, you were brave and I was brave to have you and I think we have embodied the Christmas spirit, so yes, ladies and gentlemen, Piers Morgan, thank you.

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