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James O'Brien's mammoth 21 minute call with Nigel Farage supporter | LBC

Jun 27, 2024
be hotels when they become asylum centers, they used to be hotels, it's just a name given to a building, but I want to focus on the five star part, so can you, can you, can you name? A five-star hotel where illegal immigrants stay. Yes, let's take a look. That is the case. News article here.Thousands of asylum seekers and Channel migrants live in luxury four and five star hotels with British taxes. Where is that one of the four hotels that used to be a house? Where is the article that is in the sun and what just finished that sentence? one of the hotels used to be one of the high uh R in the top brackets detonating plus and some high end resorts across the country are locked booked for months yeah the head office officials are sitting around renovating the five star hotel five stars that we are looking for, so we have a four star hotel, which is, and you think it is still a four star hotel that literally accepts guests, since no, no, because it is not, it is no longer a four star hotel if you stayed there. you would share a room, they would tell you what meals you were having, you wouldn't have access to the facilities that were put in place for guests because most of them would have been closed, it's a bit like which is the nearest hotel. where are you now James in Durham?
james o brien s mammoth 21 minute call with nigel farage supporter lbc
How is he? It's probably the premiere in is probably the closest. Well, I was at a premiere over the weekend, so imagine we take over Premere tonight and turn all the rooms into bedrooms. two sets of bunk beds in each room, we got rid of the menu and decided what we would serve each morning and each evening, you would have a very limited amount of choice, if you like the food available you certainly couldn't take advantage of the bar facilities or anything like that , but the building where this happened was usually the main one. Maybe we'd even leave the sign outside that says Premier.
james o brien s mammoth 21 minute call with nigel farage supporter lbc

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james o brien s mammoth 21 minute call with nigel farage supporter lbc...

Could you describe the people who stay there in those bunks stay in the Premier itself, well then you have me on the Bench because he is no longer the Premier according to all the definitions that gave him that title in some way. way in exactly the same way that that building over there that was once a five-star hotel and is now an asylum center is no longer a five-star hotel, you see? Well, let me turn you around and tell you what to book. every room in the Premier, yes, just for you, there is still a hotel, yes exactly, so what is the difference with the complete government lockdown to book a hotel and then a house, because the hotel in which I Is the accommodation the same as last time?
james o brien s mammoth 21 minute call with nigel farage supporter lbc
If it doesn't become an asylum processing center any year, we'll be running out of time and the hotel you just described costs £48 a night, I'm told, so it's probably not much cheaper than what the government is paying, yes, maybe, so the question is: if you know that the whole Sharia law thing was nonsense, you know that there is not a single asylum seeker in this country who lives in five star luxury, can that they are, although we could not find it. just one, they may be in a building that used to be a five star hotel and we know that, um, everything you said about Muslims essentially or or or or any no, no, you're going around, it's okay to cross out that last part and then just the stuff, let's focus on the stuff about sadik Khan and Sharia law and, um, nothing about Muslims and the nonsense about five star hotels, can you tell me in a sentence or two why when you hang up the phone you're still going to believe what that you believed when you


ed, yes, because you have seen it at the well.
james o brien s mammoth 21 minute call with nigel farage supporter lbc
I guess maybe being on the left and in the media they may not see it as much, but we're talking about you, you're going to do it because we. I have stated two things that you believe are not true and now you are going to hang up the phone and we are going to say goodbye and you are still going to believe what you believed when you


ed and I just want you to be able to help me as someone on the left in the media who doesn't know what it's like the real world, if you want to put it that way, that could be useful, why would you continue to believe in things that you now know are not?
It's true because there are still areas of the UK that even the police are afraid to go to. What are those areas? You asked me in one sentence, um, yeah, but just give me, give me a couple of examples from those areas. the police are afraid to go to Olden no there are there are streets in Olden there are streets in Bradford the streets in Birmingham that the police SC why were they afraid to go there because they are outnumbered who are the people who live there who are The police James, on your street, the police are outnumbered by the people who live there, so who are you referring to when you say the police are outnumbered, but Again, this is who the foreigners living there outnumber? the foreigners who live there, yes, how do you know they are foreigners?
I mean, don't play, you know they are, they're these areas where, um, they've been flooded, they're no longer, they're no longer British. They are not, they do not follow British values ​​and this is the and we go back to where we started what were the British values ​​that are not followed and everything you said turned out to be false but you are going to leave convinced that these tropes, these lies, these racist stereotypes They are all true, but I have to go to the news, they are not stereotypes, no, they all are, yes, you have proof that they are true, but that's how it is. to a different school, right?

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