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Jamaican Street Food in Kingston!!

May 30, 2021
Good morning, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I am in Kingston, Jamaica and this is a city that I have always wanted to visit because I love reggae music, Jamaican culture and


, and today we are going to take an ultimate Jamaican


tour. Street food tour. Case over. We will visit the Coronation Market, which is one of the largest markets in the Caribbean. We will eat crabs. We will eat corn. We're going to eat all kinds of snacks we're going to eat Jerk Pan chicken which is a must eat when you're in Kingston and in this video I'm going to show you all the food and this Jamaican


food adventure in case 10 okay so let's get started.
jamaican street food in kingston
This Ultimate Kingston Jamaican Poop Tour at Coronation Market This is the largest market in Jamaica. I think it is one of the largest markets in the Caribbean. We will see a rainbow of colorful ingredients used in Jamaican cuisine. I can't wait to explore the market. In such a large market, we also have the pleasure of hanging out with Chef Chris today and he knows the market. He comes to the market at least every other day frequently to buy ingredients, so he is touring the market for us and we just entered. It's this huge, I guess we're in the covered section.
jamaican street food in kingston

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jamaican street food in kingston...

I think there's an outdoor section as well, but it's this huge covered iron structure, and just looking at the masses of ingredients, there will be an immense amount of scotch bonnets, which is one of the best ingredients not just in Jamaica and the Caribbean but in the world, so we actually walked through the inside section straight to the outside section, it's full of ingredients, yeah, the scotch bonnets, there's Jamaican ginger, there's chives, there's just tons of herbs like thyme and rosemary. There is simply no place like the markets where you can see the vibrancy where you can see the colors where you can see all the ingredients that are used in cooking that go into Jamaican food with all the colorful ingredients, something you will notice as soon as you even you enter the coronation market that surrounds it, they are the carts that are like push carts with a real steering wheel and when they go down the hill, they actually drive it like a scooter going down, they use them to carry ingredients, carry packages and transport everything.
jamaican street food in kingston
At the market, another thing you can smell at the market is the salt fish, which is cod, but also salted red herring, both very important in Jamaican cuisine, which give flavor to that saltiness that is the mother of fish, how is it called, so ugly, ugly? created or created and you put this in short, yeah, okay, so it's like a combination of lemon and orange in that sense and it's actually usually mixed with food, the chef was saying, or especially like mixed in Greek, but like she has some beautiful let's just try it at the moment just squeeze it into your mouth oh yeah well that's wonderfully tart mmm but not too tart as you can say that would be really good like in a salad in a drink it's like the tartness of a lime but the flavor of orange and grapefruit, all combined into a beautiful citrus.
jamaican street food in kingston
I'm going to say, yeah, that kind of heartburn that almost instantly makes your teeth hurt a little bit, ugly, so in us maybe it's called ugly because your first reaction as soon as database, you have to square next to the tower what's up man a food runner yeah yeah Jackie will be fine awesome thanks for coming thanks so stay tuned for Jeff Hills food videos he's the food runner obstacles and food lover, an incredible combination. I'm an athlete an athlete your urine is especially obstacle, yes, there are ways, there are 400 perfect and what you're looking for is yes, it's busy, it's vibrant but it's a little bit relaxed at the same time or maybe it's not a very busy time, but in general the people are very friendly and again like there is nothing like being able to see everything, there is something to eat here, this could be amazing, read people, yes, thank you, this on your chicken leg, yes, nice, yes, Looks amazing, thanks, but goat meat, okay, thanks. sir, you serve it with the chicken leg facing up, it looks amazing, you can see it, it almost looks like a pumpkin bra, oh wow, I think it's pumpkin puree, like pumpkin candy, but it tastes like onion and carrot right there. that chicken flavor because chicken B actually makes one of the best soup broths of any part of the chicken it just stays so hot oh it's so hot and I also call them chicken fingers.
Chicken feet aren't always my favorite, you're just not a There's a lot in there, especially with chicken feet on the left because of the flavor that they provide, like the broth that they can make, and you just get a little bit of sort of gelatinous skin. and then spits out the bone. How does it feel to men? one, thanks to him, yes, thanks man, that is a delicious and hearty soup, yes, like pumpkins and scallions, simple and very warm, wait, this is the red beans or the red peas, hello, the red piece called peas red, yes, red peas, it's like a it's like a Next, red bean soup and I think he said there's cow skin that gives it flavor.
Oh, it still stays so hot down there because of DOMA, it's a thick accessory that retains its heap, but you immediately taste the pepper in there, which is a little spicy, although that's the flavor. that's like beef hide and it feels like smoked beef and then like wrapped in that pepper it's like a fire whistle well totally different moogan excellent. I love chicken leg soup, you can barely taste the chicken leg, it's subtle, amazing, it doesn't taste. as a meal, it just tastes like chicken, ideal, okay, now I know why it stays so hot. It has these real Welles tires on the bottom of the cart that are filled with charcoal that keeps all the pots above warm. just sit there all day on charcoal so it stays long, stays smoking, just not empty, like it's just below boiling point, very hot all day long, when I was a kid I was literally probably eight or ten years old .
I remember watching Cool Runnings about the Jamaican Bobsled Team, which is still one of the best movies I've ever seen in my life, it's still one of my favorites, but pushcarts are green and it brings back a lot of memories because that It's what they started. Jamaican pushcart racing, which is like Jamaican bobsledding - brings back so many amazing memories. It was a fantastic time exploring the coronation market. A great group of friends. We did some shopping. Chris, especially Chef Chris, bought some ingredients that he needed, so not only was it to walk around and explore, but the chef also bought some ingredients and that soup. soup man from Coronation market which was incredibly tasty we are on this Jamaican


food tour of Kingston where I know we are next to a place called Kiros it's like this looks like this kind of square circular area that is known for its food street crab there are a variety of different soups and we will find out what else National Hero Circle Memorial the national heroes of Jamaica have a monument there for them some of them are buried there we have prime ministers who are buried there and we have some governors general who are buried there and then We strategically parked right next to it, across the street, there are like a series of food stalls, what is especially famous here?
There are rules for rice with Rosecrans or everything that Rosa sauce Rosa is roasted salty fish soup different types of soups they have corn all kinds of things here crab and they welcome with pride, okay, and I can already see that people just You park your cars here and drive, drive, it's almost a drive to the right. through the meal you have a snack, there is roasted corn, oh this is what we came for a crab, a crab pot, but you can easily pull your car, oh yes, you better not get hit, but you can easily roll your car here, stop by to get some food. on the way, you probably even sit in your car, mainly there is boiled corn, there is roasted corn and then there are crabs simmering like a broth of juices and also herbs and scotch bonnets, you see scotch bonnets, you see the weather, you see chives boiled in there and there's like it looks like a mix like a Jamaican crab mixed pot let's try a little bit of everything.
I think some people think that the displays here leave the crabs hanging over the edge over the edge of the pan and then just the broth boiling, you smell the chives and those Scotch bonnets floating in there herbal, therapeutic and medicinal and there's definitely some health properties floating in that broth in that crab pot and she's serving us a couple of crabs and getting some of those too. herbs getting some of those spices there's probably some pepper in there too yeah, awesome, oh okay, and then I'm going to do this, this is the crab apron, open this guy up, take him off oh yeah, that's really hot, We'll start with the plumbing claws. right there, oh, it's so juicy, so juicy because of that liquid that it's been brewing, it's almost like it's just infused into the juiciness of the crab and you taste the taste of the scotch bonnet, the taste of the pepper, yeah, no , dad, you just bite into the little pieces of meat they are like crabs that take time to eat and you just want to lick that wall of flavor, yes that is extremely tasty, it is incredibly tasty, salty pepper and chives, a little spicy, almost like again.
I just can't get over the fruity flavor. I'm scotch peppers like, oh right, a bunch of Austin 800 bananas packed into a spicy chili. Now I have that dead man's touch on this side, but this inside the head here, the head bar like the table. we used, we had to shake it, drink it off the wall, yeah, all that souk rock flavor kind of saturated in it, it's soft, silky, you have the crab like almost that bitter crab flavor, excellent, the combination I have. never seen before and so simple, no butter, it's just boiled corn with coconut meat, ripe coconut, me, so like me, you could make coconut milk with ripe coconut meat that has been soaked in salt water, and What you said you should do is take a bite.
Of the corn, what women heat is not like sweet corn, it is more like starch than you want. Oh, although coconut and then combine the two in your mouth works perfectly well, it's because you have the starchy heaviness of the corn and then you have that saltiness plus the crunch plus the juiciness, but there's actually milk coming out of the coconut when you squeeze it between your fingers. teeth and then you just crush them with your teeth. Is it common throughout Jamaica? I'm having amazing words, they were like yeah, juicy with butter and intense coconut, it just brings out the flavor even more in the outer corners, you know, the corn flavor versus the water and coconut style juice, oh man, a combination Deliciously simple like almost nothing but natural ingredients. but the sum of the two makes them steps above just the individual product, well there are chicken feet at Calculon, we are eating in line here, moving down, next to try is their beef skin pot and soup of chicken legs, oh. when we got the big one, we got a whole box, that's amazing and the flavor of the soup is enhanced with chicken feet and house kiss, then pepper, there are some tribes in there too, oh yeah, she gave us the full sonnets, There are some hats floating around.
There is something over there that looks like stuffed intestines or something personal, yes, it looks like stuffed intestines or tripe with rice in the center. All of that isn't rice, it's just natural and creates a serious mix of organs and all sorts of things that feed. flavor the soup then I think it's a pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin face you see the moment you see the pepper floating in the salty sweetness contrasts the saltiness but then the sweetness of the pumpkin the pepper there the moment the time is digs and the peppers, the Clementis break out and wit talks about it yeah Scott's fun there we call that step was contracting distemper yeah Monday so in the arts here you got a step to seal like a chicken feet soup in Jamaica, yes, another reason why I love Jamaica so much.
There is a word for everything, but there is always a name for something or always a term to describe something. If you smell this, you can't, you can't do anything but walk straight over there. The cowhide, the texture is amazing, okay, then we. I'm going to try that dumpling, oh yeah, it's like following that with another guy, Joey and Gummy, okay, my next bite will be cow hide and scotch pepper, all cow hide, you think it'll be a little rubbery, but then just like it slides through your teeth and then with that pepper this could be a sweaty bite oh you know what's amazing is when because it's like an air tight it's air tight when you bite into it you get like this little poof of like air coming out , okay, it's still not that spicy, but I didn't reach the seeds, so I have to take another bite.
When you get to those seeds, it tastes like a banana on fire, okay, now it's kicking in great, but when? First you try it, you take a bite, it doesn't work for a few seconds or even a few minutes, but then it starts hitting you on the back.back of your throat and you're like, oh, the full effect, yeah, I'm breaking down. and that I'm in love with Scottish hats yes, apart from yoga flatly denied, okay, thank you baby, it was a pleasure meeting you, okay, thanks for inviting us here, yes, mine for your delicious food, the thick and amazing soup is looks amazing, crabs are good, good spices.
A five minute drive from where we just had that amazing snack, we pull up to a restaurant, this is Rastafari an ital. vegan restaurant I think we're actually not even totally sure that any of us have been here, we just found it and it was It looks amazing, so we are going to check it out and we have arrived in this neighborhood, the paintings and murals on the walls are beautiful. and that's across the street and there's a little bar on the other side, but we're going up these steps so it looks like a little urban platform on a hill where it's like a place to relax, a gathering place and a place to eat, anything, so you walk here. some steps some makeshift brick wall steps and this is the place right here evil spice portals hello don't shoot what are you super so yeah slurp no me yellow my Selassie I thought I said green holiday remember no cooking no policies on the instant Coconut milk It doesn't seem like it's cheap Comrades we're just good Is this it?
No, the polenta, the green vegetable. Ponte is such a cool little kitchen that shows me some of the dishes they agree with and this is Arden Street and me. It was by sports from the front, you get to the patio area and it just opens up to this patio. It is an entire community and we order the pumpkin that is known as a fiesta. It is the pumpkin made into a ball. Beautiful pumpkin full of food. where we create the most authentic organic artificial London we have none, none seen, no chemicals marketing, can I? I'm a vegan who doesn't like salt or juice, low salt, we use salt, but it's okay, alkaline salt naturally, I saw, okay, you know it's trying to get your less processed, yeah, scared. something more natural, they are like rocks, gemstones and excellent natural elements donors of the earth, so we have coconut through turnip, carrot and this is the Mexican pumpkin that will cause the chocolate.
Do I say it right. First I'm going to try some callaloo. Oh men, oh there's something else I've got a hook on, the bananas below are bananas in the background, there's no banana oh yeah, okay, oh yeah, there's a big oh yeah, I'm fine, so I'll start with the top layer. oh there's so much goodness down here, look at bananas, yams, all their starches and so many good things, it's totally vegan, just natural ingredients, but just like the combinations, the simplicity, you know like a little bit of onion flavor, I think It's almost a little bit. sweet carrots and onions and I love it I think a little bit of coconut in the color and then you have the green banana which almost has a texture like a starchy potato to have a chewier texture and more party so this is the alkaline water, not too much dream talked about that is more than seven fifth person the balance you know it is true old man of the earth that was not filtered because there is no helicopter it was like a natural screw the crunch of the fresh coconut is so refreshing that I'm going to choose that with some natural alkaline water which is good water and not only are there green bananas, but I think there are also some yams down here, there are also the beans, oh, the red piece, you keep exploring new things down in the pumpkin.
I think there's a little bit of pumpkin or turmeric with a smoky flavor, there's pumpkin, there's beans, it's like a radish, like a yam, mashed yam or something, it's not salty, but you don't even miss it because everything is mixed. like everything is working, just working together in harmony in your pumpkin and I love how Kahlua has a nutty flavor, that's how to make flavor combinations without the use of too many. I don't even know if they used any similar powdered ingredients or spices, but make a natural mix, yes, I feel like I chose the deeper pumpkin.
I have a huge one, you made it, okay, I'm like I'm looking at Joel's and mine seems to be twice the size while I'm holding it. that thought looks out - okay, mark, you gain half an inch, there's something in the super warm bottom already keeping everything warm and it's like the green banana and the yellow yam seems to retain all the heat, but I'm really feeling the beans These are the lazy ones. I think they are excellent, actually surprisingly tasty considering there is no salt, that was delicious. I'm getting the final full bite yeah if you feel my stomach expanding filling that's a lot of food that can be added to this original pumpkin pineapple so pineapple look what's the next sinister wish I decide thank you this is a fruit that I had never seen before he feels sorry for us I have to try it for the first time you eat the holding you don't need more than two or three Thanks to them, it's almost as if your mouth is transformed with this demonstration, not in this season.
I'm a grandmother, I use this color of yours. I'll show a part that is an answer and is also good for your blood sugar, okay? this end is almost the same, you know what this current is, apart from this almost CMT, what is coconut milk curry, everything is a teacher, dad, what a good party and my food fresh and filling his natural belly, you know , medicine for men, exactly food. it is medicine the medicine is very high this half is not tech-rotica Priya mcAteer is another Cadiz dream so it is a combination of acidic things and guava nice smell is not good but he is also explaining to us the health benefits and how good it is for your body not only its process of mixing the fruit and then beating it around the mesh to remove the seeds and pulp, now you get that fresh juice like thickened, all natural at the bottom and it smells amazing, oh thank you fresh juice from handmade guava. hence our sample, man, that juice like I have to take that cup from my lips to remove it, otherwise this is a cup of juice that you could drink all in one gulp and not stop until it's ready, it's delicious and fun. and sour and watery, yes, I dress normal underneath, I saw the best one I've ever had and I mix that foam, that foam, it's amazing, it's almost like naturally carbonated forgotten food, ready, my grandfather used it as a snack, yeah, so a farmer just came probably from the Blue Mountain area just came with this root, a giant yam, it's the size of a leg.
I have never seen a land with a yam that size, but he brought it here. It's like he's a master herbalist of ingredients in nature and just like knowledge. of natural fruits and vegetables and herbs and roots that you know and what you study, monkey maca, plum or monkey apples like a little bomb, no, they are very common, it tastes like a small mini apple, but more sour and a little more, almost slightly. cheese flavor I love it so you'll cut it good before it's black how do you know someone could have a video inside you now?
Because okay, no, you have two more, all that is sweet and good when I break it now I'm inside the young coconut. the bust, where does the leak come from? I think it's parked a little bit on the side, taking the top, coming out of the ebow spice portal, it's like, unlike any other place in the world I've ever been, vegan food, amazing juices, it was just an experience incredible. Kingston, thank you, thank you, it all happened at a slow pace and three hours later when we finished turning it over we didn't know what to expect going in there, it was a lot of fun, it was interesting, it was a learning experience that night.
It is now around 8:00 p.m. and one thing you have to eat in Kingston is called skillet chicken, it's like an idiot but I think the skillet is called a skillet because it's cooked in a barrel roll, well that's what's different, let's modify it, it plays out so real , it's jar season, I have a The Jerk seasoning is seasoned and they're not like rasa instead of being smokier, yeah, it's rather girly, you know what their rhythm is, it's our roast chicken rolled in Jerk seasons, which It's on top, it's okay, the pepper has the same seasoning, it has the same general.
So we're ropes, you like dry rub better, okay, and we're in a place called Red Hills Road, which is famous for skillet chicken in Kingston, Jamaica, and at the end of the streets you'll see the barrels with the smoke, you'll smell it before you get here, it's time to eat skillet chicken. The technique is incredible, so the chickens that go, most of them are grilled, they're ready, so he just heats them up and then he takes that. Off the grill, off the pan, off the barrel, you cut it into small pieces and my favorite part is turning the foil over.
He puts the aluminum foil on top, actually on top of the chicken, then turns it over so you have a pocket. full of pan-seared chicken in foil, yes, adds pepper sauce, pepper sauce and tomato sauce to the sauces, squeezes it in a nice layer on top and then two pieces of white bread on top, wraps it in a package , a package of pan-seared chicken wrapped in aluminum foil. It smells amazing. I can't wait to try it. I have never been so excited in my life to open the oil packet and you, the bread on top, you take that bread off the top skate, that bread on top, well, the good poet just gets soaked. add the sauce, the chicken juice, the ketchup and the pepper sauce, okay, I can't wait, I'm going to wait to try it and you can even see how the scallions have collected in the crevices of the chicken and you have that mixture of skin. you have the sauce on both sides, yeah, okay, that's extraordinary, the amazing thing is that you have the dry spice like the Jerk seasoning in there, but then you have the char with that grilled smokiness and on top of that.
So we have that kind of sweet and spicy ketchup pepper sauce mix that's like wet sauce. You can see how this would be great at any time of the day or night, but especially late at night as this is something that would be simply irresistible. So the combination of the bread with the sauce and the pepper, you know, we really like to party in Jamaica, so this combination, poker room after pepper, that liquor is available and you bring it back for the next morning to that you can go to work. Shakira, you heard it from him, this is Bill Bach, okay, I'm just going to bite into the toast, the piece of toast, the Hardwar bread, delicious and it got hard or it will break hard on the hard part of our dough. bread and that we should read that, drowned. flavored chicken juice, oh yeah, it's one of those things that was so delicious, so tasty, that there was no way I could have just one packet, it's like it's the gift you look forward to receiving all year long hmm, the brisket is amazing.
Also, it still remains juicy and then this one is loaded again with chives to give it that crunch, that flavor incredibly must find a light and melt Cheers, it's actually so tasty that you can't physically help but heat them up and with that ending, pun intended with pan fried chicken, that's what it's called, this will conclude this ultimate street food tour of Kingston, Jamaica, Kingston is such a great city with so many different cultures, so many different foods, so many different peoples represented and it shows through the food. It shows through the art and culture and it is a fascinating city, we had incredibly delicious meals, we met amazing people throughout the day, we had the opportunity to hang out with Matt, the Jamaica Food Tours food bus, Matt from the kitchen Ross, Shaquille jumped 400 meters hurdles. he runs in the Olympics.
Many thanks to Chris for showing us the market for taking us. Thank you so much to everyone we met along the way and I'll have info in the description box for everyone we hung out with today, but. Thank you very much for uploading, you haven't seen this entire series of Jamaican food. We are traveling around Jamaica eating amazing Jamaican food. I'll have the playlist, be sure to check it out below. You can click the link, make sure you see it all. the videos of this Jamaican food series and I want to say good night from Kingston Jamaica.
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