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Izzy Hammond drives her dad's 530bhp Grand Tour Subaru Impreza!

May 16, 2024
yourself, well, we've done it, you've recorded it, yeah, All That Remains, uh, it's for you to present and then. We'll take a look at the result of your work, so present it, okay viewers, fasten your seatbelts, if you'll pardon the pun. It's time to see my review on Martin. Well, yeah, well, well, good introduction, hello everyone. Me in the Welsh countryside it is raining there is a rainbow and I am in a Subaru this is not just any Subaru this is a limited Subaru Impreza WRX STI V 555 units were manufactured because that was the original number on the rally car now my friends my car From day to day it is a Mercedes and a class it is comfortable it is powerful the most important thing is that it is automatic Martin is not automatic Martin is a manual and Martin is a complicated manual so it hasn't been the smoothest ride, but that doesn't matter because It's about learning and what I'm learning is that you have to be careful with the clutch because this car was built for speed, the faster you go the more comfortable it is, which is interesting. a turbo that makes a noise if you go too fast.
izzy hammond drives her dad s 530bhp grand tour subaru impreza
I have learned a few things about the turbo today, it injects power and if you do it right and control it, it really flies. Martin was built to be a rally car, but what I'm trying to say is that it could be a road car too, maybe not for me who enjoy the comfort of a Mercedes, but if you enjoy the ride , not just the destination, then Martin might be the car for you, yes it's a little bit difficult, yes its gears are a bit fun, but if you master it you will have the ride of your life.
izzy hammond drives her dad s 530bhp grand tour subaru impreza

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izzy hammond drives her dad s 530bhp grand tour subaru impreza...

Well, I mean, there was something there, I thought it was. I thought it was informative. I did not like. it's entertaining I didn't like it I think you can do better I think there's a car critic inside you but you're not letting it out yet or you did it because I think you might have done it without realizing it, what I've done is Ask them to prepare a version from the director of your genuine and sincere responses and reactions to Martin, yes, and here he comes now, enjoy, oh for God's sake what does that mean. This is getting bad.
izzy hammond drives her dad s 530bhp grand tour subaru impreza
I don't like speedos in kilometers, not in hours. It's a pain in the ass, hell, this car, I just want to shift gears without getting attacked, it's not a BL truck, it needs to beat when reversing, so it's pretty interesting to know that, to be honest, I don't. I don't think it's that interesting, but maybe you know I wanted to be very positive, but I'll tell you the truth, I can't stand it. My criticism of Martin is that I hate it when he returns to the studio.
izzy hammond drives her dad s 530bhp grand tour subaru impreza

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