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Is “Dune” A Perfect Movie? Neil deGrasse Tyson And Stephen Colbert Agree To Disagree

Mar 08, 2024
welcome back, you know my guest tonight as the New York Times bestselling author of books like astrophysics for people in a hurry and Starry Messenger. Please welcome back to the Late Show. America's favorite astrophysicist, Neil degrass Tyson, come and it's good to see you, it's like coming. home, everyone here loves you Neil feeling like you, you're the New York Times bestselling author of the book Star Messenger, out now in paperback and we'll get to this in a moment, but first let's push some paper, shall we? OK? You are not just a beloved astrophysicist and a best-selling author, you are also a


buff, yes, oh, yes, yes, we ran, we were at the same premiere in the United States on June 2 last week or a week and a half ago . something like that, what did you think of Neil Tyson?
is dune a perfect movie neil degrasse tyson and stephen colbert agree to disagree
It's quite a show, my goodness, I would say, I would say it's


, what do you think Neil, there are no mistakes, go on some themes, you generally don't criticize science fiction themes, so no No, if people know that This


takes place in sand


s and there's a worm that's really hungry, for example, these are an example of these big worms that come and hang down and just scoot through the sand, yeah, and they'll find you if you make a repeating sound. well so they call one then you put one of these things called thumper on a thumper, well, you put it in the sand and then it finds it and whatever it is it's going to eat it well, but it comes out Quick, someone didn't do any research on that because because that's not how these sandworms actually behave, what you're saying, I'm just saying you can't punch sand, yeah you can, have you ever heard, ever heard the phrase? hit sand if you do this for sand no one else is going to hear it because sand, okay you can't hear it, but a sandworm, can they hear things differently than we do?
is dune a perfect movie neil degrasse tyson and stephen colbert agree to disagree

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is dune a perfect movie neil degrasse tyson and stephen colbert agree to disagree...

Neil Tyson I, it's just sand if you wanted to isolate yourself acoustically from an environment fill the volume with sand no one will hear you so I have to let it go because there is no movie without it but I have something else something else but you have something else it's a point where you have something else thing where people don't hold my hand while you critique a


movie, how dare you that's not welcome. The pass order is like they have to ride on the back of the worm, okay but it's a worm yeah and that's why they make the worms go straight and fast yeah no that's not how worms work sand, no, but have you ever seen a snake?
is dune a perfect movie neil degrasse tyson and stephen colbert agree to disagree
They chase you like a straight snake, no, they have a curl and they push it, but that's what curls, maybe they have scales, flexible scales, maybe in the belly of the worm, you think it has little things like that or or maybe there is some reverse peristaltic kind of thing where there's some sort of wave action going on down there where we can't see it or they're pooping really fast to send them forward, well I'm just saying we don't know everything. science isn't interested in sandworms Neil, why are you jumping to conclusions? It was cool and they had the little um OD OD, what are helicopters called, ornithopters, yeah, what are they, are they like dragonflies? dragonfly Dragon very, they are so well made that I had to remind myself that they are not real, no, they are very well made, yes, but they had other huge objects that defied gravity, so why did they have to have wings?
is dune a perfect movie neil degrasse tyson and stephen colbert agree to disagree
Just put those things up. your helicopter and they don't need wings at all, probably the power source required for big things could carry a big power source on board, while helicopters have to go with a small fuel cell and can't really expand the power necessary for the anti-Grav uh propulsion Checkmate, all in that, in the Doom thing. I'm a th% yes, okay, can you? Can you still enjoy a movie with the scientific inaccuracies it contains? Here it is. I'm a fan of Mark Twain's edict. first get the facts straight and then dole them out whenever you want, oh right, because if you're ignoring basic fundamental scientific principles on the premise that that's too restrictive, I need my liberties, excuse me, the universe is not only stranger than we imagine .
It would be stranger than we could ever imagine. It is my people who brought you wormholes and antimatter and black holes and the Multiverse. All that comes from my people. So, sorry, the Multiverse was coined by fantasy writer Michael Morock. I wanted you to know that an artist coined it, not a scientist, he coined the ter Multiverse, eh, early 60's, that feels a little late for my people, we'll send the message, okay, we'll do it, want to hear more rare in the universe than you could? Possibly imagine, yes, here you are in a suit, you've done a few cameos and movies over the years, you did one recently, this is it, here's how you ended up.
Am I reading this directly into JLo's new movie? This Is Me Now, a love story. And what the hell are you doing in this suit? I got a call and was told I would play Taurus in the astrological sign. Astrological Taurus, well it's a constellation, but in that movie it's an astrological sign, okay, and I said, show me the script and I looked at the script and I said I could make some adjustments to bring a little science into this because you're the astrologer. most famous in America, right? No. I'm just saying I have a very low bar when it comes to artists seeking my advice, wisdom, involvement, yeah, all I'm saying is if I'm not in the movie then there's no science in it.
So do you really put any science into astrology? No, no, I tried, I tried to help with that. Yes, from what I said, your character says that all this is nonsense? No, there was a scene where they didn't make the Final Cut. Why did he make it clear that the Zodiac has 13 constellations, not 12? What, yes, one of them. It's called we are breaking news right now what's going on one of them is called us and in Scorpio if you think you're a Scorpio you're probably a fukin because the sun spends more time in ucus than in Scorpio and for the For 200 years, when that was established, all the constellations have shifted a month because the Earth is preceding on its axis and that changes the correspondence so that most Scorpios are actually ukin and all ukin and scorpions are currently librans.
Wow, that's science. Right there, take it, we're going to take a quick break, but don't go, we'll be right back with more Neil degrass Tyson, everyone.

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