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Iron Chef Dad Turns $0.99 Noodle Gourmet.

Apr 23, 2024
What happens to everyone before this video starts? I just want to announce that these caps for my brand are now available. If you want to see them, go to red 5950 gray under the wing new era now I have a lot of that anime embroidery detail. of people have been messaging me about these and when they're going to be posted so they're live as this video is live so make sure you go over to meet punto shop and check that out for today's video. I'm bringing back a series that so many people love and it has really helped my channel become fast food


iron chef dad turns 0 99 noodle gourmet
If you're new to the channel, my dad has been on shows like Iron Chef Chop Canada Top Chef Masters Master Chef Asia, so he knows his way around cooking and this series. I often go to fast food restaurants and bring him food and this time he makes it


. What I'm doing, I still think of fast food as dollar ramen or instant


s, so I have Mr. Noodle Neo Guri and another Noodle. I forgot the name. from so I'll take them to him and he'll go gourmet so yeah, let's go okay, I've got it here, this is what we're working with today, Mr.
iron chef dad turns 0 99 noodle gourmet

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iron chef dad turns 0 99 noodle gourmet...

Noodles. Okay, you know I grew up on


s, but one of the things. That's really something very special, a good and a bad memory when I was a child. You know, packaged noodles came out of Japan. I remember very well. A simulated taste, means it is so red. Yes, simulated. Oh my god, I didn't even see it. Okay, I don't think I'm going to use that artificial chicken flavoring. Wow yeah, like just scratching my head. Well, this is a spicy noodle soup with seafood flavor. New guru. New guri. What is Korean? You see these noodles like here. these little pieces look like oh, they actually look like panda bears oh no, they're raccoons oh yeah, it's called a raccoon dog, that's really, uh, it's an Asian style, that's what you're going to use, you can't just use the noodles.
iron chef dad turns 0 99 noodle gourmet
I'm saying you have to use the packet at least once from one of them, the other is dry. Wow, my goodness, look at this. This is very funny. My God. This is very funny. My God. Some of them have lost their ears. because transportation this is ridiculous who buys this as an adult seriously like it's Kai's favorite Are you serious? Okay, Kai is a fucking adult. Okay, he would eat something like that. Well, it's like a dollar. This is one dollar. Yes. Wow. Okay, put a dollar in your.. body to fill your milk it has to be really bad for you look at this now you can tell this one has almost a thicker noodle and this one you know the color is crazy you know how they make it these noodles have been fried and then they freeze it again, yeah, and then they freeze it again, that's what I do, oh my god, it smells like history, you know what you can't, they don't even smell like noodles, you know, they're supposed to Noodles have a lot of that flour. flavor, you know when you smell noodles, eggs, flour, just water, it's that simple, but it smells like cardboard, you know what a challenge and thank you, I think I'm going to use, I don't like to use the thick noodles.
iron chef dad turns 0 99 noodle gourmet
I'm going to use the fine one, there are three powders that you can use as well, yeah, you see, you know what the powder on this one is. This is called seafood. I don't need seafood because I think I'm going to make something. with seafood, so my seafood is real and this is not real. Can you put a panda? Okay, I have to find the one that actually has the full face. I don't want to use shellfish powder. I'm not using imitation. chicken base that I would use, they call them spicy noodle base, now they have some dehydrated.
I want to show you these chili flakes, seaweed, shiitake mushrooms and green onions, also with carrots, okay, come on son, but you know what you know, I like Italian. food okay, so I'm going to pair this with, you know, Asian base noodles, but not just the noodles that I want to turn into a kind of crispy noodle cake with a sauce on top that's a little bit velvety like a fullute. of slightly spicy rosé white wine with tomato. I'm going to add some lobster. Fill it with shrimp and lobster. That's why I was drinking a lot of crap.
Yes, so let's start with the tomatoes. I like to use rice. I know sometimes people like to puree tomatoes. I don't like it when I make tomato sauce. I like tomatoes to have a little texture to them and that's what I like. So call me picky, no, it's called good taste. What is this machine? usually mashed potatoes, right, you can use it for mashed potatoes, you can use it to make creamy things, you see the texture, you see the texture, the little bits, I have some cream, which is 35 percent cream, I'm going to reduce it by half slowly with a thick pot, you know, this is a really thick pot, so I also have chorizo, this is a Portuguese style chorizo, just roast it a little bit slowly to bring out the flavor because you know the pork and the fat is a good thing olive oil in a big pot I always love it I love the thick pot very generous with my olive oil I like to soak the garlic I cut it into thick pieces you know when it's in season garlic is so good so leave it low you know I was cooking the chorizo ​​before you know I also use a little bit of olive oil and then I have a little bit of this chorizo ​​fat.
I lowered the heat because I don't want to burn the garlic so the garlic has to release the flavor I have some chilies I cut it into larger pieces follow the serrano jalapeno is also good stir stir add some organic basil from our garden this is my classic simple tomato sauce smells so good water we should keep it nice and spicy lobster with shrimp I even have lobster tail, very simple, a little salt, white pepper, I have some chili prepared, it's one of the best chilis, it's like A proven style chili, it is very good, fermented, marinated in a spaleta, the shrimp a little pepper, I want to cut it into cubes almost the same. the size of some peas, now tempura flour, I have sparkling water, so what I do I add an egg, a little bit of olive oil, I have some ice, I put it on the bottom so it's nice and cold and I just stir, stir, stir, stir, stir, why do you have? to be sparkling water, well, sparkling water, you give it air and also crunch, first, stirring temperature, flour, you already have everything you may need to mix it, fry it well, yes, that's the consistency I wanted, the water is boiling, perfect, so let's limit it a little. of things, hot pepper, half a piece of chorizo, cut it into slices the same size as the pea because it has the same texture, the same bitten noodle sinks in boiling water, it's like opening, you see, it starts to open and that's why They call it instant. they've already been cooked, they've been fried and then hydrated again now you know this idea, you know the chinese made this way forever they call them ifu noodles evil noodles means, uh, long life noodles, you know, the chinese celebrate, uh birthday you must have long noodles long noodles means long life inside this noodle after that I rinse it with cold water I mean just rinse it to get rid of the carb, the starch and then the next thing is to drain it rinse it now if you really have than eating instant noodles, I would really recommend getting rid of the fat and then making the broth in fresh water.
Don't put it all together, you know how much fat it was, it's really bad for you. Drain, drain, drain the noodles, lower all the ingredients, mix them. in more peas, this is perfect now that the dough goes down, then I take enough to hold it, mix it and fry it again, well, I fry it in a pan, yes, I think I feel like you need to cut the noodles a little because I feel like it's too long when they are as you put them together, don't get involved with the ingredients now, in the meantime, one pan down, you know, olive oil is much better than the oil you probably have hanging around, let it heat up.
I think this is a perfect way to season noodles. You don't have to put anything because chorizo ​​is salty, just use a little. So basically you know we're drying the noodles with this, uh, so they get nice golden brown. I need to put a lid on the right and sir, it came out of the chamber, you see, you know, the steam to help the noodles cook, then we'll do it, after that, we'll crisp it up again so that the tomato sauce is nice. and thick, we start with a little garlic garlic lobster the shrimp let's go down with the lobster tail prepare your white wine turn the lobster turn the heat down well and the other side is pretty I like the color of this side but I'm going to brown it a little more I'm going to raise it one more time I'm going to brown it well and golden first that's supposed to be on the fire okay I'll turn it off I'll leave it as it is here I only cook it to about 80 percent you know why the sauce is going to cook it yes, the sauce is going to cook it, you are absolutely right, the white wine goes down, let it reduce a little, the heat caught on fire no no no yes, now I reduce the sauce almost nothing, let's see that the sauce almost disappears almost disappears well, then I have a little bit of reduced cream, I would say about two and a half tablespoons and then tomato sauce.
I have to say that you know, if I eat a cream sauce, I like tomato and cream. lobster and shrimp go back down without the garlic, go back down, you know, like bubbly, you see, this is what I'm looking for now, do some plating, what would you call this dish? Ramen noodle cake with chorizo, vegetables, shrimp, lobster sauce and roses to finish. a little bit of this basil is really good to go with that or macho, but the flavor is really important now, I forgot a secret ingredient in my entire career. I've never cooked like this now the raccoon is getting bigger and bigger, actually what do you do?
I think the flavor is I don't know, you know, I have no idea little raccoons for the final garnish. Try, can you try the panda? See what the carrot tastes like or something. No, it's actually made of fish cake. Really, yeah, yeah, so you. I need some sauce, first cut, look at this deliciousness there, all the ingredients, can you taste the ramen seasoning on the rice cake well? The rose sauce is really good, the crispiness of the noodle ship is very good, thief, I mean carbon lobster. The pasta and ramen are pretty good, although I can't stop eating them.
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