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Insane Mushroom Idea Fails Again - Stardew Valley

Jun 06, 2021
Have you ever wanted to grow hundreds of purple


s on your farm? Well, today I'm going to show you how to do it and this shouldn't be so painful for once, considering I already have a farm conveniently with millions of trees. I even already have a


stump that will become a mushroom tree. Let me remove this other one so we can see it better and yes, that's counterproductive. Typically the hardest part of this is getting that initial mushroom tree. that can only happen in the fall and is a fairly rare event, so for the first time I have an advantage.
insane mushroom idea fails again   stardew valley
I'm going to remove all the other trees in the neighborhood because until fall we have no chance of getting any more mushroom trees with the exception of this one that spreads its seed, which is already done once and is actually a small mushroom tree, so I'm not going to touch it basically because it's not falling right now. I simply need my current mushroom trees to have as much space as possible to spread their seeds, so I'll keep an eye on them over time, but nothing too outrageous because I'm lazy. Basically, I'm hitting the end of winter right now, 20-something days later, and the only thing we've accomplished is Pierre showing up to bother me.
insane mushroom idea fails again   stardew valley

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insane mushroom idea fails again stardew valley...

The best part is that he's actually shadier than the Jojo corporation. Go investigate my tree. I think the ones that look like this are our mushroom seeds, so let's leave them. I'm going to get rid of the ones that looked like this because I know they're not mushroom trees and I'm very optimistic about this now. They are spreading much faster than I thought. A day later, someone else showed up. It bothers me and no one notices when you come back, instead why don't you take the time to introduce yourself to your kids? Now, in the first spring, some new debris has grown, but our mushroom tree sprouted because they tend to die. or whatever they do during the winter and what I'm going to start doing every time I find a mushroom tree is put a top on it because they're actually wet


, it produces mushrooms and yeah, I tried this before, but I couldn't do it. get purple mushrooms, but now I understand that currently this is also the only mushroom tree we have so far.
insane mushroom idea fails again   stardew valley
It would be nice if we could get another one somewhere. It looks like it's starting to spread from that corner down, but it escaped by fall, another fun month later. and we have more mushroom trees fully grown so I will continue to clean the area around them and they will continue to spread so now I just have the exciting job of keeping the area around them clean while trying to be careful with once it is not destroying no little mushroom tree, what makes you the difficult part of this is actually trying to figure out what is a little mushroom tree and what is not like this one, for example, and this is not very similar as it looked.
insane mushroom idea fails again   stardew valley
It's very easy to mistake this as an impostor as well, but


, if I give it a lot of space, no other seeds can be grown in the area, so it should be strictly mushrooms. I'm not sure what kind of range they have. to spread their seeds, but I'm going to give them more space. Unfortunately, I'm going to need a bigger backpack here, I probably stole those from someone local too. The first hopper is actually ready to go. Just one mushroom I won't bother picking yet because as I always want to go big with these mushrooms, they have a lot of room so let's move on to another month.
Luckily, tomorrow is the beginning of autumn, where other trees connect. She turned into mushroom trees because this is going to be really annoying having to clear weeds this way, especially since I can't really use a view otherwise they will kill some of the mushroom shoots. I really hope to have one or two more mushroom trees this fall because then I can do this much faster and I can stop. I'm cleaning this every few days, but let's see how lucky we are in late fall, considering my past luck with mushroom tree farms. I'm not too optimistic, but let's take a look and see if any of these managed to become one, although there are many trees, there is actually a good chance, but so far we have nothing, oh yes we have one, we have two new trees from mushrooms which will make this whole process much faster, mainly because you could do like this, but collect the fully grown mushroom trees that currently exist and then use the tractor to clear everything else, the tractor will cut down trees but it won't cut down trees with the Tap, we're on it, see what I'm raising? just look at this whole room, all the mushroom trees have to spread their seeds because I've essentially created groups of mushroom trees in different parts of the map and now they are free to spread out without other seats and debris getting in their way around the De This way, we will also see the value of everything that is cut down overnight, just for comparison, whether or not it is worth having mushroom trees that produce purple mushrooms or just letting everything grow wild and cut it down at the time before starting. keeping time again, the last thing I want to do is be very sure that there is nothing that is not a fungus that is being discussed here and I think we have it, we will see the value of all this overnight and then we We'll skip probably a whole year to see exactly how far our fungal spread will kill it again and then just repeat the process until the field is full.
The value of a lifetime of carelessness is sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-six gold to about sixty thousand gold, as if I will grow up for a while and it was also my lumberjack farm, so it was basically cultivated. All that time let's go to the end and next fall and see what happens. This guy again went out of my way to make a mushroom firefighter and I think he crashed. the game, thanks grandpa, don't buy it more often, let's try this again, hopefully this time without the ghosts of the idiot past bothering me. It seems like we did it just to be safe.
I'm going to save hard overnight, so what's a full year of unrestricted mushrooms? Get me Trias because there is no shortage of people in this game to bother me, yes we definitely need more mushrooms on this farm. Well, luckily for me, it seems like the grass grows right away and really hindered the progress of those mushrooms, so that's pretty annoying. What's happening on this side of the farm is probably the same. The mushroom trees didn't really have a big chance to expand because the grass surrounded them and cut them off before they could get very far, nothing to me, they're mostly weeds really. and the grass, so I can use my sights combined with the tractor and take care of everything pretty quickly.
Winter will probably be the fastest time for everything to spread because that's what keeps weeds from appearing in your lawn. One of the most annoying parts of all of this. The thing is going to be trying to get an extractor for each mushroom tree; In the end there will be so many and they will be everywhere. Interestingly, some of our ornaments are offering us red mushrooms today. I'm not going to accept Those, but it's a little tempting. I just wanted to stop and see at the end of winter what exactly is going on. They offer us a lot of red mushrooms and the mushroom trees have expanded quite a bit on their own.
Well, clearly everyone. The other debris that's sprouting up says it's really going to get in the way tomorrow, so I'm going to clean it up first thing tomorrow because the first is that spring tends to be the worst day for new debris to appear. Well, this is turning into a really painful process. but the first one is spring everything is clean so everything has a very good chance to grow and expand until the end of autumn and the game crashed after doing all that work to carefully clear all the debris there was not a tree of mushrooms in the game.
The drive crashed so I think it's time for a new strategy considering that can happen. I'm going to put in pickers and all the fully grown trees and just use my tractor to clear everything that's essentially not a fully grown mushroom tree with the tractor. I'll just do that at the beginning of each month because in the long run I think it will be faster than the way I've been doing it so far. Yes, to be honest, it's a million times faster. Declare the field that was cleared as everything. the little bushes around these trees but it's okay it's a lot faster it'll actually be a lot faster yeah but it crashed again so this is getting more and more fun as time goes on I'm not sure about what is causing the game to crash, nothing. out of the ordinary, nothing crazy is happening so I'm going to try this one more time and if this doesn't work I don't know what to do.
Wow, we've made it through a full day, we only have another one left. 10,000 of those are missing. I feel like we're finally starting to make some progress when I can't see through the mushrooms anymore and they're starting to take over and I don't have to try as hard to declare things at At this point, because there are so many mushrooms, it's They are expanding on their own, but at the same time I don't even know what year we are in because these things just take time given the current number of mushroom trees we have. I think we're going to give this one more year and by then we should have a lot of mushroom trees anyway because they are spreading pretty quickly and it's getting very difficult to navigate through them to clear them all. the rubble a billion years later, yes we have mushroom trees, but I'll consider that enough because I really can't afford for this video to be any more hours than it already was when I tried this before it was I was upset with the result because I spent a lot of time and effort making all these mushroom trees appear.
No, once I covered them all, I finally got rid of mostly average quality mushrooms and that wasn't good enough. I couldn't understand how or why they work, but now I do. I also want you to know how fun it is to walk up and down these paths placing extractors individually on hundreds of mushroom trees. I'm really enjoying my day, but the first half of the field did. It took forever, luckily the other half is a little smaller and that's the last one, it was a really annoying slow process so I'm definitely going to go to bed right now to make sure the game doesn't crash you know Whats Next?
What we're going to do is clear out everything that's not actually a full-grown mushroom tree at this point just to give us a little bit of space to really see what's going on out there. Things look a lot cleaner and less cluttered without all the debris and shit in the way and what Morgan does is have the tractor boat harvest these pickers with the scythe, so I'm not quite sure what the best way to go will be. To harvest all of this anyway, the first thing we're going to do is how to actually get it ready to harvest.
I think I found a decent solution to my harvesting problem. Like I said, I can't use the tractor on site. There is a quick way to harvest them, so I installed the automated mod and if I put down some stone floor. Down below, everyone will connect all the mushrooms and they will automatically go to a chest. The problem is that I still need to lay stone floors basically over everything to make sure they all connect. That's definitely not the end of the world because the connectors are all pretty good at finding each other, as long as everything touches something, even at an angle, they will all connect and do the job they are supposed to do.
The reason I'm doing this is because I need to harvest everything today. Write down the date. it's the 10th pretty good, pretty sure all those paths connect to something that connects to something else that connects to something else, which should mean that as soon as you place this chest, it will absorb everything, there we go, the mushrooms they're up. that's how many we have, about 200 of them, so we'll see what the value of them is today, but of course, it's a beam of purple mushrooms and right now I'm going to remove the chest that way we can be sure that the mushrooms Purples actually spawn. to the trees when they're supposed to Apparently I missed a bunch of mushrooms here somehow I fixed the problem you heard them all grouping together more mushrooms I thought 200 was a little low number and it seems like they're gone nowhere there's nothing in the chest, they stole my original amount of mushrooms, which isn't really the end of the world.
I'm a little confused as to what just happened to them, well okay, about 200 mushrooms so far, whatever we know. All the connectors work, so the value of the dull mushrooms is fourteen thousand three hundred and ten, mainly because they are just regular mushrooms and those aren't worth much, as you can see the red ones are a little more valuable now, honestly I'm not sure How much time. these will take to produce your mushrooms, so we will check them every day for as long as necessary several days later, we will have the result thatWe hope, although it is not exactly what I expected, I understood that if you harvested all the trees on the 10th or 20th of a month.
Your next harvest will give you purple mushrooms, but that is definitely not the case. Most of what I see here are normal mushrooms. There are some purples, but not that much. as many as there should be so let's try this again it's just destroying my mushrooms every time I do it that just doesn't sound like number one yeah they disappear as we go they absorb everything right away but then they keep absorbing and destroying them . I think I could see what's going on. I think I have connected everything to the shipping bin. so a lot of my stuff goes directly to the shipping container after I removed some of those pesky trees somewhere in the shipping container the automation is no longer connected now everything should go correctly to the chest and what I sat today is the 20th according to the wiki, if you harvest that much trail on the 10th or 20th of any month, the next time they produce their mushrooms they will be purple mushrooms, let's put that to the test, everything should be in the container , the 302's, for once I got the full amount, it's worth throwing them in the pond because they're boring mushrooms and it didn't work, of course it didn't, so the wiki seems to be wrong on this one, but maybe that applies to itself to autumn. when it really is mushroom season so let's try to make next today fall, the 10th should be the best optimal day for super mushrooms so let's see if this is going to work.
There is so much crap in my field that I can't get over it again, hopefully, all the time. The connectors are still doing their thing, so will this work? Everything should be here. 300 of them. I'm not really sure what we have. We have a slightly smaller quantity. I won't worry too much about that. Let's check again. in 3 or 4 days you will see if we really have purple mushrooms or if this just doesn't work at all, but it should be the day of truth, the moment of truth, and we have red mushrooms, not red-purple, so I guess it's a step forward. in the right direction red mushrooms are good for something I guess we'll check the value of them and try all this again on the 20th to see if that gives us purple mushrooms.
We managed to get one somehow, so I guess there really isn't one. correct way to do this, what is 300 red in a purple mushroom art? So we're looking at a total of twenty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty, which is a disappointing amount, but mushrooms are fun so it's all worth it xx. The red mushrooms are harvested, don't worry about the amount I had to make if you think it's crazy for them to be ready today, so again let's see if the purple ones actually appear. One last try to make this stupid


work and we got the red ones. mushrooms again I officially hate mushroom trees and any


s that have to do with mushroom trees

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