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When You Fill The ENTIRETY Of Stardew Valley With Rare Seeds

May 11, 2020
A great question, how do you achieve lightness to move well? You throw food on the floor. Get it, boy, no, that didn't work. We'll be back for him later yesterday. This happened. I painstakingly planted the entire city, including the areas that didn't. Normally you can't access the river in the mountains at all and since this took me so long and I enjoyed the process so much, I thought we'd just go ahead and take this one step further, today we're making the full map. talking about everything everywhere and conveniently, since we are at the end of summer, where we will carry it over to autumn, at which time we can make Jim berries this week.
when you fill the entirety of stardew valley with rare seeds
I've always wondered what the entire sweet jam berries map would look like, how much it would be worth, I'm thinking, tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of gold, and if you don't believe me, this speaks for itself, this is the beach, this is the ocean, we can plant the ocean today, it will be worth it. a lot of gold, every horrible space in the entire game is about to turn into a sweet jam berry. I might even fertilize it too just because I can, but first things first, it will be tilled on the 25th of this summer, thanks for the good times whoever is at my house. oh yeah, it was Harvey, the plane kept him away, this is going to be quite a process.
when you fill the entirety of stardew valley with rare seeds

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when you fill the entirety of stardew valley with rare seeds...

One of the things about this tomb is that since we are making the sweet jam berries, everything here is still alive since we are making the sweet gem berries. We will have to grow them and that will take more than 20 days to do, so we don't have much room for error in this case, we will basically hoe everything today, plant everything today and also fertilize it later. water it every day, hope nothing strange happens along the way, I'm not entirely sure, I guess these keep growing and in any season due to the modifications I have, so I'll have to clean them and now I'm thinking about it.
when you fill the entirety of stardew valley with rare seeds
I learned yesterday that we want to check to make sure everything works before we get too deep into this. One thing I may notice, but notice right away, is that my tractor radius is not big enough right now, so I'm going to increase this to about 10 to make this process easier because I have an unimaginable amount of things to plan. Today, the radius of the tractor has been adjusted, that will make it much easier to plant. I'm going to start right here on the beach, Jim's sweet berries, from here they will eventually move. to the city after that work around the entire map the farm is actually the last area I'm going to do and I'll explain why later I also created another mod for this today to make it a little easier because I'm learning all the days how to make things easier a new mod does this how is everything for me that way?
when you fill the entirety of stardew valley with rare seeds
I don't have to do it painstakingly tile by tile, I should remove and dig up everything that exists. However, yesterday I noticed Alex walking, so it was. Don't hold those faces, you have to be careful with the NPCs, but anyway look how easy it is, all I have to do is fertilize some plants, now we can go around the entire map quite easily and that's also partly the reason why which is the last place I'm going to dig. This will be my farm because it cleans everything I didn't want to clean. My tractor barns could do that.
I could clean the chest. I could do all kinds of weird things, so I'm not going to do that yet. I already checked a stack. of fertilizer, this mod was delivered to me with a carefully used warning that I already ignored. I'm starting to get an idea of ​​exactly how big this crop will be considering I've already used three piles of fertilizer and I haven't even finished the first area. I have 1012 other areas to do something like this, each one bigger than the last. You know, if I was really smart I would have made a mod that grows crops, it's a delay.
There's one like that with the cjb cheat menu but you actually have to click and it does about nine crops at a time and I'm just not going to manually click on nine crops at once for all of this, I just don't have the time for that, so were you ever curious what the beach looks like with each bum exchange sung with



, well there you have it in twenty days, these will become this week Jim Berry will be worth a lot of money and the The best part is that it took a long time, I'm a little worried why I was using three things of fertilizer, I guess because I was mixing those two, that makes sense.
Okay, let's move on. I want to see if this mod will remove all the junk from yesterday. I don't want these summer crops anymore, yes, perfect, here it goes. I like this mod. I wonder if it also removes NPCs? That would be incredible. I messed it up because I was on the tractor and I put the back seats down before I wanted them. Wow, well let's go ahead and get rid of them and do it the right way, this time, there we are, now the planting begins, there will be a lot of mistakes that I won't even show you, you guys were lucky to see that.
Although this mod makes it much easier to do it much faster, it will still take a long time because I have to do all the existing areas and I have to make sure I get every little advantage like that. it's going to be a time consuming process so yeah another fun day for me here's the city ready it looks good now let's do the bus stop we identified earlier so this will be fun it actually has a pretty crappy space that we can't. Forget this area over here, he even sprayed the top too with a hose and the tunnel.
Let's plan things in the tunnel. I'm pretty sure they like to grow in the dark. Yes, they actually work well. A little fertilizer and a little darkness. plants, oh, and they were even heading over there and actually, really cool, something strange would grow here because it's in the dark and that means we should move on to the wood shop, which even has some melons left over from yesterday because I'm sloppy. pot here we go, it looks better, everything looks watered in here for some reason, but I'm okay with that because if I have to press one, this button, I do this whole process, then I'm winning, everything in here really looks different, the fertilizer It looks different.
I'm not sure if that's because the soil is darker or why maybe someone can explain that to me, but the fertilizer definitely looks different than other areas and I screwed up. I put in some


that are not unfertilized, so there we are. I'm going to restart the whole process. I was hoping to collect wood, remove seeds, but that's not really the case, so we're going to go ahead and get rid of that and you start the whole process all over again. Fortunately, it's not too painful because I can. The tractor handles very well with a radius of 10, it does not require much time but it is much less tedious than yesterday.
It was driving me crazy, yes, something on this earth makes the scene so different. I think it's a little darker, but we're going to do inside the mines now just the main floor. I should know because I don't think I can do it down in the mines. I think everything will reset anyway. I'm not too sure since we are in a neighborhood we have. do this part and we have to do this part carefully because if I mess up I have to go back to the bus stop and do that part. I think I have done it.
Mission accomplished. It's hard to remember to do it. the edges that are outside the map because you usually don't even look at them. I actually thought the mountain would be a little more horrible, especially in this area because there's a lot of space that's basically new, but it's actually mostly around the train tracks. including the train tracks and I'm not really sure what's going to happen at the top of the mountain, but we make it a little perfect and it looks like a Christmas tree. While we're in a neighborhood, we might as well do the bathhouse, I guess.
If I'm going to do every area, I might as well do every area, we're going to move very slowly around here because we can't run unless a is my no clipping mod, in which case I'm still moving very slowly, well, that's right. a little upset, nothing can be easy, here we go. I'm very proud of this part. I guess that means we also have to do things like Linus being the tenth is licensed and even horrible in any case. Yes, we have some and Linus finally puts his tenth. something works for this in a small pile of trash, well, I think it's about time we tackle the largest area there is, the woods around Barney's ranch, this can definitely have by far the most seeds there are and we have to do everything, the river, the ocean. the land the off-limits areas Marnie's house itself everything in case you're wondering what this large area looks like everything planted that's what will soon be grown and with Marnie's house finished that's all in this area words secrets I made Lea's house so let's move on to the sewers, I'm not sure if the mutant bug lair will keep the seeds in case I plant them so I'm going to try it anyway because hey, Why won't monsters get in the way?
I'm going to let them start flying maybe, you know what I'm going to kill them all. I'll blow them up with the tractor and this sword, this probably won't stay for long anyway, but if this area manages. not to stay planted, it is actually a considerable size. I could have read to you that once again, more fertilizer. I also keep failing to press the H button, which undoes all my progress and that's something I'm really worried about doing later once they're all grown up. I don't want to lose progress once you start growing because it's a lot of work, and voila, I can't forget my favorite area of ​​the game and now the part I've been waiting for at least is making all the individual houses throughout the city mainly because I have to get in and out of each one, riho, it's all just a bunch of tedious clicks and stuff.
Jochem art would be the last thing you would need to do in the city, but since it is closed there is no need to do it. I have done all the houses. I've done every area I can think of except my farm. I haven't done it yet because I don't want to clean out my tractor barns yet, looking at the map. I hope I haven't missed anything where I think I haven't. I have traveled throughout the desert, the mountains, the witches' swamp, the quarry, the mines, the beach, the forest. I think that means I can finally make my own farm and then move away. with well water, these every day wait until they grow, harvest them and I don't know, yes, before I clean my tractor barns, we will sit here and someone the tractor and I will be sitting on it all this time. time because I don't want it to disappear at this point, really my tractor, oh the tractor parts stay here and the pig barn, well the big bun can probably stay there, the horses give you value on it, let's move it to a better place.
I assume you will be staying here for a while as we have a large barn on a farm where my T's will do the interior, yes that will work and the final area to do of course is my house which looks much better finally a suitable use for my own home I can't even begin to tell you how much fun it was, so, so much fun, as long as a game doesn't crash in the next 30 seconds I'll be happy to take one more look at the map to really think about all the areas that I could have needed to have done and I really think I understood them all.
I was pretty thorough for once, okay, I'm going to save, go to bed, that's it, and then hopefully all my progress will be saved as As long as the game doesn't crash overnight, I'll be happy because it's taking a long time to save it. A day later the game gives me back all my tools because I threw them away to make room and I realized I already made a mistake, yesterday I forgot to water my stuff, one day it turns out it won't be the end of the world because I'm pretty sure that These crops will disappear endlessly in any season, but I still want to deal with these long savings in the fall. overnight they are actually going to kill me, they are taking forever and I have to do this several times, but at least I can easily see


the crops are really ready because they are growing inside my house, well here we go.
Like we're ready for fall on the 23rd, this is what your house looks like full of sweet gems, this is what your farm looks like, the crows are having a field day here, I hope they're not anywhere else in the world where they should. Well, let's go see the bus stop looking better than ever. Here you see, there are some spots missing, but I think they are actually rocks. They are in horrible places. A better city than ever. The beach looks good. The oceans are going to make me. a lot of money today I just want to make sure that things inside people's houses actually grow too like they should have.
I don't foresee any problems with that. I need to change your timing, not that I need to be very careful again. press every button right now or it's going to take a lot of effort Arius, things inside the houses haven't grown at all yet. I'm thinking the water doesn't work if the crops are inside the houses, so whatever these people are. I'm going to have crops inside their houses for a long time unless I want to grow them manually, whichwhich I guess I have to do if I'm technically making all the crops in Stardew Valley available to my plants, so yeah, more work, it's strange that I enjoy it. doing this so much I like the fact that I'm planting crops everywhere and how much money it will be worth to look at them all the wizard wishes I could do this right now I want to go check the mutant bug lair to see if those seeds were left hanging.
I suspect at this point they are probably still there. They probably just haven't grown because none of the seeds inside have grown. The seeds in the sewers have not grown. The mutant insect cape is here but not cultivated, which is really unfortunate right now. I guess the only thing that can really be done at this point would be to start harvesting all of this. I'm going to eat a farmer's lunch before doing it that way I'll get the highest quality gold. sweet gem berries I can and let's see how many ridiculous millions of gold we get for all this if it weren't for plants not growing inside houses this idea would actually be pretty simple and easy but the inside of the house really It's killing me right now.
I really don't want to have to grow them, but I'll have to suffer through it, so without further ado, don't do what you wanted, I ate the farmers lunch, here we go, we picked some of those. but okay jump on the tractor hit the scythe and harvest no I just have to do this everywhere and the game apparently crashed wait no here we go we recover again not sure what that was , but the game didn't like it


the flurry came. A strong gust of wind came and the greenhouse that was fast, even the mushroom cave didn't work properly, which is fine, but there we go, at least it's easy enough to do, but whatever the reason the Pig barn worked, so I'm okay with that.
I'm trying to find a baaad where I can ship to my shipping container from anywhere but I couldn't really find one that was recent or updated so I'm just going to clean my entire farm of all of these and throw everything in the trash, it's just there will be a lot warps back and forth, but hey, I'll have fun harvesting the basement didn't work, that's not the end of the world, all I have to do is go like this and I'll even harvest like Come on, we know we already have tens of millions of berries candy and jam and we're not even close to being done, but this value is going to be ridiculous and we can get your Pam tool on the tractor, how?
How long do my lucky lunches last? My farmers lunches we have three more naps. Why am I talking to her? I used to be young once. It's hard to believe, huh, time goes by fast, when you grow up, it seems to be triggering Pam when I said my photo. there she could take my scythe, she doesn't like me trying to cut her. I'm moving to this area, you know, at least my backpack isn't


ing up super fast because we can only get three varieties of this thing so Elise making it a little easier, I realized I missed the bus tunnel, we have to back there, but the things inside grew, they didn't grow.
Okay, let's start over here and just do this, one of the hardest parts. that you're going to remember where I planted everything: once again I cover each area, like the bathhouse, the mountaintop areas. Normally I would consider this to be probably my favorite area on the map, mainly because of the view. It is so unique and


ly visited by anyone. This will definitely be one of the most annoying areas to do simply because it's such a large area that the bug den and I will be worried about, so I'm just trying not to think about it.
Now, oh, and the witches' swamp will also be a lot of fun because none of these grew and it's a pretty big area, so yeah, you know, it wasn't that bad in the end. I've done much worse things. I can use these. The ones who pay for the next kids who dub these NPCs will become very annoying every time I approach them with my eyes out of the crop and once you interact with them I need to talk to all the NPCs so I'm already doing a monumental effort. basically I'm going to continuously eat the farmers' lunches so that I don't forget at any time and run away because it would be very easy to overlook that little detail, they only last about five and a half minutes and the more I pick up without the farmers' lunches, the less I earn money in general and since I'm going for it, I might as well go with everything, that is, the entire mountainous area with the exception of the sweet jam land that I can't harvest properly. now because he's standing there he might actually keep it - let it go, it's the most valuable thing in his life and he wants to eat it, okay, you can keep that one for now, I'll come back and get it, I still need it.
Unfortunately, do the carpentry. The big question: How do you get Linus to move well? You throw food on the floor. Get it, boy, no, that didn't work. We'll be back for him later and the whole city, which wouldn't be. Too bad I did this yesterday, but the inside of the houses is what's going to kill me now. I really don't want to do that, especially when I have to talk to Kent all the time. Things haven't changed much since he's been gone, I just know that you lost your eyes during the war, you just have a new farmer in town, that's what you notice from everything that happened while you were here.
I've never seen him play before, he's probably confused by all the sweet young berries right, that was a painful process thanks to the NPCs now I have to do the inside of the buildings even the library feels really big right now look at all these seeds that they have to grow and it's the library that I just want to download very quickly. about two rows full of sweet gem berries, mostly golden quality, so yeah, I'm pretty rich after this, oddly enough, this hall fell apart. I don't know why that happened. Of all the buildings, it was a room to do it, but it's okay because I have to grow them manually anyway when it doesn't make much difference because it's already replanted now I just have to do the painful process of this, that's the beach, it's too done, the entire city inside and out I still have to make the sewers immune. bug den, let's take a look at the forest, this would be a nice big area, lots of seeds to collect here, in fact before I start doing this I'm going to do another farmers lunch because I'm probably running out of time and no, I did it.
Don't forget the casino, I think it's about time we finished this, the sewer and the vegan bug lair, probably the biggest areas I have to farm manually, but they are also the last areas I have to do, so It's a light at the end of the tunnel, what a fun process, that's the final area, it's so big that the screen even scrolls and I'm really not looking forward to this part. Someone remind me to never do this again. Curiously, it does not harvest. everyone here where the fibers are screwed back together and I don't know if there's anything I can really do about it.
I guess I can clean the fiber. Works? Yes, it seems to work, so even more work for me, yes, starting. to obscure who thought now let's quickly check the map to see if there are areas I missed. I got all that, the secret words on and off the beach, in and out of town, I produced, I bought it all, yeah I'm pretty sure that's all the way I did it, so the rest in the trash and we broke the game overnight because we'll see how much money we have. I just noticed that Pam's fruit is unattended during the night because Pam went to bed or exactly to the living room, okay, that's the end of it.
The sweet jams in the trash can and the trash from the mutant bug lair won't sell, so how much money does


ing all of Stardew Valley with sweet gem berries make you, and how long will it take to load this, probably a few minutes? here comes another one now, it's a very scary number because it's so big I think it starts with a nine which could be 99 million which would be my guess because it probably wouldn't be nine hundred million for each bag of gold quality sweet gem berries worth. four million four hundred ninety-five thousand, so I'll call it four point five million.
I'm going to add them up manually to see what we get, although the gold qualities the berries alone are worth around one hundred and fifty-seven million gold. After carefully adding all of this up, the total value is one hundred and ninety-nine million, eight hundred and forty-two thousand gold from a single harvest, which is a shame because we didn't exceed two hundred million and... Casey wonders. how many sweet gem berries he had planted and grown forty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-eight sweet gem berries worth less than two hundred million, well there you have it, the most valuable crop possible in the game, grown in all locations possibilities that the game has to offer.
Under optimal circumstances I will never do this again thank you. Bye bye.

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