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I Played 1 Game to Keep Every Player in This Pack Opening

Jun 07, 2021
Today I'm


boosters for the team of the season with a twist after tonight's three blitzkrieg rounds. I will have to make a team with all the


s I have in




. Then I'll play a FIFA match against


man. and if he wins, I have to discard all the


s I have once again. I slightly stole this video from Ollie, so be sure to check out the video he made and comment something to brighten his day. Yes, you saw it. true, it's the main league team of the season, but hey, at least it's not the FIFA 20 version.
i played 1 game to keep every player in this pack opening
Now it's just a matter of time before these are classified as


s of chance, it could only be two or three years away, so we could also get as many vacancies in the


age. As long as we legally can, I love doing intros on my second channel because on the main channel you worry about audience retention here. I couldn't care less, so I need to


the good players that I get in these


s here because they're going to help me not take them out, hopefully, come on, there we go, uh, it hasn't started very well, I haven't kept a player yet. , I've been through about seven or eight packs, oh, it's training, come on, no.
i played 1 game to keep every player in this pack opening

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i played 1 game to keep every player in this pack opening...

I really don't know what the team of the season will be like, so I'll probably get mugged a couple of times. Oh school, okay, Oscar Casamayor. Oh thank goodness, let's open these Prime Gold player packs. I dont have anything else to do. I'm a little worried that they won't do blitz rounds at seven and eight because I don't know if they're doing weird things with blitz rounds this year. I remember they did it, there was just some kind of weird sequence around it. team of the year I need some good players here because I'm really in trouble right now okay marquinhos so a few more like that just for kind of a stats record the team yeah okay we gotta go.
i played 1 game to keep every player in this pack opening
If this could be a team in the season, I really have no idea about the city-wide English camera, so it turns out there is more than one team in the season. It would be nice to know before we record this video, but we moved on, I mean, this card looks good. what kind of skills we have free stuff all you have to do is roll a ball two strikes in a row those are you counting at home I think that's two team seasons oh that's going to be a lawsuit check it out that's a nice little team fantasy team he had for a couple of weeks and fantasy team Thomas, the blank engine, just punished me for those two weeks, okay, we're talking, now we're cooking, here we go, one left, until we wait another 45 minutes of my real life, that's around 500 thousand.
i played 1 game to keep every player in this pack opening
It's actually a pretty good package, so these are the players we got after that first one, we have two teams of the seasons, we have an incredible, yeah, not that Oscar probably isn't going to help. I felt like he should


it. We have a nice little Spanish team no, no, no, no, 100,000, there are 17,000, we've done it, come on, team, the seasons is an icon, I feel like it's Italian, back off, this team already looks stupid. Oh, an icon makes things really nice because, obviously, with the chemistry bonds, you know, I'm laughing, obviously, not literally because I'm still spending hundreds of pounds on a video


I don't think many pack opens make money, there have been a few. but they're usually an investment, you know, you hope subscribers want to say you know you've basically done a dub a few years later, pogba, okay, we have to let Johnny know, oh, okay, a lot of major league players. In there, that's help that has helped. I need a really good attacker, although, oh, okay, we're on the coins. You hate to see it. Get out of tub season. I think it's a team this season. Where will it be from? the english premier league could be cinematic i don't know who it is uh even less oh sir okay jiminez just in case okay just in case robertson okay if we go to the bpl team that's not horrible yes we have bruno salah okay a salad would be well a salad or a stick I'm just watching someone moaning but sakura doesn't have it and salah and mount have like have you been watching the football vendors?
He still has like 20 goals or something, you know, Saka has like six Twitter is an amazing place, isn't it cool? This is the last package of 100,000 I can afford before having to dip into the mortgage fund, hey, what do we have here? It's a team of the season, could this be it? the game camera no, it's the same guy, okay, let's go two in a row, give me that, give me that English Italian center back, who is that, what, oh, why do you like this, oh, okay, here we go, another team this season,


thing you wanted? was a first division team this season for this video middle english center there can't be good players now oh it's another one that comes to you in the season okay it could be again you know no no oh wait ruben diaz yes a 94 ok that it's really nice rhythm 83 look at that package nice, delicious, crispy wood with a hat trick tiago silva oh oh we take those of us who look good we're looking at the defense it looks obscenely good canavaro and diaz back who's getting Through that, don't Say, Chris, we'll go back to that clip.
Three thousand packages left. These 100,000 packages have been very, very good to us. Actually, my camera is working, but we can get another team out of the season here. Let's go little, little. bruno fernandez harry okay it could be a piece of cake oh there's two we got two seasons of tina in there but neither of them are harry kane I wonder if I'll be doing this in like 20 years you know at what point do I stop doing it ? pack openings probably when your class is betting, that's why I think it's important to show


pack or not all the data to get the biggest impact, so no one gets the impression that you know I'm making money from this wow.
Can we have a few different cards please? This could be the last. Come to the team. Is it in the boys? Not a nice little report. Oh, okay, brav. What have I done there? I could have gotten a little more from there, but there's no chance. that I'm so in goal I actually have a couple of what I have called de bruyne or I think it's because I'll be dead doesn't this rude central defense association look like how we would go? With that, okay, I'll speed this up a bit, so I mean half the team is just rude.
How have we managed to get to this situation? He's sick, him and us or Chris Wood, we're spoiled for choice today guys, probably Johnny Evans. He's not going to force his way through the starting centre-backs for one more lightning round to try to attack or I'm lying, but I think we're in the dumps, we're praying on our knees for the next hour and I hope we make it. blessed eight o'clock, let's go to one two five we have, oh, that's nine, why don't you release 90,000? Okay we'll continue until we get a decent strike force that's about six packs of one to five k without a strike just for those of you counting at home seventy pounds oh that's a way out okay we have a team this season, come on, French centre-back Leicester for the fauna, okay, that's 89, that's another top league team this season, although we take the ones we take. those we have, 1819, the season, he doesn't make it to our major league score.
I'm like I got the mortgage bill badge for this account because I was thinking, you know, I'll help you take the w and on all sorts of FIFA stuff, but I don't feel like that, I know it's not a team of the season. , come on, team of the season, yeah, come on, English team, Ovana, yeah, okay, sure, not in the team of the season, that baffles me. How is it happening? While we spend another £10 on this pack, feel free to check out the number 10 store links in the description. This hoodie, along with a couple of new designs, will be out soon.
It's part of the second installment that I'm missing. money I'll be honest with you so we would greatly appreciate it if you want to see more pack openings on the second channel please get involved come on team the season come on come on come on it's a left winger and we . We have Agüero, okay, okay, we have Agüero, that's great, who will it be? come on, come on, Portuguese, enough, center, back room, offers again, no, Bolton, bums, fair enough, German center, medium, good, a good one, yes, come on, 92, right? Okay, that's lovely, someone else is here, okay, okay, oh no, another creaky wood is also still that left wing.
I still don't have anyone for the left wing. Come on, twist the rope, twist the rope, bro, I just got a good one. Come on, no shit, please, Portuguese, prepare the bath, Diaz, yes, another one, three in a row, okay, let's keep it up, come on, that's not a team, it's not three in a row, one nail, every sport, oh How many more can I try? and be part of the team and see what we're seeing and then debate if I'm still okay with this guy currently I can't have good chemistry let's do another 10 minutes we'll do another 10 minutes of farce I'm just going to be another 10 minutes okay that's right thank you , I just have to consult with the boss, yes, here we go here, let's go immediately, give me that song, come on, give me something that will help the Portuguese, that's canceling it, okay, but not that.
Improving the team once again is defense so it doesn't really help us hold off Zaha, he also has five star skills so that's what suits me, one more set, fifty points, that's it, come on , we have cleverly avoided any Of the top seven players, I would say that's fine. I think this is the last package I can open for today. Yeah, it's, I mean, it's not a team this season. We will let it develop. English CDM Henderson. I have some food. So I thought, I'll report when I've created a team that doesn't include Mahrez and Zaha.
Hopefully, everything will be fine. It's about two weeks later. I honestly don't know what happened. My Xbox kept giving me a tantrum, as you know. I was planning on playing against sorry but unfortunately he's not in next gen so I had to throw that out the window as well as dismissing his idea and it's just l after l for him so yeah I'll just play against someone in line. Well, this is what I did with the equipment. I managed to put something together, uh, and it looks good, so I'm going to be champion, but I'm not going to take the easy way out.
I have seen some people. asking me to play champions and uh no I don't actually think I've


a next gen game so that's a good way to start this guy doesn't look amazing defending anymore so teemo keep going teemo come on you're in . you're at the finish line, oh, did you make an interesting animation? I feel like I can defend well these days, what a goal Canavaro and Díaz are behind, who is passing once, it's half time, there are two, one for him, it doesn't look good. I'll be honest I feel like I've done enough to win this oh no oh no he's in oh my god how is canavaro let him go here we go oh come on no don't just change play mine that's mine that's oh he's he he he he , you have beaten me, all the players are being discarded, this is a great shame, and there is the 4-1 defeat, which means that all my players from this pack opening are discarded, thank you, absolutely, concept of class, I'm sorry I didn't do it.
I don't deserve to lose that 4-1 possibly even anything good. I have 11 shots. It's not that I won't change it. Look at it. It's a quick sale. Ruben Diaz. Quick sale. Good. Quick sale. Quick sale. This is seriously canceling it, please. uh, the link to outfit number 10 will be in the description, new installment coming soon, don't make me get rid of Scott Parker, good on the second channel, two tips.

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