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Incredible Boards From A Rare Cedar

May 01, 2020
So welcome everyone today, we have a very nice


log in the mill, another


log this week and I'm particularly excited about this one because it's a very large log as far as cedars go, it's 18 and 19 inches across. the top. rear end and measures 16 to 20 inches at the top in its oblong shape, one measurement is 16 and the other measurement is 20. Judging by the chainsaw cut I made, I think there is still a lot of good wood here, a lot of good red . heartwood but of course I don't know exactly what the heart looks like in the center of the pith, look through everything it looks like, so we'll see, we'll start the mill and I'll check it out.
incredible boards from a rare cedar
Howard was the one who found this log for me. He was in the courtyard of his church. He said they cut it down two or three years ago or something and it's been lying on the ground ever since. Fortunately, the cedar is quite rotten. sturdy material, so it looks like it's still a pretty good log in case you're wondering, it took me about twelve or thirteen minutes to set up the mill on my own, it actually took me a lot longer to get the position of the mill right. trunk. in the sawmill than it took me to set up the sawmill, so I thought the lt15 was pretty good.
incredible boards from a rare cedar

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incredible boards from a rare cedar...

This is not a Wood-mizer ad, but I know a lot of people watch these videos and are interested in my purchase from a sawmill. and about 12 minutes was all it took me to set this up myself, it was very very quick, of course I use that drill to make my brackets and that speeds up the process quite a bit, but anyway, enough talking, let's get started. I saw and saw what's inside this log, so guys, this is exactly what I feared was going to happen. I told everyone this was a garden tree. It's been in a church yard obviously for a long time and we hit a nail and I heard, I thought I heard more nail hits, but I just don't see them, but anyway, yeah, if you can see the difference in the nail marks. the saw back here and the saw marks right here, you can see that he really did it. "There's a number on that blade, but this is what we're going to do instead of changing the blade, instead of pulling out this nail, which takes quite a while.
incredible boards from a rare cedar
I'll keep going if I hit another nail with that blade, it doesn't" . It doesn't matter, the blades are already destroyed, so we'll continue. The finish doesn't matter as much on these


simply because it's going to be on the back of my shed and you know we're not going to make furniture out of them, we're just walling up a shed so let's go ahead and see how it cuts. If it gets too sharp, really terrible, then let's walk in and change the blade. I just don't want to risk Rick and another blade. another nice sharp blade when I'm sure there are more nails on this log so guys I decided to go ahead and change this blade it was cutting so bad the whole machine was shaking and you know I'm not that worried about the look of the


, it's all in his shed, but he was cutting very slow, but we managed to get under that nail.
incredible boards from a rare cedar
I think we got the whole nail out with that other blade, so it should start unless there's another one on it that you're most likely going to look at that so you can see. I have a few small rot spots on the inside, but that won't affect anything. I will continue to use this board for the back of the shed. even though it has some little rotten spots like that because it's okay and that won't spread so you know I'm going to use it so I appreciate it so guys that's all I have for this video.
I'm going to call this a very successful day. I did a rough count, this is not an exact count, but here there are 12 boards that are 15 and a half inches wide and there are 10 boards that are 10 inches wide, oh that's it. More or less, I didn't do an exact count because I'm really running out of time, but just these boards here will be able to span about 23 feet across the back of the sawmill shed, so it'll be pretty close. as far as completing the back of the sawmill shed between these boards and the boards that we cut from the cedar, the unexpected cedar in the last video, where we cut that cedar, this was really important, this log was from Howard's. church I'm probably going to make a small donation to the church as a token of my appreciation because this helped me immensely.
There aren't many cedar trees in my area. I mean, there are a lot of cedar trees, but no. Very big, many of them are in the forest and the ones that are in the forest that do not receive full sunlight can be 20 years old and still big and they look terrible because you just don't know that they have to have full sun, they have to have very good full sun and if they don't get it they just don't grow well so this was a pretty


tree it's very


to see a cedar this big especially at least in my area it may be different in other places so I really appreciate it that Howard prompted me here, the gentleman that appeared in the middle of the video, he is a gentleman, Lou is very close to here, he goes to the church here and we have the log and he wanted those cuttings for firewood, so he very kindly gave them to him. di and that saved me from having to clean up the mess and also he helped me with that last log which was very very nice and he is a really good guy there was only one nail on this log which I found was really good it just broke a sheet in this process, so that was good, so that was a good afternoon's work.
I am very, very happy with this, very, very happy. I'm excited to see what this will look like on the back of my sawmill shed and I'm glad I was able to take you all along for the trip, so I'll see you next time you guys come over.

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