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INCEST MURDERS: The Most HORRIFIC Story You've EVER Heard • EWU Story Time & Crime Documentary

May 27, 2024
uh he killed his baby and he's in the house okay you said he told you he killed his baby okay ma'am listen to me what's your name? When an adopted daughter decided to reconnect with her biological parents, she had no idea what would happen. It will be the worst decision of her life, although she may have been looking for a rekindled relationship with her family, that relationship would take a disturbing turn for the worse. What's up with the Ewoo team? Today we will follow the destructive series of events that turned a man into a cold-blooded killer, they say blood is thicker than water, but when it comes to this case it will be proven that the father doesn't always know best, let's get into it When Stephen Plato, a young man in his early twenties, groomed an underage girl from San Antonio that he had met through the Internet, he decided to make the trip from his home in New York to Texas to meet the young woman the year it was 1995 and the girl was 15 years old Alyssa the couple's parents did not stand in the way of their union even though Alyssa was still a child at the


the two continued their relationship and Alyssa soon became pregnant just two years after meeting Stephen one day in January 1998, 17-year-old Alyssa went into labor and along with her future husband, Steven, welcomed a baby girl into the world, Alyssa allegedly witnessed Stephen physically abusing her little daughter whom they named Denise, according to Alyssa, he would pinch Denise so hard that she would leave bruises all over the helpless baby's body if that wasn't enough, she claimed that Stephen would even trap the baby in a cooler and wait devilishly until she was al


incest murders the most horrific story you ve ever heard ewu story time crime documentary
He would use up all the oxygen before releasing her, but unfortunately these were just some of the alleged abuses that his daughter would experience at the hands of her father. Fed up, Alyssa stepped in and did one of the hardest things a mother could do: she decided to give her baby up for adoption so her eight-month-old son could live and be happy. Stephen and Alyssa's daughter, Denise, were adopted by Anthony and Kelly. Fusco, who were described as very kind and open-hearted people, renamed baby Katie and sent her to live with them in their happy home in Dover, New York, where Katie would grow into an artistic young woman on the way. to the University.
incest murders the most horrific story you ve ever heard ewu story time crime documentary

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incest murders the most horrific story you ve ever heard ewu story time crime documentary...

While her biological parents, Stephen and Alyssa Platel, remained together and had another daughter al


10 years after giving Katie up for adoption, Alyssa felt that they were now older and more mature and therefore more capable of raising children, they had a total of two children, both daughters. As the couple raised their two daughters, tension between the couple increased, Alyssa said her short-tempered husband's behavior continued throughout their marriage, saying he would destroy things in the house when he was angry, putting holes in the walls, Making matters worse was the claim that Stephen could not have had a steady job for almost eight years, leaving the burden of supporting him and their two children on Alyssa's shoulders.
incest murders the most horrific story you ve ever heard ewu story time crime documentary
Stephen's unpredictability caused great concern for his wife. Alyssa would later describe Steven's true character by saying that I was always on the eggshell, what


her mood. I knew it and that mood was often not happy, lots of screaming, lots of things smashed in the house in front of our children, joy returned to Stephen and Alyssa when they received a notification on their social media accounts, it was from their firstborn Katie , who was now 18 years old, had turned to the Internet to help her locate her biological parents and managed to locate them after exchanging messages. Katie changed her plans to study art in college.
incest murders the most horrific story you ve ever heard ewu story time crime documentary
Instead, she moved to Henrico Virginia to live with her newly found biological parents. and Katie's younger sisters' adoptive parents were wary of the agreement, but decided that she was old enough to make her own decisions. Family bonds were formed, but Katie's arrival would only push Stephen and Alyssa's marriage further apart. Steven's behavior changed




he was around his daughter Katie Alyssa. She even noted that Steven tried to look younger by shaving his beard and changing his wardrobe, noting the growing kinship between Katie and Stephen. Alissa felt the need to reveal to Katie the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her father when she was a baby, but the The news did not affect Katie, but rather the father and daughter grew even closer.
Things between Stephen and Katie took an awkward turn when the 40-year-old began sleeping on the floor in Katie's bedroom and became increasingly worried about the situation. Alyssa asks Stephen. Why did he feel the need to sleep in her room? He became confrontational and stormed out of the house. Steven's affection for his daughter had transcended normality. They had fallen in love in November 2016, still unaware of the intimate relationship between her husband and her daughter. daughter Alyssa moved out and filed to divorce Stephen they split custody of their two youngest daughters and Katie stayed in the house with Stephen now with nothing in their way Stephen and Katie continued their


uous relationship it wouldn't be until the following May when alyssa would finally realize the extent of the affection between her now ex-husband and her eldest daughter was an explosive diary entry detailing the unnatural relationship the entry was written by stephen and alyssa's 11-year-old daughter the young girl wrote katie is pregnant, the father says they feel like couples.
Did they get too drunk that night? My dad is adding that he is satan, he is satan, he will go to hell, but he will not be the one who will be tortured, he will be the one who will torture the people in the diary that the young girl drew. both his father and sister portray them as demons the entry concluded with wait a second if he is satan and katie is human then the baby will be half demon horrified to find out about the twisted


of love and pregnancy, Alyssa then told that she lost him , which I started. screaming I felt like I was going to throw up she then said she immediately called and confronted her ex upset about it he responded I thought you knew we were in love alyssa responded how could you you're sick she's a girl alyssa tried to save her daughter one more time by calling the police to report the now-known


, although police interviewed the two youngest daughters, neither Stephen nor Katie were arrested and they continued to live together under the same roof on the warm summer day of July 20.
They decided to take their relationship to the next level, they traveled to Maryland to get married. Father-daughter marriages are not legal in the state of Maryland, so the couple lied about being related on their marriage application and, as a result, were able to legally marry. As if the wedding wasn't disturbing enough, the attendees were Steven's mother, Grace, along with Katie's adoptive parents, Anthony and Kelly Fusco, they can be seen in many disturbing photos smiling and appearing to enjoy the wedding alongside steven and a very pregnant katie, apparently anthony and kelly. Fusco only attended because they felt that all they could do at that time was support their adopted daughter in her decision once again.
A few months later, on September 1, 2017, Katie gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Bennett, However, the happiness of his new marriage and his young son did not last long. Stephen and Katie were arrested four months later in January and extradited to Virginia. Police administered DNA tests to Stephen Katie and her son Bennett to confirm their family genetics. The two were officially charged with incest, adultery and contribution. to


in court stephen plato's lawyer tried to justify the illicit marriage by explaining that this case is an 18 year old girl who shows up at the door of a 40 year old man who is going through difficult times with his wife they have a bond because They are biologically related but never met before having a sexual relationship.
He was madly in love with her to the point that it outweighed the problem of them being biologically related. Stephen was able to post bail and was released first, the judge ordered. asked him not to leave the state of virginia and not have any contact with haiti, however, the court did not deny stephen access to his son bennett, who was placed in the care of stephen's own mother, grace to leave the child with Steven's mother, who was 72 years old. described by alyssa as a shocking failure, she continued, stephen should never have been allowed to return to north carolina, where he had access to his home, his guns, the baby, i can understand liking to put children in the hands of relatives , but not to Grace, she would.
She wouldn't have been able to stop him from seeing the baby, even if she wanted to. Katie was later released on bail and was also ordered not to have any contact with Stephen. She decided to return to live with her adoptive parents in New York, however, Katie broke the agreement. She had no contact order and she called Steven and told him that she wanted to end the relationship with her heartbroken. Stephen didn't take the news well. All he had left in the world was Katie and the baby. Things took a devastating turn on April 11, 2018. Stephen went to his mother's house to pick up his young son, Bennett, telling her that he was taking the baby to New York to see Katie.
His mother didn't try to stop him. She could not have imagined that handing over the child would be a death sentence for the helpless child. Steven took the child to his home in Nightdale, North Carolina, where she strangled him and left his small lifeless body locked in a cupboard. This was just the beginning of Steven's murderous attack. Leaving the house and proceeding to drive 600 miles overnight to New York, where he had planned to confront Katie in the early hours of the next morning, Stephen arrived at Anthony and Kelly Fusco's house, sat down and patiently stalked family from inside their blue minivan, he was familiar with the fusco family routine and knew that they would eventually go visit Katie's adoptive grandmother in Connecticut, as expected.
Katie and Anthony left their house and pulled out of the driveway in their Toyota truck. Steven followed close behind in his minivan. Stephen couldn't contain his anger and when the fusco truck stopped, he pulled up next to them and started shooting at them with each shot, he unleashed his fury on Katie and Anthony Fusco, killing them both in cold blood. . An off-duty firefighter was there to witness. the massacre and was the one who made the call to first report the double


the firefighter described the horrible scene to the 911 dispatchers hello this is Connecticut it's on route 7 and route 55 someone just drove by and shot this guy in the truck by someone in a truck on route 55 sir, yeah right we're going from route 55 to route 7, it just happened, I'm a firefighter in New York, the car stopped, went around him, shot him, the full clip dropped In your head, it's okay, I'm sorry. you still with him we are here on the road we are right at the intersection yes we are right at the intersection ok sorry here is the deceased flop the truck is in the middle of the road he is dead yes sir brains are on the road and he They shot, did you see the person who shot him?
God, we stopped, there's a hole, yeah, who, well, which direction did the vehicle go towards New Melbourne on Route 7, on Route 7, how can you describe the vehicle to me? It's a blue minivan with I think it's a blue minivan from South Carolina, South Carolina license plate, yeah, a light blue minivan, okay, so stay on the line with me. The 9-1-1 dispatchers soon received another phone call, this time it was Stephen's mother, Grace on the call, Grace described what Stephen had had. I just confessed to telling the dispatchers about the dead baby and how Stephen had killed Katie and her father, killed his wife, killed his father and he, I can't even believe this is happening, left the baby dead when he left Steven's mother cried.
We called the dispatcher five miles from the scene of Katie and Anthony Fusco's murder. Police found Steven's vehicle, but Stephen was in no condition to be arrested. He had shot himself and his motionless body was lying in the driver's seat of the moving vehicle. Steven's ex-wife. Alyssa finally recalled the events and said that it has been a difficult rollercoaster of emotions because I am so devastated by the loss of Katie, her adoptive father and her baby, but it is a huge relief to not have to look over my shoulder. . more to see if steve is there

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