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Does This Chair Actually Work? My IMPOSSIBLE Chair Build

Jun 08, 2021
Hello guys, welcome back to the store, very excited about



, so you loved the tensegrity table, the first one we made, and you love the two-legged


that I followed up with later, so in


video the we'll combine and I'm going to make a tensegrity


, so I mocked this up into a 3D model, which I didn't do in the last two versions because I'm not that good at modeling, but this gave me the opportunity to make some templates, so we are. I'm going to turn on Miss Piggy and we're going to cut them out first and then glue some parts together to cut our little glue before we get to a route and anything and to do that I'm going to use these leftover pieces of guanacaste from the black rifle table yeah still we have some of that wood and who knows we may still be


ing another project with them, I don't even need to zoom in because I got too close, so I have a machete here, I just need to cut a ruler straight and then from there I should be able to take out the rest of the parts I need from this piece was just chilling there ready to die, so okay, this makes my nose runny anyway, we're lying down.
does this chair actually work my impossible chair build
I take out our parts now so we can master these suns together and I cut a little angle so I can make everything fit. I don't have any precise measurements on these things. I just look at it and try to get it. grain as straight as possible at the points that will bear the weight, so one thing that's important here is that you don't like if you look, come here closer, come closer, I'll go down, we probably only have a quarter of an inch to I don't know, maybe let's say 3 8 here at this distance so this grain runs like this, if it came straight out of here it would be a better joint for this arm that way, it's completely straight grained and has a 90 degree Mortise and Tenon to add strength.
does this chair actually work my impossible chair build

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does this chair actually work my impossible chair build...

This here, this section is fragile. Same concept here. I didn't want to create a weak point in this part of the joint because if I had left it wider, it would have come up to here and this whole part would have been very weak, so I reduced it and now that will be mitigated to make it strong because this is the seat and this is the part where all our weight will be held just as well as here, so Better safe than sorry now I'm going to get my boobs out let's go dominoes this thing isn't plugged in come on, let's make a mockery some homemade dominoes here, courtesy from Jordan's factory and Sam sends a big shout out to those two for providing uh squirrel on this build, so we have shorter dominoes here, just keep in mind that if you use uh floating tenons you don't want to cut where they're going to go. , if I cut them deeper, it would have jumped, that's what. why we marked it, see you I ended up putting a bunch on these where I'm going to be sitting because the goal here is to get my fat ass into this one, so you kept complaining about me not sitting on mine. chairs to know how much I suffer from having to turn off the fans so the audio isn't bad, but anyway we're going to glue them on and then I'm going to cut the slots for the feet and then I'm going to cut the dice on this because I made a little alignment error and I'm going to have to be this way.
does this chair actually work my impossible chair build
This is a new glue from Titebond, so they're like super fast drying, which means we could be able to


. With this at the end of the day, okay, so we have this little angle jiggy jicama clamp from Bessie, who is the sponsor of this build. Thank you all, we love Bessie. They sponsored the first 10 and roll safety table. I have a lot of questions in my latest video about clamps and the answer is bessie, that's the only answer. I appreciate you sponsoring this if you want to see more of all my bessie clams. I have them linked below.
does this chair actually work my impossible chair build
Okay, nothing that will save my life. I need a margarita. so everything is dry now I can come back, we'll do the template, we're going to cut the joinery for our feet on this bottom plate and then we're going to cut out all of our seed slats and we should be able to get a chair pretty quickly or at least the pieces of the chair, so Jordan just got the whole butt, these are the butt slats hashtag and, uh, he's got them all slotted, so they'll sit on what will be the actual seat. Now, you could cross it square, but we're posh like around here, so we're going to put a curve in these and, to make it easier, we're going to call the curviest of us all, Miss Piggy. is going to cut this for us come on so to clean them up what we're going to do is influence this bit and bit killer part who's supporting the channel now thanks guys you mean 15 in bits and bits I got a link below, uh, but they have their double bearing pattern.
I think this thing has a spiral head. Really, very, very, very nice. We're just going to run that thing there and we should be able to clean up all of these edges using the profile that the CNC cut as our guide. Let's do it right. The next part of the agenda is, uh, tape. I'm going to cut these things on the band saw and then use them. a little template on the table, if I can, the same one with which we just made all the parts of the chair or I have to use a collet or a bearing on my portable router, let's go and see that the router table is put on me a little restless. the last two cuts for some reason the motor is jamming and that happens the tools don't


or break so we'll use the same bit on the hand router on our templates for the rest of the things we need to model. we remove the bottom bearing we're going to cut in the middle of our excuse me, our material is an inch and a half thick, the cutter head is about an inch on this bit, so we're going to cut an inch and then we're going to turn the whole thing over and we're going to use the cut side to finish the cut in the bearing.
More of that will probably make sense after you see me do it, so let's break it down, so even with all that time and effort to avoid it we still run. where my damn dominoes are sticking out, so the only option here, I think, is that we'll inject that suction cup full of black epoxy and I'll mix it up, that'll give it enough strength in the hole, just like uh, just from experience, I know that this guanacaste looks good with black, although I'm quite angry about it because I spent no less than half an hour and you're trying to avoid that.
I'm glad my time is worthless to you, you stupid chair. Right on to the next part, come down, okay, so the epoxy is dry and the next order of operation here is to make this float son and


do some sanding and shaping before we get to that part, so I have I need to crop a little bit, I'm going to crop, we like where everything is from here, so I'm going to mark some lines and start trimming things back. I like where this thing is putting that here. sticks out so far, yeah we probably should have built a template for this one, but who the hell has time for that?
Let's get nervous, let's not unscrew, I'll hold on, we'll do this part first. I almost caught him. It has that Greek approach. I don't. I don't even face his ass, so with my brilliance I cut off a possible stroke of madness. The way I think I want to do the middle here is the first one. The tensegrity board failed when we ran our rope through a piece of wood and it went straight through. I had to replace it on the second table we had to reinforce the cable and I really didn't like the way it looked too so here's the concept my people have a loop here let me get this on a clamp yeah and then we'll be a little proud and because this is going to be crimped, all of this tension is going to be applied to this thing that's held on by wood instead of directly through the wood, so we're going to crimp a loop on a loop. and then we'll move on to crimping on number two, let's go with it, it's a little tall, but I'm tall and it's my chair, we're going to crimp, so we're going to drill these holes here we have this rope. you're on your stupid rope one of the best movies of all time if you know what movie I'm talking about comment, we're going to punch a hole here, pass this through and we're going to fold it on both sides and if you're wondering how we're going to keep it from breaking move from side to side.
We're also going to bend it here, so let's make some holes so this will hold up pretty well. I think once we put the crimson color on it, it will loosen up. we're going to get out of this, but we're going to go to the final stages, we're going to shape the rest of what I'm going to do on the body and then we're going to put the seat slats on and we're going to Actually try this song, so now , for the b-roll router, your second favorite to jump on and now let us spray it. space for things to be seen, a lot of people want to do tensegrity things, but then it's just a bunch of no space, it only looks good when there's space, right, Sam, just start putting your hands on it, put tension on it to take it to where we kind of want it, I'm going to hang it, let's see how much I can sit on it, I think I can sit on it, I just have to see how much I can sit on it, okay, come on, baby, I have to stay in front of it, oh, he's holding it . hold it hold it it wobbles but it's working Can I put my feet up?
I will take incredible core strength. Oh, he's okay, see if you can set it up, go ahead. Jordan Jordan weighs a buck 65. I weigh 290. It's a nice chair though. Then you will find that all your weights will want to fall to one side, so don't fall. Look, oh, leaning back, I think he's just going to fall. I don't have enough strength in the front. Here, go ahead, sit down, yes, we need some stability. I wonder now it's so close it's so close after yesterday's tests we noticed that there is a lot of instability in this plane, this plane in this way don't worry about the planes and it's because we are triangulated from the bottom up so that everything goes down this center line, so what I want to do is try to create some more stability in my original design.
I had to come out directly from these seed slats, but when I built this with guanacaste. Guanacaste just isn't the strongest wood on the planet, so I want to reinforce this front slat and we're going to take some wire and bring it to a center point here and that should help us out a little bit. like this and then we'll try it and see if we need to go ahead and do the same thing on a back slat or something like that back here. We're also having some problems with rotation in the rear here because this continues to go down.
I have to find a way to stop that from happening, but the first thing is to slap the front, so Ian has been watching me ruin a seat slat, but we're not going to ruin it, so what I'm doing here is try to create a little bit of reinforcement, you need to learn how to measure because they're not the same size, but one is going to go to the edge here and what that will do is create a reinforcement for what you're pulling down because if you just countersink and then run a thread through here, I would only have about a quarter to three-eighths of an inch that I feel like would go through the wood and I don't want we don't want any rips or tears and then We'll have this inside part that's going to act as a support line, it could be a ridge line, not just our center line, it's going to act as a support, so we're going to cut it to make it a little bit prettier, a little bit more hashtag sex. and then we're going to drill some holes over here and run another wire down and see if that helps from side to side so we still have leverage here, so I think if I can take a point and just go to the right.
Up there and then we set those we're going to be in a good way, hopefully it works and we just put a bunch of holes in our chair, it's better, it's a million times better, damn, that thing looks sturdy, someone skinny get ready . your butt get your butt ready don't call hank hank is having a bad day hank's allergy is really bad well be careful look how much he sways though please don't break please don't break please don't break it's much better right ? worse, are you trying to twist it or is it twisting on its own?
No, he's trying, okay, so don't try to sit on him like a chair. I could sit in any chair and split it in half. This last type of problem we have. What we're seeing is the back loses tension when you sit on it, so to counteract I want a cable coming from the back to go through the front and pull it back, so what we're doing is what we're going to do. is make a hole in the back, we're going to go through that hole, we're going to twist the wires in the center, reach to opposite sides and pull down and in my head this works so let's make more holes. my pretty chair test number one the thinnest man in the store oh, he's much sturdier sam weighs about 50 after lunch but don't be so reckless, you're a kid, hey, take your hand off the wall, let's go okay, okay, to the final Persona, okay, so after adding a few more cables, you can see that Jordan and Sam have support and weigh around 150 to 175 pounds because of the way the center of gravity is made.
I think I'm too far along and all our problems are now coming. This is leaning back and the only way to stop it is to get more torque on this front, so you would have to move thecenter of gravity back, which means we would have to rebuild the chair, so before I sit in this thing and see if it stops me, let me know how you would fix the problems and concerns because I'm pretty sure we're fine and stable this way, it's just a matter of this way that has become a problem now for the final test as I said 150 175 we will say 299 I had a hearty lunch don't tell my wife or my cardiologist I mean he is supporting me there is absolutely Zero chance of me lying back is pretty crazy, although I will say this I'm sitting in the chair, just if I go back it's going to explode, I can feel it explode under my butt, all the compression of all things, I mean I'm going to do a notch on this one as close as possible to this one is a w this is better than the last chair we made, I love George.
This is better than the last chair made with cherry, so that will be a summary of this build. It might need a little more tweaking but I would have to rebuild a lot if you guys want to see me make another one let me know in the comments below and if you want to see me build some other cool floating stuff I have it linked right here check it out.

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