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If Shark Tank Was Asian

May 10, 2024
Last time I saw this peak maintained, I'm still with my ex-wife. Hi, I'm a flop management professional Asian CEO and every day we have uh, diversify into the field of fashion, investors, have you ever been shopping outside and run out of space in your bag we've discovered the solution and we have practically broken the laws of fear six okay, we have identified the problem and we have removed the bottom of it say you want to go to the supermarket you grab some things but it is too much to store well not for infinity behind it does not weigh anything else, that's right, we have deciphered the laws of physics, okay, say you go to the gym, you want to bring some clothes, you know how to change too, of course, it's very difficult to hold it with the blindfold. well, pop it into your Infinity back, it won't weigh an extra punk, I don't want to hold your phone at a concert, no problem, completely taken care of, check this out, there's a very new solution that we're the first thing that we also expanded. to another field Nathan, can I invite you to a demonstration?
if shark tank was asian
Our failures are very important. You know, those things you call children. Go ahead and put on this new line of infinity backpacks. We know that kids carry so many backpacks that they need to get the a well that causes back problems with the infinite backpack. We guarantee that you will not have any extra weight. How do you feel? It feels great exactly. Thank you. You can stay with your back and go down inside. It's a problem now. I think you will. Keep it straight, but I don't think you'll keep your eye on a very high profit chill.
if shark tank was asian

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if shark tank was asian...

Well, my own China has a factory. What do you pay your uncle? He has five years. Plus, legally we don't have to pay you. Oh. okay, I'm going to like that child labor, my favorite, it works with my um, with my ex-girlfriend's emotional baggage, uh, even better, it works with all your ex-girlfriend, we don't make any trouble, it's like a sleeping bag, you know, you, you. you take it out, you take out your girlfriend, you open the sleeping bag, you say, it goes in smoothly last time I saw, hold this pig, I'm still with my ex-wife, it looks like your mother could have put you in an Infinity bag when you were a baby .
if shark tank was asian
That's why I came up with the idea, so I'd like to ask for $50 million for two percent of the company. I'll do it for one percent. Thanks Nathan, today, hello gentlemen, does anyone here have a cousin? His parents are always comparing them. two, yes sir, well this is his ideal cousin, oh he looks handsome, yes, 5.0 unweighted GPA, he is a doctor, engineer, lawyers, rocket scientist and CEO finder. He works 26 hours a day, that's average, and he also plays many instruments, including all of them very basic. Are you supposed to compete against this if you only had a cousin?
if shark tank was asian
That was a terrible influence. Now present your cool cousin for a one-time purchase. You can buy from me so you can compare yourself with your cousin. These are my academic achievements. Use it for. marketing use it for um for for for consulting I would use it for this thank you oh wow so how much are you asking? It actually depends on the client's salary, for example, how much is your annual salary? Two dollars, well, it cost you. two dollars I need the calculations okay if you want to model I don't like that it has to be like at least my four percent how many cousins ​​can you serve uh how much volume do you have one oh yeah, I could do more You pay money to buy yourself Uncle Roger is going to pass I'm not in the human trafficking business Okay, money for an Asian kid Actually, Nacho I can do other things, although I could make iPhones I could, you could make an iPhone, yeah, yeah, child labor attached to you, yeah.
Why did you say that? Okay, look, here at the fault management level, we really need faults, so I think you're fantastic, thank you, hello investors, I'm the CEO of, here in Beijing Kong, we've made an energy drink that do I help you. study and it will also take you back in time if there is something that growing up in Asia tastes like emotional damage, so by introducing emotional damage, the energy drink emotional damage is the monosodium glutamate in the energy drink that my son used to listen to cardi B after of the emotional damage you now hear. cut the plus this drink put my therapist out of business this tastes like my son's acting career if you give this to your kids they will move out next week it is also very suitable for gamers when enemies see you during the day this it's a real emotional damage taste of growing up in Asia yes I'm very excited to tell you that I'm teaming up with Subs players when I first tried them and I was surprised how much they reminded me of growing up in China many of you know I'm I'm a great gamer and this reminds me of sneaking out of my house and going to internet bars when I was a kid.
If you know what I'm talking about, you're a legend. This drink has zero sugar, zero calories, tastes great, provides energy and is cheaper too. and healthier than soda, we're even making a caffeine-free version, as well as gamer subs, and I'm so sure you guys will love it that we cover shipping and will give you free samples for free. True story when gamer subs approached me I said. Why don't we make a drink called emotional damage and if many of you like it, you will make it a real flavor. Then the link to get free samples is in the description.
No credit card required. Player subs. Thank you. for partnering with me and I am very excited because with your support we can bring emotional damage to life.

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