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IELTS Speaking Calm and Confident Band 9

May 26, 2024
foreign candidate fluency in vocabulary and coherence in the topics of dance and important construction of the Odisha State Museum and talking about important places for the third part let's begin welcome to the oral section of the exam Alex. My name is Adrian. I will be his examiner in this part. the test and I am recording this for administrative purposes we are conducting this exam in bhupaneshwar let's start can I see your ID sure this is my passport which I use for registration what is your full name my first name is ashrita and my family My name is Nayak please Please call me by my name.
ielts speaking calm and confident band 9
Okay, for the first part. I'll ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic. Where do you live? I live in the capital city of Odisha Bhubaneshwar in a two-bedroom apartment near Mahana banks with my family. What do you like about your house? I like that it is close to my school and many amnicions. It saves me a lot of time so I can focus on my studies and hang out with my friends on the weekends. Let's talk about dancing. Do you like dancing? Yes I love to dance.
ielts speaking calm and confident band 9

More Interesting Facts About,

ielts speaking calm and confident band 9...

I have been dancing since I was a child. I think it's a perfect way for me to socialize and exercise with my friends. Just yesterday I was dancing at school. How often do you do it? I dance I dance almost every day, whether for fun at a party or at the club where we meet every day. I dance at least an hour or so every day. Who do you usually dance with? I usually dance with my dance group, there are 18 of us and we are pretty close I have been dancing with these girls since I was six we danced in a club next to my house a 10 minute walk away where do you go dancing in your neighborhood?
ielts speaking calm and confident band 9
I also dance at my school after school, which is just five minutes in the opposite direction from the club, have you ever danced in front of an audience? Yes I do. I have performed at several dance recitals over the years that have ranged from over a dozen to hundreds of people last month. We performed at a friend's wedding and put on a small show for about 200 attendees. If you could learn any type of dance, what would it be? It's a great question, if I had the chance. I think I would love to learn Latin dance, specifically salsa.
ielts speaking calm and confident band 9
I've been intrigued by this rhythmic dance for a while now and it would be great to add it to my repertoire. It's the end of the first part. Now we will continue with the second part for those high


scores that you need to introduce complex grammar. As soon as possible, ideally from the first questions of the first part. In this case, when the examiner asks if you like to dance, the candidate immediately responds with a present perfect progressive saying I have been dancing since I was a little child. It is this type of grammatical range. and precision that will allow you to obtain high scores.
You can practice different types of complex grammar in your course on our website. Be sure to review the additional writing and grammar section of your materials. Even more importantly, be sure to reflect complex grammar when the question is: a present perfect or a conditional such as when the examiner asks if you have ever performed in front of an audience, this candidate cleverly uses the present perfect immediately by simply saying yes, I have acted. in front of smaller and larger audiences and then includes quantification meaning numbers to a few people like three or four and up to a couple of hundred people at a wedding and then when asked in a conditional if you could learn some type of dance, what would it be, she responds with a conditional, given the opportunity, ideally I would love to learn salsa. you are always paying attention to the grammar used by the examiner and then reflecting on why, because the examiner is deliberately checking to see if you can pick up that type of grammar and then use it in your answer.
Native English speakers will do this naturally when a Canadian, British or American hear a question in the present perfect and will naturally say yes, I have or no, no. Make sure you practice this before your exam. You can do it again on our website with other students using the student buddy. feature, it's absolutely free when you're ready, you can sign up for a full


mock exam by clicking the


interview practice button to get a


score estimate and tips on how to improve. Now, in the second part of this part, I will show you some questions.
Please have a minute to read this, please do not touch the questionnaire. You can take notes in that minute if you want and then you will have a minute or two to talk. I'll tell you when to start, when to stop, just like that, yeah. talk about an important building in your community your one minute preparation time starts now your one minute preparation time has ended please start talking very important building in Odisha State Museum is located in the center of the city and is a large modern building in three stories with beautiful exhibits showing much of the local history.
I think the museum is visited by both visitors and locals because most Indians know the rich history of Odisha. I have visited the museum several times not only with my family but also with class as part of an educational trip there are many amazing artefacts dating back to the Kalinga dynasty including several carvings and paintings. There is also modern art of local customs, dances and paintings. I think the building is very important to the local community because it is a way to share the knowledge of our ancestry with the world this way we can preserve the rich history of the place and save it for our future generations.
It also creates a sense of pride within the local community and helps visitors respect the local people, if we did not have this State Museum, little by little the local people will lose their identity and begin to forget our rich history. In this way, they will be able to enrich their experience while helping to maintain this important establishment for generations to come. This is the end of the second part. You will remove the questions, please put the note sheet aside, turn it over and also the pencil. Now we will continue with the third part of this cue card that talks about an important place in your city.
This candidate wisely chooses to talk about the state. Museum she knows a lot of information about where it is located how who goes there and what kind of experience a person can have when visiting this museum. It is important that you use a wide range of detailed, high-level vocabulary. You should also practice understanding this type. of vocabulary check the definitions in the video description below so that you can score high when asked to talk about an important place in your city try to answer this cue card send us your answer in MP3 format to this email address and we will give you a band score estimate for free so you know where you stand and what you need to do to improve.
Now let's go to the third part. In this part I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of the second part. Let's talk about important buildings. What are some buildings that are important to people living in a city apart from buildings like the Odisha State Museum or art galleries or concert halls? I believe that schools and government offices are important as these places help in education and maintenance of society. The third part follows the theme of In this case, the second part talks about important buildings. Now, these questions can be a little scary because they are very detailed and use less common vocabulary to evaluate higher band scores.
The important thing is not to panic and remember that these questions are still typical type of questions that a person would ask about important buildings, like what are some types of important buildings that a person can find in your city, keep your thoughts simple, think about the buildings you visit such as schools, libraries and government offices if you are not sure what to answer make sure you buy time say hmm that is an interesting question please give me a moment to think about my answer or hmm I have never thought about that before but If you asked me I would tell you to practice these phrases so you can give your brain some time to come up with a good answer.
Try to answer this question. What are some important buildings in cities? Then try to answer this question. How about the important buildings in the countryside? Send us your answer to these questions in MP3 format to win a badge. Collect three badges from three different videos and get a 10-minute oral assessment with a native English-speaking tutor for free. Now let's look at the rest of part three and some more strategies to see this complete interview and lesson from over a hundred oral interview videos. including original practice tests from a fully interactive course and an app for your phone visit and join our premium IELTS package at
It's a one-time payment for lifetime access. Use code dance9 for an extra 10 off. Just click the video link. description below we are an IDP Affiliate, a British Council Partner, an IELTS Test Registration Center and I am a British Council Certified Agent. We help thousands of students succeed in their exams. Just listen to what this candidate has to say. I am from Iran today. I received my home test report formed with an overall crazy score of eight. I wanted to thank Eddie's amazing team for helping him on the journey we started together a few months ago. I followed their YouTube courses and of course the premium material on the website.
I am very happy with the result. Thank you. Start learning for success. Join now. Subscribe to our channel. Click here to see another video. Click above and click on our IELTS hero to join our premium package and get access to all our videos, test practice and a complete experience. interactive course

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