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IELTS Speaking Band 9 Fast Answers

May 01, 2024
foreigner let's see Rajiv from Assam India Ace in the IELTS oral interview I will give you tips and strategies so that you can do the same let's begin welcome to the oral section of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the exam test, we are conducting this exam in Assam dispore, current time is 14 o'clock, let's start. Can I see your ID? Yes, with pleasure, this is the passport I used for my registration. What is your full name? My full name is Rajiv Sharma. Can? please refer to me as Rajiv, okay Rajiv, you can save your passport before the first part.
ielts speaking band 9 fast answers
I'll ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic, where do you live? I grew up in the beautiful state of Assam located in the northeast of India in its capital city. He is poor and lives in a three-bedroom house. I've lived there all my life. Do you have brothers? Yes, I have a younger sister, Preeti, who is four years younger than me. Let's talk about colors. Do you have a favorite color? If so, why do you like it? Yes, my favorite color is blue. I find it calming and comforting.
ielts speaking band 9 fast answers

More Interesting Facts About,

ielts speaking band 9 fast answers...

The blue also reminds me of the serene waters of the Brahmaputra River that flows through my hometown. It has a peaceful and calm color. effect on me that allows me to relax and feel refreshed before continuing with the rest of this interview. See why Rajiv gets a


9 for his first


to part one's questions about colors. Number one provides original information. It's not just. simply memorizing templates he learned online. A great way to do this is to give specific


that relate to his actual experiences. In this case, Rajiv relates the Brahmaputra river with the color blue, which is his favorite color.
ielts speaking band 9 fast answers
It is this type of clear explanation and connection with real experience that can improve the scores of those


s do you think colors can affect a person's mood why or why not? Yes, I believe that colors have a significant impact on a person's mood. Different colors evoke different emotions and can influence our psychological state, for example, warm colors like red and orange are often associated with energy and excitement, while cool colors like cream and blue create a feeling of calm. and relaxation. By using color strategically, we can improve our mood and create the desired atmosphere. How do colors play a role in your everyday life?
ielts speaking band 9 fast answers
It plays an important role in my daily life from the moment I wake up and choose my clothes to the interior decoration of my living space. Its colors surround me and contribute to my mood and general well-being. I often find myself gravitating towards colors that reflect. an atmosphere that I desire for a particular day or occasion. I'm feeling optimistic today, so I'm wearing my favorite color, blue. changes your opinion of a color over time and, if so, which color and why your opinion changed. Uh, yeah, I've changed. my opinion of the color yellow over time in my youth I used to associate yellow with brightness and positivity, but as I grew older I developed a preference for calmer and more subtle colors, yellow began to seem too vibrant and energetic for my taste and I found myself gravitating towards softer, more muted tones and have therefore, over time, changed my opinion on yellow as my personal preferences and style have evolved.
Do you think people's preference for certain colors changes with age? Why or why not? I think so. I think people's preference for certain colors changes over time as people age and grow and go through different stages of life. Your personality tastes and environment can influence your color preferences, for example, children may be attracted to more fun and bright colors. While adults may prefer more sophisticated and neutral tones, cultural and social factors also play a role in shaping color preferences and therefore it is not very unusual for people to change their opinion about certain colors to as they mature and go through different life experiences. of any advertisement or logo that uses colors effectively and why you think these colors are chosen.
An example of effective use of color in advertising would be the Coca-Cola logo. The logo features a vibrant red color. Red is often associated with energetic excitement and stimulation. The choice of red in the Coca-Cola logo is strategic as it aims to evoke feelings of excitement and creates a strong brand identity. Another example would be the Facebook logo, which has a blue color scheme. Blue is often associated with trust and reliability. and communication Facebook's choice of blue in its logo reflects its commitment to creating a safe and reliable platform to connect and share. End of part one, we will now continue with part two now that you have heard Rajiv answer all the questions from part one.
I'm sure he will agree that he demonstrates great communication and English skills. One of the tricks he uses is that he talks about familiar ideas like Coca-Cola's red color and Facebook's blue color when he answers the question about ads that actually use colors like this red. and the color blue of Coca-Cola and Facebook are easy for the examiner to associate and therefore increase your coherence scores whenever possible. Think of ideas that are commonly and easily understood by your listeners. This will definitely help him get a better score when he answers the questions. question about how colors affect a person's mood he uses collocation psychological state the psy and those sharp T's are well pronounced you too can Master the pronunciation required for that band 9 score by getting feedback using the advanced AI app Elsa Speak Elsa Speak is a unique app that points out your mistakes in


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Click the link in the video description below. They have also provided us with a second link for 40 off one year plans and an incredible 85 off for lifetime memberships now which is a great way to master English communication click the links download the app today and get started to speak better English now with the rest of the interview and the lesson in this part. I'm going to show you some questions that she will ask. have a minute to read these questions, please do not touch the question sheet, you can take notes in this one minute time if you want, have your paper and pencil there and then you will have a minute or two to talk, I will tell you. when to start when to stop it's clear yes, talk about an idea you've had to make your learning more effective.
Don't touch the question sheet, just read the questions from there and use the notes as you wish. Its one-minute preparation time begins. Now Rajiv, your one minute preparation time is up, please start talking. The technique I had to enhance my learning experience was a technique called spatial repetition. Specifically for my extensive Civil Services Examination syllabus. I came across this concept while reading a book on Effective Study Habits Spatial repetition is a technique that involves reviewing information at increasing intervals, allowing for better retention and long-term memory. I first thought about this concept in my final year of college when I was preparing for my civil service exam, which is a highly competitive exam. and understand a comprehensive exam that tests candidates' knowledge of various topics such as history, geography and current affairs.
I found that cramming information the night before the exam was enough to understand and retain the entire syllabus by implementing spatial repetition. I create a study schedule that incorporates regular topics. reviews of key concepts and facts of the topic of study rather than focusing solely on recent topics. I review previously covered material and gradually increase the gap between each review session. What encouraged me to think of this idea was the vast syllabus of the Indian Civil Services Examination. and the need to develop a more effective learning strategy. I was inspired by the research and success stories of previous candidates who used spatial repetition for their preparation and achieved good results in their exam to further improve this idea.
I plan to leverage technology by using specialized technology. Spatial Replay Software or Apps tailored for this Indian Civil Services Exam. These tools will help me prioritize and monitor topics. Set personalized review intervals and track my progress by integrating technology into my study routine. I think I can optimize the implementation of spatial repetition and make In conclusion, my learning is even more efficient and specific. Incorporating the spatial repetition technique into my study routine has proven to be a valuable strategy. I am motivated to continue perfecting this technique with better technology and take advantage of the benefits of spatial repetition to master the program. and Excel in the exam, your time is up.
I'll stop it there. I'll take the questions back and Rajiv does a great job in this part 2 cue card regarding an effective learning idea. He quickly identifies that when talking about an idea it is important to include it. the timing of that idea the reasons for the idea the requirements what it takes to make that idea a reality and the results of that idea in this case taking the idea of ​​spaced repetition and linking it to the well-known Indian civil law exam The Services Exam allows you a high level of detail and consistency. It's this type of communication that you need to master when talking about an idea to get those high scores.
Now let's continue with the third part. Please place the note paper on this side. Spin it. about the pencil also now we will continue with the third part for this part I will ask you questions related to the topic of the second part let's talk about effective learning how do you think innovative ideas can improve the learning experience I think innovative ideas have the potential to greatly improve the learning experience in several ways: firstly, they can provide new and engaging methods of content delivery that make learning more enjoyable and memorable, for example, incorporating gamification or interactive multimedia into educational materials can stimulate interest and active participation among students.
Secondly, innovative ideas can meet diverse learning styles, individual needs, enabling personalized and adaptive learning experiences with advances in technology, adaptive learning platforms can assess candidates' strengths and weaknesses and adapt content accordingly to ensure effective and efficient learning. What are some of the common challenges that students face in their pursuit of effective learning. There are several common challenges that students often face in their pursuit of effective learning. One of the main challenges would be information overload. In today's digital age, we have access to large amounts of information, which makes it crucial to develop effective learning. Information filtering and processing skills.
When looking for software solutions, I really have to focus on narrowing my search. Self-reflection and self-assessment and improve the learning process. Self-reflection and self-assessment are vital components to improving the learning process. an opportunity for students to review and evaluate their own progress identify their strengths and weaknesses and also set goals for improvement through self-reflection we can gain insight into our learning style preferences and areas that require further attention self-assessment encourages students You take ownership of your learning journey and promotes a growth mindset by critically evaluating your own work, seeking constructive feedback, and making adjustments as necessary.
Students can improve their learning and mastery of the subject. I did both constantly when I was preparing for my civil services exam. What role does technology play in improving learning outcomes? Can you provide some examplesSpecific to how technology plays an important role in improving learning outcomes by providing access to vast resources that enable interactive and immersive learning experiences and facilitate personalized learning, for example, online platforms, applications or software? Provide students with personalized, self-paced learning opportunities. Preparing for IELTS using YouTube videos is a perfect point in case of video lectures and interactive simulations that improve understanding and retention of any other ideas or techniques you have come across that aim to enhance learning.
Yes. There are several other ideas and techniques that I have come across that may aim to improve learning. One such technique would be the use of visual and multimedia aids, such as videos, presentations, infographics, visual elements that can improve comprehension and retention, especially for visual learners. facilitate access to complex information and obtain a deep understanding of the topic. I always visualize the information I read or hear to help me learn better. How can people stay motivated and engaged in implementing new ideas to improve learning outcomes? Implement new ideas to improve learning outcomes. People can employ various strategies.
First, setting a clear goal is crucial when defining specific goals and milestones. Students can track their progress and stay focused on the goal. I set a goal to score in the top 10 percent. civil services exam, so I knew exactly what I need to do. Additionally, seeking support and accountability from peers and mentors can provide motivation and encouragement. Joining study groups and online communities focused on shared interest can foster a sense of community and provide a platform to share ideas and support that is the end of the third part that concludes the oral section of the IELTS exam you will have your score in two days after finishing the other online sections and your official certificate will be in the mail in approximately 10 days remember your passport bye bye thank you the trick to get high scores in the third part and get a band 9 overall like Rajiv is to have great fluency and precise answers to be able to do this think about the answers explanations and examples this will make you fluent and for accurate answers you need to have a good vocabulary, that's why you should use Elsa speaks daily.
Notice some of this vocabulary used by Rajiv to give these precise and detailed answers. You too can learn words like this and master communication in English. Make sure you study every day. Good luck next time you take the IELTS exam for many years to come. more videos like this including original practice tests from a fully interactive course and an app for your phone visit and join our premium IELTS package at it's a one-time payment for lifetime access use code idea9 for a discount additional 10, click link in video description below We are an IDP Affiliate, a British Council Partner, an IELTS Test Registration Center and I am a British Council Certified Agent.
Just listen to what this student has to say. Hello everyone, that's right, today I will reveal how. I got a band of 7.5 with just a week of prep on my first try. I highly recommend checking out the Academic English Help YouTube channel and website. Thank you all, start learning for success. Join now. Subscribe to our channel. Click here. See another video. Click. up here and click on our IELTS hero to join our premium package and get access to all our practice videos, exams and a fully interactive course.

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