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Idiot Cop Conducts UNLAWFUL Traffic Stop, Then This Happens

May 30, 2024


us, you said it first of all, so when you get to court, all these pictures you just took of the license plate are after the fact, now you're just conspiring with us because we were exercising our first amendment buddy, why are you still here


ped? He knows. I've talked to you before too, stupid, you were a piece of shit now because you're standing on the street, now you think you're better. 'cause you stopped us right, oh you were speeding, you can't even answer my question, an honest officer, a non-honest one, and I even told him how you went the extra mile to do the right thing, oh


was him, yeah he's beautiful, beautiful brother. it's like a different side, not even like honest you think you're an honest person but you can't articulate how you determined his speed, you can say he was speeding, you could get to that legal determination, but you can articulate how you determined it, that means you're a piece or you're a liar, yeah, okay, articulate it, so how did you determine the speed?
idiot cop conducts unlawful traffic stop then this happens
If you are an honest person, it's okay, you have your opinions and we can discuss.


further into the court oh yeah okay that's the idea, you can't even tell he was walking back and forth, no I mean I was recording it, he followed me for about an hour. I mean, you guys already know there's 600 people here, you know how I do it when I'm here doing, I make sure we understand everything, so this thing about you speeding, that's not going to fly in court, this guy is 100% lying, the only reason he stopped us right now is because of the flashlight, yeah, they could confuse us. phones looking for guns or something and they start shooting at us so I really don't want to have them yeah show me your insurance card please I don't have the card it's on the phone I don't remember you shouldn't have stopped the friend from the vehicle, I don't remember my password, you shouldn't have withheld the vehicle password, the only way to fix this and mitigate the problems is to walk away buddy, walk away bro, they just don't want to listen right now.
idiot cop conducts unlawful traffic stop then this happens

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idiot cop conducts unlawful traffic stop then this happens...

Officer Larry was well aware of the fact that he completely failed in attempting to violate the auditor's rights and in the midst of this officer, Officer Larry's supervisor responded to the scene and spoke with the auditors to find out what had happened. Oh, we have another one coming, Sergeant. supervisor, your first question to him should be: are you here to diffuse the situation or escalate it? Oh, he's trying to lie to you right now. I hope the body cameras are on. He shone this super bright flashlight on me and he hurt me, he hurt me. so bad my feelings are literally hurt guys oh my god they hurt my feelings and


they're being mean to me they're yelling at me and one guy said I was a piece of poop he was so mean to me this is my boss Sergeant Hernandez uh oh I'm going to escalate yeah I mean are you here to mitigate or escalate?
idiot cop conducts unlawful traffic stop then this happens
I'll find out what's going on. Wow, my problem is if he comes here to take my license. Well I mean that's a secondary problem that happened after the initial pullover, I mean he's telling me he stopped me for a flashlight and


now he's speeding but no form of speeding can be justified so there's no real way to justify any stopping here and then just follow up with oh, now you're obstructing your license plate, that's a bike rack, that's exactly how the bike rack is supposed to fit on the vehicle, so I don't know the original reason for the stop was making sure everyone is here doing a flashing flashlight.
idiot cop conducts unlawful traffic stop then this happens
I'm sure everyone's here, yeah, so that's it, hey, are you okay, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and that should have been it, shouldn't have been any lawsuit ID and then state law says that I just need to present it while I try. to put it in the window, you're sticking your hand in here trying to get it, so now we're big mistakes of war, fighting about it now that's a violation of my fourth amendment, good luck getting on the internet, I mean we've done this flashlight for It's been over a year and now we're being fooled again so this stopping initiation is not legal so when he realized he should have pulled out but he escalated it to violating the 4th amendment by breaking the vehicle barrier without permission and without a legal reason to do so.
I mean, when you realize you made a mistake, this is when we leave and we don't make it worse by staying here, you've made it worse. I've been filming. for 18 minutes is more than enough reasonable time to write any kind of ticket that I was going to write, so this is just an extension and an additional detention of our detention against our fourth amendment man, this is a big deal, it's a judicial matter like you. you want you want to make it a bigger issue you want to write a ticket let's go to court let's go to court because then it becomes retaliation after you already realized what's going on now you continue to press the issue so you should say: yes , you are wrong and Boogie or write your ticket and let us go further so I heard the auditor mentioned prolonging a


stop Beyond what is necessary is in fact a violation of the constitutional rights that an individual has in the 2015 case de Rodríguez v.
United States the Supreme Court ruled that the police stop exceeds the time necessary to handle the matter for which the stop was made violates the Constitution's Shield against unreasonable seizures in this case of the Auditors the stop was initially made for alleged speeding and use of flashlight The officer added the obscured license plate charge later, but all of these charges were reinstated by auditors despite the lack of a valid reason to continue the encounter. The


stop was unreasonably prolonged, which could be seen as a violation of the law. The auditor's Fourth Amendment rights are once again part of something that you can request you can also request the transmission of my radio traffic when I told my dispatcher that I was pulling him over.
I also informed you that the license plate was obscured, so if you want to see that I am actually telling you the truth, feel free to request a copy of that and you will see that when I initiated my code six I told my dispatcher that I was going to stop a vehicle and that he didn't have a license plate because the license plate was obscured, well, tell the judge I mean, I will, yeah, so tell him right now because this is going to be evidence. I said, your honor, I was following the law even though I'm a traffic enforcement officer and I'm supposed to understand traffic laws that are well established qualified immunity qualified immunity guys we don't like it in Arizona there's metal up there , yes, it's important on some points, so the citation I'm going to issue today Improper display of devices is the only one we're going to focus on today, well, that's the only one they have any hope of staying in the cut, so it's a good choice, so we know how to play better than you guys, so, right?
They can't issue a ticket for illegal detention here yet, so they will have a license plate 13 20 23 at 11 a.m. m. 300 WestWashington. You could do one or two things there, so in the title code 28, you guys are. exemptions for bike racks and things that are normally allowed to be put on your vehicle and it's written in the ARs and he's supposed to already know that, but he's just being a and he thinks he knows what he's talking about and he's still writing a stupid ticket. because it's really stupid, no, oh, kind, yes, if you have any questions, if you need it, sir, no, have a better night.
We're having a great night. He just made it for us, stupid. Who had a better night? Could not. improvement without police interactions on our channel, they do not continue to grow or exist, so when you like this, you are simply perpetuating what we are doing, ultimately the driver received a citation for incorrectly displaying the license plate, which As we have already commented, it didn't make any sense, but it was certainly the only citation the officer could give without triggering a major lawsuit, since the other two reasons for speeding and flashing a light were completely bogus. Be sure to check out our previous video where we cover another scandalous police encounter

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