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The Most Painful Traffic Stop You'll Ever See

Jun 08, 2024
music? Please, you'll probably hit your dog and your wife. Come on man. Turn up the music. Please, I would rather be in Russia. or communist China right now they probably treat me better than this saint this is so tight dude can you turn it up please? Can we at least listen to some music before we go to jail? Come on, please, man, come on, I want to hear something from Morgan. Wallen, I hope you feel good about taking a bad soccer mom off the streets. in the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands and that place looks better than this place there are stains on the walls and windows this is the


disgusting place I have


seen I have


seen it in my life brother, this is disgusting.
the most painful traffic stop you ll ever see
I can't believe I'm coming back here. Oh, I should clean it up while I'm here, in fact, give me some bleach. I should have entered the house when I arrived. I knew it. but you probably would have shot me, oh my god, at least you tasered me. Do you have anything else about you that jail staff needs to know? No, nothing, can I go to your supervisor please, four times, five times, can I talk to him? one now I know my right. I have never not been able to talk to a supervisor. Wow, can I get a supervisor?
the most painful traffic stop you ll ever see

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the most painful traffic stop you ll ever see...

I have asked for a supervisor several times. I don't have to do this. I don't have to comply. No, I'm going to ask you to do Faithful's sobriety exercises, take my blood or breathe, okay, that's not how I feel, you should have done this when you


ped me on the side of the road, you should have made me get out. and do all that like goof around on the road, you should have done that because now I'm stuck here and I can't go, so why would I cooperate with you? Okay, so you don't want to do the agility drills on the field.
the most painful traffic stop you ll ever see
I'm already handcuffed, we're in jail, dude, this is too tight, come on, yeah, but I don't know if you're under the influence or not, you're taking my breath away or my blood, that's not how it works. Can you undo this? No, it's not okay. Now a little, can you loosen them? I will cooperate with you because they are too tight. I checked your handcuffs when I put them on you. This is too tight if I take off the handcuffs, are you going to do something? Of course. I swear to God brother, I'm already in jail, what am I going to do?
the most painful traffic stop you ll ever see
I promise, BR, look, right now I have to put you back in these. I just told you, are you going to do something stupid and just start chilling away from me, that's why I had you handcuffed and didn't loosen them at first because you were just going to do what you just did, bro, come on, it's okay, great, sit down, sit here, so what am I going to do? It's just I'm going to check your eyes, have you ever done this before? I'm holding my own, like I said, you smell like alcohol, so I just need to make sure you're not drunk.
Yeah, okay, so all I'm going to do. If you look at the tip of my finger right there, you'll see it. I'm just going to have you follow the tip of my finger with your eyes and not move your head, okay? Yeah, so just your eyes don't do it. Don't move your head, yeah, done, just a minute. Okay, I don't think you're over the legal limit either. I'm going to hand you over to them. I'm not going to accuse you of dii. Okay, Darlo was charged with felony fleeing. an officer and a misdemeanor for resisting obstructing an officer, she was eventually released with a B shy of $7500 at this time.
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