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Jun 04, 2024
an episode wait I need need it's not flat it's not even close to flat you're going a million miles an hour, yeah, it's some Ferraris, you've got the break. I mean, no, maybe I have a wrong impression, so H, maybe I thought I'm brave, obviously, it's not a clean car, huge, thanks to MSS fire safety medical rescue for the car is clean now. I'm worried that we're going to have a bent wheel and have to drive 3 hours home, so I just want to see if we can actually drive it without the wheels moving everywhere, so I'm a little worried about whether we'll go otherwise.
i wrecked my porsche 911 gt3 then rebuilt it
Having to call my dad is a feeling of recovery, Tru, so now I'm taking it out for a quick test drive to see if there were any more shaky fingers crossed, no bent wheels because that's going to be an expensive fix, it seems fine, You won't know until you get to 70 mph, yeah I think there's a lot of mud in the engine, oh it's all burning up, yeah yeah, solid car, I think it needs an alignment. and some side skirts, yes, some side skirts, yes, we better get back to the unit and fix this as quickly as possible.
i wrecked my porsche 911 gt3 then rebuilt it

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i wrecked my porsche 911 gt3 then rebuilt it...

Okay, there's a lot of mud under here. OK. The arrow appears to be fine in the rear. More damage to aerodynamics. Dynamics at the rear. No. We've taken out a bolt, so we've got a bolt down here. It's half a Dun fall in this, oh, my days. Side skirts are missing. What is it? I can only think that it's part of Dun's fault. Yes, this has a little breakage. I do not do it. I don't think I have that, but what about this side of this side? Oh, very broken, any damage to the floor. Just good. 90 mph on the grass, so even though the crash was at a pretty high speed, it seems like I got away pretty far.
i wrecked my porsche 911 gt3 then rebuilt it
Well, with the damage, that's what I originally thought. This arrow on the floor has completely disappeared and we are missing a piece of Arrow on this side. In fact, I had already ordered some new parts that I knew were race track damage, ready to repair this car. as quickly as possible, but I didn't realize that I was going to need more than that, more trays underneath than we thought. Here is a side skirt. I don't want to know how much an S skirt for GT3 costs. Yes, this is vital, but of course. Spend thousands on Arrow and remember we have to pretty much get this car back to OEM if we want to have any chance of getting this warranty back, so everything that was factory has to go back into these clips. side skirt I think they go here, okay, that's good, how much do you think one of these side skirts cost?
i wrecked my porsche 911 gt3 then rebuilt it
Yes 243lbs is pretty reasonable, in addition to purchasing the side skirt I also needed the clips that fit. to the car and that's what I'm putting on the side skirt now, but I also have more damage, which wasn't my fault. Okay, this wasn't my fault. Look at this. This was new. This one was new. Looking full of water I contacted Porsche about it and said, excuse me, I bought this new and it's full of water, what do I do? And they didn't say, "Oh, thanks Matthew, we'll take it back and exchange it." for you I have to fill out warranty forms and those things make it difficult, I didn't get you a goldfish first so my dad got to work taking the back of the car apart to get to that light and I started putting the side skirt on two hours, it's coming off now we're going to take this light bar off 3 2 1 and it's going to go off again.
More clips should go on the side skirt to allow it to fit to the car. clip it in clip it in clip it in you know when you know when you're younger you want to be a cameraman no, I want to be a footballer good job that doesn't have light bulbs, isn't it like that every time you brake? The light bulb comes on, you have to remove all this. Yeah, we got it right when my dad turned off the taillight. It looks like they repaired it before there was a load of tiger seals. Is this a new new M light?
New member, car came with no backup, looks like it was restored, repaired, were we scammed? Did this open? No, this was definitely new, wasn't it? It's like the Target seal, isn't it? So we had to do it. Please check the pictures of your fitment on the taillight to make sure it didn't have the Target stamp on it when we purchased it. This one doesn't have that black taret stamp. I have a conspiracy. I think the conspiracy is actually Matt's. He crashed this once before this accident and now we had to repair it with something from Target.
He's hiding it from everyone and we found out it didn't have the seal when we first bought it. Wait, wait, she doesn't actually have where he is. It's been Body Shop oh oh controversial that's not good so maybe it was the body slam that caused this damage and after some texting we found out they made a small split in the light and tried to fix it with the lens . seal but it didn't quite work but they admitted it and everyone makes mistakes they offered to buy a new tail light which is what I did. I just had to wait for the taillight to appear along with all the other parts.
Needed ready guys we have parts we have a new light £744 for a light yes this came from our lovely friends at Silverston Porsche so I hope I have learned from my mistakes after this video. I don't crash. because we would have to rebuild the Porsche three times in two to not drive in NS so I always crash a kns and I won the BMW race when I was in Van so I always use Vans to drive, get more feel with the pedals, what Come on, mom, what? The light is broken, wow, he left it too when he saw that one was off.
Let's do with that one? It's on the wrong side Suzy no, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, you've got two in there, there's another one in there No way, yeah, look, someone needs to learn right and wrong Sinister. I don't have words for that. Well, we're going to have to rebuild the bottom. We'll go back to the back. It seems we can't get started. the back of the car still, so now we're going to go underneath and fix all the problems there, oh, some people like to buy these cars and


say, "I'll just dive on a track and not drive." It's reached its full potential at least I found the limit to be true, so now I just need to go a little below that and that's when you're at your fastest.
You know who Adrian's words of wisdom are from. New with the front under the tra. unscrewed, we were finally able to get it out of the car. Could you look at that fuel tank with a little brown crease? This is all new because we replaced it when we


it. Well, we replaced it, right? and it doesn't look very good. New doesn't matter anymore, the first tray underneath is off now I'm on the second one and there are a lot of bolts holding this. I just hope there's no damage Underneath everything One 2 3 4 5 6 that was new any damage to the bottom of the floor or we're fine we got away with it lovely just a little damage here look oh perish it just goes away It stood out by really saving how these well-built cars, they go fast, they crash, well, they crash better than that, they slide on that little slotted dash.
I think he went over that, yeah, that's more AG in New, oh, you got them both out, you got them both out, absolute pepper, we're doing good, we're doing good, so on this one I'm sure we have have to eliminate some. little arrow for the parts on The Floor Yo, that looks cool, look, look at all these little squares to give it extra air, not really, that's a little square, I think so, but I think it's so you can place this in different areas. for different arrows, oh so these are all little circles cut out, yeah you just have to cut out the little square so you can put one of those things in and


you can add the arrow to it, this is way too complicated for what it is.
It has to be done, look at that arrow, look at the face, oh god, oh no, okay, everything is OEM, check everything, all the arrows back on all the clips are back for the side skirts, apart from two because We need to put them on when we go down the ramp, but everything looks good down here, so we can put this down from time to time and then put all this back on once we have the proper taillight, which is a little annoying. It only has one eye on the back. right ramp I put those last two sides SK things in look the nose lift is useful all the time that's good well done guys let's wait for the tail light tail light please please don't do it don't do it yes it's the right side yeah oh right now the big light bar how big do you want your light bar? that big yeah, that's Cyclops, there we go, oh, that's tight, is that right?
Should you see if it works before putting everything in? Yes oh yes, yes, oh yes, beautiful things that look pretty good, aren't they almost there to get in? Yes, the work is done to show you the final product and there it is, finished, looking as good as ever. Now I know I should take my time. on the track, but this car now looks absolutely crazy in that star Ruby red. I think it's a lesson we learned, we fixed what we broke and then we fixed the Porsche again. Thank you so much for watching this video, let me know what you think about the color I guess.
I'll see you in the next video, peace, oh, oh, oh, oh, no, yeah, who trusted you with this car, who trusted you with this car, you like a stoned bed, I just can't deny it.

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