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I Watched Zack Snyder's Justice League in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

Jun 07, 2021
Hi everyone, I'm the Canadian guy and I


Zack Snyder's Justice League on d-dot


which took me over four days so I had to make this count and guess




. 25 new details from the movie. which will literally blow your mind and make you appreciate Snyder's cut even more, but before we begin, give me 51 seconds to thank today's sponsor, Cove's commuter 2, now that this speaker is unique and has some immediate features that You wouldn't even wait. I like to use it when I'm editing a video or if I just want to disconnect from my headphones, but this is the fun part.
i watched zack snyder s justice league in 0 25x speed and here s what i found
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so click the link in the description to get your own commuter speaker 2, thanks again. to cove for sponsoring this video number one when flash fights with superman for the first time flash was ready to use this special power against superman let me explain to you look how flash raises his hand while superman prepares to fire his laser beam the flash pointed with the same gesture again at the end which allowed him to pass and survive the explosion, so this raising of his hand is something that activates his phasing ability and the fact that he made the same gesture when Superman was about to fire his laser beam proves it . that this hand gesture is Barry preparing to do


ever it takes to survive and yes, I noticed this Ben Parker Easter egg, but at this point who didn't, so I won't include it on list number two if Have you seen the movie, you know that Aries takes a big hit on Darkseid's right shoulder.
i watched zack snyder s justice league in 0 25x speed and here s what i found

More Interesting Facts About,

i watched zack snyder s justice league in 0 25x speed and here s what i found...

Not only did he manage to make a huge gash in his right shoulder, but he made it through Darkseid's armor, but this is w


I noticed one of my favorite details from the movie. After all these years, Darkseid didn't even bother to fix his armor or get a new one. He still carries the memory of the only loss of him. This shows how angry he is about what happened number three when Bruce Wayne brings all of his work friends to bat. Cave Alfred offers to make them some tea, but then says this, I'll make the tea.
i watched zack snyder s justice league in 0 25x speed and here s what i found
Great, I don't know where we'll find the mugs, probably because no one goes there except him and Bruce, but notice when Bruce was talking. In his nightmare in the background we can see some cups, so it seems that Alfred managed to find those extra cups number 4. Victor says Wonder Woman's funeral in his vision, but pay attention to the left side of the screen, here we can see to Darkseid. looking down on the funeral, so he's clearly allowing the Amazons to feel the pain of losing one of their finest. I think it was probably Darkseid who let the Amazons organize a funeral in the first place and that's just rude.
i watched zack snyder s justice league in 0 25x speed and here s what i found
Also notice the way Darkseid turns around. He steps forward a little and stays there. This is the exact same dark side vfx model that Snyder used to use later in the climax again, but from a different angle. Darkseid's Omega Beam #5 was a delight for all DC fans, especially seeing it underwater. The lightning even boiled the water right there, but that's not my detail. I'm going to freeze this frame right now. Tell me what you see. Nothing yet. How about another clever detail now? Hey, number six in this scene. Victor's father, Silas Stone, was overheating the manufacturing of the motherboard. its core, the hottest thing in the world, Silas realized that Steppenwolf would obtain the mother box, so he infused it with his signatures, allowing the heroes to locate it before the unit occurred, but in the process he had to sacrifice himself now, I noticed as he was vaporized.
He started bleeding first on the left side of his chest, which means that his heart congratulates the vfx team for such an accurate representation of number seven. Now this is possibly my favorite detail I


in this movie. Exactly 24 minutes and five seconds of the film are in slow motion. movement mainly because it's the best way to show off Flash's abilities, but it's always nice to see his


from another person's perspective and that's what we got to see in this movie when the Flash was saving civilians from falling debris. . In fact, I managed to see what he actually does it at a spike speed, he hits the flying rocks, kicks them, punches them and stands in the center of the group looking up, but here comes my favorite part for three frames, you can even see it standing on the side thinking about what to do next.
So even though this all happened in the blink of an eye, the flash is so fast that he was even able to think of his next move, that's an amazing detail. Unfortunately, most people don't even notice the number eight when Louis Lane visits a coffee shop at first. from the movie



also appears in the background, i know most of you already knew this detail, but i just wanted to include it as a thank you to



number nine, lois lane has a pregnancy test kit in a drawer and at the end of the movie bruce congratulates clark also congratulations by the way now zack snyder has confirmed that lewis and clark are indeed going to have a baby zack had planned that his son would be born without any powers and would eventually become the new batman number 10 at the end of the movie when the martian hunter takes off from bruce wayne's house, if you watch this scene at spiky speed, you will notice that the hall of


or wayne mansion is under construction, a very very subtle easter egg, but it's funny that the people keep wondering who batman is while bruce wayne lives literally a mile away from courtroom number 11 when the flash travels back in time and reverses the explosion superman's body begins to rematerialize but watch when the same thing happens to cyborg , the visual effects department made sure to only put meat on his face and not his body.
I know most of you have probably noticed it at normal speed too, but it looks much better in slow motion. We have to give credit to the visual effects team for so much attention to detail number 12 when Victor has a vision of the nightmare timeline, sees Superman crying with Lois Lane's corpse in his arm, then Darkseid enslaves Superman, probably with the NT Life ad in the background, we can see the Robin suit we saw previously in Batman v Superman, so this confirms it. this event is taking place in the bat cave and this is why superman turns evil in the nightmare timeline because he now blames batman for the death of louis lane initially when there was no hope of getting a snyder cut In a session q, Zack Snyder actually revealed his plans. for



2. if zach had continued to work in the dc extended universe, justice


2 would look somewhat like this batman convincing the league that they should take the dark side by surprise before to invade Earth again, so Superman entrusts Batman to keep Lewis safe.
He so they hide her in the bat cave, but Darkseid discovers him and goes to the bat cave and kills her. This triggers the nightmare timeline as seen in Victor's vision and the chaos continues until Flash travels back in time to warn Bruce about what is happening, but Flash mistakenly arrives at an earlier point we saw in Batman. v superman but then he travels back to the right time and tells bruce to save lois at any cost, this time batman sacrifices his life instead of lois and the league also defeats darkseid and this is how the league would have turned out.
Justice 2 and 3. Number 13, Barry recognizes that using his power causes him to lose an extreme amount of calories, which is not safe, so he has to consume a lot of calories to balance it out, which he calls a snack. He made me burn a huge amount of calories. I'm a sandwich. He now looks at what Alfred prepared for Barry. A huge bowl of number 14 frilled ships at the end of the movie. Lex Luthor delivers Deathstroke. A little drink. Take care of a glass of goo that the Now this champagne sells in the real world for $1.4 million a bottle.
It's just a random fact. I thought the guys would like to know the number 15 at the end of the movie during the nightmare sequence. This shot of Superman slowly looking up is reused footage. from batman v superman probably to save some money there number 16 batman tells alfred that superman will be back alfred asks what makes you so sure batman answers faith alfred faith he will be here alfred i know what makes you so sure face it now yes Look to Man of Steel, there is a similar scene where a church father tells Clark about the leap of faith.
Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later, so there's a nice little connection and I'm very happy. snyder has doubled down on this because faith is one of the main characteristics of batman number 17 when barry sneaks into star lab he shows a fake ID now in the josh whedon cut there was a mistake in the date of birth that would make the profile fake Barry was just a 7-year-old boy, but in the Snyder cut the number 18 is fixed. Every time Cyborg has a vision or when he has to fight one of the mother boxes, in the end he always imagines himself in his human form, but realizes it as soon as he comes to terms.
With this new life he has, he no longer imagines himself in his human form, so in a way, Viktor has accepted the way he is now number 19 in the final battle when Superman first arrives and says that not impressed, which was actually taken directly from the comics issue 20 after bruce wayne leaves with barry there is a sign here that says you are not alone this is a real life foundation that works to prevent suicides one of The central elements in the snyder cut campaign was to donate to this charity number 21. To revive Superman, the league needed an additional charge of the Flash to generate power and after the Flash successfully transmitted that power, they did not have enough room to reduce speed, so it crashed into Superman's ship.
Now a lot of people seem to think Barry confronted. the wall of Superman's ship, but here's proof that he broke the wall and didn't go through it number 22 at this point, he probably smiled a little when Batman said this about Alfred, everyone, this is Alfred, I work for him, like this Although it was the other way around, but out of respect for Alfred, he said the opposite. We also saw a similar type of interaction in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. I guess you're going to lock me up too. I'll tell them it was all yours. Idea 23 Batman was standing in his bat tank, also known as a war machine, near the end of the movie.
This is straight from the Dark Knight Returns comics, but notice that the mutant gang from the same comics can be seen tied up, so it's not some random thug, it's clearly someone else. easter egg number 24 in barry allen's intro scene, pay attention to the truck involved in the accident, says gardner-fox, which is a reference to dc comics writer gardner fox, who co-created both flash and the league of justice, in addition to introducing the multiverse to dc number 25 in the scene where bruce wayne meets barry allen for the first time in the background we can see some hand drawn designs that barry has been working on, you can see that he tried to find a emblem similar to the superman symbol and that is This would be my breakdown of Zack Snyder's Justice League at point 25 at high speed and I admit that it is a thousand times better than what we had in 2017.
But if you think about it, it really You can't throw a four. one hour movie in theaters at least not from a business perspective, so if someone comes along and cuts a four hour cut into two hours, that movie is bound to have problems in theaters, so it's not entirely Joss Whedon's fault That Justice League didn't work, I understand that it added some elements that didn't make any sense, but it also had no choice but to eliminate important elements of the plot. I think all the characters should have gotten their origin stories first and then come together for a Justice League movie.
I can't really put origin stories into a movie that literally focuses on a completely different villain, but we still finally got Snyder's cut and I think he does justice to most of the characters, especially Victor and Barry. If you like this video, please give it to me. Like and hit the subscribe button if you haven't received my yetofficial merchandise from, follow me on Instagram and Twitter for updates on my videos until then, see you in the next one, Kalel no.

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