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I Tried Minecraft Skyblock, but it's HARDCORE Survival (#1)

May 05, 2024
I've survived thousands of days in an infinite world of Minecraft Hardcore where I have access to an endless supply of blocks and materials, so I asked myself: what if everything disappeared and all I was left with was a small island of land? What could I do? create, so how long can I survive when I fall into the void? It means everything is over. Welcome to the stalwart Skyblock, where I have nothing more than a few pieces of land and an oak tree to begin my journey and build a mega base in the sky in a single life.
i tried minecraft skyblock but it s hardcore survival 1
Today's journey starts with a chest of materials to get started, but first I need to cut down this tree, I got the first log, we're good, we're good, that's a good start, the last one I'll leave for now as I need it. a platform to make sure I can get a sapling first. Gather as much dirt as I can on my island while maintaining the bottom layer using the four logs I have so far. All of these need to be converted into planks, one for a crafting table, which will be very go here precariously and first and foremost I will need a pickaxe, there is no time for the most important element of Skyblock, a cobblestone generator here, ice on this side breaking up, we have the water flowing down in the center and then if we put the lava.
i tried minecraft skyblock but it s hardcore survival 1

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i tried minecraft skyblock but it s hardcore survival 1...

Here we make cobblestones, now we are blocking the sky, ah, everything is going towards the lava, let's try to fix this much better as the sun sets on the first day of Skyblock. I gathered Cobblestone, turned it into slabs, and expanded my base platform. There it goes. wooden pickaxe, which means it's time to upgrade to the stone pickaxe with the next acquired cobblestone pieces. I need more slabs and to do something a little daring we need to go under the platform here and place Cobblestone under all the dirt and not drown. in the process, get me a good amount of cobblestones to keep me busy for a while.
i tried minecraft skyblock but it s hardcore survival 1
Next, I need to get this last log and try to get as many of these leaves as possible. Desperately, desperately, I need a sprout of this and some. apples yes, but I'm not getting too picky, maybe just an apple or two, a little snack, it's a sapling, yes, two, two, we haven't failed in Skyblock, we can continue, the first tree has given me three saplings , which is absolutely crazy before using them. Michael must create a beautiful Skyblock world, but there's an ugly side that means more cobblestone slabs to create a place where he can grow some trees.
i tried minecraft skyblock but it s hardcore survival 1
With the first dirt down, we could put the saplings in the back and then the flowers here in the front. maybe I'll get some bees and as they grow, the Moon will set and appear on the second day, where I still don't have seeds or a way to grow food, but we can grow sugar cane, grow, little friend, grow. The first full stack of cobblestones has been collected by trying. to beat the timer before the dreaded third night and the Phantom plummeting. My stone peak. Lee collected all the cobblestone he could get. I'm going to need another pickaxe right now because this isn't even close. too much, oh my goodness, our first tree, nice second tree, perfect, still no bees, but this is a big improvement.
I'll always need more slabs here, so let's create a ton and add them to the edge to hopefully get all of these. leaves to let their shoots fall on the platform an acquired shoot yes, more perfect, okay, we can fill. I would like to plant the next one here but I will only give it one soil since this is all the soil I have to work with until I can sand gravel to make more which I don't think I can do until we are in the abyss back to the quest at hand, as I want to create a dark room to hopefully spawn some spiders before the sun goes down, like I need to. rope to create a bed, this I need to move 24 blocks away from my main island so that Hostile Mobs can appear on this side.
I just need to create a platform for them to appear on and then give it a roof, oh wait. I have another tree you know what to save me time. I think it's time to upgrade and give us a little acquired cobblestone X. We grab the sticks and craft the stone ax back to Cobblestone mining while I desperately wait for an apple to drop. from the tree as my hunger is slowly running out oh another tree wow there are a lot of young trees but the sun is setting right now which means the ghosts are coming okay I have to remove the dirt more slabs.
Don't panic, don't panic. Don't panic and the plants have links that will definitely spawn mobs oh no that's not good that's not good this is really not good here we need to build a small wall temporarily and make it so that the mobs can't come back with us and before fandoms come, I need a small platform above my head real quick, now just grab some oak slabs, I definitely need more. I still don't have food, so taking any amount of damage could be fatal until we have some way to get the hunger bar back for now.
I'm going to have to wait outside at night in this kind of little security bunker, oh God, let's smell the oak logs a little so we can get some charcoal and create torches just to make things a little safer. One of my favorite parts of Skyblock is grinding Cobblestone, but the more I can do now, the better off I'll be later. The sun is finally rising. The fourth day is starting and right there, oh, I'm glad I built that wall that's a creepy platform. Speaking of which, look at all the pavers we now have to work with, there are almost five and a half piles and I forgot to plant my last oak sapling for us to take down.
The sun is rising and I hope I can make it here. yeah, they're burning, that's good, we'll just collect the drips after no, no, I thought they couldn't hit me from above the slab, that's a bad idea and then I'll give you a nice roof over your house. after burning yourself to death, oh there are a lot of creepers, oh yes, yes, okay do we have our first mob kills or are there more. I see you're a sneaky guy, you won't bring me here buddy, all the better, here we go, we've got our first one. bones with the Cobblestone I have.
I would like to replace the base of the Cobble gen no, that is a gonder, it is a land that is gone, the reason I am collecting this is that I need more of that grass, so if we start a new place for it to start grow here, hopefully the grass will start to grow downwards and we can use the bone meal here to get some seeds. No seeds but I got two more flowers which means we have another chance for the bees and I think it's time to plant the shiny berry, I could have ground it up to eat, oh no, back to the mob spawner, let's go where For now I think this large platform will be enough to get you through the first few days, you know how to make this look uniform. better because isn't it beautiful?
So far you can take some of the oak logs and get a bunch of oak slabs blocking this here means it should be dark inside and the mobs will start to spawn hopefully now meanwhile you are waiting. To get the mobs to appear, I got to work cutting down what trees I could and expanding the platform as much as I could with the cobblestone slabs I had available. The sapling count is really starting to fill up around here and these things are filling up constantly. As soon as all the leaves break, but my hunger is decreasing dangerously soon I won't be able to run anymore, so I hope we can get an apple from this tree, oh my God, so close, so close we can almost regenerate hearts.
Yes, we have the perfect third apple and other saplings are replanted with nine leftovers and an extra apple as a snack for later. Okay, let's check to see if the darkroom has generated anything, but you just bet, just a bunch of bets, you drop anything. However, I'll take it as a net sugar cane has grown so we can move it over here and Knight is down which means I need to sit under this platform one more time oh man I wish I had saved some of that flour of bones, speaking of which I can do. a composter here and maybe use some of the saplings, this will be a risk but it may not be worth it, it's not worth it at all, oh that was a big waste, in the meantime let's get back to Breaking Cobblestones though maybe grab a Torch here, pick one of the tiles, be quick.
I'll be quick and we just do one here and one here so the trees can keep growing at night and to make sure this stays safe in case you're far from here. let's make another torch on top emerging into a new day. I have a new goal for me, but first I have some tasks to do, like checking the dark room where we have mobs, then I will do my best to safely collect all the mob jobs and or not. we kill too many bats on the way we get a bone for three bone meal, two arrows and a rope and it's something, maybe I can start my farmer's journey with some seeds, yes, we have one, we have a seed, we craft a stone hoe , here we can. start farming which means I will soon have an unlimited source of food by turning wheat into bread, for now I can use the two bone meal I have for that and hopefully yes we now have two wheat and we will move on to the next task.
I need another stone ax here, since the first one is very broken, literally, very broken, so I continued cutting down all the trees that had grown overnight and decided to use a little more dirt to create even more spaces for the trees. I will be growing because I am going to need a lot of wood for this next project to achieve my next goal of building a gangster farm. I need to get out to the mangrove, but it's getting dark once again. Oh, these days are flying by leaving me with a little more time to cut down trees and collect more cobblestones before the morning to prepare for the adventure Apple, that's the strangest way I could have said Apple, but I'm not hungry anymore , so it's good, uh, the days are almost here.
Once again, it's time for a busy, busy day after a busy night on SkyBlock Island emerging from the block cover to avoid the darkness. Now I can finish tearing all these leaves. Now we have a lot of oak logs and I'm going to grab all these cobblestone slabs and it's time to take a look oh I'm hearing some mobs oh hello mobs there are no vines inside just one more spider to take care of and let's open the middle for now like that no mob should appear here during the day and I can slowly leave oh, we have six threads, there is one wool, we only need two more before the adventure, get some bone meal and make some more bread and some plots more of farmland where we now have our first bread. delicious and I finally have so much junk that it's time to expand the storage a little risking everything.
I pad it through the void hoping to get to the swamp island where I really hope there's some water around here, yeah look at that. oh infinite water fountain oh this is amazing yes yes yes okay, I need my bucket, let's cross very carefully here walking very slowly so as not to use hunger, look at that up there oh, there is a pillow to help post, I don't . I think I want to go there, but here we go, first another bucket of water. I need to get an infinite water fountain a little closer to home, so I'm thinking about transforming the inside of this guy into our Cobble farming region Jen I.
I'll return this by throwing a torch here before it gets too dark, but we can't put it there and yes, infinite water at home, big updates, dual generation is back up and running and I would like to take all of these seeds as well as the land surrounding the Cobble gem because I think it could be better used somewhere else when the sun rises again . I'll make it a little better on the inside, something we can actually use, but for now let's leave room with our sugar. reed to grow and fill the rest of the room with soil with an unlimited source of water acquired.
All I need now is a bunch of oak logs to build a mob farm in this Skyblock world. Now I want this to not look horrible, it's just pretty horrible, so I'll use oak planks to build it first, branching my platform in this direction. You create a platform to stand on while we collect all the drips from the mop. I'm going to make all the mobs fall onto this little slab platform. and I can attack them from the outside with a few more slabs around so I don't fall, this feels much safer, it makes other mobs unable to attack me.
I can install some hatches over here and then we'll just get started. build upwards in case I need to access these points as I go up. I'm thinking some rings where I can see and placing blocks could be a very smart idea. 18 blocks above the mob should take a good amount. of fall damage once they get here and now we need to build some channels for the water to push them towards the middle with the pillarcreated. The next step is to create space for the water to push the mobs down using these oak channels and trapdoors on the sides I can place them in water which should push everyone to the center.
It's supposed to be one block further away. Hold on. I can fix it much better. I just need a lot more water, but night is coming so I probably don't want to. Being stuck here I accumulated a good amount of apples here to eat, so I'll do this with a full belly. I spent the rest of the night cutting down more trees to build. Oh, I'm hearing a lot of mobs. up here please tell me this is going to be safe, it's definitely not safe, okay this could be a big problem. Oh, there's no way they're falling.
I screwed up badly. This is not good at all. That guy will be up there for a long time. I've had an idea for a long time, if I go in from the bottom and take out all of these, maybe the mobs will just fall to the center try a try one hit this vine hello Andy's in oh yeah it worked spider up here we're just going to send him on a trip now I have unlimited water above and I should probably repair this to put it back in place now we just need to line this up with all of our oak hatches and now we place this on the spawning platforms.
Currently it would be very effective at night once you remove the paver in the middle, but I want it to work at all times of the day, meaning we need walls and a roof. I'm not currently looking for Enderman, so I'll just make him too high inside so we have zombie skeletons, vines, and spiders. I'm out of materials, cool, please don't spawn everything into nothing before I come back, wait, that's a piece of golden armor, oh yeah, upgrade, finish off the roof and remove the cobblestone in the middle, oh no, oh, I never fixed these sides, oh, They're all supposed to be one longer, oh disgusting.
Yes, this is Max, oh, this is going to work very well late into the night. Now we have fixed it and everything is fully extended. I should re-open my torches halfway and take them out. Heck, out of here now, hopefully a lot of spiders and not just Cobblestone start dropping here in the center at any moment, who will be our first mob, a creeper with that working. I can let the mob build up for a while, so I think it's time to revisit it. a farmland since depending on apples is a bit difficult and look we now have eight seeds and the sugar cane is growing very well with the seeds planted.
I got to work cutting down the oaks once more, another pile of logs for me. and which one oh look at that look at all those mobs oh don't blow it up please don't charge oh no oh no this is bad yes, I have to kill the creepers quickly spaces up there bad idea very bad idea I have music holes in the disk good idea wait , I have a carrot, oh this is huge, huge, today is a big day, we can play to hear it, yes, I saw the vine explode, please don't kill everyone, let's just cover them with some trap doors and open them.
I do need them oh look at all this loot we are getting oh this is a good day now we have wheat and we have carrots soon we will also have potatoes and I'm keeping an eye out if we can get a zombie villager With all the bones I have acquired we can turn them into bone meal which I can use to get some more glow berries and expand food production a bit more and most importantly we can make bone meal in the fields to fill this. All over the place, of course, including as many carrots as I can get my hands on.
This is starting to be a really successful Skyblock world. I am happy with everything I have achieved. We have a farm. We have a place to grow our trees. I have a mob farm and I have my Cobble gene that I haven't used for a while. I'm running out of nothing. I think I saw a witch here, so I really want to see what we can get out of there. I see a potato, I really should save the witch, we will get one in the future, it won't be the last one, he lashed out, I should have saved it, there is another rope in the middle, although I desperately need it, ignore the arrow. in my head that's enough for two pieces of wool total, i.e. one more and we can sleep through the night with the mob farm completed, a sustainable tree farm, and now a solid food source.
My next goal is to reach the nether dimension in hopes of getting gravel from piglens but hold the phone here we have a zombie villager I need it desperately uh those are super rare too ignore me I'm almost dead okay wait wait wait big improvements we have three walls with this I can create a bed and sleep the night, oh this is awesome, let's get some Cobble, if I head up here to the Gap I created, I should be able to block this from mobs coming down, okay, that was creepy, since Here we select everything very carefully. except the zombie villager, he should be alone there now and if I can get in with a boat or maybe I would just take him out and put him there, okay this is going to be stressful.
I'm making a strange noise, he says uh. emergency bread boat for safety is okay for safekeeping I want to bring the zombie villager this way, everyone please don't disappear. I'm building them an ideal house for him to spend some time, but so that the zombie doesn't burn to death. during the day you need a roof over your head where this should work pretty well and I'll put a torch up here to make sure no mobs spawn and then you'll have full cover walking to the end with torches inside and now we just add the boat on the medium to hopefully run out here hello buddy come to the boat yeah oh we have our first zombie villager now I just need to open this up again to get the mobs flowing and one us.
We'll need gold from the abyss, which we'll get to soon and then I need a witch and then we can cure him and get our first zombie villagers. Our villagers, oh, are flowing like water with my new friend protected from the risk of sunburn. I've decided I want to build my entire base around the mob farm, there's just weird stuff sticking out everywhere, since I want to enter the Nether next. I need 10 obsidian that I can't break, so we have to be careful with this. one I'm also going to need the lava, you know what, well I have all these bows here, I think I can combine them and get an almost completely repaired bow, yeah, perfect, and I have a pile of arrows, zombie villagers or witches and No, that one it's a broken sword, not this time, but that's okay since I think we're already branching out that way here and then I need to be a little away from the wooden structure before it catches fire, but for some reason I want to put the nether portal right here, we're going to make this all up as we go, being very careful not to waste obsidian. two at the bottom one two three one two three unfortunately we can't fill the corner so I feel really bad. about this one, but there's the next one.
I need planks on this side and I think if I put my lava here, that should catch fire and light up the portal for me. Yeah, add a little safety railing around everything and there we go. a definitely safe nether portal and throw the lava back at the Cobble generation before he accidentally loses it and ends the series. Now I need a bunch of slabs because I don't really know what I'm getting into on the other side. Did you know? If I'm preparing a little, I should go all the way. I'm almost out of food again, where I can use all my bone meal to prepare wheat to grow.
Harvest everything, rinse and repeat this several times. so I can get as much wheat as possible from this bone meal one trailer later and a pile of wheat oh no oh no oh my house why is it burning I thought it was safe there no no no no no no no no no no no no No, how come that never burned before? You know what, at least now I have a ton of bread and we can throw everything else in here. Okay, time to move on. No way, that's a witch, oh, that's a witch we need. that everything is happening at the same time.
I had so many plans of things I wanted to do that they've been blocking things this whole time. Okay, we're locked down again and I have another ship. Our witch is alone inside and I really don't want to. Put it here because she's going to poison me every time she enters the portal, so he could have his own little box on this side. For now I built this little temporal resonance here for our witch and I hope we can catch it. Put the canister down and I keep running and he'll come in and we're already poisoned okay come on let's walk here please I need you to walk straight towards that one specifically towards that canister yes he can.
I won't catch us. I'll wait until he stops poisoning me. I love poison. Poison is great. I'm having a great time right now. It's okay now from this side. I'm just going to box a little, of course. Of course that gets too hard, oh my god, you better be worth it, okay, now we have a witch on a boat and we have a zombie villager on a boat and I want to cry. I almost died and I'm not even in the abyss. However, today I'm having a great day, get rid of the spider and we'll open the floodgates once again, look at them, I'll go, oh my god, there are so many light bulbs, she has boots of course, there's another witch here now of course. of course I don't want to see you at all I don't want to do anything with you I hate witches they are scary and they are gone I have everything I need I have a new pickaxe We have a ton of cobblestone slabs and some wood if we need it too let's see what is happening in the background.
Oh, there's another portal right there, another Fortress, we see a Soul Sand Valley and there are little biomes around it, so it's like the Overworld just spread out and the first creepy step into the abyss is to make everything mob-proof because it doesn't. we want things to play anywhere, especially on this little platform here, but look at all that golden waiting. I can get a golden apple out of this. I do not do it. I don't think I can extract it with stone. I do not take risks. I think it was supposed to appear here, but we built the portal somewhere else inside the chest.
We have a load of fire. I'm going to leave that until I figure it out. Find out what I should do with it. Oh, you can light up the portal with it. It's a safe way out of here. I knew I'm a professional. You get piglets to breed. I need to get to the Crimson Forest which is on the other side of the void, so before we get there. get there I'd like to create a really simple gold farm that runs quite far from the portal. First of all, create a safe for myself so that the zombie pigs can't reach me on the roof so that the gas can reach me.
They won't spawn and then build a big platform for the zombie piglets to spawn Greg near the fence gate and hopefully this means they can't attack me, but it looks like they're not quite turning yet, hopefully if I move towards here, them. We're just getting started, look at you, oh pigs, wait too, that's huge. I don't have to go there. I have gold so they shouldn't attack me, but none of them have a bow so I can take them out. Here we go, now we have the Gold Farm action. Skyblock is all about slow little games, so sorry mate.
I'll need it because now I have three gold bars, which are huge, and the golden helmet before I get carried away. I need to get back to basics, we have three gold bars so far and I need a total of 16 to heal two villagers, but I only have one pile of Cobble left and I'm also running out of logs, so let's cut all of these down. guys, come down and start working a little better on a second chest with Kabul and almost four stacks of logs ready to go. The only item stopping me at this point is iron, which will come from the zombies at the mob farm. wait, I just received my first iron.
I went back to make more swords and okay, we already have one that will go right here, some swords ready for a long grind and another thing to help here will be a fishing rod. take the articles from The Middle, are you already number two? Oh, this is going very well today. I can fish with a rod for part of the loot. Wait, I think I see a fisherman there. I have to clean this up, just a touch to make sure it's actually one there was a chicken there was a chicken kill the chicken oh no yes I see a villager oh my god there are two make this a little easier I've been adding railings around the base so far well like waiting for things to happen there's no third iron yet but we can't get ready to farm villagers as soon as I can get some gold technically I only need one of them so I'll get rid of the ones I don't They're fishermen in case you're a jerk and your friendly skeleton with one.
More ship ready to go I just need to open this Hello friend, do you want to come with me Yes, look at you, you are so cute and come with me, my friend. Hello, you can jump. Yes, you can look at that. Yeah come on. here on the boat yes, okay, we have two villagers ready to go. I just need to figure out how to get two golden apples and we can cure them. One more iron and everything is possible. I finally got one. I finally got one. Finally we have. our third piece of iron is stuck in the middle, so I needed anew fishing rod, but look at that, give me the iron, please, yes, okay, here we go perfect.
I already have a bucket so I'm pretty confident on that front but with this iron now we have three and I can make myself a pick iron oh that feels good. I need to be very careful with this pickaxe for now, but there are a few things we can do with it. I have to be very careful with these spikes. I don't want to break it because it was very difficult to get, but now that we have these two blocks of gold and some slaps can go back there, now I have 21 gold bars to my name, we take some of our apples.
I've been collecting, we can create two golden apples before trying the next part. I would like a little more food because it's going to hurt a lot. We almost have enough seeds to plant a huge field here soon and I have a ton more. bread for me as beautiful as the luminous bears are here. I think they're going to have to go because I need to take this thing down completely and I think if I get in the boat with this guy he won't be able to hit me, no. we can definitely poison ourselves that's not good we're waiting for weakness let's start eating as soon as I can oh I'm on the boat with the other guy oh I hate this second shot back on the witch ship come on friend weakness throw away the potion of weakness we want the weakness potion we desperately need the weakness potion no, that's poison again oh there is weakness immediately please tell me you have the villagers he didn't hit the villagers no maybe if I stay here he consumed many loaves of bread and now please throw away the weakness no, that's poison again that's harmful I don't like the damage okay, we're not, we're not being friendly today we try again this is 25 chances, come on buddy, there's weakness Okay, police work yeah we've done it two keychains I'm getting rid of the Witch and they're gone we just have to wait a little longer for these two to heal and that'll be a whole new world welcome home friends not anymore We are alone in this Skyblock world.
Now I have two villagers. to help me survive with a solid base setup in this world. I'm starting to feel safe. Soon it will be time to make this world a home. SkyBlock's tough adventure continues in episode two. Subscribe so you don't miss anything, be sure to leave. Like here on episode 1 as it really helps me with the YouTube algorithm, but with that I'll watch you all elsewhere.

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