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I Made a 100 Player Skyblock Challenge!

May 29, 2021
I have 100 Minecraft


s and 100 islands. Each


will be teleported to a random island where they will have limited resources. Then they will have to make tools and fight each other until the server of death. They will teleport everyone to their island. Oh, I almost fell, no. Everyone has their own island and they are going to gather resources, build bridges and fight each other and the last man to be among all these islands will win a ten thousand dollar Taco Bell gift card. OMG I'm going to try so hard to get this taco bell. whoever wins will get to eat taco bell for free until the day they die oh carl wow oh he just broke up with this guy they're fighting oh chris we have a war in our heads chris tv they're both in poor health who's going to win oh , lost some materials but it's okay chandler i


a cobblestone generator this guy is trying to kill me carl help no i hate you die i asked you to help me and you didn't know there is literally nothing , Chris, this person is about to attack. arrow oh this guy is based yeah this guy has a sniper nest and he's spongebob with the cheeseburger for a head.
i made a 100 player skyblock challenge
I don't know if that will win at the end of the game. I've never gotten this far. I'll be honest, oh oh, sticky keys. i got action here jimmy the bucket of water that's bullying oh oh oh oh oh big brain is huge oh bigger brain he's quite the boy oh my god okay he got the dub good job good job there's so many fights over everywhere I can't even keep up with all this excitement Hello, wait, how did he do the sprint? Are you hacking? What were you saying? Oh, what's up, brother? Yeah, we won this, we won this, why is Carl screaming?
i made a 100 player skyblock challenge

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i made a 100 player skyblock challenge...

It seems like a lot of people came up and fought. carl hi carl i can hear you screaming from the other room what happened i have two deaths so far and i avenged chandler's death oh chandler died yeah he's gone carl could win he's really good at minecraft now where's my revive friend chandler what happened come on come on , no, I get it, oh, this person is being ambushed, oh, he was ambushed, but he's safe, oh no, he's not safe from death, oh no, that was the kid who won earlier, wait, what happened , what he said, we both died, he hit the guy and then.
i made a 100 player skyblock challenge
He said he wasn't done with you and left with him that guy now has three properties almost every base on the map is interconnected now that's crazy oh look at this guy's sky basically yeah no Chris look at this guy here same, he's got it I found out he's above the rest just mining don't take my stuff let my tree grow I'll let your tree grow of course the only thing I wanted oh we have a battle ahead crimson date turn around, idiot, not crimson. don't even see it, oh my god, you don't even see it, oh my god, oh, oh, the guy's headphones, so you hear something, oh my god, it looks like a war zone down here, what is this guy who looks at me like I'm Chandler, are they fighting? fighting oh they both suck yeah oh gotta get those supplies gotta go get it jimmy come look at this guy right now that skin is funny bro im gonna plug our island let's see what happens they're friends chris i think you


friends they can't be friends In a real battle it's like when two cubs meet for the first time they're like that's okay I just want everyone to get along I just want to farm let me be pleased you know what it is?
i made a 100 player skyblock challenge
It's not much, but it's an honest job, I'm crazy, I'm so good at video games, SpongeBob on the offense, Spongebob on the offense, SpongeBob armed, it's these three teammates, oh that's not even right , boss, because those three are teaming up, I have to give in. spongebob a sword oh spongebob spongebob just ate spongebob i put a block he just jumped he's leaving bye spongebob carl's lava and about this guy I'm going for him I'm hunting this guy I don't even care catch him carl carl let's see you're fighting someone show us your skill the world is watching carl he's rising what are you going to do?
I'm going to catch him I'm going to bring him right here ready Carl Carl oh oh okay One more day to finish are you an animal? Well there you go, there he is, oh those, Carl, calm down, he's dead, I'm crazy, that's all, I just need a few buckets of lava, there's a lot of loot down there, Carl, oh my god, Carl . do you want to show us a little more finesse hey carl 28 players left 28 carl you're going to win this I really think I can oh carl it's over carl is on you let's see, let's see it oh, you're done carl carl oh my god I have I have a strategy now I have a strategy it's well axes have more recoil so I have to change taxes only now a lot of people have died it's time for borders to shrink close outer islands servers war is breaking out what is it?
Let's crash your Dasher, the guy who killed SpongeBob just died, one two survived, this guy could have played the farming simulator, I mean he could win, but no one's about What if the last person gets killed? falls and this guy is down here farming, brother, look? watch out watch out another guy to your right oh oh i just got hit from two different directions i got crashed there were two people at the same time literally i said carl to your right and you just didn't turn around this guy who's next generating cobblestone from his spawn see, he's still been on this island the entire game, let's see if he accepts this.
I'm going to put iron right here. Look at his face. He looks so surprised at the idea. Oh oh, we have some contact. He's coming, there's about to be three people fighting right here, jimmy, hurry up, look, he's building a structure right now so he can't make lava oh, this kid is good, oh, he got blocked yeah, your lava's not there doing nothing but giving you new cubes, brother. 15 players remain the border is shrinking things are getting intense they're getting pretty hot I guess you could say mario is fighting oh we have two people here mario so I'm cute oh he caught him hey slime bucket slime bucket can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you, there are only 10 other people between you and a $10 Taco Bell gift card. I didn't know it was a Taco Bell gift card. Be careful, there's lava, okay, don't pay attention to Jimmy, don't pay attention to Jimmy. oh look at that oh there's water there's water there's water there's water just get it he missed it he missed it oh I thought I hit him rest in peace I jimmy distracted him imagine losing because jimmy wanted to talk to you I didn't make him lose buddy he literally looked up and then proceeded to place two blocks in the lava, he looked up, buddy, you almost caught him with all the water, even though that was so close, I was so close that there were eight other people standing between you and ten. thousand dollar taco bell gift card why i want taco bell whatever you do cherry make sure you win so you can eat free food until the day you die okay yeah that would work oh mario comes in oh lo you have, mario wins, come on, god, people are pulling holy shit ambush ambush oh oh mario no there's no green pipe to save him there are six players left and bitter has the high ground he's doing the obi-wan i have the high ground arnie we have some tension right here so we got pewdiepie hiding oh pewdiepie he just caught fire i got him on camera oh oh fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight oh oh my god that wasn't even a big fight he likes five heads , pewdiepie will be trapped in the area where pewdiepie is, you are right. here he is here here here I'll help him I'll help him this guy better start accumulating bitter lime he's just reached the top oh oh an ambush cobblestone is about to be ambushed oh he saw it he saw it oh big brain plays, he just got rid of the water, oh no there's an even bigger brain, okay, put in another water, oh my god, the strategies are out of this world, oh, he got rid of them again, he'll have to rebuild it out, he should have blocked that water . oh man, this lava wait, he got, he got on the benches on the ground, he's just looking at the signs, pete says I don't have a care in the world, what does he say, I need blocks please, oh, the war is happening, No, all that work for nothing, there are four left, oh and? now oh oh gobble i didn't realize oh my god oh my god oh my god what a maneuver oh my god if pewdiepie knew how to play video games they would know that Kabul only had five health oh oh oh oh oh go kill go kill oh well, come in , it's low i don't think pewdiepie knows how to really play pvp pewdiepie pewdiepie oh pewdiepie he's running oh pewdiepie died oh wow now there's a giant cobblestone tower because someone poured water on the lava now we can go deeper yeah that's smart we got bitter in the top, we have bacon here and then we have cobbles, three players for me, Kabul doesn't know it at the moment, but he has the best position so far, oh, there you go, oh oh, no, did he get it? he, he caught it oh, he caught it water, he caught water, he landed in the water and now he continues the conquest of him, he is going to get better.
The remaining three players have been added to the call. Yo, the man up there, what are you doing? He is raining lava. yes, he's been doing it for the last 20 minutes, bitter. Do you even have a microphone? Oh, I didn't know he's muted. fractured list wow he's saying he'll beat you guys at risk of fracture it's not even a


I just hear excuses so when I beat him he'll be like oh it's my broken wrist oh we have competition I love it I don't know if I told everyone this, but the winner gets a ten thousand dollar gift card and you're bitter, maybe you can trade it for a microphone whether you win or not.
We will give you a new microphone bidder. Are you really like that? That would be awesome yeah oh wait oh my god guys a fight broke out oh sorry we were talking about bitters mic wait cobble just killed bacon cobble that was so bad man also , why didn't any of you say anything and now it's Kabul? 7144 versus bitter can you get down here oh my god the big brain oh the lava is honking at it oh and now it's deposited oh my god what a beauty just get out of there while you can't oh my god that was the best. thing i have ever seen in my life yeah that was a big brain 500 iq play the safety brick safety brick safe bricks oh wait oh safety brick didn't work did you just burp?
I died I was about to say it like it happened well with the death of kabul that means bitter is the last man standing congratulations now you have free taco bell until the day you die you know what I have never had taco bell before you will have enough to not want to go back to eat it never again wow cobble we "We will give you a constellation prize. We will give you a 500 taco bell gift card for coming in second. Thank you. I would also like to make it clear that this video is not sponsored by taco bell.
Just I thought so". It would be funny goodbye

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