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I Tried Marine Bootcamp

Jun 03, 2021
spark once make the whole city look like a dark side of orange what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel. I'm here on Paris Island in South Carolina to train as a navy recruit for the next three days. I want to do all this. To better understand what thousands of men and women go through each year in the Marines and our military in general, this week I will be joined by three other YouTubers, Lucas Gomez, Jesse Laflaire and Caleb City. I want to say a special greeting. to the US Marine Corps for sponsoring this video and allowing me to do something very few civilians can do.
i tried marine bootcamp
I am fully aware that what I am doing is only three days of what each


experience is for 13 weeks. It is an honor. and it is a privilege to be here starting tomorrow I will wake up, get on a school bus, meet my instructors and they will hand me my ass. I accepted the challenge, what's up guys? My name is Jesse Laflaire, I am a professional parkour athlete and free runner. What's happening? My name is Lucas Gómez and I am a two-time national finalist on American Ninja Warrior um Caleb City. I don't know why I'm here.
i tried marine bootcamp

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i tried marine bootcamp...

I'm not completely qualified for this man move. I do not want any thing else. water, I'm tired of drinking water. I think parkour and free running have already given me an advantage on any obstacle, but I think this training goes much further. I think this will mainly be a mental challenge. The psychological aspect is what it's really going to be. ruin most of us jesse will be the absolute best he's always jumping off buildings and stuff i feel like this won't be a big deal for him michelle i'm sorry i'm the most worried about you please don't take that the wrong way i think I'm easily going to do the worst of the four of us but we'll see I have a heart I don't want to go anymore I'm ready for it I just don't feel like doing it I already know they're going to come out the door and they're going to mess with us so hard that they're going to come on the bus and kick our asses on the bus, y'all, look at me, now fuck my shirt, hey guys. you're on my bus, now you're, i bought the


corps recruit depot at paris hill in south carolina and you know i just took your first step towards becoming a member of the best fighting force in the world, the marine corps of the united states, you will do what you are told to do when you are taught to do it without a doubt the success of the marine corps depends on teamwork the word i will no longer be part of the vocabulary do you understand that we met the drill instructors What was the game on when they asked us to call someone? from home to let them know we were okay, I was literally so scared I called my dad and left him a voicemail and then I think my dad is worried because he texted and called Garrett like eight times and then we We wear the uniform. the uniform is very hot and very uncomfortable but it is practical sit up straight and look at me my name is drinking sergeant and I am your senior at the tournament discipline and spirit are the hallmarks of a marine we will do our best to train you even after some of you they have given up on your part we demand to continue you will give your 100 at all times be completely honest in everything you do a marine never lies or cheats he misses difficult words to strengthen his body his spirit and his mind above our lives never tweet or give up, so they made us line up and it was a game to say hello sir, it was a massive information overload, they were shouting at us at the top of their lungs ordering us to do repetitive tasks at first, I really didn't.
i tried marine bootcamp
I understand the point of this, but then it occurred to me that it is very important to know how to listen and execute quickly in a high-stress environment. He said, take your shirt off, put it back on, take your shirt off, put it back on, counting like 10 seconds. Yeah, I can't turn the knob, who the hell did we do? Did anyone ever say to plug in the top one? No, no, ma'am, then why would you make that silly look? You want me to fix you, little one, no, ma'am, you. You're a little girl no man how old are you 26 ma'am 26 yes but I have to fix you up right no ma'am you didn't say anything right all you're going to do is you're just going to walk to the obstacle you're going to grab this rope, do you understand?
i tried marine bootcamp
Yes, you are going to climb to the upper trunk. You understand? It's better, here we go, well executed, hard and cruel work was not the other. I thought obstacle courses would just be fun and it was very mentally difficult for me 90 degrees hands in the air bam just like that good job this is what we call the A-frame, you understand? It is also known as the difficult one. Now you understand that it is quite simple how to do it. negotiate this option, okay, first thing you're going to do, you're going to start with the two rope savers, you're going to climb the rope to the top, you understand, thanks, hey, we're going as high as you can shake that loose step when We went to the A-frame, they only told us about the first part, climbing the rope and just going up that path by itself was really scary because my arms were shaking, oh hey, so from here you're going to walk through the platform until you reach that frame that looks like an egg.
Then they told me to climb the A-frame and that was terrifying. Will I go down again after how I have done it? I haven't gotten that far yet, let me know you made it up there stop thinking about it just do it What if I fall? You're not going to fall now get up. I'm really afraid of my arm strength. Okay, just have one more. Step, stop thinking about it, yeah, and then they'll tell you to grab a rope and slide down. No, there is no feeling of being there suspended in the air with nothing attached to you.
There is no feeling of security. If you let go, you're screwed, but. For some reason, the instructors had more confidence in me than I did in myself and that really helped me get through it. I am very happy that I got through it and it makes me think of other times in my life when I want to do something and I didn't try hard enough. I just fired the M16. I don't know how I feel about guns and that whole thing in general. I feel like I've always had this perception that guns are really scary, but I felt it.
It empowered me to be able to have control and understand what I was doing there, see, yeah, okay, that was actually really fun. We are about to enter the gas chamber, which is a staple of the training camp. I am very afraid. I have never experienced suffocation. I almost drowned once, but I think this will be the next level. Once we are in the gas chamber, we will be asked to do a series of physical activities and maybe even take off our mask, which terrifies me greatly. Because this isn't even about physical prowess, it's completely mental, we're going to have to stand there for eight minutes and I'm really going to do my best to hold the floor if thousands of Marines can do this every year, I can too while you're on the camera you will be along the surface of the wall at all times you understand that at no time will you enter towards the center towards me or the other staff members and allow them to help you move around the chamber to understand, so we enter to the gas chamber and I was anticipating smelling something and I could see the smoke rising but I couldn't smell anything.
I thought, oh my gosh, okay, this isn't so bad, my mask works. totally fine totally calm we did the first exercise shaking his head immediately fire in my eyes going down my throat smells like fireworks and barbecue and hell all at the same time and we just repeated cycles of having to clear the gas letting it in More exercises and at the end They tell us to get ready to take off the mask and as I get ready and want to undo the straps, the seal breaks again and my entire mask floods. I can't see or do anything like waver around the room.
Lucas says go, just walk out the door and I'll collapse immediately, so today was just the first day, tomorrow is going to get even harder, so bring your back. Do you have any question? No, ma'am, good afternoon, good night, afternoon, how are you feeling, Caleb? I feel like we went through something today, we probably won't be here tomorrow, no, don't leave us, yeah, I'm sorry, it was really bad. My head hurts now that that gas chamber was the reason, oh I also thought that when you took off your mask, it was supposed to inhale the good puffs I'm so glad you're here I'm so glad we're all here are you Can you imagine doing this alone?
I thought I was going to have to do it alone and, nevertheless, it helps to have other people, it is the second day, it is 5:30 in the morning, 38 degrees, everything hurts and today we are one person less. Caleb decided to go home. In fact, I was talking to Caleb yesterday and he told me that he wouldn't be back today and I thought he would. joking but it turns out he was very serious oh we had that option, we're allowed to do that, I'm a little jealous that he's on a flight to California and I'm about to take a bus to hell, but I also think It's important to recognize that Caleb did an amazing job yesterday. 35,000 people go through Marine Corps boot camp each year and many people decide not to finish it.
I got hurt and hurt right now. Yes, the best way to describe physical training. this morning it was primal right there running around doing pull ups, push ups, squats, they constantly work on us, it feels like a primal shock to your entire system, mentally and physically, would you go out looking like that? No, ma'am, no, exactly the same. Here I am, so you have a lot of time in this childhood, so you eat your food and you might want to go to the head and discover something. I'm a mom, you understand that I'm in it, lady, every time I think that we.
We're done with heights or something that will really scare me, it keeps coming back, so we get to the repulsion tower and I wonder why anyone jumps out of this. This tower is much taller than the 55 foot A-frame you have. Hold it, I'm too lost, I can't hold it right, hey, hold it, you have to hold on to the rope, no matter how scared you are, don't let go and I'm supposed to jump off it backwards, what? you have your left hand right here right hand what hand is that my broken hand put it on a small part of your back once you hear me well okay I want you to take your right foot and take a step down okay I feel like it I'm going to fall, I got you, where's my right?
Sorry, I'm fine, okay, lock your knees. I want you to keep your knees locked the entire time until I say no. Okay, keep your feet shoulder-width apart. What are you doing? now it's leaning back once you're in that nice lsa position okay so keep your knees locked okay this program is really good at finding each person's weakness and bringing it out you need to do a squat, so crouch down and then when I tell you to jump you're going to jump from the count of three go one two three oh my god you know what I think I'm more afraid of heights than I thought and then I heard Lucas scream and I


to see it hanging over the edge.
Writhing in pain, my harness was very tight and we were told the harness had to be tight, so I tightened mine as much as I could, but the moment I put my weight back into it and it pinched my hips, I told him to the guy upstairs that I can't feel my toes and said as soon as you get to the bottom, take off the harness immediately, but you'll last three more minutes, a little red, a little blue, but the rope that was tightening me was the worst pain I have ever felt. I experienced this whole journey.
Do you think this training is harder than Ninja Warrior 100? I heard we're going to an obstacle course next, so I'm glad this is one of the bigger ones. Do you understand that this is a recruiting assistant? Okay, I mean recruits to actually use friends as their own friends to uh a system on top for teamwork let's jump grab the chicken wing I'll kick your legs let's push up let's jump oh get up keep going I'm inside don't stop big jump up, come on, wake up, oh he's not going to do all the work for you, let him go, okay, grab that bottom bar with both hands facing the other way, there you go, okay, turn around, let's go down from the ceiling, grab that hook, trust Push your feet as hard as you can, even an inch will do, just keep pulling, lock them on your chest, squeeze them even more and then try to move your knees up .
I don't think he can do this, hey buddy you won't. I'll just run away without doing anything sir three, when I reached the rope, I had no strength left in my upper body, but jesse still


to help me. Not being able to do the final rope definitely made me feel like a failure because I did exactly this. The same in the A-frame, although I couldn't complete the last part of the obstacle course, I learned a lot about teamwork and supporting each other, sometimes it's important to be able to ask for help, so after finishing all that saga.
Lucas decided to challenge an experienced marine to the obstacle course for a 1 on 1 battle. Completely black instincts towards the forest with a backpack on his lip. Combine sparks inthe top of the entire city that seems like a dark stage at the same time. This is a minute. Wow, thanks guys. for helping me through the optics course, my arms are so dead after this morning, it's so hard, yeah, I heard it was hell, like starting for real, it literally set the bar for me to completely exhaust myself for the rest of the day, yes, I have had it.
This wrong thought several times and you can tell me if you have had this too. Well, it can't get any worse from here and it always does. It always gets worse from there. I feel like we have a special bond that I already have. I told Jesse several times that you're my blood brother now, but Michelle, I guess you're my blood sister too, let's do it, I heard you say that you find it interesting that there's no distinction between men and women, yeah, I thought we they would separate. on the battlefield yourGender doesn't matter if I'm on the ground I need someone to pick me up this has been the best and the worst of my life yeah seriously when it's over that's when I'll say yeah this is it the best I've ever had.
Have we ever done exactly, let's remember this, it was so amazing that we did it, it's 4 am and we're meeting a group of recruits who are at the end of their training for the In the last 54 hours they've been doing pretty much all the events that you have seen us do so far with perhaps two or three hours of sleep and we will join the last three miles of the crucible hike at the end, the recruits receive the anchored eagle balloon and be called a marine for the first time every day . We just witnessed hundreds of recruits become Marines.
It was really emotional and powerful if I hadn't gone through the training of the last few days. I don't think so. I would have been able to fully appreciate the importance of this moment. We successfully completed the battles at the training ground and you thought no, no, I'm not okay, let me get this out there. I owe Michelle an apology everyone, Michelle. She asked me the first day who I was most worried about and I actually said I was most worried about you. Sorry Michelle, I should have said Caleb because he's clearly not here. I definitely feel changed by this experience and I am definitely going to make many changes in my daily life to be a more efficient person.
I think this is all about teaching Marines how to win battles, down to the speed at which you can button your jacket and the bigger obstacles of teamwork or rappelling and all the different obstacles that we learned to overcome. I definitely have more respect for the Marines than I did before. I will never look at a marine the same way. Thank you all very much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. It was truly a life-changing experience for me. If you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and comment below about the extreme challenge I have to take on next after taking a few days off, and as always, subscribe so we can keep going. more adventures together many thanks to the marine corps for inviting me to this very special and incredible experience and many thanks to everyone who has ever served as part of the marine corps.
I respect you very much and thank you. for defending our country every day last night I said "ma'am" to my waitress and she said "do you want guacamole with your fries?" I said "I'm ma'am", scale from one to ten, what are the chances of that you become a marine? That's not even a question, there's literally no scale for that because it's almost like what mach speed is a snail, like you're not going to measure that it's not max v like it's a snail.

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