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I Tried A Period Swimsuit

Jun 09, 2021
Hello friends and welcome to another video. Today I'm going to tackle another strange


product. And this time it's a


. So, I've been hearing about this "



" for a while and a few of you have tweeted me and commented, asking me to try it. So I decided to get it and see what it is. From what I can tell, it appears to be a swimsuit with a reinforced crotch, basically like a built-in pad. It is described as a "leak-proof" swimsuit. So it's not waterproof, but it's supposed to keep everything inside. It's actually from the same company that makes the vintage leggings I


a couple months ago and had mixed feelings about because the inseam was a little fuller than me.
i tried a period swimsuit
I hoped so. And the company was a little hesitant about whether you were supposed to wear the leggings alone or with another vintage product. Which, in my opinion, defeats the purpose. But even so we already have the swimsuit. And we are going to try it. They had a few different styles, but I decided on the black jumpsuit. After my experience with leggings, I really hope it's not too complicated in the crotch area. Just because with leggings, you can at least wear some sort of tunic to disguise your crotch. But in a swimsuit, when you're on the beach, it's like "wham, bam, thank you ma'am." So, this is what the instructions call "gusset." It's like the "crotch" region of the inside of your swimsuit.
i tried a period swimsuit

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i tried a period swimsuit...

And it's actually a woolly material. It looks pretty much the same as the vintage tights, so we'll see. I use tampons now, so normally when I have to wear a swimsuit during my period I just put one of those bad boys up there, but maybe this could protect me against any chance of leakage on that front. Overall though, I think this swimsuit is primarily aimed at those who use pads or other external menstrual products. where the options currently are like not wearing anything or wearing a pad in the water and hoping it doesn't burst like a balloon, so if this works it might be a good alternative.
i tried a period swimsuit
I'm going to try to replicate that experience, so I'm going to wear this swimsuit alone, without other period products. Now I'm traveling this week so I'm going to take this swimsuit and we're going to try it out in some undetermined body of water somewhere in America, okay let's do it right, so it's day 4 of my 7 day period. I'm traveling. I'm in Sandusky, Ohio because I'm a guest star on girls' night out on tour and I'm going. To wear my period swimsuit today we're going to Cedar Point, which is... I think it's an amusement park, but there's also, you know, a waterfront opportunity, like a lakefront beach.
i tried a period swimsuit
Funnily enough, this worked because I feel like a big The lake is the perfect place to wear your period swimsuit because I was a little terrified of wearing it on the beach in Los Angeles because it's an ocean and then there are sharks there and I feel like it too. a little weird using it in a pool like if you know there is chlorine in a pool it still feels like a more contained environment compared to a big lake that doesn't have sharks and is also very big okay so let's try it. So when I put it on at the hotel, the first thing I noticed was how soft it was.
It's not necessarily cute, but it's a pretty harmless black one-piece swimsuit. I don't really have any complaints about how it looks or feels on the body. I act like this, the crotch is less noticeable than the vintage leggings, there is still a separate gusset panel which I'm not too crazy about, like I wish it was more integrated overall, but it doesn't look too bad so I guess. that's a pretty big factor, we'll head over to Cedar Point in a moment and see how this thing works in the wild, so after leaving the hotel I was basically wearing it like underwear and I will say that on the move the gusset is pretty comfortable, he doesn't like thatch when I walk so that's always good so we're at Cedar Point so far I'm actually feeling pretty dry definitely like a drop or two but overall I'm feeling pretty good so let's see what It happens when we get to the beach.
It took me a little while to find the lake. I've been walking around for a bit and I don't know exactly where I'm going, but there's a lake around here, I know it. Okay, I just think I finally found it. I'm actually walking to the beach right now, I have some nice water to walk in. It seems we have some innocent beachgoers who don't know what I'm doing. Okay, so at the beach I took off the dress that was over my bathing suit. and the swimsuit, well it looks pretty normal when it's dry, I did it without putting my camera down, okay, so I'm just in my swimsuit, I feel pretty good now.
I know I've already bled in my swimsuit, I hope I don't see blood floating to the surface when I get in the water, and I also hope my sanitary pad doesn't puff up like a diaper, um, but let's get in at first. I wanted to get into the water a little further. from other people just because I wanted to do my own thing but got a little scared by a leaf that grazed my leg. I'm actually such a skittish cat, it was like walking pretty comfortably in knee-deep water and then I felt a leaf on my foot and I was like "baaa" and now I'm nervous about going into water where there's no one around, so that maybe I should reach out to other people to finally be ready to dip my booster in the water. so I'm going to sit down and let's see what happens ooo ok, butt submerged, ok oh, the pad is totally submerged, I'm submerged up to my waist basically, so the pad is completely underwater, it's a little colder down here, so I didn't see any clouds or active leaks when I sat in the water.
I will say that the water in the lake is not very clear, but I did not see any blood floating to the surface. I also didn't notice that the booster inflated like a raft. , it got wet obviously but it didn't really grow any more, that being said it did get heavier, it doesn't expand properly like a diaper would but it definitely looks very down and soggy when I get up, almost just like a piece of wool Wet after about thirty (30) minutes in the water, I wasn't crazy about how it looked, but I had to get out at some point.
I will say, though, that I don't think anyone on the beach is giving me a second glance besides the fact that I'm filming myself. So I don't think anyone is noticing the drop crotch as much as, of course, I'm noticing it myself. I found a public shower and rinsed myself off before putting my dress back on. : Yessssss A public shower Yessssssss Washing my butt I think actually A little sand got stuck in the gusset Because I wasn't really swimming, I was more sitting... ooh... I wonder if anyone saw me put my hand in and try to get it out.
So after that, I just wanted to see how long it would take for the swimsuit to dry. Something I didn't really think about until now is that I'm having a period now. wet reinforcement I hope it can still absorb while wet. Ah, I'm wearing a black dress. Also, I bought this clam hat in honor of my period *laughs* It's a clam! So the body of the swimsuit dried pretty quickly, but I waited a long time for the crotch to dry. Alright, I'd say it's about 40 minutes into the beach and I feel like everything is pretty much dry except for the gusset which still feels soggy.
I don't think the swimsuit was leaking blood, but it was leaking water. I sat on a bench and then when I got up my entire butt was covered in water stains. It definitely looks like I peed my pants, which is awesome! So, I was pretty much out of commission to do anything else at the theme park. It kind of put a damper on my mood. Well, it's been about three hours since I got in the water. The sun is going down. We will return to the hotel soon. And I would say that I have not yet reached dry zero.
I'm still a little wet, I don't know if it will get there when it's on my body. When we left, the crotch still wasn't completely dry. Alright guys, I'm back at the hotel. After I took it off, it probably took about an hour to dry completely. The funny thing is that now that it's dry I have to wash it again. Then wait for it to dry again and then put it in my suitcase. Overall, I'd say my experience with the period swimsuit wasn't terrible. But there were some problems. I have no doubt that this is probably better than using a pad directly in the water.
I've never done it, but this eliminates the inflation factor as well as the visibility factor of seeing the wings of a pad on a swimsuit. I will say that this swimsuit was pretty good when it was dry. I don't think the crotch was that voluminous. And I will also say that the absorbency when dry was pretty impressive. I didn't even feel humidity before getting into the water. So as for the putting my butt in the water test, I would say that the swimsuit felt totally fine when it was still and there was no visible leakage or expansion, which was great.
That said, once you get out of the water, not everything is so smooth. Tyler: It's a little bulky Safiya: It's not horrible Tyler: It's not horrible Safiya: but it's not ideal Tyler: It's definitely noticeable. Plus, it seems to take forever to dry once it's wet. See, the problem is that it's wet fleece. Tyler: Oh yeah, and it's bulky, huh? Safiya: It's bulky, but what's more, it's just not swimsuit material. I think if you're someone who doesn't really like tampons, or can't use them, this might be a good solution for going to the beach or something. But in terms of getting into the water, I think it looks a little soggy.
When it's dry it's not so bad. So if you're not swimming it could be a great solution, but if you're swimming I don't know. Thank you all so much for watching. If you like that video, make sure to hit (click) the like button. And if you want to see more videos like this, be sure to hit the subscribe button! And if you've already smashed the subscribe button, make sure you smash the little bell icon too. To turn on post notifications, you'll receive a notification every time I post. Here are my social media handles. Be sure to check out my Nextbeat where I write lots of blogs and Q&As daily.
Big thanks to Ariana for watching! Thanks for watching, Ariana. I'll see you next time!

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