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I Trapped My Friends On This Private Island With $0

May 12, 2024
Grandma will be happy to go. I played video games again I am wobbled wobbly wobbled wobbly stagger is fine, I think the gelatinas are around the court, wait a second, I have an award, okay, there is the gelatin, okay, okay, okay, I will pick up the jelly, here we go. I've got the jelly, okay, now I gotta put the jelly in the back of the car, oh man, okay, let's go pick up, pick up the jelly, I've got the jelly, I'm not going to steal


jelly, sir, I don't promise . I'm not going to steal it, grandma sent me to the store to pick it up, press, press the button, yeah, look, look, it's in the back of the car, yeah, I'm perfect, you know, oh wait, now I can drive a car, without turning everything over. right, I just have to drive the car back I just have to be careful I don't want to ruin the jelly oh my god how do I get home?
i trapped my friends on this private island with 0
I got it, oh no, I'm sorry, I took out a light bulb, I don't know why they trust me with a car I don't have my driver's license yet but everything is fine oh there's another pole here come on let me jump right here oh okay let's come to put the jelly here sorry sir you're Jelly's a little dirty but I did it yeah it turned out good and he 18 just randomly showed up so I guess I need to put my money in the bank yeah here's the map and let me tell you


place is huge bro this is a wobbly


i trapped my friends on this private island with 0

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i trapped my friends on this private island with 0...

There are so many different jobs I can do and there are also houses for sale, so maybe I can buy a house if I get enough money. I can move out of grandma's house. This is great. What is it? Is this this pizza delivery? Oh, you know that. I know your boy will be good at it. This is my car. I'll be delivering pizzas this week. I'm reeling through life. I'm sorry about the light pole. by the way, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to. Oh, hello, I don't have insurance, okay, we're here at the pizzeria ready to start my job, come on, okay, car, stay there.
i trapped my friends on this private island with 0
I'll be right back Hello pizza guy, how are you? Welcome to Wobbly Pizza. Okay, so I need to deliver the pizza, transport the pizza, and deliver it on time. Okay, sounds easy enough. Grab the pizza. Oh my God, we have to go. We have to go. Right now, oh my God, we only have 58 more seconds. Put the pizza in the back of the car. Drop the pizza. Drop the pizza. Okay, where am I going, where am I going, where am I going, where am I going to deliver? wait, I see the green flag, there's a green flag right there, oh god, I have to deliver this pizza, there's only 30 seconds left and it's raining, flip, come on guys, it feels like we're on a trip, let's deliver this pizza, oh flip, hello sir, how's this going? wobbly pizza delivery from inside 11 seconds here we go, okay, I have the money, oh, sorry, sorry, I didn't see you there, okay, let's take the money and put it in the bank, here we go, I have 110 dollars, now I'm.
i trapped my friends on this private island with 0
We're going to pick a new job, we're going to go to the burger joint, we're going from pizza to burgers, guys we're getting a little better. Hello how are you doing? How's it going? How are you doing? Wow, a lot of you work here. read the order place the ingredients on the belt press the button and serve the burger sounds simple enough oh, snap, oh snap, okay, okay, uh, we need a bun, a bun, a bun, a bottom bun, bottom bun, do you? Where is the bottom bun? Are they all the same? Okay, great, now we have the burger, okay, someone ordered a very, very simple burger, where do I go?
Okay, take the burger and then take a top bun and put it right there. Now I just need to press the button, there we go and it goes in and then it comes out like wait, wait, it's cooking, it's oh oh, it's about to explode and it's a burger, wow, it came out much smaller, yeah, okay, now we're going a little further with the Tomato right there, I just removed some, oh, I removed the lettuce, give me the lettuce, you know, I don't think a chef is my kind of job. I'm going to go ahead and say this is extremely stressful, I don't know how they do this right, and then we go ahead and press the button, press the button, press the button, here we go, hopefully that burger turns out well.
I hope that guy enjoys it, here we go, cooking, cooking, cooking, the animals are going to go. Go ahead and grab it and hit it right there, look how fast I'm getting to this, you know what maybe the chef's life is for me, let me press the button, press the button, press the button, press the button, why? What is so difficult to press there? Come on, what happened to him? What is this? Did my buns fall out oh my god, it didn't take my buns oh my god, okay, okay, this is not good, I just cooked just a pure burger, don't give it to me, let's get on with this.
It's our last burger, we only have 30 seconds left, okay, go, go, hurry up, hurry up, okay, that time the buns were needed. I don't know what the fuck it is, it's a burnt crunchy burger, we don't want the crunchy, we don't want it. we want the burnt burger we want the fresh burger here we go that's what we're talking about that's what we're looking for okay go and hit it there yeah come on oh no I don't have enough time to make another burger I only have 10 seconds left oh okay oh sorry , I'm throwing my money everywhere I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry guys, thanks for the money 36 thanks for the cash, it was a good job, let's deposit this cash, hey buddy, how's it going?
What are you? Oh wait, what are you waiting for? Are you in a limo? Where are you going? Where are you going? At least you have money flying out of your car. Check it out. I will follow. Yes I follow it. I will follow it well. Now, oh, this guy has a mansion, what the hell, what the hell, hello sir, how are you, how are you sir, what's going on, what are you doing, what are you doing, hello, can I hide, are you holding me, why are you hugging? Yo, what are you doing?, he's taking me, he's kicking me loudly, he just kicked me out of his house.
Sorry, sorry, I thought you said hello there, okay, I think we need to get out of the food. industry I think we have to change the next thing a little. I say we would be surgeons, let's go to the emergency room, which is a big change from the food industry. Here we are in a hospital right now. Go and park right in front. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, hello, how are you doing? Take an ambulance, find the patient, load the patient and transport him to the hospital. That doesn't sound so bad, oh, oh, oh, here we go, wait, someone else is driving.
I'm not driving, where are you going? Hey, turn the other way, oh, they're crossing the bridge, oh, smart, smart. I would have driven straight through the water, in fact I'm glad someone else is driving. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. go, go, someone in the park needs our help, oh my gosh, okay, okay, okay, let's save this person, okay, ready, set, uh, you got it, you got it, how do you do it? did you do? how did you get it there? oh, just drag it, oh, just drag it there, okay, okay, let me close it, okay, hold on to it, hold on to it, just wait, we'll come home.
I have no idea where to go. I have absolutely no idea where. see, I'm running over all these fences wait, don't let go of that patient, excuse me with our sirens oh my god, I almost fell off the bridge. Can we go this way? Oh snap, oh oh, I'm patient, give it my best. him in the back, take him in the back, what are you doing, where are you going, brother, brother, oh my god, oh my god, genius, yeah, just hold on to the truck, just hold on to the truck, okay, Wait, wait, are we almost there?
You're almost there, I'm going to put you in, put it in, come on, come on, come on, we only have 18 seconds, come on, come on, come on, oh my God, come on, come on, come on, I'm dragging, I'm helping, I'm helping. I hope Pull It in Pull It in yes, yes, our patient is here. He may have suffered a minor concussion from what we just did to him, but he's here. Okay, we did it. We deposit it in the ATM. $206, you know what I'm saying? I think being a doctor, that's my, that's my kind of job.
I'm going to my next job right now. Flip okay, okay, okay, we might as well try to figure out how we can get a ship. I think it would be a great opportunity. something really cool and fun to do okay let's go to my last job and then I'm going to take a nap because oh my gosh it's been a long day. Is this a railroad track? Well, I hope a train doesn't arrive. I'm trying to get to this job as fast as I can, but it seems like the quickest way to get there is across the train tracks, so I better take this, here we go, oh, oh, oh, this is scary , this is scary, keep going. going, what do you do when you stop going, what's the change oh, what's the change, this, oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about, this is how I can get to my next job real quick, here we go, flying from this way, fly this way? yeah if we're going well my next job is here I'm trying to get to the little town we're going to make a furniture delivery I think it's right in this town it's this store right here oh yeah oh I'm a little dizzy that hurts and I think my car just crashed wobbly delivery here we are right outside the store hi Sarah, what's going on?
Transport furniture. Deliver furniture. It sounds easy enough. Well, what are we going to deliver first? Okay, these actions, let's go. Come on, come on, it's just one of the chairs, sir, one of the chairs, how to do it, oh my God, how do I open the back of the truck? Okay, there's a button here, touch the button, touch the button, here we go, not these chairs. They come with insurance if they're damaged it's not my fault I press the button there we go we go we turn and we go everything is fine where do I hand it in where do I hand it in oh my God that's right that's right that's okay, uh, that's a solid pull, okay, We have to go up and around this hill.
I think the house is actually right up here so it shouldn't be that bad oh my gosh it's snowing here that's crazy hello how are you? Come on, hopefully the delivery, sorry about your car, it's really snowy here, here we go, wobbly delivery, press the button, press the button, okay, here's your first chair, sir, there you go, and here's your second chair, sir, that you ordered if it is damaged, um, I am. no, um, yeah, I'm not responsible, I'm sorry, press the damn button, bro, what is this button, okay, I did it, I did it right, now we're going to drive off the cliff just for fun, here we go, here wow, nothing, oh, wow.
I hope to still have my job after this.

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