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SNEAKING From SCARY School TEACHER! (Little Nightmares II)

May 09, 2024
Today we will play a new game called Little Nightmares Two. This is a


game that just came out and I'm not going to lie, it looks a


creepy. I'm the


one with the yellow hat. You see it right there. Look at me, oh I can jump here. Look at me, Parker, oh look at us, teamwork, how did you do that? How did you get to the top of the box? Am I shorter than you? I don't understand, oh wait, yeah, I have super strength. we should also try to make the jump oh where are we going oh what the hell is this oh what's there bro yeah oh yeah yeah okay I didn't sign up for that just sneak around don't mind me tiptoe in my shoes run away push push push push push let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh saw us it's so cool no no no oh oh flip oh run run, run, run, run, run, run, run, this guy is angry, relax, oh okay, look, look, look, look, look, I didn't do anything to deserve this, I'm just trying to what the hell, haha, you're kind of stupid, I'm right below. your rookie whatever you do don't turn around because we're not behind you if I'm in his light but I stay still and don't move he'll see me hey don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move , oh my god, it worked, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah, let's find out something. diamond door down here, man, look at us coming out of this hole and he's standing there like, hey, I don't know where that guy went, what is this? oh no, it's a broken bridge, what are we supposed to do here?
sneaking from scary school teacher little nightmares ii
Well, that's great, see? So can I grab this? Oh, now the question is: will he stay? Oh snap, okay, do some parkour, ah, what the fuck, how am I supposed to get there, what the fuck is it? What do you think? He's okay, okay, let's try this, done, oh. I didn't think I'd actually make it wow, okay let's move on, we should pay attention to that stuff, there's like oh he's back, come in, come in, come in, he's back, why are you walking out there? Oh, he's there, he's fine, of course. He notices me, of course he dies, go, up, up, up, up, up, up, oh no, I'm dead, I'm so dead, I'm so oh oh, turn around, let me walk the plank oh oh , okay, okay, okay, take me up, take me out.
sneaking from scary school teacher little nightmares ii

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sneaking from scary school teacher little nightmares ii...

Up puppy, yeah, fall in that nasty water, yeah, get under it, get under it, bro, how am I still alive? ah, can't you see us, we're poop water, you want me to crawl in this poop water, oh, that's like real poop up there. ready to go under, let's go under the door, he'll never know we're underwater, he'll never turn around, he knows, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, all good , under water, under water, under water, go, go, go. Come on, come on, come on, come on, oh my God, we're so good at this, so nasty, oh, let's go up there now, how do you do that?
sneaking from scary school teacher little nightmares ii
Hey, look, there's a heart on the tree, go, push, push, push, push, push, push, oh, turn around. okay, okay, okay, he definitely knows we're here now, so that's great, okay, done and yeah, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, there's another bird there, that bird is going to blow our cover, you see it, it's eating some peanuts on the ground, look at it, oh flip, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, to the next box, to the xbox, eat, run, run, run, to, the door for the door go, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, oh my god, wait, it's a shotgun, yeah, wait, can I, can I grab it, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, come? in we did it we did it I think we did it we have been successful where can we go now?
sneaking from scary school teacher little nightmares ii
Do you want to take this gate and sail to the sea oh, do you really want to sail to see the gate? okay, I did it. I advanced a little further in the game and ended up in a


. I feel like


s tend to be pretty creepy, especially in a


game, talking about scary games, and that's cool, which will possibly haunt us next, whatever's around. corner uh whatever it is in that room there's a cube hello can I push it let's eat it? oh yeah, okay, what was it that there's someone running on the other side?
Dude, I'm really scared that something is going to fly away, someone's going to fly away oh oh ok ok I need to come in thanks oh hey buddy are you a student here? oh wait, there's a guy crawling around the corner back there, you see him, you want a fight, let's go, oh, you see that parkour slide, big brains, big brains, there's a duck, I'm scared, okay, so get on it to the board, okay and then duck, oh, okay, we're okay, we're okay, something's going to come out of that door how much do you want to bet, no, okay.
I'm a little shocked oh why did I know that was going to happen oh what the fuck oh wow wow wow what's going on no I can't do anything I can't do anything I'm stuck in the locker let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out come on Well, my friend is gone, yeah, I should grab this hammer, yeah, bring it, ah, shipwreck, who else wants to fight? eh, yeah, oh, okay, you killed us both, come running over here, yeah, fall. for your own trap ah, big newbie, I'm going to carry this hammer everywhere.
Okay, I guess I'll have to put down the hammer. What is this? Well, now I don't have a hammer anymore, so I don't have one. defense oh, it's uh it's the


, what kind of classroom is this, bro, that


looks angry, are you guys learning about the market, oh my god, oh my god, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, where am I? I'm like in some kind of back room, get off, get off, get off, oh, the teacher definitely heard that, go, go, go, go, oh what's going on with his neck, you know what you are, what, wow, what, What are you, Mr.
Fantastic. I guess the key is important. Okay, now let's go through this little rat hole. I guess oh flip oh flip is a rule. Hey, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to come out? I definitely will. I'm definitely dead, there's no way to run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, oh no, no, no, no, put the key in the hole, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, yeah, take that teacher, so uh. What happens now? What you're drawing there, dude, you're trying to figure out what gravity is or what.
Well, I got over it. Hey, hey, yeah, yeah, stay there, how am I supposed to get through this? Okay brother, okay, give me this pipe. Yo, this pipe, oh, turn around, okay, yeah, come on, go, go, pick up the pipe, pick up the pipe, pick up the pipe, now I gotta use this pipe to get through this door, yeah, put some good swings on it, here we go. perfect here let's go through this little hole right here oh this is cute what is this i'm in a pipe right now or a vince oh oh flip i'm dead and if i hide here oh your face is so creepy okay, okay Very okay, now I'm going to take this one down, ready, go, go, go, go, hide, hide, hide, the way his neck sticks up and the sound effects are okay, go, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, Hurry up, am I supposed to jump on that?
Oh wait. No, I think I'm supposed to press this, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, my heart is racing right now, I'm in a library and it's the teacher, of course. , should jump. Oh I just died, I literally just broke my legs, wait, wait, this ladder has wheels. What if I can push her? Oh, I can keep moving the ladder. I'm so smart. I have a bigger brain. Oh, I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead Run run run run run run run run run run run run run oh no she caught me she caught me uh these quick scenes really scared me no oh my god, oh my god, you gotta pick that one up thing so fast, oh, turn around, okay, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it. up up up am I climbing this tower of books?
Can I jump to the other side? oh look at that parkour oh no oh master it's too late he goes back to bed oh oh why did he keep coming like that bro? Straight, I'm about to pee, you think it's safe to go, we should try, okay, let's try to move here, ready, oh, flip, oh, flip, dude, I'm really scared, let me use this box, yeah, now I can get to the door. driving, hopefully all this noise won't make the teacher come back, why am I so bad at jumping things? Yeah, okay guys, we're in a completely different part of the map now.
This seems like the beginning of another chapter. want to see me play more little


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