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Every Time BadBoyHalo and I Break a Block a Random Mob Spawns…

Jun 01, 2021
perfect, it's easy, come back, but we have our food, we should be good, Brooke, that would work for me, I would go here, here, here, here, I threw the wood over here, okay, magic wood is so there is wood, TRUE? here, come get it, okay, cool, cool, let's put it in the oven, right now, we need stone supplies, oh fish, mr. No squeegee, I needed some food too I need some food, okay, I have stone chicken, finally a chicken, hello, mr. chicken I'm going to have to kill you and then kill all the chickens, that's all, could you get it?
every time badboyhalo and i break a block a random mob spawns
I'm about to get a stone sword, oh, bring me a stone sword too. I need two more wood for that or I need two more stones. for that, so here I'll have two more shots, I threw in some steak, I'm going to need it, okay, some


s they don't spawn anything that's good you cook the fish I think so, I have dolphin eye drops what is it why oh it doesn't matter? I'm fine, I need a nicer one, okay, I have more stone, this is good, this is going very good friends, I'm an optimist, oh, I have a date with a slow arrow, she wanted to mine for gold, um, I mean, yeah, If you want to get stone pickaxes, right?
every time badboyhalo and i break a block a random mob spawns

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every time badboyhalo and i break a block a random mob spawns...

Yes, we do. I should say go get more stones, yes, get six. It's not right, come on, you have to cover me. I'm going to grab this rock, okay, I need to


this so I can reach it a little further. Okay, okay, wait, why why would you do that? I have a mind in stone get six so okay we have a wolf what are you doing? I'm fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's dead, there are many dead, I have three now only three more, go ahead, choose go and make sure, it's fine, take it I don't have one - oh friend, some


s It's okay, which is good, I know I like it, even though I have four, maybe there's an entity that doesn't mean anything that


this time, okay - the stone spikes are we're ready to go um I think let's go let's do it we're doing it right not for the first time we're doing it right this is good I know I think life is getting better for us it's very strange because normally we do rubbish but we have this, let's go, okay, I'm here, okay, in mind, the oven because we have to take it with us, okay, I'll be on the boat, okay, perfect, wait, get what we want, the crafting table, yeah, this is something, it's a surprise.
every time badboyhalo and i break a block a random mob spawns
Okay, let's try as hard as we can. What's going on? Why am I flying well? My flight goes straight with that. No, my God, they're not, they're not good. Okay, this is good. We will have to leave from land. ready, yes, yes, let's go friend like a cave. I guess we'll find a cave we can mine in. Well, we have to be very careful, because when leaving a cave. Oh, perfect, my goodness, we didn't sprinkle water on the bottom. it's just that we're jumping, okay, come on, captain, okay, we're here, iron, be careful, be careful, be careful, be careful, you're too good to be here, be careful, I'm serious, yeah, I'll get this one , there is a lot in one. of these things okay, okay, yeah, we're okay, I'll take some of these, one is a little stupid, why are there so many angry mobs in this game?
every time badboyhalo and i break a block a random mob spawns
Why do you hate your life? Okay, here we go, there's a lot of food. Down here, we broke this one off, let's start melting the arm, we don't have it, okay, we won't need it. I'll go look around here for a little bit, okay, where will any man be soon, literally something right here and we a link where Oh, there's no two combo. nice stuff this is good this is good now it just seemed like a way to get here well I've got a perfect pile of dirt oh my god what a cool ladder bill okay Fox okay I'm gonna get some more iron no I do I don't know what that is, I'll kill him oh, this is very risky, nothing and nothing, okay, this is looking up, oh my God, oh my God, yes.
Oh shit, you're okay,


thing's okay. Hilary, I'm very depressed. I'm, oh, no. No, oh my God, okay, you don't care about anything until you're full, yeah, I'm going to wait, let me put this in there, I've got here, take this, I've got four irons, oh, okay, okay, give six honors. Should we make iron swords? or what we have a lot of crowd standing oh well, what is this? oh my food bad bad Papa Papa a heart a heart a market did it okay I don't know I don't know I don't know we gave you withered, I have your cane here, muffin, you know, if we don't both die at the same time, this is what I call it a victory, we just keep teleporting to the bag, like, okay, yeah, the wither that will kill you, I mean from this moment on. if any of us die, I agree, okay, there's our messy, oh, we need more iron, right, probably how much more we need.
I found a zombie, but you can gasp, yes, well, he makes you pants next, we are in my pants. I just said, "Next we're going to make your pants. I wanted them downstairs. You can have them then Jesus, thank you. Oh my God, I don't want to go down the pants list. Yeah, well, we were going to get you something. Okay, I know, but How, why?" we make you first I gave it to you you're being a baby wait Skippy here I have a gift for you it's the frying pan it's the pants in the tango don't do it I swear if you do it don't kill you know Gabi I'll build a ladder no, I'm done here, buddy, I'm already here, don't come by here, it's okay, I'll suffocate you, you're crazy, no, I'm not, no, I'm not just very stupid, that's the same, I'm not crazy.
It's not stupid, yeah, no it's not at all, basically, oh okay, no, why would you do that? It was not you? Okay, nothing. I did not do anything. Don't argue about semantics. I'm a little skeptical. even more friend, I have a yes, wait, wait, come here, take this, cook this chicken, I threw the chicken, okay, we will cook, we will eat the chicken, we will quote it and then you will leave it alone. I'll come back later, right, oh, that's nice. God reach for anything oh my god how am I supposed to get down into the water?
Okay, you know what? No, I'm going to cook this chicken and then they eat it and you can't eat it. I'm cooking mine, it's my chicken. Skippy for you, will you take me? I'm hungry and then I take the next one too. Oh, I'm going to go down and click go get the rest. Oh, wait here, I cook this. I have more iron. Okay, you put it. one job, you get three great ones and put them in the oven, yeah, one call so far, two more. Do we get all the iron we need? I don't think so, by the way, more food, Debbie, what I need, oh my God, you stupid idiot, yes.
I guess so, absolutely stupid, you don't know, now I know for sure what Oh, Woody, you seem to hate, wouldn't you know that we can't, what are you going to do away from it? I can't do anything, oh God, he's literally going to run away and kill Allah and those things are really strong, but no, they're not causing damage to millions of hearts. Yes, I did the math, they make millions, maybe not that much, so yes, no, no, it's wrong, careful, wrong, careful. Look, watch out, oh my God, I have a heart, by the way, food, I need food, I have some, how much food do you have enough?
Have you been hoarding anything? I've been hoarding some food. What are you talking about this food? Yes, you have come, you mean, oh, you can't, no, no, no, didn't you notice that there is lava? Everyone looks at the oven there. Yeah, I'll make myself a shell because you took the pants first, okay buddy, I just got here. like 5 iron and nothing hurt me this is a great day what was it? a bunny just fell down and i cooked it top 10 bad boys hello things to say i have 10 more iron cooking crusty we need more food can we eat this?
It's a villager, you need the bunny, oh it's adorable, let's eat the villager, I want to eat the villagers, technically we're Steve's and they're villagers, wait, you're actually killing the ink sac, dude, I'm going to eat this NUI , yeah right cookie that's an easy one you should put it in the oven oh here I made you present there oh oh thank you welcome this is pretty good I know really except for all the times we respond and teleport to each other but other than that none of that happened we just gotta get some more iron right honestly I think we're good you think we're good I think so umm let's go up here I'm going to get some more iron okay you get this iron.
I can kill him with fire. I can kill him I'm a strong boy until they kill a murderer the ghost eats Kimmie give me oh my god you

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