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I Tested Dumb Ways to Rank Up…

Apr 05, 2024
building, I think there might be a fight just finished and another one ready for you to start. okay, no, I like it, I like it, oh, it's okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, coach, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put the mantle there, I didn't hear anything here, coach, just there, you're nice, was that a good shooting coach, that was a pretty good shot, just not the head, so oh oh god. no, that deck two points, this is a little embarrassing, I'm not going to lie, I got the 50 like I promised, there it is, I could smell it, what did I say, it's got three of them, coach, how do you know?
i tested dumb ways to rank up
Why are you surprised? oh my god, I just like it, I don't want to take it seriously, but you've been right about everything you've said, yeah, whatever it is, you're going to want to kill this thing that's right next to you, you want me. to kill him do you want me to go for him or what about this guy here yeah, yeah, we like this guy, we like this guy. I'm going to give you free r on this one so I can learn your play style while I have a snack. okay, no, okay, I mean, it's just a little L loud, since it's just a coach, it's a little loud, oh wait, coach, I think I got this. never mind, coach, never, never mind , coach, I'm running, I'm running, coach, I'm sorry, he's right in front of you in that little archway there in the house on your right, yeah, go into this house on the left, you know, I think it might actually be unreal, oh, there you have a good job, now you can shoot the last guy that will be completely safe, push your here, going to SMG Shotgun SMG, oh my god, you're right, actually dead, I got them, the trainer It's got both of them right, actually. proud actually I mean so far so good coach honestly either win or win or you're going to start playing like a soon that's how I hit a wait you didn't even wait what do you mean you didn't do zero kills but like? not a single not a single death not a single death um really yeah, I just said people like you and cornered them at the door.
i tested dumb ways to rank up

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i tested dumb ways to rank up...

For me and I shouldn't hide in the bush. Okay, I'm not going to question it, that's interesting, although it was what the hell is that what the hell is that brother, that's a golden chicken. I'm going to need you to kill him slowly oh slowly wait come here so this is a little embarrassing now no it's not that embarrassing here we go. you know it means you know it means I can smell it, I can smell it having 62 head there right now or shockwave or three heads 62 for a free pick use your compass at the top selection having 62 62 62 all three all three all three coach I don't see just a little to the left a little to the left and then one more sh come on I'm going coach good drob there you're welcome two more shockwaves wait how did you do it?
i tested dumb ways to rank up
Oh, then there are the other players. You have to listen to me friend, how are you? So you're al


right. It's almost like you have tricks or something. I mean you, just play your game and on yourself, yeah, yeah, no, no, I'm fine, what should I do here? in a second I should slap him on the head maybe not, that's not going to work maybe if I told you you could but you missed it because you rushed okay, wait, you're right, I'm holding on fine, wait, wait, wait, stay still. Are you suffering? You are a cat?
i tested dumb ways to rank up
You are a cat? Go straight East flank Straight flank Fire a couple of shots at the guy under construction He fights another sniper Flank double kills Free the group Ready, set, you're doing great, yeah, yeah. great man, you're so encouraging, do this, like, okay, come on, lady, that sounds so incredibly crunchy. I'm just a little jealous, well Joby, good job, come on, come on, you're doing so well, creamy, you're doing it. well what the hell is another very nice one? You're calling me crey yeah a problem with I don't know name um no your username on your username on F says M oh okay I might have spelled it wrong and then one of these comes up Like Like We're flying We are flying in economy class Have you seen High School Musical? uh yeah, why that classic flying?
That's what you are, oh God, I like that song. I like it too. That could be a problem. here, hey, I found that song I like, are you playing it? I found her, yeah, yeah, I guess it took me a little while to find her. I wanted to find out what the S was but I couldn't remember the name. I don't think so. I understand uh what you were trying to say what you were trying to say um coach um I just wanted to find out for myself not everything about you is okay let's see if we can close this game oh coach there are a lot of snipers oh there is a guy Right in front of you, it's a good time to dial, yeah, dial, dude, what does that mean?
This guy needs to move into coaching. Maybe I can just him. It's okay, I'm not his coach. I'm not going to tell him that he has a car. Cut him up, get him out of the car, got him, Coach, get him out of the car. I'm going to blow up a shield. Yes I like it. I like it a lot. They are fighting? I suggest you build and fight, build and shoot. and shoot very well the last one the last One V one don't shoot you here he can sniper you while you spray yes I 19 total damage very good very good very good finish him off CL keep him in the zone keep him in the zone he say here he say here it's stuck it's stuck coach how did you just do that?
Oh my gosh, okay, so basically fiber will verify that the order is complete. I will allow a tip if you want to tip you can so go ahead. Keep in mind you won the game, yeah okay I mean you'll get more than a tip, wait what does that mean? No, I mean, I'm going to give you a little bonus, you know, come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go all the way, all the way, all the way, okay, we're on a website that


s each skin from worst to best, as you can see, these skins have very high ratings, very high ratings in Fortnite, but if we


This for worst first, Let's go to the worst Fortnite skin and use it.
Okay, the fly trap is considered the worst skin in Fortnite. We'll use it in a ranked game and see if we can win, and here is objectively the worst skin in Fortnite. I mean, I kind of agree, I'm not really sure what exactly this guy is, he's got scary skin, okay, let's see how we hold up, yeah, okay, that's sweaty skin, sweaty skin, oh, that's it okay so let's get off to an absolutely horrible start situation here we're not really integrating at all okay we're in for a tough ride but I'm up for the challenge let's see if this works well let's Lavish Le I don't really I don't know if this guy would personally land on Levish L, but it doesn't matter, we'll land there anyway, get some loot and get out, it's as simple as that we need. to prove that we can win fortnite games using terrible and


ideas okay gamer this guy oh yeah back off buddy oh yeah nice 10 damage here we go you better back off buddy.
What I thought, the aura that the skin possesses is simply incomparable, it is genuinely unmatched. I'm probably going to need a sniper, however I can get it, very grateful for that, let's improve this gun boom now that we have a legendary shotgun. I mean, that has to be good, it has to be genuinely good. It's gotta be good, oh my god, there's people shooting, go, go, go, go, quick, speed, speed, speed, run, run, run, there's people down here, there's free elims, I only have one w key, okay, I got it. Elite player, okay. Yes, I'm going to need myself. a medium medicine cabinet very bad actually yes, very bad yes, ideally we can get El a medicine kit potentially I don't really know if they exist around these parts but maybe don't attack me, please, I don't deserve it.
I do not deserve it. we deserve it here we're going to go find this we'll go find those treasure chests in a second but right now I need I need some I need some HP this skin is like me. I swear people are going to see this and I'm just going to get the key W. They're going to push me so I have to be prepared for anything as long as I don't get shot in the head then I'm going to call this a success because So far the record has not been very good. with the with the headshot Snipes yes, like not at all actually it has been a little horrendous hey, what is this? oh yeah, give me that, yeah, give me this too full healings now I'll definitely take that boom, take this shot that the shocking, okay, come on, it's time to it's time to go out, come on man, I can't be, I can't be seen With a death, I can't be seen with a singular death, I'm going to need more, is there anyone here trying? to smell them I can't smell anything right now oh my god what's going on there?
Are you kidding? I don't know if I want to go there. I don't know if this is a very smart idea. No. I'm pretty sure this might be the worst idea anyone's ever had in their life we're a nice alpha fly trap my prey that's mine B that's mine boy he's running away from me I'm too, buddy, I lo do. I don't care man, I'll accept that I'm absolutely fine with it, let's get out of here because I have no idea where they're shooting me, yeah, no one knows who it is, okay, no one, not a single person.
I know so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move up here now I'm going to be the sniper they're just going to be sitting on boxes boom boom yeah yeah yeah yeah you're done Buddy oh hi. See you later, see you later, buddy, okay, now we have a siphon, which is pretty good, okay, let's take this Rift and let's go inside. I see a guy up there, honestly, I'm just going to go to the Zone, this is a very sweaty Lobby, we're sweating a lot in a Lobby. I'm pretty confident here, but we're in a very sweet Lobby, okay, team players there.
Diamond 2 34% using the worst skin in the game, not bad, that's a lot, we got a lot of percent for using that, oh god, that wasn't so bad

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