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Apr 10, 2024
A lot of people have been banned in Fortnite for breaking rules they didn't even know existed, so I asked: what happens if you break all the weird and silly rules Fortnite has? Will they ban me? Let's find out I'm going to break every Fortnite rule until I'm banned from starting a crazy bug in a ranked game this is just for educational purposes okay here we go oh my god now I can fly and I can fly and I'm invisible this It's oh no, okay, wait, where is the center of the Zone? Let's go here. I'm fine, so I'm completely invisible right now, not a single person can see me and it gets crazier from here, it gets even crazier, so "we're going to be we're going to run out very soon okay, the whole house is destroyed look there's a guy here like he doesn't even know I'm going to fly next to one who doesn't know he doesn't see I D no, we're just going to fly, we're just going to fly, look at him, look at him, so now we're going to fly to the honey, it's as simple as that look, we have some people down here, hello, hello world, how are you?
Keep in mind that this is classified, so, yeah, I'm basically going to be able to fly forever as long as I'm invisible, no one will be able to see me Fortnite we're going to need to fix this friend this is getting a little out of control still come on yeah still come on I'm invisible I'm floating no one can kill me not a single person in this game can eliminate me it's not possible I'm literally over the heavens right now I'm over Olympus I see a car down there I see two cars Hello world Hello So, yeah, that's where we started and this is where we are now.

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I mean, I can watch the next season of Fortnite Night. It's right there, it's abandoned, you're welcome, I'm going to enter the zone now though, bye map, obviously I don't want to win this game, okay, yeah, let's go down, let's go down now, we just have to land safely . I just landed safely here oh, we don't want to land on that, it's 100 boxes, it's 1 billion boxes, okay, we're going to crash land. The forced landing will be bad, it will be a bad landing. a bad landing oh ah oh no uh-oh oh um it's okay, we go up a little in the ranking if we go up in ranking no, I'm afraid to click return to the lobby I'm afraid, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, oh thank God, I thought that would surely get me banned, I thought I thought I was done and if you thought that was crazy, wait until Look what I did next.
She didn't even know it was possible to get that high in Fortnite. Oh, I saw something down there. I wonder if I can dial a flame from up here. I'm going to go ahead and say no, I can. Basically, do this infinitely. I'm not sure I can touch the ground. I really didn't think I was that far ahead. It's a 1V situation and this guy has no idea where I am. I have 500 million M in the sky I, oh yeah, so it's not what I wanted to do, it's not what I wanted to do, I'm literally floating, oh my God, that's broken.
I also tried a few other bugs, but they didn't ban me, so it was time to try it. something new, did you know that you can be banned for being AFK in a Fortnite game? I didn't know it either until today. Let's find out if this can really get you banned because I'm going to jump right into a ranking game. where I'm going to have teammates, but the problem is that I do, so I literally left and just wanted to see what would happen if I went completely AFK for a game and of course we had the classic Aura appearance that attacked me and that the spawn was toxic, but Of course, we have to check the name and it says Anonymous, but even though my teammates knew I was AFK, they still went to try to get my reset card, which was kind of funny.
He wasn't going to be of any use to any member of the team. The members actually left, so now there were only two players left because I went to make myself a nice sandwich. Big shout out to this Legend because he knew the odds were against him and he still tried, they even tried to reboot me. I'm pretty sure they were just waiting for me to come back, but unfortunately, even if I did, I was absolutely dead without any mercy and then unfortunately the last surviving player was eliminated, but he reported me for being AFK? I have incredible curiosity.
As for what just happened, let's go to the lobby. Am I banned? Oh God, it looks like we survived. Apparently you can get banned for buying too many V-bucks. Obviously I have to try this. I hope they don't ban me for buying. too many v-bucks but you can never have too many v-bucks we're already at 52,000 um 93,000 oh my god it really worked you know what? I'm going to pick a group of people who like this video and comment on their fortnite. name below and give them some masks because I already have all the masks, yes I have literally all of them.
I'm going to need to get rid of them somehow, but we can still play, so our work is not done yet, the next step is that one of the main rules of Fortnite is that you cannot team up with other players. I'm queuing up for a solo ranked match and my only goal is to heal other players. I don't know if I can do it. They're going to ban me for this, but I'll become the best teamer. Okay, we need to find the best place that has a million medications. There are many medicines in this area, as you can see here, many places to fish. but first we're going to need to get our hands on a gun, okay let's take this just in case, okay, obviously I'm a doctor, but I'm coming tied up, you know how you can't trust people. in this game like someone isn't going to hell, that noise was fine, so first things first I'm going to throw a banana at this guy and see what happens.
You had a job, you had a job, all you needed to do was not shoot him. I see, he wants the first aid kit, take it, take it, take it, take the banana, take the banana, oh, they shot him, sure, listen, I'm doing my best here, nobody wants the banana, if they take the banana, I'll let them live. very, it's very simple, I don't know if you are not getting the message, anyone want Golden Banana from MCCC cream? Yeah, this guy here needs it here here here, take it, take it, take the Golden Banana, take it, take it.
Dude, take it, oh, it's dead, what about you, do you want, it's okay, you surely want it here, take this, take it, take it, take it, take it, no buddy, take it right, now we're good, I'm the doctor, I'm a doctor wait, I think it worked, it worked, it worked, oh it's going to kill me, man, it's going to kill me, I'm going to give him that, although actually you know what I'm going to give him, I'm going to give him a mini too. that too take that here we go wanna jump oh dude I'm so dead I'm so dead where are we going dude jumping don't do that don't do that these guys can't be trusted I'm just a midic It was I was absolutely willing to let that guy live I guess they just think I can't be trusted I'm not too sure I feel like I'm a pretty trustworthy guy this car is kinda cool this is the med car what is actually the med car another lava hell yeah dude oh , this is what happens when you're a doctor, you understand that, oh, so many bananas, hell, yeah, anyone in that box has to be, oh, okay, I see someone up there, yeah, okay, this is no, no, no, no, here, take it, take it, take it, no, I, relax, relax, relax, relax, I can't, I actually can't believe that you see someone. throwing a banana at you and you immediately shoot them in the head what has the world come to what has the world come to okay well not being a doctor apparently won't ban you next we have team kills apparently if you kill your teammates they can be banned just another normal fortnite game there is nothing wrong with this game how good yeah let's try it um let's try sky should we base this game on sky try to base this game on sky.
I don't know what the hell happened. to the bottom of this building wait what um and I'll give you the mats uh yeah we have to go we have to go we have to go that way yeah I'll give you you can start with the base of the sky let's all go. okay, okay, okay, are you kidding me? Well, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, okay, I'm just kidding, there you have it and we'll soon get moving to move the Zone forward. so um it would be a little what cre friend that was an accident that was an accident I swear it was an accident I want to die I'm going to die I'm going to die okay I'm just going to get out of the car real quick okay oh you want my crown be high is that the reason um no, let's go to SC this um friend, no, oh, no, oh, I know, okay, now I really feel bad, I feel bad, I hope this makes up for the situation.
He wasn't banned, so obviously you can get banned for aiming at a robot in Fortnite, but can you get banned if you play a full game and don't miss a single bullet? Will Fortnite think I'm aiming at a robot if I don't miss a single shot? and we're going to do this at the deadest time of the day, so everyone is terrible, maybe even a very nice robot. I have to make it look like I'm cheating even though I'm not. I just have to act like No, it's not that kind of sus, but I'm not talking about that kind of sus, of course, I'm talking about being sus and then I have to eat a golden banana.
I'm pretty sure Fortnite isn't going to believe this, okay. It was weird, man, he looked so believable. Let's go back to the lobby. Are we banned or do we survive again? Oh, C, no, we're just a loading screen, that's all, that's all we have for a second, I thought we could have done that. was banned next we are going to try a double bomb exploit yeah very cool so basically if we just run up to them and hit them in the head or even the body it will be ridiculous it will cause ridiculous damage it is a weapon long range that also deals ridiculous damage at close range try it bang bang bang bang bang bang yeah buddy this is so good yeah let's go oh okay oh okay oh not the smartest player isn't it here we go yeah that's how We do it it's a double pump if this one doesn't ban me the next one is safe so apparently you can get banned in Fortnite for inappropriate content and uh I know exactly what I have to do oh my god that's a lot of damage I need . to create the world's biggest Fortnite PP of all time, it needs to happen, it's the only way, I swear to God, if this is what bans me from everything, if this is what bans me, I'll be lost . for words, H or Peter, what is Peter doing?
This is the actual Fortnite PP base. There's no way, no, no, no, friend. They guarantee me that they will ban me. They guarantee me that they will ban me. How long can we survive in the giant urine base? Imagine this. the last thing you see before you die I see I see someone going to see him buddy, he sees him, he sees fucking brother B, he sees the pee, that's so funny he can see the pee, look at him, he's right, he's running for his life , he's running for his life no way D that's the last thing I saw when I got back.
I'm surviving in this pee until the end until the end of time. I can just go up for the pee oh, okay, now, okay, now, this is sus this. It wasn't his but now it's his? What the hell is that ridiculous sounding car, dude? Oh, no way, no way, don't mess with me. I'm going to win this game on pp and there's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing they can do about it, he can't keep getting away with it, oh how crazy, what a friend, tell me you're afraid of the giant Fortnite PP without telling me you're afraid of the giant. fortnite pe oh I'm so confident now I'm just going to sit on it pause that's not what I meant that's not what I that's not it guys that's not at all what I meant and you know it well bye Mr.
Sussy base on the one we have to enter, but we can easily create another one. I'm hoping we can create another sussy base, but honestly, I'm not entirely sure, I don't know, I don't know if we're going to be able to, oh God, let's get it set up, set up, set up the sussy base oh, we're going crazy. Now yes, we are going crazy, no one is going to remove this base, not a single person is taking this. base, you're dead, buddy, this guy is the sniper Master, oh, you're dead, buddy, you're dead, buddy, you're dead, just accept that you've died to the Saucy base, buddy, if they don't ban me for it.
It's like I'm breaking four rules at once by trolling inappropriate content dude, I'm, I'm, I'm banned, bye guys, it's over, I mean, it makes a lot of sense, it makes a lot of sense as long as it's just a little ban, but it's possible that the moral of the story don't break any fortnite rules.

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