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I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (1.18)

May 21, 2024
things we have. We gathered so far and then greeted the horse and got to work on our villager storage area, which is a windmill. It's been a while since I built a windmill so I decided it was time to build a windmill and this one is purple and pink and looks amazing. In my opinion, it has a nice white sail, although not a black sail of course, because this is not the black pearl and we are not in parts of the Caribbean, but look, the fields have already grown back, oh my God, I just determine. growing them the first time, but well, we started working inside a small villager hall and it can only hold three villagers, but that's good to start with and I don't know why, but I always like to put up lights like mushrooms. or luminous stone under my villagers and I look at a little pig in a chicken.
i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft 1 18
I don't know why I thought it was funny, but I did. I made some composters because of course we're going to have farmer villagers like we all have. those carrots, wheat and potatoes, but it also had a lot of seeds and that was getting quite annoying, so I made myself this little bone meal maker and, instead of leaving it out in the open because it's ugly, I decided to decorate it. Of course because we do extra stuff here on the Smallish Beans channel so I came up with this fun little design real quick, it's nothing special but of course it has to have a chimney because everything in this world has a chimney , apart from the windmill that does not have a chimney but has a large candle to warm your hearts.
i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft 1 18

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i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft 1 18...

I don't know what I'm saying anyway. On the 82nd we raised some cows, killed some cows and I explored the nearby villages, that is. We have to bring some villagers home and of course they are all dead. Where are the villagers? I don't know, I called the bell and only one villager showed up, this guy here, I couldn't find them anywhere in the local village so I assumed they were all dead. However, I trapped this guy in a boat and then below I heard zombie noises, so I went to investigate, I killed this zombie, but look, two zombie villagers, perfect, let's trap them in a boat and we can just turn them, easy to squeeze , kill the chicken and then get stuck in some snow, but of course we came back and found the villagers still in a The ship splashed them with our weakness potion and we started healing them and then we had to start figuring out how the we would take home, the worst part of any villager expedition, but where they were was actually higher than where the windmill is, so if I could build a bridge to cross that would be perfect, but look, I got the achievement, like this that I went to see the villager and of course he had already converted because he had died to the other villagers, so this time I had to take them in separate boats. luckily one of them hasn't turned yet so I just need to splash one of them and use one more golden apple, so I did of course and now two villagers come.
i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft 1 18
I got to work on this bridge that looks very ugly, don. Don't worry, he won't stay and then we had to transport the villagers ship by ship and oh my goodness, what a slow process. Here you can see how stupid it looks, but also a little epic, but at least now they are close to our area. I went to find the other villager as well and brought him back before deciding that I never want to do that again, so I made some bread to raise them. I also greeted my horse, i.e. donkey, and then made some beds to make a little loot.
i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft 1 18
Save some villagers for now and this by the way won't stay it's horrible it's ugly it'll be gone as soon as I'm done with this okay it won't stay I promise don't look at me like that look at me. However, the crops look how big they are, let's cut them down and turn them into small seedlings again and look, our villagers raised some so I destroyed the bridge, but they still weren't in our area where we want them to be and Fortunately , two of them were already converted, so we'll get some good trades. However, we didn't have enough iron to make some railings, so I had to go into the caves to get some iron, which wasn't too difficult because iron is literally everywhere. in those caves and then I got to the surface, smelted that iron and got to work on some rails and some mine carts to move these villagers and I don't know what happened, but for some reason they were being very cooperative and we're getting in the mine carts very easily and none of the babies escaped, it was pretty good, I don't know what happened normally, this is hell for me, but look, look at them, they're working, it's working, everything is working.
I managed to get them into the windmill, I'm going to keep these two for now until we have another way to convert villagers, since it seems pointless to put one that hasn't been converted next to these two mega villagers who are going to have very good exchanges, speaking of exchanges, an amazed merchant appeared. So of course I killed it because I want the tracks and they're also very loud and annoying. Plus, it's pretty fun. Don't know. I decided to check out the trays we got and of course they were all garbage. I had to trade them until I got a potato and wheat trade and also a wheat and carrot trade so I started trading this one actually trades 13 wheat while this one trades eight wheat for emerald so the trade is really good with The one on the left. and they both trade pumpkins too, which is awesome and then I realized this iron golem was just being stupid, like what is he doing, he's just there dying on the wall, he could move but no, he's just there dying, their friend wasn't helping them either, so Yes, but I finally escaped.
I thought I could kill him but then I decided not to because that would be stupid and I would have probably died but look at all the crops we traded and all the emeralds we got and most importantly look. with all the XP we are getting now we are at 35 levels but my mood soon changed it started to rain so I went and cut down a bunch of trees for some reason after doing that I replanted the trees so I could cut them. shoot them down in the future also sometimes it's fun to just watch the zombies come at you in daylight and hope they die right in front of you and this one did it was fun then I started working in a mine and decided you know what I do.
I'm going to try to take the new thing off, apparently it's not good at 118, but I want to try it and see how it works to get down the ladder from where I think we are, which is y90 up and down. 58, so over 150 levels, speaking of levels, I enchanted some iron pickaxes when my diamond broke, since this thing was taking a long time to build, it took a long time to dig, but we finally got to minus 58, which apparently is the optimal level for iron diamonds. The pickaxes in deep slate, although they are horrible, I don't recommend it, especially without enchantments, but it's mine, baby, and it's time to relax and find the diamonds, even if it's super slow, but look, we were very lucky, we managed to collect one load of diamonds.
I think open pit mining could be a viable method in 1.18, especially at this level, you encounter lava, as you can see here, but for the most part I was fine and managed to do some open pit mining, you can see how much deep slate I have. I got there and managed to make myself a diamond helmet, enchanted protection four, I also started another mine on the other side, I took a bunch of pickaxes though, so we're all good and I got one more load of diamonds, a lot more than I was finding in the caves that's what I found and it's also much more relaxing for me, especially after a long time of almost dying from the vines, just ink caves everywhere, but we headed to the surface with six other diamonds, which which was a lovely pleasure, plus all that deep slate.
It's going to be really good for building, then I made myself some diamond tools and also did a little bit more farming on day 98 as I just wanted to do some farming mainly because it's really good for trading and trading is really good for XP and I wanted to enchant my New Diamond Tools, which of course I managed to gain efficiency and then free myself from my pickaxe. Very good and I also managed to get efficiency with the diamond axe. Here I am showing off all my new tools. Yes, the shovel is not enchanted. Leave me alone okay enchantment points are very hard to get but now we are on day 99 which means we are approaching day 100 and every 100


we get there I want to get a cat so I went and slept in this villager. bed here for day 100 and here we are on day 100 and of course in a town you can find a cat and I found this cat here who is very cute, I really like the brown ones, he is one of my favorite types of cats in the game.
Besides that, maybe the gelatin one will also kill the chicken because obviously we have to finish like we started and then I brought Bernard home who will stay outside for now, eventually I will have a place to keep all these cats and I named the cat Bernard . because why not and Bernard says thanks for watching while I say thanks for watching since this is the final day 100 we already finished our area it looks great so far if you are excited to see more make sure to leave a like a comment and subscribe if you haven't already bye

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