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I Played Hardcore Modded Minecraft for 100 Days..

Jun 07, 2021
In today's video we are going to play intense Minecraft for a hundred


inspired by Luke's remarkable series. However, we added some mods and when I say some I mean I'm using a mod pack called All of Fabric. free which has over 150 mods and as always this video took a long time to make so I'm going to ask you to subscribe now. You're ready, subscribe. Okay, let's start the video so that our adventure begins in this new modified world. This mod pack is completely new to me. I'll put a link in the description, but I have no idea what it contains.
i played hardcore modded minecraft for 100 days
I gathered the usual tools etc. I killed a chicken and then I killed another because one is never enough. Looking at it all, the flowers are these new dogs, look how cute they look. One seems happy. I need to get one later and then I found a meteor which was a little strange but there were a ton of resources underneath so I dug up some of them. some of them I can dig up, including the meteor itself, and as soon as I found this village, I headed towards it to make that bed and I also found this beekeeper villager, who is very new and exciting, plus this woodcutter, who is like a stone cutter. but with wood, then of course I stole my first bell.
i played hardcore modded minecraft for 100 days

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i played hardcore modded minecraft for 100 days...

I slept in bed for the first time and started collecting some wheat. I found some candles that you already knew and also this strange tower. I went in and found a cushion that yes, it works as a whoopee cushion is a little weird, but at least there were some chests here. I found the tag with my name on it, which is cool. So I felt overconfident when I headed here to see what it was. Oh yeah, I'm not going up there, that looks scary. I went and killed a skeleton like my first mob killed woohoo and found a new village which of course I looted instantly and also found an interesting stone, as you can see it was in the ore in the surrounding biomes, they looked very pretty and I found another town with another waste and I think this is going to be a trend.
i played hardcore modded minecraft for 100 days
I found this structure here and it didn't have anything useful, just some apples and potatoes, but then I saw a flamingo, so I killed one to see what would fall and fall. Chicken, which was strange. I managed to get some boots from our first ruined portal and also a watch, but who wears watches? I left it behind so I just made a beak and took out the gold and then right after I saw some really nice ducks so I killed them. one instantly to see if he dropped something, he dropped a chicken, which was strange, also this modpack has a lot of interesting trees, especially this one here, although the blocks he made are a little ugly, but you know what not It's ugly, these mushrooms are really cute, I like those.
i played hardcore modded minecraft for 100 days
I found a field full of huge pumpkins, which is great if you like pumpkins, but I don't like pumpkins, but look at these blocks here, they look really cool. Then I headed to the top of this pyramid that had four. blocks of gold on top and also inside the pyramid there were some chests that had some gold and this strange figure and also this philosopher's stone in the nearby village there was a technical villager and he had a cool headset, he was also standing next to it For this system of DJ platform was pretty strange, so I kept the stone out of the way in case I want to party later.
Then I found this hobbit hole where I stole the green bed because I don't want a yellow bed, I want a green one. The bed took my first helmet from this chest here and put it on my head as well as my scream cushion which is still there apparently and honestly these first few


went by very quickly as I was finding new biomes, new blocks , everything was like that. new and exciting and I was having a lot of fun, I got these iron boots from this chest here and then I saw this duck, so obviously I killed one to see if it would drop chicken, but it didn't drop chicken, which was strange, but look at a dog.
This time I have bones so I instantly tamed him and named him Melinda and look, this is how far I've traveled so far, pretty far. I was having a great time exploring with Melinda. I got an iron chest plate made because honestly, it's day five. I should have had one by now. I dyed Melinda's necklace magenta. Look how adorable it looks. I was amazed by all the strange structures, biomes, etc. talking about structures. I found this one here that had some iron swords, an iron helmet, and a chest. So now we have I no longer have gold.
I also saw this really cool structure and went to investigate, but realized it was a raider structure. I checked the chest, there was nothing in them and I escaped as quickly as possible. I packed a backpack while my adventure was filling up. but the backpack only had free spaces so it was a bit useless anyway and after exploring for a long time I took a stone back to this town because there was a cute little island nearby and this is where we will probably go. Calm down a little and when I say a little I mean that we are going to have our initial base here.
I left that strange looking statue and after admiring our statue, I started clearing all the trees on our island. It was a little hard to see what we were working with, so once everyone left it was perfect and then we headed to the mine that was on the island and started mining everything. There are so many paddles and these caves are crazy. It's very easy to find ours, there are a lot of different blocks. I was honestly overwhelmed, if anything, but I had a slight heart attack here when this happened, but we managed to get all the different things, there was just chess everywhere, as well as music records.
The caves were huge. I found my first diamonds, which was beautiful, not many, but we found some that are good. We have a lot of coal because we are going to need it for all these minerals that we have. There was some gold. There were spawners. It was just amazing, I hadn't experienced anything like it and when we got back to the surface we slept for a bit and then we started melting down our probability crowds and you can see in this chest here how many things we managed to understand, it was a little crazy, but then we set out to terraform a little our island.
I dirty it twice so that we don't dig in any suspicious places and the mobs could appear under us. I made a name tag for Melinda. Finally look how cute she is. and I also made these silver leggings here which look a little funky now, as much as I enjoyed sleeping outside it was time for us to start working on our little starter base and I say small is actually a little big. I set out around the world gathering. materials, this took quite a while as some of them were quite far away, but luckily I managed to use the waystone system we had already set up to obtain most of these things with relative ease.
I had to kill that guy there because he was nice. from bothering and then we start building our base now, like all my survival builds, I designed this beforehand in a creative world and then I have to put it together in survival, which took quite a while, I think it took about six or seven. days in total, but the purchase we're in on is a Japanese maple biome, so I wanted to make a sort of East Asian themed house to fit the aesthetic and I was really happy with how it turned out, as you can see here.
The inside was completely empty, so I set a reference point for where my base was and set about gathering more materials. Different types of wood. I found this at one point and I think it's oil. I also made a bigger backpack and updated it twice. an iron backpack than a gold backpack, meaning I could carry more stuff on me and then I started working on the floor, just a very basic pattern, but I think it ended up looking pretty good. I also made some armor for my wolf that I thought looked really cute on Melinda and then I brought the village stone here and put it right next to my house so I could teleport directly from my house if I wanted to.
I also got interior decorating which isn't my forte but it ended up looking good, I made these iron barrels here that double as chests which are awesome and look so much better. Also this mud pack has these giant pots so I added a few of them and some small ones, I found more generators underground because I needed more iron. For those barrels I had my first proper fight with a group of mobs. I managed to get out with half a heart luckily and then I started mining more resources and honestly these caves are crazy. I kept looking around and how big they were.
I was able to see many resources, etc. and when I got back into service, I crafted this barrel of gold here that has a lot of room for us, then I went back to the cave and this happened, which was pretty scary, to be honest, the closest I've ever been. death so far so to be honest that was enough for me for now so I went out and got a bunch of land because I wanted to start making some farms and I'm going to do this in a unique way on each island. It's going to be a unique and fun shape, so we'll start with some star islands.
I actually built it incorrectly the first time and we added some little eyes in the middle that were crooked at first, but we soon fixed them and then went ahead and planted. some wheat on top and this happened when I was trying to sleep which made me angry because I had spent so much time making this floor and I ruined it so I had to go get more logs to replace it and a lot of this day I spent looking for seeds, it's a bit tricky to get seeds because you get so many random seeds so I decided to plant some corn and wheat on this island here and you can see it will look really nice when it's all grown while we were waiting for it to grow we decided to decorate part of the inside of our home by adding this fireplace.
Here I embarked on a little adventure to get more materials, such as palm wood and spruce wood, like in this clay package. We have some spruce stairs which I think look much better than normal old stairs and we will be using them to get to the next floor, which I also made using the palm wood I collected, which I think is really cool. It looks like a color that goes well with our house here and I really like these barrels because I hate how chests normally look so I made a bunch of them and placed them everywhere so we could start storing things as well as some pretty flowers we have.
There are a lot of options, I just want to put them everywhere. Then I went and got some red wool to make a sofa, which is perfect, a sofa to put around the fire, as I thought it would look very, very pretty and it did. I know a lot of these things are not practical, but I just wanted my area to look nice. By this point, I had regained my confidence to mine again after the Creeper explosion and got a lot of resources, including some diamonds, which were very nice and in fact, I already had enough to make my first plate of diamond on the chest could be seen.
How strong and powerful I look. It's a joke. I have iron armor for the rest, as well as the golden barrels. I wanted to make some golden ovens, so here you go. You can see me brewing the basic one and then upgrading it to gold, which works very quickly, as you can see here, much faster than a regular old oven. I added a small coffee table to my living room and I honestly love the aesthetic of this place. It looks so nice, but you know what's not nice upstairs, so I added a mezzanine here that's honestly just for decoration.
I'm not really going to use that that much and for some reason at this point I was overcome with the urge to just declutter my chest, so I spent three whole days sorting through it until we finally had everything in the right place, everything was clean and organized and we can keep it that way from now on and get rid of these ugly chests here. I hate it and needed some time to relax so I watched the sunset that day. Here's a little lapse of time where I scooped up dirt just to show that I scooped up dirt and then we also killed some fish to tame a cat who I quickly named Frank because he looked like a Frank, you know, and Frank and I slept together. in bed and it was very nice.
I introduced Frank to Melinda, who seemed a little jealous at first, but I think they'll get along well later using all the dirt I collected. Before, I set out to build this huge lunar island in the shape of a crescent. I thought it fit the star very well. We will also add more stars later. However, since I do not have silk touch, I have no grass on that island. I had to try to make a path here to join the two and as it spread, I gathered more land and also made another star island. Now we have two.
I'm planning on having quite a few as I think they just look great. really nice, i decided to plant some carrots in it and then i brought melinda and frank inside, frank sitting by the fire, melinda next to me, now the grass was spreading so slowly i actually decided, you know why, it's probably better just have afired, but I made a little more gold. boots and we headed home and finally we got home and when I got home I decided to make some tacos, so that's what I did. I made some tacos and it turns out they are pretty good food, so I made quite a few since they were very easy to prepare. do and I have a lot of corn.
I enchanted my pickaxe because I wanted to work on a few more islands, specifically another star to start with and this time I planted some grapes hoping that the island would be purple but I think it will actually be like a dark green which is a shame but it still looks great and now that I have my Blaze Rods it was time to start working on my final adventure and of course we had to kill Emerald. However, the first night. I found two endermen and neither of them dropped Ender pills and I wasted a full ten minutes at night without finding anything, so I got a little bored and went on an adventure again to find some new biomes, including this one here, a snowy town with a cute little section of bees, although a meteorite had hit the village, I also found a baby turtle that I didn't know they had just laid their eggs in the wild, but it was cute.
I also found some really strange biomes. I found an attractive looking wood. I found this other tower. which was sandstone this time I did the first layer and then I decided, you know, that's enough for me, so I left immediately and went to look for more wood because I like to collect wood and while I was collecting a lot of resources for something I'm going to build in Secondly, I managed to get 13 shower points and make a pretty good shovel, but what I'm building is some sort of potions workshop. My plan was to get a village cleric and then trade him for Ender Pearl, so I thought I'd convert him. and obviously, if we're going to have a brewing stand, we might as well build it a huge house, so that's exactly what I did.
I thought it looked really nice and was really happy with how it turned out and the look of the brewing stand. there so perfectly with this little cauldron oh it's such a cute little house, plus these shelves are great for storing potions and I was sick of all the islands looking a little ugly so I decided to make this the standard kind of thing and added a lots of flowers, etc. and it ended up looking really cool. I then started working on a potion of weakness, however I forgot that you needed a zombie and didn't have a zombie, so anyway I switched with the cleric and didn't convert him, I got a bunch of emeralds.
I switched to this cleric here and after wasting a bunch of gold and emeralds, he didn't have an ender pearl swap, yeah, so I had to head to another one. village where I traded with another cleric and this guy finally had the end of the pearls so we could make a bow, that's right, I got distracted from the end again, however, I checked which direction the package was in, but the bow works like a bow that you can I picked up stuff on it so I went and bought a panda because I really wanted a panda and then I discovered this too.
A glider is like a lytra except it looks ridiculous and I love watching how fast I glide. It's so nice, it's so easy. to use and I love it, it's my favorite thing now, but after my distractions I decided to finally start working on the ending, so I went and got a bunch of ender pearls and started looking for the portal. I found a pirate ship on the way, but honestly. this portal was ridiculously far away, it took me a few days to find it and I lost two Ender Eyes along the way, I found another one of those cool things that I checked out, it didn't have anything interesting, but as you can see here.
We finally stumbled upon the portal and using the map it was very easy to find where the rooms were so I managed to find the package room very very quickly however one final pearl, yes I had to leave a scrap stone which luckily I brought with me. and then I went back and did more transactions until I had all the Ender Eyes I needed, so feeling pretty scared, I went and put them all in the portal and then I prepped a little, made sure my bow had some good enchantments. on that because I'm going to use it a lot, I made sure I had a lot of arrows and then we headed to the end, look at this idiot, this idiot is about to kill the ender dragon that's right there, we're going like a bad spawn, but oh well , we got to work destroying all those portals doing standard ender dragon stuff.
You've seen this many times before, it wasn't too difficult to be honest, although the glider was very useful and you finally managed to kill the ender dragon and of course I had to hit her on the head a couple of times to finish it and we've done one of the Hardest things to do in


yay, let's go home ah, I broke my bed like an idiot, so I have to make my way back from the spawn, look at this idiot, he just killed the ender dragon, I slipped, I swam and we finally got home after reaching this village and teleporting home, but we only have a few days left so I wanted to do it. something special over the last few days, I gathered a lot of resources and then we got to work on panda island, that's right, an entire island dedicated to having a panda.
Maybe I'll get a few more in the future, but I could only find one for now. so we made him look very cute so he was very happy here and I put him there and I called him peter the panda because he looked like a peter and peter behaves like a dog because he instantly wanted me to pet his belly but I didn't because it's a panda anyway, I made a path and that's day 100 and there's a lot more of this mod pack that I haven't done, so honestly, I could make it day 200 if people want to see that.
I know in the comments here you can see my little area so far. I am very happy with this. I think we made solid progress during these 100 days, but that's it for this video. Thank you very much for watching. I hope you enjoyed. make sure to leave a like and comment, subscribe if you're new and we'll see you another time, bye.

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