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I Survived 100 Days as WARDEN GODZILLA in Minecraft!

Mar 17, 2024
Godzilla is one of the coolest monsters of all time, so for the next 100


I'll survive as something even stronger. Warden Godzilla, this Kaiju has all of Godzilla's incredible nuclear abilities combined with the crushing powers of a Guardian as he grows even larger. Will I be able to fulfill my destiny and defeat King Gadora? You'll have to watch until the end to find out. The first day I conceived like a baby. Warden Godzilla in my Kaiju house, my mom and dad were happy taking care of me. Hello boy, we are very happy to finally be together.
i survived 100 days as warden godzilla in minecraft
Suddenly the sky turned red as the withered King Gadora flew above us. It seems that the prophecy has come through the birth of the first guardian in Godzilla. I will stop this now, you will not overthrow him. me as the ultimate guu, he unleashed his withered minions to terrorize our house and used his Dragon Blast attack to start destroying everything, he left my family alone, my father unleashed his Godzilla abilities on King Gadora, but they weren't enough to stop it. He set his sights on him and defeated my father with a powerful black hole attack. Dad, no, you're next on the second day, my mom and I were running for our lives from Gora's Minions, we ran as far as we could, but to our horror, we were soon cornered on the edge of a deep icy abyss we had nowhere to run I won't let you hurt my son my mom turned against the minions and started fighting for our lives, although she was outnumbered she managed to survive the attack unfortunately that's how it was Not long before the Wither Gadora himself arrived, Your fight is useless to die.
i survived 100 days as warden godzilla in minecraft

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i survived 100 days as warden godzilla in minecraft...

He unleashed another powerful attack, fatally wounding my mother. From the sky to the depths of the frozen abyss below I thought I was safe, but to my horror, the edge of the cliff I stood on crumbled beneath my feet, I landed in powdery snow and the cold overwhelmed me, it didn't pass. long before It froze and everything went dark on the third day. Mill, the block of ice he was trapped in was intended to be inside a laboratory. He was surrounded by human scientists. What a strange creature. I wonder if the Wither


too. Did you say they withered suddenly?
i survived 100 days as warden godzilla in minecraft
The alarms in the facility began to go off and the ceiling exploded above us when King Gadora had been released back into the world. Foolish humans now I can finish where I left off, he turned his gaze on me and attacked me with the crushing powers. of the. I had no choice but to do it. To run for my life our test subject is running away, capture him the scientists ran after me and I found myself in double the trouble at that moment my guardian powers activated allowing me to see enemies through walls. I can use this to my advantage.
i survived 100 days as warden godzilla in minecraft
I used my room on echolocation to choose an escape route on


4 to 5. I reached the end of the hallway and found myself cornered inside a nuclear test room. Now I was trapped between the swarm of masked scientists and a vat of nuclear waste that You now have the scientists Reed their weapons and shot me. I managed to dodge it, but in the process I plunged into the toxic waste behind me, however, to my surprise, the waste did not kill me. Instead, I felt a new power surge through me. my body made me transform into a larger and more powerful State.
He now had five more hearts and a new Guardian power. I came out of the waste ready to fight. Get away from me in my new form. I was able to unleash a sonic boom from my Guardian. in the chest shooting at the scientists, they tried to counterattack, but their weapons were no longer enough to stop me. I cut through the guardian powers infused into my claws and defeated them with my newfound strength. That's the power of a guardian Godzilla just when he was about to do it. run away I heard the sound of someone calling for help help oh there's no one else trapped here.
I need to save them on days 6 to 7. I reached the other part of the facility and found the huge Kaiju monkey King Kong trapped inside a cage. Don't worry, I'll save you at that moment a Mech guard stopped me in my tracks. He was the biggest guard I had seen so far. N of subjects are leaving this earth. The guard unleashed his metal fist attack at me, causing massive damage to the mech. He charged at me using his jetpack to propel his movements, raised his arm and hit me hard. I tried to defend myself with my abilities, but they were much stronger than the other scientists I had defeated.
I was going to have to be creative. Land. a powerful Sonic Boom ability that caused the robot to trip over a machine again, sending an electric shock that temporarily stunned it. Now is my chance. I ran to King Kong and freed him from his cage. Guardian Godzilla. I thought you were extinct. The guard ran away. between the rubble and continued his attack, we needed to get out of here, wait, King Kong used his ax to break through the wall of the facility, together we ran down the Escape Route and got out just as the laboratory collapsed behind us now that I know that you are alive I have something important to show you come with me on days 8 to 9 King Kong took me back to my birthplace he had been lost in time and the plants had grown above all go back King Kong broke a rock revealing a huge Book that It was hidden.
What is that? As if on instinct I walked towards the book, but when I touched it I was sent into a vision: The Withered King Gadora has ruled the world as the ultimate kaiju for years, yet it has been said that a Guardian Godzilla would be born to one day overthrow this great evil. Only Guardian Godzilla has the power to stop Wither King Adora before he completely destroys the world. Suddenly I came back to reality. Everything makes sense. Now I have to increase my power and deliver. my destiny in defeating the Withered King gadora just as King Kong and I were about to leave, one of us accidentally stepped on a pressure plate, artificial weapons appeared around us and started shooting at me and my friend, my house had been trapped for days. 10 to 12 King Kong and I were under attack by human traps.
I unleashed my Warden Godzilla skills by leveling the machines one by one together. King Kong and managed to destroy them all. It seems that humans have already been here, we should not just look outside. for King Gadora but also for them, I suddenly saw a map in the rubble and picked it up. I thought it was a good clue, so King Kong and I decided to see where it would take us. We reach the destination on the map and find a test site. where scientists were observing a wolf monster inside a giant tube, they were trying to make their own Kaiju, we tried to get a closer look but King Kong accidentally activated another trap, a cage appeared around him and the scientist saw us, there we are the runaway test.
The subjects obtained them, released their bioweapon from the test tube, and sent the monster running straight towards me. The mutant Kaiju swung his sword at me. It was clear that they matched my own abilities, but I wasn't willing to lose here. I fought with my Warden claws, leveling the playing field. The mutant Kaiju ran towards me and crossed the ground with his sword, making rocks appear. I dodged the rocks that were about to hit me and used my powers against him. The mutant Kaiju retaliated by summoning swords that fell from the sky creating a barrier between him and me protecting himself from my deadly attacks, my Warden Godzilla powers were doing great damage against him, he jumped into the air avoiding my blows in which he fell towards me and hit me hard with his sharp sword that I gathered. all the power in me and used my Guardian to finally defeat the mutant Kaiju.
No cheap imitator can defeat a real Kaiju after his death. He dropped a mysterious nuclear container which I took for myself. The object caused my body to change shape once again. I grew even more. Bigger and more powerful than before I gained five more hearts and my Godzilla atomic ray faced the wrath of guardian Godzilla. I used my new powers to destroy the testing site killing the scientists who had attacked me and freeing my friend from his prison. Thanks Zilla. then I saw one of the scientists run away, come back here. I chased after them determined to stop his organization now, on the 16th to the 18th.
I followed the escaping scientist until I reached some sort of city there. I saw Mothra under attack by human soldiers, please. stop, I don't want to hurt you, it won't end well, kill that monster at all costs, men, don't you dare make peace with him, everyone fired their deadly weapons at her until she plummeted from the sky, underground , below, no. Leave her alone I ran in rage and fought the soldiers, they were tougher than the scientists but they still didn't stand a chance thanks to my new and improved form, bring on the tanks, did you just say tanks, the soldiers came out high? armored tanks to try to defeat me with their heaviest and most powerful weapons.
Nice try, losers. I managed to deliver a powerful blow to the ground, causing them to fall into a pit. The rest of the ground troops fled in fear. All the soldiers retreated. They backed away. I quickly ran to Mothra's side. Are you okay? No, they poisoned me. The only way to save me now is to find the three ingredients needed for a cure. I won't let you die. Leave it to me. She handed me a list and I hurried away. It was too late between the 19th and the 22nd. I began my search for all the items on the list.
The first element was a dark fireball found underground. This could be anywhere. Something good. I am a guardian. I used my Guardian powers. to feel it until I discovered its location, I ran through the cave until I arrived and thus obtained the first item, only two more were missing. I will save Mothra, the second element was a reality. Crystal that can be found underwater in the depths. from the ocean I entered the water and used my Godzilla abilities to breathe in the water to navigate. I managed to find the Reality Crystal, but a group of mutant men were circling around it.
You better jump on them. I used my power to knock them down and restrain them. The Crystal reality is only missing one more element. I looked at my list and realized that the final item is a demonic seal that can only be found in the abyss, which is withered territory. This place is dangerous for a guardian like me, but I'll do it. anything to save Mothra on days 23 to 26. I reached the abyss, unfortunately for me, the place was guarded by a terrifying and withered guardian. I was just lucky. I could see the demonic seal I needed in the distance, but I wasn't sure how to get it.
Pass the guard wait a second I'm a guardian I have fire resistance I entered one of the nearby lava pools and swam through it to avoid the Wither Guardian thanks to my fire resistance and Godzilla's powers I was able to navigate through the washes as if it were water. I reached the demonic seal and grabbed the last piece of the Cure when suddenly the Wither Guardian saw me. I will make you pay for your actions, please, I need this for my friend, you won't need it when You are dead, the Wither Guardian came after me and caused me a lot of damage with his attacks.
He ran towards me, crushing me in his bony hands. He spun around in his arms and cut around me. He hit me numerous times. I used my Guardian powers to fight him. Wither back but he wouldn't give up, he broke the ground creating black puddles that oozed from within the ground giving me the Wither effect. I fought with everything I had and came up with an idea, but not before Wither skulls came spinning towards me from their direction, I took them out with my Sonic Boom to clear a path and retreated through a portal back. to the Overworld.
Hang in there, Mathra. I am going on the 27th to 30th. I returned to Mathra and combined all the ingredients into a cure for Mathra. Drink it. I gave it to her and she was able to recover before it was too late. I feel incredible. You say the same. Suddenly, a portal opened and the Wither Guardian entered. They were following me. Hand over my demonic seal. Your thief. Sorry, he's already there. He left, he attacked me with the giant attack of his sending disgusting puddles of poisonous wither everywhere. I struggled with my Guardian skills. It was the second round with this guy and I felt a renewed vigor to defend Mathra, but it was hard, sending huge death skulls exploding into me.
In your form I thought I was finished until Mathra intervened take this Mathra backed me up with a blast of radioactive wind with our combined strength we were able to defeat the Wither Guardian leaving only his disgusting skull behind we make a good team yeah we do hey check it out after his death, he dropped a map, this could be a clue to how I could become even stronger, let's move forward on days 31 to 34. I arrived at the location on the map to discover another nuclear device hidden in the side of a mountain going to be mine I used my powers to break through the mountain, it crumbled into pieces and I was able to get to the nuclear device, however before I could, the ground began to shake, a huge fire giant exploded out of the mountain, oh what I feel.
I hate being woken up. I didn't want to wait. Really.and please explain to me this is all a misunderstanding Mathra attacked me again but I was able to dodge her attack until suddenly Lara called me Rono P She threw the nuclear device at me allowing me to gain five hearts and the power of Mothra's Nuclear Whirlwind you you I will pay for that wait that Mothra sent us, we mean no harm, we are here to help, please wait, Mothra sent you yes, the last words that Mothur said were to come here and look for you, the last words, so the feeling I had was TRUE. my daughter is dead your daughter I'm sorry I didn't know she died bravely fighting the Wither Gadora thank you Warden Godzilla maybe you're good enough after all if Mothra trusted you enough to send you here before she could talk more about the place . was invaded by king gora's thugs in the 75th to 78th, the mo leader and I fought against the thugs, destruction occurred on the battlefield, we may have been big in size, but they were big in number , but it was nothing we couldn't handle with acid and electricity.
I danced across the field launching myself at enemies from all directions, both from the sky and from the ground, they had nothing against the leader of the moth and my powers clearing the bullies, only the sore leader of the cross was left, but Mothra and I defeated him with a double nuclear whirlwind thank you. Thanks to my new powers and the help of my allies I was able to defeat them all, sorry for the misunderstanding, any friend of Mothra is our friend. I should have said that Mothra had sent us from the beginning, suddenly I saw a street thug running. away out of the corner of my eye oh no, don't come back here.
I followed behind him, but he was too fast to catch up. I chased him until I reached the bottom, there I saw the minions in the distance building a strange device I heard any vital information soon the device will be ready for the Wither king and that's right, once this device is complete you will have enough power to destroy the guardian Godzilla and the world oh no, this is bad news, I have to stop them before they could intervene The Runaway minion revealed my location guys, they have followed me, it's


Godzilla, get him on days 79 to 82.
I was being attacked by The Gora, some minions out of my way, I went straight towards the machine, but before I could destroy it, the area was filled with sleeping gas, everything went dark. I woke up inside a chamber where one of his minions was watching me carefully, look who's there. Finally awake, enjoy your dream, what do you want with me? Well, we're going to kill you so that the Withered King can complete his plans. More questions from him don't really matter because I won't answer them. The machine is on, but first they killed me. King Kong arrived, left my friend alone, cut down the withered skeletons.
Every swing of his ax killed more and more. Victorious, he then broke the machine containing me. I got a clue about the final nuclear device. It's at my house in Skull. Isla, thank you for saving me, come on. I followed him before it was too late on days 83 to 86. I arrived at Skull Island and discovered that the entire place had been burned down. What happened here? I don't know, but we have to get there. In the end you move on King Kong stayed behind to put out the flames and I started looking for The Source. It didn't take me long to find a T-Rex terrorizing the island, all in the name of Wither King gadora, yes. everything will burn for the Withered King not while he is here.
I intervened by attacking the monster before it could do more damage. The T-Rex roared angrily at the sudden interruption sending a breath of death and destruction towards me. I summoned an electrifying thunderstorm. which rained down on the T-Rex causing massive damage despite the heavy hit, ran towards me. He landed with a jaw looking at Bight. I sent powerful waves towards him while keeping me prisoner and was able to escape. I used my Nuclear Whirlwind sending him back with immense power, he retaliated with another of his deadly soul breaths, but this time there were three lightning bolts coming out of his horrible mouth, it was the battle of the ancient lizards, fire versus electricity.
I was thinking that the fight could go either way when suddenly King Kong arrived. falling on the robotic T-rex killing him with his huge axe. No one messes with my island after his death, he dropped a note, find the nuclear device and destroy it before Warden Godzilla gets his claws on it, if you don't do anything he will stop me. gadora oh no, they are looking for the final nuclear device. I have to find him first in days 87 to 90. I explored Skull Island until I found a group of King Gora's henchmen chatting among themselves. They must know where the artifact is.
I just need to make sure I don't get caught by them now, where do I hide? I looked around the area before finding some taller trees close to each other. I hid behind the group of trees to listen to their conversation in hopes of gathering some information about the artifact. location Did you manage to get that artifact like the boss told you? Yes, it is already heading directly to the incinerator. Perfect. The boss will be pleased with us. Hopefully we get a raise because of this. He wouldn't be so sure. About that, uh, who was he?
I ambushed the minions and easily knocked one out before they could call for backup. One of them managed to escape and tried to escape through a secret entrance, but I was also able to defeat them. I guess they won't. I'm getting a raise soon, but it looks like they took me straight to the incinerator. I rushed in before the other minions realized that their little friends were no longer keeping watch on days 91 to 93. I entered the room where I found. The nuclear device is being transported on a conveyor belt towards a lava pit. I have to stop it before it burns.
I had an idea and used my powers to destroy the machinery, but the conveyor belt sped up. Oh no, that's not what I wanted. To make it happen, I looked around trying to find ways to stop Doom's possible artifacts, but with the machinery destroyed I couldn't stop him, the nuclear artifact was about to fall into the lava, but I thought quickly and Ed my Sonic Boom to stop it. release it. I made the belt I took it off suddenly the robot that tried to kill me and King Kong appeared not so fast wait I thought you had died from the building Debris the test subject who escaped has become uncontrollable new risk management directive kills me without hesitation The robot me It launched rockets ready to kill me between 94 and 1996.
I was fighting the robot to claim the last nuclear device I needed. I reigned like lightning on my enemy, hoping to stun him, but he was unmoved and continued trying to crush me with his metal fists, activate his missiles, and I launched a Guardian Beam at him. He also stayed strong during that attack, but it seemed to have done some damage. conveyor belt to try to throw me into the lava, but I managed to escape to the other side, you can't stop me, the artifact is mine, the resistance will end badly, I will submit to extermination, how about not, I jumped towards it and got the nuclear fragment. five hearts and my atomic breath became unstoppable.
The test subject's power level is increasing. Wait. I guess robots can feel fear in the end. He started to walk away from me, but I used my powers to defeat the guard once and for all. I need to gather them all. of my friends I need as many as I can it's time to prepare for the final battle of 97 and 98 I regrouped with my allies King Kong and LA I finally got the last of the nuclear devices we are so close to finally defeating King Gadora I can feel it in my veins, but this is not over yet, it's time for the final battle, are you ready?
I have to be. I am the only one who can stop the Withered King's gadora. I've been working for this for so long. I can't disappoint everyone who believes in me. I need to win for your sake. Let me go with you with my powers. I can help you defeat all of his little minions, allowing you to focus on the Withered King, Gadora H, who may not be such. a bad idea I can actually use my potions on his little minions. Do you know what you two could really use in the final battle? Let's finish this once and for all.
Yes, I will not disappoint you, we will give it our all. Don't worry, bronzo, thanks guys. I would appreciate it if only there was something that would give me an advantage in this battle. Well, I just have something to help. Laura handed me a regeneration potion. Grab it when you need it, post and get ready. a second breath wow thank you Laura I appreciate it of course but I also have one more surprise really what is it yes follow me I blindly followed Laura waiting to see what surprise she had in store for me after a short trip Laura and I arrived at a nether Portal, this should lead directly to the Wither King Gora device, according to the files I worked on, we are a few weeks away from going to the lab, so we don't have any more time to waste.
Come on. Kong joined us and we all entered the portal together that day. 99 I arrived at King Gora's Fortress, a small army of his best minions stood between me and as I advance the device, he must be there in the main fortress, then everyone knows what to do, everyone charge at King Kong. Laura and I took on the enemy with everything we had King Kong took them down one by one with his ax while Lara threw deadly potions at them, they were able to clear a path and just as I was about to make my way through a big ending, Kaiju came to stop me, you never will. make him inside here a Kaiju from the end why are you helping to wither Gora?
The king's influence extends further than you can imagine. Nobody can stop it. Oh yes, we'll see about that chaos that reigned. Supreme as he and I face off. The Beast was cruel. Evil. claws that pose a deadly threat even to my hardened Godzilla scales. I called on my lightning powers to try to match his speed. I slashed at him, scratching deeply into his skin and he roared with a giant Violet Aura crashing into me. I resisted it and Reed my huge Atomic. Make one last move. I attacked him, he died and the passage behind him opened clearing the way to King Gadora.
It's time to fulfill my destiny on the 100th day. I came face to face with King Gadora. Your evil reign ends here. I won't do it. Let you destroy the world, you are too late. I've almost gathered all the power I need. Not even you can stop me. That's what you think, but I have to try. I ran and attacked Withered King Gadora with all my strength. I rained down lightning on him, he shot black holes and withered skulls that exploded the terrain around us. The giant black hole he created hurt me so much that I was forced to drink my regeneration potion.
I launched him with a sonic boom that sent him to the ground. I got into a hand-to-hand fight, cutting and biting him and him quickly doing the same to me. I jumped back and blasted him with a huge atomic ray, to my horror he remained standing. He had withstood my most powerful attack. I realized that. As long as his machine remained standing, the battle would never end, his power was infinite. I have to destroy that thing, if I don't, I won't be able to cause any damage, you fool, I will always be the best gu. You won't do it without that machine.
I blew the machine to pieces with my last atomic breath attack. No, how could you? I was the one who was supposed to be the ultimate kiju, how dare you? It's over for you, King Gadora, take this. I dealt the killing blow and now I was the ultimate Kaiju, yes, Rono.

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