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I Survived 100 Days as GUMMIGOO in Minecraft!

Jun 30, 2024
Gummig goo is one of the coolest new characters from the latest episode of The Amazing digital circus, which is why I decided to add him and the rest of the Candy Canyon Kingdom to Minecraft. Now, for the next 100


, I will survive as Gummy Gummy by pulling off explosive heists and making Grand Escapes while meeting all the members of the digital circus and transforming into even larger, more powerful forms. Will I be able to overcome the odds and defeat the fudge or will I be eliminated from the circus? I'll have to watch until the end to find out that on the first day I fathered as a gummy baby with my friends Max and Chad, my mom and dad were taking care of me.
i survived 100 days as gummigoo in minecraft
Very glad that he was now part of the town, welcome home, son. How handsome with your little hat, mom, come on, I'm with my friends. Suddenly the ground shook around us and a terrifying mass of chocolate goo emerged from the chocolate river. We were being attacked by the sugar candy. What is this candy? It's not me in the Candy Candy Kingdom that this place will have to do the candy started attacking my people killing and swallowing one gummy crocodile after another oh no this is terrible he then turned to my mom and me but before that could come. his tendrils on us, my dad jumped out and intervened, he left our family alone using his revolvers, my dad fired a volley of bullets at the fudge, however, his attacks were not enough to stop the monstrous mass from crushing him. next.
i survived 100 days as gummigoo in minecraft

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i survived 100 days as gummigoo in minecraft...

No, we have to hurry. Guys, I tried to escape with my mom and friends, but it wasn't long before Fudge targeted us again. Back here, Fudge rampaged through the town and threw a ball of fudge right at us, but my mom jumped up to take the hit, she


, but I realized something was terribly wrong Mom, are you okay? I'm fine, keep running, we all kept running before the fudge had a chance to finish us off for good on the second day. Max Chad and I took my mom to cover us. behind a giant donut while the fudge continued to hunt us with one look at my mom I realized she was seriously ill what did that monster do to you we have to help we don't have much of the town but maybe the syrup from the Candy Canyon Kingdom could help me, it's worth a try, it looks like we're going on a heist guys, thinking quickly, we carved a nearby donut to create a makeshift shelter to protect my mom and then set off together towards the Candy Canyon Kingdom. of the magic syrup, after a bit of traveling, we finally arrived at the huge Kingdom only to discover that the gates were guarded by a huge rubber elephant along with Princess Lully Lau's army of mannequins.
i survived 100 days as gummigoo in minecraft
They couldn't make it too easy for us. We'll have to find it. another way of how we are going to enter with the castle surrounded by this molten chocolate. M oh, I know this is a place, a ram in the back with an m is lower, we can just cross, good thinking Chad, we just have to get there without being seen. My friends and I tried to sneak around the perimeter of the castle walls taking cover between the trees to stay hidden from the mannequin guards. When we reached the back of the castle there was a small dirt bridge with a weak part of the wall hidden behind it. one corner was a strange garden gnome what is this doing here?
i survived 100 days as gummigoo in minecraft
It's one of those Easter eggs. I've been hearing about Easter eggs. Yes, there are probably more out there. They are well hidden, so it can be difficult to spot them. Sometimes there should be five. more of them try to find them all and leave a comment if you did, who are they talking to? We have to move, let's break this wall using our combined power, my friends and I break through the wall, but to our horror princess LLY Lalu. I was standing on the other side Bandit captures the guards the princess's guards came running after us and we all made a break for the castle the third day we are being chased by mannequin guards towards the castle the three of us dash through the halls To avoid our pursuers until we finally reached the syrup supply room quickly everyone hides inside the syrup the three of us dove into the syrup storage container only for an intense sensation to run through our bodies my friends and I transformed into adults gaining five more hearts and new powers what just happened, I don't know, but this is incredible, suddenly the guards were seen approaching the room, we ran out of time.
I'll keep these guys away, both of you prepare a way to get your stuff out of here Chad and Max I got to work fine. I used my strength to fend off the incoming guards armed with my new Chomp gummy attack. He was no longer helpless. I used my power to fight off the hordes of enemies, but even though I was able to defeat them, there were more reinforcements on the way. the way the tank is draining, take this and let's get out of here. I grabbed the giant barrel of syrup and put it in my inventory.
The three of us ran towards the walls where Max had placed some TNT. We turned it on and blew up the walls. escaping with the barrel of syrup in my possession time to save my mom just when we thought we had made it out a group of strangers stopped us in our tracks it seems we have company Guys on


4 to 7 our robbery was interrupted by a group of people that we've never seen before, okay, everyone's coming with us, what makes them think we'll listen to them? Oh, I hoped they wouldn't do it without warning. The rabbit attacked me.
I tried to defend myself with my enhanced strength, but he was quick on his feet and landed a strong blow just when I thought I was about to be overtaken. Max intervened helping me take down the enemy. Let's get out of here. The three of us ran through the group and ran. towards the hills I'm going to make it, oh no you won't catch it, wait, what not, the rabbit hit his clown friend sending him flying in our direction, huh, the clown crashed into me with enough force to send me flying. through the ground and falling through it. map of days 8 to 10 I landed inside a strange digital realm that I have never seen before, where am I?
I started exploring the area until I found a place where the characters were standing in a row like statues. Hello, it's me and my friends, what is this? place I looked behind me and saw a letter lying on the ground, then I picked it up and began to read what was inside, there is more Beyond the sweet Canyon Kingdom and at the center of it all are the digital circus entities that reside outside of The circus is known as NPC, they are inferior beings, if an NPC explores the kingdom outside the kingdom and collects the six candy relics, they will gain maximum power and become a main character.
I am an NPC, but our lives are as important as anyone else's, I will find those relics, gain the power of a main character and save my village from deception. Just then I heard the sound of something approaching behind me. I turned around and saw that I was being ambushed by digital entities from the 11th until the end. 14 I was defending myself from the menacing Digital Monsters that were starting to overpower me, but just when I thought I was done with the clown before he intervened, leave him alone using his firecracker powers, the girl helped me fight the enemies until that none of them remained.
Why did you help me? Weren't you one of those people who tried to stop me before because you seem like a good person? I'm sure there was a reason you stole that serum in the first place. My Village is in trouble and I. I think finding the so-called circus and the candy relics inside is what I need to save it. Did you say circus? That's where I'm from. My name is Pomy. If the circus is the key to saving your village. I'll help you find it. I followed Pomy through the digital realm trying to ignore all the lifeless assets around us.
Eventually we both discovered a portal waiting for us. Is this going where I think it's going? uh there's only one way to find out, with nowhere else to go we walked towards the portal and passed through it when we emerged on the other side we had arrived inside the circus we made it now we just have to watch out for Kane who is Kane just at that moment a Ring Master appeared before us out of nowhere humy, you're I came back early uh-oh it seems that one of the NPCs had time to close this place, suddenly Kane used his magical powers to make the portal behind us disappear, sit down, sweet Critter, soon this will all have been just a bad dream before Kan could hurt.
I, Pomy, launched a volley of fireworks to distract him. Hide on days 15 to 17. I found a hiding place while Pomy continued to keep Kane busy. She couldn't keep it up for long as he teleported Pomy out of his way. What was that for? Now I have to look for The Runaway, the terrifying ring. The Maestro started looking for me at the circus and I took the opportunity to look for a way out. I finally found a strange door and figured it was my best bet to get out of here. You have one chance at this. I got closer and closer towards him, but before I could reach my goal, Kane appeared in front of me.
There you are, you scoundrel. He unleashed a laser attack at me, but I was able to narrowly dodge it and run. Kane chased after me and fired more attacks at me, his overwhelming power pushing me further and further to my limits. Things were looking bleak until I heard Pomy calling me here. I followed the sound of his voice and found her standing next to a strange passage. on the ground I'll keep him away uh good luck without warning pomy pushed me into a strange hole sending me tumbling into the unknown on the 18th to the 21st.
I landed at the bottom of the hole to find myself in another part of the circus. In front of me was the first candy relic, there it is. I headed towards her, but before I could get my hands on her, the glowing Queen slipped from the corner, that's my precious candy, you can't have it, she came after me and I prepared for battle, the glowing Queen used her larger size to her advantage trying to crush me with her stomp attack, hasn't your mom taught you to share? No, everything here is mine, she continued to chase me while he tried to eat me in the process.
At this rate I knew I wouldn't win, but I noticed a weak spot in the wall and an idea occurred to me. Hey, ugly here, that's no way to talk to royalty. I lured the queen towards the weak wall and jumped out of the way. She charged at it, crashed into the wall with enormous force and was temporarily stunned, giving me enough time to go for the Relic as the Relic is mine. I snagged my prize causing my form to change once again. I grew stronger and stronger in size as I progressed. In addition to gaining five more hearts and two revolver weapons armed with my new weapons, I took down the queen and defeated her once and for all.
There were five less to go and at that moment Pomy ran into the room. I'm so glad you're okay, but we. I need to hurry Jax was able to capture your friends oh no please take me to them. I then followed Pomy out of the cave and back towards the circus on the 22nd-25th, Pomy and back to the circus the way we came. It took me to a portal back to the Candy Canyon Kingdom when I got there I found Max and Chad trapped in a cage, in front of both of them was Princess Luli Lalo and the other members of the digital circus, thank you for stopping the bandits, brave warriors now. we can begin the execution execution I knew things would only get worse if I did nothing so I ran to intervene leave my friends alone don't go we are very happy to see you do you dare to come back you will be executed Also get it, GRS, his guards and they pounced on me from the castle before they could get close, even though the ground began to shake around the sweet Canyon Kingdom.
What is happening? Suddenly, a towering monstrous form burst through the kingdom wall, it was the sweet, oh finally. I am free to eat the entire delicious Kingdom. He charged towards us to begin his attack on the 26th to the 28th. The circus team ran for lives and the Fudge began to terrorize the kingdom. Her hunger was insatiable and he used her immeasurable power to consume everything. Around him, guards tried to confront him, but he swallowed them like sandwiches. It was very rude of you to banish me from the kingdom for eating a few tasty PS people.
I am now hungrier than ever with each guard I consumed. It seemed to get stronger and stronger the sweet had thrown everything into chaos but while things were out of control troll so I had the chance to save my friends I'm enough Dilly wasting time let's get out of here I use my weapons to Black breaks the cage and free Max and Chad from their prison, thanks buddy, I was going crazy there, you can thank me later, we ran off with my two free friends, we fled the kingdom together once we put some distance between us and the fudge.
We found some cover Cy, it was nearby, you saved our hearts back there, you sure did, do you still have the syrup? I bet so. Now let's tell mom this before things get even worse. The three of us left the area hoping thatemerge victorious after all, I suddenly felt the battlefield shake beneath my feet and looked up to hear an explosion. in the distance what was that it sounds like it's coming from the direction of the donut fields oh no that's where mom is you gotta go and make sure she's okay but I can't leave you guys the fudge minions They started to approach me when Pomy suddenly ran in and took them out your mom needs you gummy go stay strong we can all win this.
I left my friends and the circus members to hold off Fudge's forces while I raced to save my mom on the 100th day. I returned to the donut fields to find my mom captured by Fudge if I didn't defeat Fudge. sugar fast enough, she was going to die, let my mom go, I never said to eat everyone and that includes this delicious gummy I captured and then I'll just have to stop you by force. I rush into battle, prepare to end this once and for all. I used my gum shots on the huge monster. His body was so big that it seemed to absorb most of what I threw at him.
He defended himself. with his own chocolate ball attacks and I felt like they cut me deep, not good enough. I think it's time for a snack fueled by his hunger. He set his eyes on my dying mother and approached her. Keep your hands off her now full. Out of rage and determination, I had a fudge for lunch and threw a stick of dynamite. The explosion did not take it away from my mother and it did significant damage. No, now you made me angry, he unleashed a deadly attack with fudge tentacles, pushing me down and trapping me, but nothing happened. was going to stop me from protecting my mother I used all my strength to escape the tentacle's grip and moved in for the kill this is for my people I knocked down the fudge finally killing him I turned around and found my mother running towards me she was finally getting my act together cheers, you saved me my son, thank you mom, you are fine with fudge defeated and my mother's health restored, all was right in the world again.

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