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I Survived 100 Days on an ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore

Jul 03, 2024
the entire reason why the lighthouse would have been created in the first place during these constructions. I also completed planting all the farms, which is why it was now day 60 and while our lighthouse was all finished except you know, the main part, the light, and to get that item we needed to go to the abyss, my least favorite place in the world, so with a bucket of water in my hand I went down the mine towards a lava fountain that I knew flooded it and I began to slowly extract 10 God obsidian. I wish I could enchant my tools with the 10 obsidian finally obtained.
i survived 100 days on an island in minecraft hardcore
I thought I should probably make a proper design for the portal instead of just hiding it underground and better yet, why not integrate it into the


's history? the dark portal located deep in what used to be the dense forest of the


, a mysterious creation discovered by the native settlers of the island, their camp has not yet been built, we will get to it and the bravest of those settlers decided take their chances and enter the portal to discover an unknown hell after a brief exploration, a giant flying ghost wiped out all the natives except one and the Survivor returned home and sealed the portal years later, the casing of the portal had deteriorated, revealing the entrance to the hellscape uh yeah maybe I went a little overboard with the story but I thought it was cool so with our portal design complete it was time to enter The Nether and pray that we could find our article easily and fortunately, our article.
i survived 100 days on an island in minecraft hardcore

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i survived 100 days on an island in minecraft hardcore...

I was literally two steps away from a mushroom light, we needed three in total, so I quickly grabbed them all and headed back home. After all, this is an island survival and I feel like even this short trip into the abyss is breaking the rules, so that's it. I did it upon my return. I continued the discreet path that led from our gate and back to the mine and then headed towards the lighthouse after reaching the top. I noticed that my door faced the ocean instead of where it should be. the island, I fixed it up and added some glass to the windows along with our mushroom lights behind to warn sailors off the island.
i survived 100 days on an island in minecraft hardcore
I dove off the lighthouse and had a boat cross the ocean and took a look at our lighthouse as it was the 61st day coming to an end, it looked perfect. I returned to the dock, slept under the stars, and woke up on day 62 with a plan to improve the potato farm, as you can see. I accidentally made it too thin, so it's time to thicken it. all I did was just add a little more pink to it to make it more in line with the sizes of the other farms. Once this was done, I began harvesting more wood for my next big island project, the farming village located on the left side of the island, right next to our extensive crop farms, was going to be the farming village, a few houses clusters that housed the island's agricultural workers.
i survived 100 days on an island in minecraft hardcore
I wanted these buildings to be slightly different. from everyone else on the island, so I went with a deep ceiling with slate trim along with a staircase design for them too. I also went with some slightly different shapes for the buildings as well as adding chimneys to the roofs for a more established feel, another thing that makes these homes feel more established compared to the others is a subtle touch of using glass panels in place of fences for the windows. I then went on to connect our village to the main road, transforming it into deep cobblestone slate as we entered the village perimeter with that.
Done, I found the perfect place to build a well in the village that would also serve as an infinite source of water for the next project we will work on. I built a lamp layout, added a few more around the town, and then added the finishing touches, lawn decorations are also left on the houses and bushes around the town. Now on day 70 I took a quick walk around our new farming village and enjoyed the cedy and then realized it's day 70 and I have more building to do next. It was going to be predominantly made of wood, so I gathered a bunch on day 71.
I found the perfect place to start our new construction, the water treatment tower, the island was severely lacking fresh water and the inhabitants came up with this theoretical design. to process sea water into drinking water, so to start I did a bit of terraforming and went straight to attaching the pillars with some oak wood, once they were at a height I was happy with I connected them and I then added even more pillars that would form the top of the tower. I then started with a ceiling design, opting for Birch for the trim and went with my signature curved style ceiling which I love to use on almost everything.
I also filled in the main part of the tower. oak wood roof Once the roof design was done, we needed a way to get to the top of the Tower and I achieved this with a simple staircase design. I then decided to add just two walls to the top of the tower here and made them from strips of oak and birch wood for an interesting look. I added some nice arched designs to the corners of the open walls and also filled the floor with some oak slabs now that it was in the way the water would be treated so I built a small bathtub.
I took out stone on the second floor here and filled it with water. I felt like it was lacking a bit of detail so I also put some oak signs around all the sides and now it was down to how the water would actually rise. Here and I decided on some pipes, this being the end that would be poured into the processing vat and now for the rest of the pipe I placed them steadily on our polished deep slate blocks and added several bends until reaching the ocean , which was obviously where it would be. pump as to how this would actually pump water, uh, don't worry.
I then added some safety railings to the top of the tower here and then jumped down to add some supports under the top floor as well and now it was time to create the bottom water catchment which had collected all the processed water from above. and I opted for birch hatches for this one. I would have loved to use spruce hatches as they would look perfect for this, but obviously we didn't. I have that luxury here on the island, so, uh, it was Birch. I replaced the floor of the water catchment with stone to keep the water clean and then placed it throughout the water.
I then worked to connect the road to our new structure and I marveled at its Bey now, in addition to this, I wanted to add a bunch of rain catchers that would have been the main source of water before the inhabitants came up with the Purifying Tower of water so I sprayed a bunch of these all over the area making sure I added a lot of them and there we have all our water collection builds for the island and I'm really happy with how they turned out for my next project. I needed a lot of wool, so I headed to my animal farm and started shearing.
I gave up much of the cow population to make room for a new generation of sheep so I could get more wool, of course I had also run out of wood again so while I waited for my sheep to grow wool again I harvested more wood and So now with a lot of materials I started to build a camp and not just any camp. These were the first houses of the settlers of our island. I was going to say they sailed from a far away land, but actually this is the only one. land in this entire world, so maybe they came from underground, I don't know, but upon reaching this island they set up their camp and started exploring the land and also started their own small farms until they finally moved them to the center of the world.
On the island, they were also eventually divided into two different villages, the agricultural village and the port village; The first chose agriculture to feed themselves and the second opted for fish, and on day 76 the camp was completely finished. I then started building the final farm as I felt this place would be perfect for one more, so I spent the rest of day 76 and all of 77 building that last farm. On the 78th I saw the first merchant in awe and prayed that he had sugar cane for sale as I saw what he had to offer. He was very disappointed and I punched him in the head.
The llama alpaca thing on him caused Hawking to attack me so I had to put him down, but other than that little fight our final farm was complete and once everything grows it should look amazing now. Up to this point every house I have built had no interior or even a floor and I wanted you guys to have a decent island to explore so it was time to add interiors to each house so I started collecting some stone and also wood so that we can add those interiors and yes, that's right, this island will be downloadable on my patreon along with the day one version so you can play on the same island as me and see how far you can go as well instead of doing that. just houses.
I decided to turn this into a kind of boat shop, which I thought was cool. Then I wanted the next building to be some kind of mixed juice, so I decided to add a bedroom to this top floor here and then made a small workspace at the bottom with lots of storage ovens and a crafting table. Now I'm heading to the agricultural village and these houses are a slightly more luxurious variant. I wanted to keep that theme in the interior too so I added things like a cool leaf design above the bed, a nice spacious design and even some houseplants too and now at day 80 all our interiors were ready for me next project, which had certain elements that required a lot of iron, something that had been difficult for me to find.
Previously, on this godforsaken island, I initially decided to delay the pain by collecting the wood I needed, but then I reluctantly went down the mine to begin the mental pain I was about to endure and then received an arrow to the head. , which also gave me some physical pain. I spent the rest of day 81 and 82 exploring the underground cave which fortunately had many more areas that had some coal and iron, both of which I needed a lot and once that cave was depleted of materials. I opted to mine in a random direction until I finally found a cave and luckily it had a lot more coal and really only a little bit of iron, which sucked.
I returned home on the night of the 83rd and melted down the 54 pieces of iron I had found and prayed that I wouldn't have to get more anytime soon. Now, on day 84, it was finally time to start the next project, the blacksmith that was going to go to this place right next door. to my base and in fact I have created many blacksmiths before and in many different ways, whether using references or just designing directly from my head and this time I decided that I wanted to try to make a direct replica of this amazing Lego blacksmith that I found. and after fixing the entire front of the house I moved on to filling in the pillars and walls at the back of the blacksmith then built the rest of the pillars of the house and then moved on to tackling the roof of the house it was quite difficult to get it close to the reference and ended up modifying it shortly after this, however I started filling the main roof with some deep slate tiles.
I added a small attic on the right side, here continued completion. the ceiling and then I realized it was too high and ended up fixing it which made it look much better. I then filled the left side of the roof here with some deeper Tes and then added the wall design to the front of the roof. area that I think ended up looking pretty close to the original after repeating the exact same design on the back. I went on to add some general details with some fence doors and stairs, as well as adding all the walls to the entire second floor.
From the blacksmith with those walls finished I headed over to the chimney and added a few touch ups as well as uncovering this little section of roof that joins it to the chimney which required a couple of revisions then I added some final details and that was it. For the exterior of our new blacksmith building, now on the 89th, it was time to put all that iron to good use and I had harvested it and made two anvils that we would never use. At least they look good. I also crafted some birch. hatches for a cool layout I had planned and then I grabbed the two lava fountains I had put at the mine entrance like on the 15th, since I thought I'd eventually need them now, back to the blacksmith with a bunch of materials.
It was time to start designing the floor. I opted for a stone surround that extended to the doorways and then filled the main section with some deep slate slabs which I thought would give it a nice blacksmithy vibe. I added some lanterns to the ceiling. as our light source and then I started designing Forge which had actually connected the large chimney of the building. I took a chunk out of the chimney and added some polished anuran as our lava holder and then placed our twolava fountains and I also added a bit like a bell to collect smoke and stuff.
I then added an extensive table along the entire back of the blacksmith and placed it on our two anvils, which I changed my mind and moved because I wanted to add two dipping buckets adjacent to these. be where they would know to dip hot tools in water to cool them uh yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I placed some armor stands along the table and then worked on storage for the blacksmith with some barrels on the left wall here I added a cool shell for this and thought underneath them would be the perfect place for some furnaces.
Then I remembered that I had made blacksmithing tables and decided to destroy half of the table to place on top of these. I also added a shelf to hold SL tools. I finally put all that leather I had to good use and now that the blacksmith's work area was ready, it was time to move into the living quarters, first of which I added a roof so that felt a little better. a little more cozy, then I added our light source again, some lanterns and decided on a spot for the bed, moving on to the one that was also connected to the fireplace.
I set up two ovens for this along with an exhaust hood above to collect the smoke for a while. storage I added this wine cellar style setup with barrels that I think looks great. I also added this little tinkering table along with some nightstands to our bed and some chests for storage back to the tinkering table. I thought about a few more tools and item frames would work well as a great little detail for this, plus of adding some unlit campfires to the kitchen and with that the interior was finished meaning all the blacksmithing was completed and now we were on day 90 looking around there are a lot of places with no grass which was really pissing me off and I didn't have an easy way to get bones, except that there was a skeleton spawn I had found before, so of course it was time to make a skeleton crusher.
I went back to the spawn and started clearing an area to make the generator more efficient and I want to say this generator will be exactly the same as the zombie one I had created earlier so I'm going to give my voice a break and leave you with a little of peaceful RuneScape music with the generator done, I had a little problem where the skeletons wouldn't come down sometimes, so I went to take a look and almost died because of course there were still skeletons spawning there. I discovered the problem and fixed everything. I went back to where the skeletons were collected and opens it to get a better look now you might already see what an idiot I am.
Yes, there it is. Well, I swear I'm brain dead sometimes. Hey? I came home with a total of 26 bones because it was day 92 and I had one more big project to do so I melted down all the paving stone I had left to my name and started cutting down a metric ton of trees and for this one I actually didn't I had an idea of ​​what to build and I decided. Upon asking my wife, she immediately told me to make a windmill and that is exactly what I did, situated right behind our extensive farm fields. This would be the perfect building to process wheat and turn it into bread for the island's inhabitants.
I chose to use mainly stone and oak bricks. wood for this mainly because it was all I really had available and I decided to make a sturdy base out of stone bricks along with the wooden tower on top that housed the actual windmill sale once I figured out the proportions and came up with With the height I was happy with, I started on the roof once again using my signature curved style with a stone edge and infill with oak wood. Now, when it comes to windmill sales, I absolutely suck, so I borrowed from this design I found online. and luckily there are much better builders than me who can do more things with Windmill.
It's more interesting than this piece of garbage, so with the saale ready, I turned my attention to the inside, which was where the windmill's energy was converted into wheat. ground into flour and finally finished it off by adding various decorations now on day 98, I headed I went to bed and woke up on the last day, day 99, and I still had a lot more to do. I actually started freaking out at this point because I had just realized how much more I wanted to add to the island and I only had one day left, so let's go.
To see if I could do it after creating most of the things I needed, I quickly cut down some more trees and got to work upgrading some of our light posts that were currently just a torch on a fence so I added a nice base sturdy followed by a stone wall, an oak fence, another stone wall and topped with a slab, two trap doors and two lanterns, honestly this is the perfect street lamp design and I don't think I would build it any other way, so after adding two of those in front of my base I headed towards the mine and quickly built another one there.
Then I found many more points to add on the rest of all the streetlights I could. I couldn't really add them everywhere because I just didn't have any. I had enough time left, so I opted for some strategic locations. I thought I could use them better with the bluff done. I turned my remaining 29 bones into a bone grinder and prayed that it would be enough. Then I went around the entire island placing grass in some places. I found it necessary, which was basically everywhere, it just adds a lot of life and visual interest to previously boring areas and makes the whole island feel much more lush, which I love, so with the last bone of grass and tonight, I actually saw an Enderman decided not to risk it, went to bed and woke up on day 100.
We did good, players. So, with the entire challenge basically completed, let's take a quick tour of the entire island, starting with the inside of my base here. so yeah, but pretty basic, obviously I didn't have much time in this series and I wanted to do a lot of building. Also, yeah, I didn't make it to the second floor, which sucks, but hey, Overall, I'm pretty happy with the exterior of this base, which turned out, yeah, turned out a lot better than I thought. I'm very happy with this, directing our attention to the back, here, well, we have my very overcrowded Animal.
Farm over here and then we have the blacksmith that I basically recreated directly from the reference. I realized that actually, I completely forgot to add a roof to this area, but yeah, upstairs, pretty well, we used the materials we had available pretty well and Downstairs, I love this little workstation. I think it's one of the best I've built so far for a returning blacksmith. Over here we have the old water processing tower, which I think was a great idea. I wish we had Damn, you know, spruce hatches to use on this would look a lot better, especially for these little barrels that catch water too, but I think the whole idea is really cool.
I tried adding a bucket of water here as if it was coming out of the pipe. but it just does this and I can't think of a way to fix it, which sucks, but yeah, you know what you can do by following the path that takes us to the Village dock, which I think was really nice. Again, this boat, um, yeah, I'm still not too happy with it, but it just adds a little more life to this dock, which I think all the houses that I love definitely need, they turned out really nice, especially this one here , definitely my favorite.
The port houses are very attractive in design here, we have huge sprawling crop farms which, yes, add a lot of life and exuberance to the island. I definitely needed it and it helped a lot with our food situation, man, this damn Enderman has been bothering me for years. need to get angry again taking the path this way, we have the lighthouse which I am also very happy with and then we also have the Lighthouse Keeper's house which I thought was a pretty good design considering you already know a bit of workspace SL, storage underneath and a simple little bedroom interior up here that takes us to where it is oh I'm going to kill him man I'm done with him imagine this is the guy that kills me in the last one don't do it.
Don't do it to me, oh my god, I actually got goosebumps all over my body. That prick got me two hearts, holy man, I mean, it wouldn't have mattered if we'd died, but Jesus Christ, man, yeah, like I was saying, this is the like Island Founders, kind of funky camp that I thought was cool. I love these tent designs, these ones in particular are my favorite and going here we have the Agricultural Village which turned out amazing. I love these house designs and yes, I just took After touring the countryside, we have the final construction, which is the windmill.
Very happy with this design. I think it turned out amazing, especially thanks to the reference I used for the windmill sale, which yes, literally, if I hadn't used it. It would have been from here, it would have been just wo down and then wo wool wo that's like a straight line of wool I just can't do it salesman, I just suck them right, this inside, although I came up with this on my own I love this, it's like you know the main pole here is spinning and crushing the wheat in this little thing and stuff, you know what I'm saying, the bottom portal isn't too crazy, but I think it's a nice little design if you don't know.
These were meant to be sort of planks that went through this and eventually they just broke and that of course also leads to our mine which I think is the final construction of the island, well the final construction that we're seeing in the route, yes, I am very happy with the result. I actually wanted to add Minecart rails to this that would come out somewhere here and go down the mine and of course I wanted to do this. three blocks wide, but I found all that stuff a little unnecessary because I wanted to do more stuff outside, you know what I'm saying, and yeah, that's basically going to be enough for every building we have. made in 100


on this island, if you want to download this island yourself, either the full version which I have here or just the base day one version without any of my builds on this, be sure to check out my patreon as I will have both worlds to download there.
Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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