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One Thing Everyone Missed in Minecraft 1.21

Jul 02, 2024
Minecraft 1.21 is finally here and now that I've had a chance to play it I can't wait to tell you how this update has completely changed the game in unexpected ways. In fact, I'd even say that after this update my 12-year super flat survival world will never be the same and honestly, that's an understatement because there's one


in this update that


else seemed to miss and It's by far the


I'm most excited about, but before we get into that, let's talk. about what won't come to super flat survival worlds in this update, see that in every new


update there are usually a bunch of unobtainable features that are super flat, that's because


super flat has only one biome plane, so any structure or mob feature that can't be found in a plane biome is automatically unobtainable, so even though this was technically a feature in 1120.5 and not 1.21, we should probably boot This band aid now that wolves still can't be obtained in super flat, which means we won't see anything new.
one thing everyone missed in minecraft 1 21
The dog variants and the new armadillo mob can only be found in bad lands and Savannah biomes, therefore the armadillo, Scoot armadillo and wolf armor cannot be obtained in super flat Minecraft, but here is the good news: they are literally unobtainable and since armadillos and dogs were technically in 1.2.5, that means every last feature in 1.21 can be obtained in super flat minecraft, but how is this possible? Let me break it down for you. Update 1 21 basically has three new things first, the craftsman, a new Redstone component that allows you to automate the preparation of the recipe is quite simple, so it is easy to create the new painting in the super background.
one thing everyone missed in minecraft 1 21

More Interesting Facts About,

one thing everyone missed in minecraft 1 21...

They have the same crafting recipe as always and are therefore easily obtained, which leaves the third main feature of update 1.21, the Tri Chamber, every two. Plus mob blocks 1.21. Banner patterns. Music records. Armor ornaments. They are all located inside the new test chamber structure, but wait a minute. The test chambers are not even super flat. Well, here I am at 1.21. I can create a new one. world set it to Superplane with structures enabled and you can clearly see that test chambers cannot be located, but here is the problem in 1.8.2. Mojing made a bunch of technical changes to the way the game handles structures and when they did it, it caused some strange behavior in the existing super flat world instead of the game updating the structure tag to the new format, the part of the world file that tells the game what structures to allow was effectively removed, meaning if you have a super flat world before 1.18 and you bring in any version after 1.8.2, your world is basically jailbroken, what I mean by this is that all builds that can be spawned will be spawned, rather than being locked to spawn only.
one thing everyone missed in minecraft 1 21
Pre-1.18 villages, super flat worlds are also capable of spawning with abandoned ruined portals. M Axes protect outposts from raiders and you guessed it, the new Tri Camera Truck, so in theory, now that I've updated my 12 year old super flat world to 1.21, I should see test cameras appearing in the world. Let's test that hypothesis by getting a new cartographer villager these guys sell maps to different structures if the structure is not present in the world the trade just won't appear for example I can't get ocean monuments in my world so the trade for the map Ocean Explorer will never appear So if I'm right, if there are Test Chambers in this world, you should be able to unlock the trade for the Test Chambers map, we did it right, let's see where this thing tells us to go.
one thing everyone missed in minecraft 1 21
Well, it looks like we have to go south. and a little bit to the west now I'm not sure how hard these test chambers will be so I have plenty of storage space and I also brought a few things to help us on our trip. We are approaching the edge of Mega Heex and my cursor. is moving on the map is that oh my gosh I think that's it the map is turning green this is it guys we did it oh my gosh this looks so cool and there's even a little entrance here for we, oh, I'm afraid.
I don't know if I'm ready for this, okay, I think it's okay, the generator is on, we have to be careful, oh, oh, it's turning things around, oh, I have a key, okay, oh, this one did it too, diamonds, wait, this will be an amazing font. of diamonds for us, rough diamonds are hard to get in super planes since they can't be mined, so you have to rely on loot chest and structures to get them. That said, because you can trade with villagers for diamond tools and armor. you really only need rough diamonds for enchanting tables, diamond blocks, jukeboxes, and fancy fireworks, but I will say that I break out Netherite tools from time to time and it's much easier to duplicate a Netherite upgrade with seven diamonds than get to a new Bastion for another template, okay, let's try the key, here we go, oh, arrows, iron bow, okay, okay, we're already getting new items, we have wind charges and a new banner pattern.
Actually, I'm very excited. I'm a huge. Banner Guy, I love using banners in my builds and we were so distracted when we got here that I almost didn't notice all these new blocks around us. It's going to be so much fun to build with all these new blocks. Well, this is weird. so this test chamber was generated halfway above and halfway below bedrock this is weird look at this oh my god a new t-shirt this is the first t-shirt i have seen in my super flat world previously all the different t-shirts on the game you couldn't get super flat, but the Trial Chambers have three, so if I break this, oh yeah, there it is, oh my God, it's a dead Bush.
I almost didn't even realize what I was looking at. This is the first dead Bush I have had. Ever seen in a super apartment it may seem like a small thing, but you don't understand it. I've been in this world for 12 years and I've never seen one of these things and this brings me to one thing that


else seemed to miss. Minecraft 1.21 not only has all the new features in this update available, but it also added a whole additional update of new content to super flat. You see, the dead bush is just a new thing that 1.21 brought to superlat.
In fact, this is the smallest. I've counted a total of 50 new blocks, items and mobs that used to be completely impossible to get in a super flat format and now I'll get every single one of them, plus all the new stuff in this update, by the end of this video I think that you'll agree that complicated tests should officially be renamed super flat update dude look how this ladder literally leads under Bedrock it's like it was planned so wait a minute if I do this oh my god I I went gamma. and it's so dark down here that I didn't realize it at the time, but these dark areas that form underneath Bedrock thanks to the Test Chambers have some interesting implications, so a lot of mobs can spawn down here that actually fill the mob. cap, this means that super flat worlds may not be as slime infested anymore, super flat is famous for spawning in a lot of slimes, but as long as you start the game early near a test chamber, things They should be much easier to deal with now, look you can see other structures under bedrock in the distance, there are ruined portals, you can see another test chamber there, these things are so common and I almost didn't notice, oh my god, deep slate, this is the first deep slate I have ever seen in this world.
For most people the deep slate wouldn't be a big deal, but for me this is an absolute game changer on a shallow deck. These rooms are literally the only way to get deep slate. Each Deep Slate room contains 12 Deep Slate blocks, but they are not a guarantee. to spawn after doing some creative mode testing, it seems like about half of all test chambers seem to have one, but sometimes you get lucky and see a test chamber with multiple deep slate rooms, so it's possible that Don't want to make your next Mega super flat. deep slate base, it will definitely be possible to make some cool deep slate builds.
I'm looking forward to swapping out some of the Blackstone roofs in my town for some nice variation from now on, deep slate will be one of them. of the most valuable blocks in super flat and we will probably never have to use my Copper Farm again, which is amazing news because using that thing is really boring, we have to be very careful when we are in these Test Chambers, not to fall into the empty oh scaffolding I've never had scaffolding before this is so exciting and a new Shir this is like Christmas this is literally Christmas day bamboo hanging oh my goodness oh and bamboo boards come on let's go I need to collect a lot of these so I can create all the different bamboo elements.
Loot tables and test chambers provide bamboo planks, scaffolding, and hanging bamboo signs, meaning that the only bamboo family blocks that are still impossible to get are the plant. itself and the two bamboo blocks, so building with bamboo wood in my world will have to be something I do very sparingly, like deep slate, but regardless of the rarity, I'm very happy to finally have access to some of these beautiful scaffolding blocks. It will be especially useful not only for construction but also for certain farms, but to create one of each type of deep slate and bamboo, I will need about a stack of bamboo planks and about half a stack of deep stone, so we will need to find a lot more if we want to obtain everything that cannot be obtained and we also have normal resistance.
I was a little worried about that even though the entire chamber is built of sturdy, polished bricks. I was kind. I'm worried I won't be able to get the normal terrain, but it looks like I'll have to get it from these barrels, so it'll be a bit rare, something I learned while playing a normal terrain generation in SOS. The server is how incredibly difficult it can be for gradients, even if it is rare. I think it'll be worth it to spread it on my cliffs here and there, oh, more bad guys, okay, oh, it's the breeze, New Mob, take that, oh oh, you can't shoot it. no, oh, he gives it right back to you, okay, let's go in with the sword, here we go, come here, come back, Breeze Rod, seven, oh, and he dropped some nice things, okay, I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think if I check the dispensers there might not be any snow, we did it, we have snow, come on, for so many years you guys have been telling me to just build high up, but now I finally got it right, we have enough to make a snow golem. snow. we have infinite snow ooh sinister bottle that means we can do one of the sinister tests nice the third t-shirt the third third t-shirt third t-shirt is the word heck there are trees here I've noticed that most of the chests in these things are empty, which is a little annoying but okay, although it didn't necessarily get a great reaction from me seeing husks and strays inside the chambers, it was really cool, it could be a really fun challenge to collect all the super flat mobs that you can get in the future and make some kind of zoo for them, getting one of these guys back to my base would be quite a challenge, oh my god, I just got one of the new music albums, oh, I can't wait to hear this It is so exciting.
Wow, while exploring the chambers, I noticed a few things that hadn't occurred to me before playing this update. First of all, the ice blocks around the generators mean there's finally another way to get ice and be super flat, which I usually have to rely on. I want to sell it, but when I have it I can't buy much. It's nice to know that if you needed tons of ice for a farm or an ice road or something, you could theoretically find it in the world right now. The pace of new items was really starting to slow down.
I was able to get all the Bamboo and Deep Site blocks I need to create all the new blocks, but I'm still missing some key elements from the new update. Alright, guys. Well, I've been looting for quite a while and I feel like the loot is starting to dwindle a bit, so I'm going to try to do one of these sinisters. I really don't know what I'm getting into here. oh my god, okay, okay, everyone has crazy armor, oh, and there are potions, okay, I'm going in, okayWell, this is pretty intense, I'm not going to lie, oh, we have a key, we have a key, well, we have the sinister proof.
The key is that I think it was like this, no, oh, another key, come on, come on, let's try this for the first time, the new armor setting, come on, this actually looks like it's going to look really cool, man, oh, It's a Notch Apple. that's pretty cool, these Chambers seem by far the best way to get enchanted golden apples on super flats, they seem to drop quite frequently from the sinister vaults and I remember having a hard time getting one from a Bastion in 1.9, oh my goodness , powdered. snow powder snow I don't know how this works ahh, stop, stop, stop, stop, okay, I went ahead and grabbed a bunch, oh, another music record, that one's new, that's new, I haven't seen it and this is the good one I already heard it I heard it online it's so good oh I'm so excited yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go let's go oh my God it's a trident it's oh my God yes oh I'm so happy Right now I can't believe I have a super flat trident.
This doesn't even seem real. I can't wait to love this thing. I'm so excited I can't believe it. Before it was impossible to go up the Trident by super. flat because in the Java edition only naturally generated Drowned can contain Trident and Drowned cannot spawn naturally in a biome. There is actually a small bug that, if fixed, could make Trident possible even without the test chamber, but that's a story for another day, oh that's it. a new music album, I think so, I think that was the last music album we needed, oh, the other new Banner pattern, Flo, okay, it's great to get the final music album and banner.
The pattern What I needed meant I only had one of the 1.21 functions left to find the heavy core, so I started going through ominous tests. Yeah, yeah, oh, come on, come on, we finally have the heavy core. Oh, I'm so happy this took so long. I can't believe it, I literally can't believe it, I finally got the heavy core which means I could create the mace. I couldn't wait to get back to my base and enchant my new weapons, but there are still a few items missing from my list, according to the wiki chests inside the intersection rooms and test chambers, they have a 39.7% chance of have amethyst shards, but after going through what seemed like hundreds of these rooms and not finding a single amethyst shard, I knew something had to happen. be wrong, I noticed a strange pattern, the chest at an intersection always has the same three items, an iron block, a cake and a diamond, something was suspicious and that's when I saw it due to a mistake, all the loot is now identical only with pie diamonds and iron blocks, amethyst shards are supposed to spawn in the test chambers, which would give us access to amethyst blocks, tinted glass and spy glass for the first time, without mention purple armor, the ability to breed and some advancements, this bug is a big hit, I was supposed to have access to all of these items so I checked creative and sure enough when I run this command it gives me amethyst crystals.
The most likely theory is that while building the structure, someone at Mojang accidentally opened the chest. what I would have called the loot table and it would have spawned the loot inside this effectively locked the loot in the chest so it always spawns the same thing no matter what this bug just robbed me of one of the most valuable items in the entire update, which is Why I Need Your Help No one at Mojang seems to have realized this, but it's confusing to a lot of people online. My good friend Rebella helped me make a bug report on the official Minecraft bug tracker.
Please upvote this bug and be sure to let Mojang know. we want this to be fixed, it may seem like a small problem but this could completely change. I was very excited to use tinted windows on my farms. Well, I'm still not over this whole amethyst thing. I'm very sad. About it, man, I really thought we were going to be able to have tinted windows and the purple armor, but for now I think it's time to start heading home, oh, no way, no way, no way, are you kidding me? ? I just showed up here to just spent one of my keys real quick and got another heavy core you gotta be kidding me oh my god I'm going to die oh man that's funny well I'm glad we got an extra one of these. super cool no way no way no way what the hell is going on are you serious right now? two in a row two in a row what a dude I looked for these I opened like I opened like 30 of these things and then I just got like three in a row I don't understand what's going on that's ridiculous that's absolutely ridiculous that's so dumb I'm recording okay oh my god what the hell dude site start Mega hex yes oh what a strange thing to come Back to just a giant floating platform from the sky.
Oh, we're back, actually we're back. It felt so good to finally be back at my base. I started saving all my new items and then decided to expose all the UN items we couldn't get. I picked up four unreachable now obtainable unreachable I'm calling them I think that's the whole deep slave family right there ladies gentlemen enbi everything in between we've done it we have every type of deep slate in super flat this feels so bad this is feels so bad, oh my god, okay, let's move on, you know, I also want to scatter a couple of dead bushes around like I have a feeling there would be one next to the windmill.
I don't know why, but I feel like a dead person is needed here. Bush, that feels good, that feels good, oh hell yeah man, it's majestic, it's beautiful, it's beautiful, okay, let's put this little bad boy here, here we go, oh my god, no way , hello friend, oh my first snow golem. I want to protect you, oh wait, is the sun going to melt it? We should probably put it under something, here you go buddy, take a little shelter, oh my god it's so cute, I'm obsessed with it, look at that endless snow and that super flat baby. come on I can't believe it legit infinite super flat snow seeing the missing amethyst blocks sent me into a spiral and I took a few moments to sink into misery why Mojang were supposed to be here the amethyst block tinted glass the amethyst Shard and the spyglass the ability to reproduce ays the purple armor cuts multiple advancements why to cheer myself up I decided to go try to enchant my Trident luckily I already had all the enchantments in the library I decided to make this trident with channeling like that Those mob heads will be a lot easier to collect from now on wait, is it lightning right now?
I can try? Put out my new shirts in some of the pots, okay let's see how this looks, oh that's cool, it looks so much better with a little decoration, oh I love it dude, these are so cool, I just wish we could get the others. but I'll take three, I'll take three, but after that it was time to try the only thing I was dying to use the mace. I haven't tried this even once, not even in the game's new creative tool. It doesn't happen every day okay, ready, this guy, this is my goal, dude, oh, oh, that was dirty, that was dirty, dude, I like this, this is fun, okay, here we go, oh, we got lost , okay, wait, wait, wait, yeah, come on, we have the achievement, wait.
How did we do that to distribute 50 hearts in one fell swoop? 50 hearts is ridiculous. I was going to get all the enchantments I needed for the mace, but I had overlooked one thing, while the density and rupture enchantments can be obtained from villagers, the gust of wind enchantment is actually exclusive to the trial chambers. I need to do more sinister trials to get the enchantment and it's pretty rare so I'll save it for my next flat world stream, we can get the new villagers and add them to our enchantment library and then head back to the Trial Chambers to get that wind which blows up Cham and maybe while we're there we can get another Trident so we can put Riptide on it.
I would love to try flying with a trident and be super flat. by the way, I'm moving my live streams to, so follow me there if you don't want to miss any streams. I've been streaming a ton lately and it's been a lot of fun, but before I go, I have one more thing to show you, since 1.21 is clearly an awesome time to start a super flat world. I updated all my Superflat guides and put them in the FAQ channel on my Discord. My how to play super flat videos from a while ago still has all the information you need on which version to start on and how to get all the extinct mobs and anything that's changed should be covered in these guides.
I left all the amethyst stuff off the unobtainable list for now because well I'm just praying that Mojang fixes the bug to be honest it took me a long time to format these stupid guides and they screwed them up they screwed them up and why can't I have nice things? I just wanted a tinted spy glass. I could have looked around the spy glass, who? needs a zoo mod when you have the damn spider, could have been armor ornaments, could have bred one, that would have been cool to breed one

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