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Apr 24, 2024
This is my old bunker and I have to survive 10 completely different


. The shelter will have to be constantly improved. I have to fight monsters and collect resources. I will have five attempts at all of this and if I fail, my team will receive $500. You have one day to prepare guys, so far this world, as you can see, is completely green and beautiful, but tomorrow this map will be devoured by the first apocalypse and I don't even know which one yet, so let's get some wood first. All this was prepared by my team from the location of the map and the events that will take place here the conditions under which we will win are quite simple survive the 10


never die because with the first death survival will end immediately and most importantly is to preserve the bunker because it can keep me safe the apocalypse that will come tomorrow could be anything it could be a nuclear apocalypse it could be a tsunami like anything so we have to collect as many resources as possible so they don't just disappear tomorrow so we have the wood, let's go loot the room, the ruins, the whole map in which we have to survive is full of different dungeons, a distinctive feature of this video is that they are all divided into three different levels, this is the first level, guys, simple ruins.
i survived 10 apocalypses in minecraft
There are no monsters and the loot here is also pretty simple, but the most important thing guys is that I forgot to show you our bunker, this is what it looks like and yes, so far it looks pretty simple and wait, it even has a hole in there. There's someone here, so I say let's put our work table here and look, we have two boxes, there's a crossbow here, okay, wait, it looks pretty good, a first aid kit, apples and charcoal, okay, pretty okay, and there is a note here, let's read it, this bunker goes to U Zan.
i survived 10 apocalypses in minecraft

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i survived 10 apocalypses in minecraft...

Of course, it's all rusty, but at least it's something, guys, also in the bunker we have this electrical box. Clicking on it opens a menu showing the status of the bunker and, by the way, we can repair it. I can also get several different ones. upgrades that we can buy for the bunker to be able to fight against these different apocalypses the currency by which it can be repaired, proves that the bunker is called scrap metal or in simple terms scrap metal, it will be possible to find it in different locations and also process it. any garbage and special recyclers that will appear randomly in the amount of three or four pieces on the map.
i survived 10 apocalypses in minecraft
Well, I finished the introduction, now let's collect resources, first of all. I was going to get a lot of wood stored in wheat seeds and loot a couple of ruins because while there were no different monsters on the map, this could have been done more easily. Pretty nice ruins, let's take the loot and we have other ruins, but I don't see the box, oh I see, okay, cool, cool. cool, okay, uh, what's cool, well, the loot is decent, why not, no one knows what monsters will appear here or other phenomena, so we will collect bar wire and try to protect our bunker as much as possible with it , but time is running out, guys, that's all, guys.
i survived 10 apocalypses in minecraft
I'm going to put up the barbed wire now and lock myself in my bunker, so let's do something like this. I don't know of any super smart protection so that no one can reach us safely, well I think this flower will do it. definitely save us and no one will pass by, okay guys let's wait until tomorrow and our first apocalypse and the first one was the electro apocalypse. Electrical poles appeared all over the map and were located in puddles, it was impossible to survive also stepping on Mega. Lightning bolts and super dangerous electric monsters have appeared all over the map, so guys, some kind of monster is already coming towards me, the tree in the background has fallen, wait, what are these worms, what is this, what kind of dinosaur is it? , that there are some pillars everywhere. electricity, oh my god, but the monsters were not the main problem, but those mega beams from time to time hit directly into the bunker and their strength really deteriorated, so guys, I managed to escape from these monsters.
Turns out this is an electro apocalypse, so I found the gun and this monster is running towards me again, look, the electro apocalypse is not the hardest thing, we could get it, actually a nuclear apocalypse or a tsunami would be much worse and I think That's fine, I take back my words. I'm not sure of anything anymore. It turns out that during this apocalypse you cannot carry iron objects with you, otherwise lightning will constantly strike you. I have 2 HP. This is crazy and it turns out we can't even get iron everywhere. On the map these fallen pillars are scattered and what's most interesting if you throw an object at them, see what happens, oh my god, this sound is just terrible.
We'd better stay away from these things because unlike the object, I think they're just leaving. to roast us returning to my bunker I discovered that it was possible to buy a lightning rod but for this you need a large amount of scrap metal so there was nothing to do but try to get it in other ruins guys now I'm just going to loot in general, very carefully, As you will understand, with every minute of this apocalypse, these mobs will appear more and more, therefore, we must ALSO hurry up in our development, it is absolutely impossible to sit still.
I am already silent about the fact that other apocalypses will do so. They're coming soon too and I'd rather just avoid these monsters. There are actually a lot of interesting locations on this map. Various scientific bases. Laboratories. Factories, but without normal armor I decided to just avoid these places. So far, my favorite places have been abandoned ruins. two spider eyes well, just a big loot, it will be very useful here three is this strange lever, well guys, let's try to press it, so wait, I heard, I heard Pistons somewhere, something opened, oh, wait, wait, that's an M5, just cool guys.
It's just perfect but of course I would like to find more medkits because as you can see HP is not restored like that, maybe I take the crowbar with us, maybe it will be useful. I gathered a complete inventory of resources and had to return home after I had thrown all my stuff into boxes and prepared to explore again. I was greeted by a huge horde of monsters, so bye guys, bye, I'll talk to you later, so Zon was locked in the bunker. for 100 days but I'm not a socker we're digging an extra extra passage it's precisely for times like these I have wood that I try to put very hard we're making a staircase like this and I think that's enough for us so Oh, well, guys, You will get what you deserve.
Well guys, I used up all my ammo and all I did was go out with the monsters and open the main egg. I'm not sure about that, although I later realized that out. from the bunker would be quite problematic. I had to modernize it and first make a fence. I went out alone to extract tons of paving stones. Well guys, it turned out to be a lot harder than I thought. There is a lightning wind, a hurricane, something strange. monsters outside and this is the first apocalypse of 10 meanwhile the electro apocalypse continued to occur on the street the number of pillars with puddles increased the lightning struck even other buildings which indicated that the apocalypse was going to get even stronger I knew that the wire barbed wire is really important, I came up with a cool way to destroy the monsters that are under the barbed wire and the monsters just run into it guys, I'm just the legend when it comes to making up battles with monsters, There is nothing to say here and by the way, this one seems harmless.
I think he just became a Cutler. Well, guys, I'm very careless because I only have one heart left. Now we'll put all this here quickly, at least the monsters won't come. On this side, what about this mountain? Sorry, dumpling, I'm going to have to demolish it. I decided to take the protection of my bunker very seriously and although at first it may not seem that beautiful, it is really practical and will at least allow us to go out. I spent the whole next night cleaning the area around my bunker. The next day the appearance of monsters intensified. and there were three times as many lightning bolts but this didn't scare me much I decided to decorate my walls and go on a little mission to go find barbed wire, guys I feel like this is going to be a really difficult video, think about it, it's just the first apocalypse and that's it There are lightning bolts everywhere, there are all kinds of pillars out there and blue monsters are spawning, but only dumplings with condensed milk can be scary.
After all, I eat them with sour milk and right? I only dare to loot the first level locations, these are the wooden towers and ruins that I have already talked about to collect resources to upgrade the bunker, this is certainly not enough, but to collect barbed wire, these Locations are just perfect. I want to point out that my team is making very, very serious progress. First of all, note that there are some mischievous houses, but they are divided into subtypes, there are parkour sections that result. to be ruins, we've already gone through several of them, but then there are these mechanisms where different pistons extend and hidden passages and then there are these puzzles that you even have to think about for the passage to be open, guys, oh, big Apple Golden, that's perfect.
An interesting question is how long this electric apocalypse will last and what other difficulties we will face in connection with it. A new oddity I noticed that day was that any mobs that fell into the water died immediately, well guys, it's better for us not to take a step. in the water I guess otherwise we will suffer a lot and have to start all over again look at this dumpling here um why do you call it a dumpling? I don't know but I think he's cool he's just a good guy Leave a like for the dumpling It seems like there were no options left for how the electro apocalypse could get worse until I found out that puddles started appearing all over the world.
A new day has arrived and this is crazy and you will see why puddles started to appear all over the map if I go into the water I'm done if a monster throws me I'm done it's crazy plus lightning started to hit the bunker with More often it was possible to buy a lightning rod in the Upgrade shop but there was not enough metal for it, it was possible to buy upgrades and repair the bunker only thanks to the extraction of metal or rather scrap metal, it could be found in chests or could be obtained from recyclers that appear randomly all over the map in about three or four pieces, well what do we know guys, there are these industrial zones, this is the second level of the locations, it is more dangerous there, first of all, we can find more monsters in these locations, it is more dangerous there and, as I understand, You can find more tools and objects there that can be processed in this same fragment, so we will go to search for these locations and, in the search for these locations, something happened that It completely changed the entire game.
Oh, wait, wait, no, no, no, no. no, no, no, ah guys, I think we have to start again, you can lose at any moment and as you understand, this is exactly what happened to me. I guess let's start from the beginning. Having started my second attempt, something surprised me. I found some differences. on the map, unlike my first attempt, all dungeon locations were swapped only the landscape remained the same, for example, on this hill there used to be a ruin, but now there is a tower here and this happened with absolutely all the locations this time, I think so.
We'll get together and we won't make those mistakes again, come on guys, tree. I've already seen you fall, no surprise, but the monsters of course are still quite annoying, to be honest, having started the game for the second time. I only had four attempts left, now I understand why my team gave me five attempts, something I have not done in absolutely any survival game I have ever played, however, on the second attempt I came up with a better way to protect myself from the monster, but it was a shame that The Dumpling disappeared this time and naturally he wasn't here guys, we have


the electro apocalypse.
I congratulate us all on this, the sun finally appeared in the world and all these cables disappeared with these electrical puddles, oh. Dude, I hate them so much, but the most important thing is that the monsters have left us, fortunately, very fortunately, I now had a whole day free to catch my breath and prepare for the upcoming second apocalypse. There are nine apocalypses left, guys, and only four attempts, let's check the condition. of our bunker 65 we have only passed the first apocalypse and I already have 65% left but you will ask me why I don't fix the bunker right now but because each repair will be more and more expensive and as you will understand it is better to wait until the HP of the Bunker is minor and then repair it completely after this apocalypse.
I was going to get some air and start organizing my bunker, that is, make a separate room with a storage room, a separate bedroom and, just in case, I will make an indoor farm as you understand and if forWe only have one chance, guys, it's all or nothing, we have no other solutions, no. No matter what it costs me, I'm going to get there at any cost, come on, come on, let's do it, come on, be careful, okay, okay, I killed a monster, guys, that's cool, let's take all this experience and run with these survivals if necessary. there are no options left, they start doing everything they can to survive and at this very moment there was no turning back, so guys I need to get in, there are so many now, I just need to get the missing boxes that could be there as soon as possible. as much as possible I just need to grab everything as soon as I can okay, there's so much junk here guys, there's actually so much junk, come on, I just need to grab it all, I'm just grabbing it all, come on, okay guys, let's go, we have this interesting building. on the left, let's immediately make an escape plan, okay, great, let's take everything that can be found here, let's go quickly, quickly, let's go guys, I have so much shit now that I think we could survive, we were able to collect enough resources to improve our bunker. and you overcame this apocalypse believe in yourself and you will succeed okay friends we were able to survive this apocalypse there are only two left.
I am so curious. I wonder what they are. The only thing, of course, is that now we. I have absolutely no scrap to repair a bunker, but I hope we still have time to make up for it before everything works out. The ninth apocalypse hit the world with a mega tsunami. The next day he got as close as possible to our bunker and you will be. Surprised by the amount of HP it took from our bunker. 3 HP left. They are only hanging by a single thread. 3 HP Flood. The tenth apocalypse, you


the tsunami and now it's time for the end.
Survive here for 3 days. You passed survival, oh friends, so it turns out that the flood is the tenth apocalypse. The entire map was completely flooded, including our bunker. However, under these conditions we needed to continue searching for scrap metal to repair a bunker because it only had 3 HP left, okay? Guys, we don't have much time for this, but I am very inspired because I think it will not be difficult for us and now we will quickly collect the required amount of scrap metal. This time I focused on the trash, which I did very quickly. processed at the recycling center that same day and calmly restored our bunker's HP, so guys, we did it now.
I think it's time to make a boat and travel around this world. This survival taught us to think in the most unusual situations. Remember how we started. and where we are now yeah guys the map completely changed from the first day I came here this is an amazing video guys make sure to like and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss such great videos all over his life. Zeman You survived 100 apocalypses in the world and once again showed everyone that you are a really tough guy. Congratulations from the entire team. You survived 10 apocalypses in this old bunker.
By the way, I still decided to give the award to my team since they prepared a really impressive map that not everyone can pass well. Zeman was with you, see you later, goodbye.

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