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Jun 05, 2024
There is some kind of helmet here, it will be much better than my iron helmet and no matter what. we have to try to find it after wandering around the second floor a bit. I found another green barrier. Another obstacle in our path. Strangely, there is so much infection there. I hadn't seen that before. Well, I guess we don't have any options to get through. There aren't any yet so let's loot what we have here after looting the second floor of this huge basement. I went back up, imagine my surprise when I saw that the water level had gone down.
100 days in an infected lighthouse in the ocean in minecraft
I just came up guys, oh my god, the water is completely gone. On day 74 I decided to restore life on my island. I restored my farm and also improved the appearance of the island a little. On day 75 I decided to make a tree farm. I had been planning to do this for quite some time but only managed Now, for this I needed a fairly large platform which I made at the water level behind my


. I needed to find some extra land, so I went to Pirate Island and took some land from them. I hope you all don't mind.
100 days in an infected lighthouse in the ocean in minecraft

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100 days in an infected lighthouse in the ocean in minecraft...

Well, see you later, you might ask why I need so much wood in this survival, but if you remember that I mentioned that I wanted to build a small restaurant, I think we will make it out of wood, so I will need a lot. After planting the trees the next day, they started growing quite fast and literally within a couple of


I had a good supply of wood. The way I decided to organize the wood store in that secret room and turn it into a small warehouse it was time to work on the inside of a


as the trees grew and our wood piled up this was the best option the design turned out to be really beautiful and most importantly practical the only thing I didn't make was a lovely table because I just didn't have anything .
100 days in an infected lighthouse in the ocean in minecraft
Diamond the next day I learned to improve my fishing rods and it turns out that there was a very good catch. mod here little fish big fish wait no the little ones are better we don't need the big ones they're swimming around here anyway I'm trying not to run into them it's a new day guys and it's really cool to survive in the lighthouse but you know what I have a lot Curious to see what we will have at the bottom, the most important thing is that we already have all the opportunities to make a portal.
100 days in an infected lighthouse in the ocean in minecraft
The volcano where the lava was was still active. I went down there with a tube and a mask and easily obtained the necessary obsidian and at night the portal was ready maybe let's go get some fire rods and do some alchemy. I don't know what the plans are for now, let's just go explore, but when? I reached the abyss. I was very surprised because the family abyss was not there. My team really thought about this. What if I hadn't come here? Guys, if we hadn't realized that we are in the abyss right now, but here. My lighthouse is located, oh my god, I don't even know if there's anything else to find here, okay, the doors open like a lighthouse in the normal world, wait who, what's burning, okay, okay, I have 3 HP left, okay , stop, stop, stop, okay, I think. we're alive we're alive guys an HP come on guys it was better not to come here like this I don't know if I can call this my lighthouse but the flames definitely don't belong here oh my god, I fell well, well, I mean, that's not good, there a generator here, guys, I'm thinking, wait, maybe I should break it or not.
I mean, they'll show up anyway, no matter how much I illuminate or maybe not, I actually don't know, wait what it is. this just kept attacking me, go away just let me explore in peace okay overall the loot is pretty much the same here it's almost the same just a little different there are no buttons on the shield and it's basically not illuminated either , and down here guys there are some nether warts and lava cows, let's get the nethers together guys, maybe we'll get into alchemy. I don't know yet, let's put out the fire here just in case and here's a chest, a dragon sword and four, no, no.
I don't know what these are, is that chicken, it was better not to eat it, okay, the sword does almost 10 damage and I think we have explored everything, it is a pretty interesting secret place, I would say, because there is no guarantee that we would have found it. so I'm really glad we decided to go to the Nether, it's not often we do this on our survival adventures, considering how many other secret places like this we might have missed, we need to be more vigilant when exploring, obviously it only took me. a day to explore the lighthouse, but then I decided to dig up some netherite and obsidian just in case and that took another day. look guys, all the trees have grown, let's collect them and finally start building our amazing restaurant, let's call it fishing the The idea is this, the restaurant is only accessible by boat, so it is a completely water based Ocean Restaurant, although I said that it is better not to build anything from wood, it took me 3


to build the entire frame and structure, this task was not.
Easy, it took me another 2 days for the interior decoration. Searching for interesting interior blocks led me to explore some additional locations that the lighthouse showed me, so I looted some kind of building like this. It was difficult to understand what it was, but probably some. A kind of mini factory from there I gathered a lot of barrels and stools, all that was left was to write the menu, five fish for One Diamond, okay, let's write something normal, our restaurant is ready, guys, all that's left is to put the fishing poster and now. You might ask who the visitors will be, of course it's the pirates.
The next day I went to Pirate Island and tamed the first one, literally 3 minutes later he was already sitting at the table in the restaurant or in the fishing restaurant, it was ready exclusively for the parents. I really wanted to approach this project creatively. I really hope you enjoyed seeing how I did it. It was time to get back to our plots, but at one point survival reminded me where I was playing. A leviathan appeared on the map. Be careful, soon the entire Lighthouse will disappear. being


, that's cool guys this is going to be really hard because I'm really scared of this, uh oh okay that was pretty easy, the text in the chat about the infection reminded us of the survival we were on, we needed to go back to the plot and After all, I'm trying to beat this infection.
He still couldn't open the green barrier in the basement. I've been here all day, no matter how hard I try, it's literally impossible to open. I thought maybe I needed to loot all the remaining locations. for my lighthouse maybe there I can find some kind of password or the wall would just open when we loot everything. The next few days were really interesting with various types of oil platforms to loot, finally many useful resources could be found there. these platforms i was able to find diamonds on loot day 96 guys, we're getting closer to the end look at the restaurant we built look at the lighthouse the lighthouse has been transformed, of course, but you can still see the progress, the last thing I could What I didn't do because to the lack of diamonds it was a lovely table and now in d96 let's finally do it guys just look now we just need to find a place to put it having placed the lovely table on one of its floors and adding lighting. throughout the lighthouse For convenience My lighthouse was completely ready on day 97, many monsters appeared in the world and a message appeared in the chat that the last barrier in the basement was open and if I wanted to survive and save the lighthouse, I needed do it. act right now look, now everything is open, well, let's see what we have on the third floor, depth, secrets, the intertwining of realities, what you have been missing all this time, everything needs a key and you will find it, the text, guys it's really mysterious and Suddenly a Boss Bar appeared with some monsters and look at this look at the infection level of this place just for these guys we really had to go all the way it's amazing amazing okay let's go with Be careful and here we have some. some kind of door with a lock and here we have a monster oh my god, wait, wait, back up, okay, what is that skeleton, oh my god, you won't make it to the area, yes, I will, it's still summoning, Okay, wait, wait, okay, I have to eat. apples apples back oh oh my god this is crazy guys look how many resources we have to defeat him and here we have a key maybe it's for that door well guys as I move towards that same door I want to tell you that If this is the end then I will be very happy to have been able to save the lighthouse from all this infection.
Well, it's time to check it out. Upon entering the room I saw a person, he was the one guarding the lighthouse that had been imprisoned here for many centuries. You found me. I knew you had come. This lighthouse is unusual. It contains the secret power. Your power is to eliminate the infection. You need to hit the lighthouse from hard times and throw a diamond at it. break it with a pickaxe, only you can do this guys, what a plot twist, that's cool, that's crazy, okay, let's go save the lighthouse right away, okay, we have the diamonds, guys, let's hit the heart five times 1 2 3 4 five and now we throw the diamond oh oh W oh my God and now we break it with the pickaxe guys oh my God guys please look at this congratulations Zan, you saved the lighthouse and you managed to complete these 100 days now the infection has gone gone and the world is saved thank you all for watching these 100 days we managed to solve the mystery of the lighthouse save it from infection and most importantly develop and implement many interesting ideas that's all for now this was Zan good luck everyone goodbye

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