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I replaced my twin brother.. (he cried)

May 04, 2020
I, hello, where are you, where are you, just ignore him though, you just ignore me today why I don't know, I mean today no, no, I don't know where he is, where he is, he's been ignoring you all day . Yes, oh, yes, I am very sure of it, although look it up. Yes, he'll be here all day. She says it's 18 minutes away. I just texted myself. Do not call me. What's happening? Ask anyone for a while. Not because? He's not responding, let's go see where he is, yeah, I'm getting really stressed out why because he's not responding to me, like he's avoiding me, bow, dude, did you do something?
i replaced my twin brother he cried
No, I didn't do anything like, I don't know why he's avoiding. Well done, we're going to have to figure out what he's doing right, Marcus, right, don't worry about it, we'll deal with it when I figure this out. Okay, he's acting weird. You've seen him all day, obviously? Really, what do you think he's doing with five minutes left? Well, at the roundabout, take the second exit onto Fingerboard Road, where is the U-turn onto Worthington Boulevard? The destination is on your left. Who is here? Do you see it anywhere? Alright. okay, mark, no, fate is very anteus, father, yes, I don't see anything, why would I be here?
i replaced my twin brother he cried

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i replaced my twin brother he cried...

I see it anywhere, no, that's it, yeah, that's really all you want to get in there, okay, yeah, just scan deep, get in, you think. He's there, yeah, dinner, Steve, what are you doing here? Let's go have a snack. Oh, Francine, you guys just went out with one of my best friends, yeah, what, I don't know who he was, who's here, this guy, I don't know what he was. Wearing the same suit as Lucas, bro, no way, yeah, I'm serious, the shirt, the pants, the boots, he had curly hair, like it looked like an afro edge, look at the difference where they come from, yeah, definitely, anywhere, that's him, wait, look at his face.
i replaced my twin brother he cried
What about the cold? Yes, it looks pretty strange. He's trying to replace me. Please, you did it. very strange don't look too suspicious I don't want them to know we're following them do exactly what's happening right now you might want to slow down so they don't see us we're cool we have tinted windows nearby Look, what is it? I didn't see it well, yes, yes, yes, it was like a secret there, but who is it? He looks for it. I know, yeah, they're going home, bro, what are you going to do there? Why is he? Running, we should come tomorrow, it's really hard to believe I was trying to replace you or something, bro, it's just a ridiculous thought, you never know, yeah, but I'm sure I have the car and I really have the car, yeah, look what it is.
i replaced my twin brother he cried
I'm going to go with Lucas to the side, okay, yeah, what are you doing, what they retweet him, yeah, I know how, yeah, he's like that, just give him some space, you can tell me anything, Yahoo guys, right? are you dating him? What is your cause? He didn't say it. Yo, anything, I don't know, yeah, they're going out, so yeah, I told him I wasn't kidding, bro, Yo, Jabo, look, I wasn't lying, Yo, crazy. No, wait, he's fine, yeah, he's not responding, yeah, what are you doing texting me? day why don't you answer me I'm busy you don't have text messages all day yes you know I know oh why wouldn't you see me like this after this why can't you know that yes what's up man alone I forgot even please it's Okay, so what?
So we need to water the fun obviously it's the wedding suit of justice that's fine and you don't seem to have the upper hand so move out yeah really yeah hey guys it's all good yeah Willie Caesar answer me , wash and pick up because I want I want to hear my best friend say: "Don't touch me" No, yes, it's okay, look, Marcus, look, I've got it right, yes, it's okay, of course like me, it's a Congress of communities , but you know he's crying, right? Why would I cry,


? using the same confidence i.e. like with your best friend, he'll get mad like he thought you were lazy, dude, it's not cool, dude, why does he think you?
He's wearing the same outfit, like he's your


, what do you think you're going to think, oh no? It doesn't necessarily mean it won't play, wow, if you're arguing, dude, like I'm in the middle, but just handle it because like I'm crying, bro, he just handed me over, what's up? Leave me alone, I told you,


, or what are you saying. right now, oh yes, the lane, dad, yes, what do you understand why someone vibrates or has children for nothing? Sorry bro, but it looks like he's sending me to the markets and he's wearing the same outfit, bro, come on, I like you and I know he's nice. complicated game what are you doing why are you like one of those who are arguing randomly what are you guys Uli what's going on friend are you going what are you doing Martin me what's happening yes it's okay yes he has it? and she was in the same suit brothers, we were too close oh no, what did you do tomorrow?
No, don't act like they're singing the same way. You're serious right now. No, but what are you doing? No, friend, what is happening? Lucas in Marquise brother, who is this kid? I can't see his face, he won't be late, how about your brother? He'll just let me do that, uh, really do something about it, buddy, my sons, Marquis, come on, brother, come on, there it is. Your blood is fine, oh I fit what he expects, what I'm supposed to say, you really have a type. I mean, this is your house too, bro. I don't know if you'll have to know.
Do you think so, you should? make you live the sounds like it's not cool mangas and Marcus not Lucas me whoever that guy is you guys just put on suits like it's weird it doesn't mean anything when you shop in the same place it was so long what are you filming outside which It was the flu, okay, let's go filming, oh yeah, don't worry, I don't work, yeah, excuse me, who are you, my business, bro, are you here? Yes, who are you? Bob looks good, but don't be. Disrespecting people in their own house the problem is not okay I'm sorry, yeah, it's okay, whatever, Marcus, come on, oh, you're going to say yes, like I'm not okay with that, okay, I invited him there, whatever you want to say, hey, this is ridiculous, real. it's ridiculous it's like that I'll be back I'll be back shut up busy like God expects to be like us coffee wait wait what bro he's a little weird you don't even relate to him you wear that shirt stop talking yeah actually like that yeah buddy you're coming in my outfit boyfriend , I had this first, yeah, literally, you just switch, can you put your foot back, yeah, let me see, I have all the right pants right now, uh, you can't do it this way.
I'm sorry Lucas, you're sorry, brother, yes, you're sorry, yes. I was going to follow what you put on your side, brother, children, what's your name? You know what my name is? No, no, that's funny, that's very funny. Nikki is where you from, bro. Cali Cali, yeah, I've never met any boogers. I have some down here. I couldn't say what you would say a little differently. You are not like that. You couldn't look like anyone else. I thought it was a jigida from Cali. or something that's unique is my bad brother, okay, like guys, like, comment on everything, that's a little, subscribe, subscribe, because I'm you.

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