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Apr 07, 2024
a dropper map, but a dropper world that starts from space to the caves, but after reaching the bottom, something hit me, why do the droppers have to end? What if we can make the next dropper infinite and reach the bottom will it start a loop? now we have our new and improved world drop proper I can't wait to try this this is our first life guys just learn go go go go drop drop I'm learning from my friends mistakes me too me too oh my god I already beat the first metal oh that's it you guys suck dude wa what's this what's this what's this I can't see wait everyone pause oh I can't pause bro I'm in the middle of a Dro wait, I beat the second one I beat the second one, the bottom one is wild , this one with the Nether Bricks has 1,300 types, my maximum is 1385, that's going to be hard to beat.
i redesigned old minecraft mini games
I had to be a little hard to beat, come on, yeah, okay, level four, level four, okay. I looped, it's me, I'm in the lead, this feels weird, noChase Josh got 1300, we just have to get over it, oh shoot, okay, that's big, that's a really high score. I'm going to get over it now, wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not going to get over it. I'm going to beat him first, what are these damn purple blocks? Let me get high score, what are we doing? I think that's my yeah, that's my last live Beat It Beat It the first one is obviously easy like level one, you have nothing to worry about, level two is It's difficult because your visibility is very limited.
i redesigned old minecraft mini games

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i redesigned old minecraft mini games...

I would like Josh to give me the Gold Crown. Oh, guys. I'm fine. I'm silencing my friends. I need to concentrate. I die every time. I'll be honest. like the old brother dropper, I die from emptiness and no, how do I die from emptiness? The Hunger Games is my favorite


game of all time because it's very nostalgic and fun to play with friends, but it's not perfect and boring. Maps the Same items and damn campers, it's time to fix this game. We now have a one-of-a-kind space themed map. New weapons that will blow your mind, but most importantly I got rid of campers by adding rewards and when someone stands still. for a few seconds, it lets everyone on the server know that lastly, every match ends the same, so we added a new way to win, collect all four parts to create an escape pod and leave your enemies in the dust, oh, this is so nostalgic, two, oh, there is little. gravity R go go go go go go go oh what the hell is this thing heavy gravity load oh this is so sick oh wo wo wo Okay, so we have low gravity, as you can see, what did I get?
i redesigned old minecraft mini games
I have a what is it? a Laser Blaster, this is one of the new custom weapons we added, but I don't know what it does, what it's doing, I don't think it's doing anything, we have a laser trap, where are you? Don't worry about that. I'm shooting, I'm shooting someone with a laser beam, dude, this thing is actually really hard to aim, I'm not camping. I stood still for 3 seconds, yes, yes, yes, Chase, I'll help you, I'm, I'm, I'm. I'm a little out of bounds but it's cool wait you accept you get fall damage hello please no F no damage no fall damage oh this is so much better than the Hunger Games hey Josh you're camping but no no I am no, no, that's not what the booty told me.
i redesigned old minecraft mini games
Bounty Josh, why are you camping Buddy? Leave, leave, you're going to die, die, die, yeah Josh, that's why you don't camp in this mode, brother, you're free, don't stop, I've got Josh. I have Josh, there's another way you can win, if you find four of these you can escape without being the last man standing, which is crazy, so if I can find three more of these, I can create a capsule of I escape and I can win, oh no. I was, I was, I was talking to the audience, okay, I have an idea, I have an idea though, I can provoke them, okay, wait, wait, I see them, I see them, oh, you can go up the scaffolding, though can't you, oh God, oh God, it's okay. here we go here we go laser traps oh he's up there oh shoot okay I see him shit here we go here we go oh I'm camping wait this is perfect oh so even I swear they're teaming up buddy okay this is perfect okay I'm pushing towards forward pushing forward I'll pull it out oh god oh god here it goes yeah no no oh my god why hey Caleb Caleb asks asks who who who what is this question nobody none of us need to use the escape pod How many pieces do you have?
I'm willing to give them to you to see what happens. Are you sure you're not just joking so you can get my items? No, but I did, that trap to kill Chase was based on that. Pretty epic, okay, I have one four, two fours, and four fours. I have three fours and four fours. Seriously, I don't care, I don't care, you can literally take the escape pod and get The Monster from here, do it, so I just crafted it, yeah, yeah, put all four in your craft or I like your little craft, but you know what I mean, just do it, okay, okay, okay, there's three, just put it on the floor, yeah, I was sick. wait Preston Preston Preston that was mine.
You lose the team of TR players just escape. I really didn't think that was going to work if I'm honest with you, welcome to a block and it's been the same for years once you realize it. set your strategy, play the same way every game, we need something big to spice it up and take players out of the game. I wanted to start small by changing the map to a competition style format instead of being a single player map. It is now a four-player PvP Map. Now we have some bets, but what's stopping players from playing like normal Sky Block?
What if we could add something that throws players off balance and forces the competition to think carefully about their actions? So I called our developer and that was it. latest addition to our improved natural disaster Sky Block I don't know what's going to happen although I don't actually know we have a Bedrock block okay next disaster oh the block below us changes what does this mean? Oh, okay, guys, we have. to gather some supplies gather some supplies I'm gathering supplies buddy I've got this I've got this F I'm starting to build a base guys harvesting harvesting nah no no dude the people who build bases before never Prosper who says I don't know Bible people oh get ready get ready it's coming it's coming oh no no no no no what is it oh I'm hiding I'm hiding get ready guys the sun is angry wait if the sun is angry oh no no oh you're all built out of damn wood, you all stink, no, I'm fine , I'm fine, I don't know what you guys, oh, I'm not good, no, I built my entire deck out of wood, this is like real life. dude global warming what I'm doing is cooking dude, I have so many dead diamonds I don't even know what the demeds do with all of them Preston, you look so cozy there, literally because I didn't build from wood, like you guys noers, I've got a fucking diamond plate on my chest, hey Caleb, join Preston, I guess what about me, okay Josh, you betrayed me last time, oh, the next disaster is coming, get this damn fire, oh Oh my god, wait, oh.
I control two islands now I have double the resources yes, here we go, here we go, get ready, get ready, no, I'm afraid. I want to build a roof. I'm building a roof. I can't trust him. one of them bad Bo I knew it bro I just called this I didn't really know but I felt something breaking the ceiling though wait it's breaking my stuff oh we're done, we're done, we're done. grinding good bro i just gotta think about this i wanna build like crazy oh my god dude acid rain okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh the next disaster is coming I don't know what it is I'm not ready I'm not prepared Meteors This is not good for me What's going on guys This is not a good time for meteors It's actually a terrible time buddy Where am I going oh?
Oh my god, what's going on? I'm afraid there has to be a way to survive this and I don't know what it is, oh dear brother Preston, how are you alive? He hit everywhere, but man, he got close to me. I'm not going. to lie me and josh are building fortnite yeah what are you guys doing bro someone build the ramp build the ramp josh is boxing in you suck damn suck suck suck my balls forged with me , brother, what a disaster it's going to be, brother, what? disaster, it's going to be a solar flare, the son is angry again, okay, so it's a loop, it's a loop, what are you doing?
How come you don't have armor yet? You suck, dude.

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