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Minecraft, but Your XP = FUTURE

May 02, 2024
oh this looks amazing oh my god even the mobs look different okay we even objectively kill 20 mobs we have a realistic Blaster and a realistic sword oh my god even the items on the ground look different the rotten meat yeah It doesn't normally look like this when it falls to the ground I hear a zombie below us zombie I'm coming for you I need to try this new weapon look at the zombie he has ketchup around his mouth clearly he's fine, I'm going to try this realistic Blade story, they seem to be playing, uh, speaking of which, now we can make a workbench and we can make a furnace because I'm pretty sure that to make darts for the realistic Blaster we'll have to smelt iron. bullion I can almost guarantee everything right now How do I make these?
minecraft but your xp future
Yes, I can literally make ammunition. Now what are you waiting for? What is this? It's a sheep. I can't even tell what's good. I'm going to try this. No, I'm not running away, it's hunting season, honey, yeah, oh my gosh, okay, this is amazing, but I'm not going to lie, dart is a little expensive, the fact that we eat this melt is you. An iron ingot only gets you five, so I'm going to use the sword for now pigs covered in mud that's a dirty little pig oh the spiders oh the scariest thing I've ever seen my sword broke why did it break? broke my sword?
minecraft but your xp future

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minecraft but your xp future...

I wasn't ready for my sword to break. I'm so grateful to have this right now it's the best thing I've ever had. I feel like I'm playing Call of Duty right now. The chickens are waiting, there are some brown ones and I just shot them. It's a cow, oh wait, I want to go see the cow. Hello, Mr. Cow. Where did you go? Oh wow, you have realistic expressions, you look like a real cow. Okay, we just finished our fourth objective and we're literally already on the verge of reaching level five, which was incredibly fast. I mean, this Blaster does a lot of damage, wait.
minecraft but your xp future
They just bounced off and hit me, the bullets just bounced off, oh we gotta be careful, oh baby cow, I didn't realize she was a baby until it was too late. That's what I thought. I lost everything forever. Thank you Lord, oh that was embarrassing and so are those missed shots, but ladies and gentlemen. One more zombie and we're about to leave. level five realistic here we go big time oh my god it's really dark wait wait I also have a goal at the top it says very realistic goal pay


taxes wait that's realistic thank god the day is coming oh this is crazy holy guacamole man although i have never seen


trees like this before this is crazy look at the side of my head even the top of my head has hair also who is this random guy that just generate what I see?
minecraft but your xp future
I saw the guy, do I have to do it? I give you the tax whoa you owe 10,000 XP and you have 30 seconds to pay back


debt why would I pay? I'm not paying my taxes I pay my taxes in real life I'm not paying them in Minecraft oh no we're out of blaster ammo what's this employee blaster? Yeah, oh, I have no idea what's going on right now to be completely honest. I just made all these guys team members. What are you doing? Oh, are they limping on the ground? They are working. They are converting this weed into XP for me, this is how you pay taxes, okay, but in the chat it said I have, I have, I owe 10,000 in XP, excuse me sir, I have come to pay my debts, here you go, I do it .
I don't have enough to pay my taxes buddy, this is a real life scenario. Alright, gentlemen, watch as a team. I'm going to need everyone to work a little overtime. Can you stop digging holes? How am I supposed to get the money? XP from up here also get to work what are you doing? Yes, there we go. Well, chickens, I think it was this employee Blaster. I can make anyone an employee, including a chicken. Hello chicken, would you like to work for my company? thanks oh wow this pink is dirty dude. I have never seen a pig so dirty.
I'm going down, but I'm not happy with it. Wow, this guy has really gained so much XP. Why are you? This is awkward now because I don't know how to get back up, where is that guy to pay my taxes? This is ridiculous, there he is, could you take this, here you go ladies and gentlemen, now we are somehow already at level six, why did you do it? give me this car oh no oh no I have a real stranger real quick OMG I must say though Minecraft has never looked better. The goal is supposed to be to break the law.
I don't approve of breaking the wall, but luckily I may or may not have. I just committed a um, let me put it in the screen editor please, but I'm pretty sure I just committed a hamburger. I think it was a hit and run. That would be oh yeah, oh god, I'm definitely turning some crimes into this. it's a warning don't go over the speed limit speed limit there's never been a speed limit in Minecraft what are you talking about I've never seen a speed limit oh my god the police have been called you have a five star wanted level for speeding of speed, what do you mean?
Hey guys, listen, it was an accident. Okay, for some reason, you spawned in my car. It was not my fault. You know it's okay, we can wait until later in the meantime, there's only one thing we can do right, the judge is never going to believe this, gentlemen, take me to level seven, okay, now we're talking, ladies and gentlemen, this is the Minecraft they wanted. to see why I'm taller oh my god I could see butt cheeks oh this is crazy look at the screen guys you probably can't hear my graphics card screaming in the background right now oh my shadow oh god mine, I'm actually looking more. like a human being, everything looks so strange, what are these lines?, it's mustard, this pig looks like an angel, friend, have you ever seen water like this in


The goal is to find a diamond, oh that will be so easy, oh my god, this thing. It's mighty baby, oh my god, how can I get down? I can go down? I think I can go down. I just don't know how oh, oh wait, I figured out how to dig, okay, we're digging guys, oh God. oh no no I'm freezing my PC it's lagging I think my computer is about to explode oh my god wait why are the fans off? The fans aren't even into what you're doing. I think we broke Minecraft. Here we are, it's so. dark, okay, there's got to be a diamond somewhere, guys, I don't even know what I'm looking at, some of these blocks don't even look legit, we gotta go way deeper, oh my god, too deep, oh my god, if it were a block.
Any closer I would have melted alive I have to say although the lava looks amazing if there were diamonds right above me right now oh my tractors are oh no oh no thank god it's okay we're back to normal where are the diamonds? I see a soft and gentle one where did it go? Where did he go? I'm standing on a diamond right now, how do I get it? How do I get it? No Lava, this is my diamond, this is my time to shine, okay, I just mined it, I think, oh, you? I have ever seen this is a real diamond.
Well, I mean, it's obviously a real diamond, but I'm just emphasizing how beautiful it looks in my hands. Public. I'm holding a real diamond, but you can't tell because my character shows it. Ridiculous, now you can use the Realistic Cannon, oh I bet it's on the next level. We are almost there. Push on, ladies and gentlemen, we are transforming. This is crazy, but now we need a million XP to reach level nine, but honestly, no. I think it will take so long. Oh, we have this too. I'm in a suit. This is not very realistic. I don't wear suits.
And this here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Realist Canon. What does that mean? How long should I charge? load it why is that sound what's going on it's good we have to try again Minecraft looks so pretty I'm actually about to throw up but I'm going to try it on these mobs three two one oh we did too much now why do I look ? like a demon, I look like a semi Gorgon man, these trees are so pretty I don't even want to cut them down, but I must, oh my god, are you seeing the rain?
I swear I'm in real life right now what Minecraft looks like. with this rain it's obscene I've seen it all it's about to be big oh the delay give me your balls oh my god these pigs are trying to escape oh my god what have I done feed me the green balls they call me Shrek just a matter of time what they say, okay, it's in the Bible, patience is a virtue, something like that, ten thousand balls later, I'm transforming, ladies and gentlemen, we're back to reality, wait a second, wait, no, this is still In the game, it's just so realistic, I mean, does it still work?
Oh my goodness, and a million ladies and gentlemen just got our ticket home. What was that? No, oh no, oh we did it, dear Lord, that was crazy, Chase Chase.

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