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I recreated a REAL CITY to prove Cities Skylines 2 isn't broken!

May 05, 2024
Cresent, although I knew it was a nice curved loop, that's interesting anyway, so from the cirque you can see that there are some arms to the right, but to the left it goes to this place. Now you may have seen pictures of this. I think it's probably one of the most well-known parts of this


. I think it imitates the one in London, isn't it Kensington or me? I don't know, I don't know places, but this is called the Royal Cresant, yeah, you can see it comes out of the circus and it goes up and around like this, so if we look down, it goes up there and the Royal Cresant does that kind of thing, yeah, nice, okay, that's what it looks like.
i recreated a real city to prove cities skylines 2 isn t broken
Okay, so just add all these little bits of road around it and then we'll get there, obviously we've only been around the inside of the river, but I think if I like the background here, get this. that one-way bridge then this may just connect to like our main highway at some point, so yeah, those bridges go down here, so it's under this piece of rail where we put our elongated round, very nice, although this is all in one sense, so let's replace all the paths, so it's one-way. it's a roundabout obviously at that point we have a bridge over there, we come back the same way so they're both inside and on this side we have a road coming in, out and then onto a two lane road going down there .
i recreated a real city to prove cities skylines 2 isn t broken

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i recreated a real city to prove cities skylines 2 isn t broken...

The road adjacent to this river then from here The road continues this way, we are over there, it merges into two l, while this one runs parallel to that one back to that roundabout and there are some houses and crossroads down here. I don't need to worry too much about that, but okay, so that's where we wanted to be, so I think what I'll do is take this road probably like a highway until we get to our actual highway. I just round that up, okay, now we're connected to the outside world, so now I'm just going to go around.
i recreated a real city to prove cities skylines 2 isn t broken
I'm going to try to find out where the most stores are, as I can see. and I can see how, oh, there are quite a few, there are a lot of shops in this pedestrian zone, there are probably houses on the top like in the game, when we enter our color, we have mixed housing, so there are apartments on the top with commercial space on the bottom, so it's ideal for all of these areas, um, although I should probably sort out the poop water and electri


first, so back on the map, I mean, it's quite, it's quite in the country bathroom and I feel like this way, this is kind of I.
i recreated a real city to prove cities skylines 2 isn t broken
I mean it looks industrial. I don't know, I don't know what these big ponds are, they don't seem to be in use anymore, but I think we can probably say that this is the industrial area, therefore we can have a power plant. over here and I'm going to put a coal power plant. I don't think we'll use any more coal in the UK, but I feel like we could probably use gas power plants. Honestly, that's something I don't


ly know. how the UK is powered I know there are a lot of wind turbines and solar panels but I don't think that makes up the majority of the energy, we still have it, we will make a sewage treatment plant and upgrade it with these tanks.
Just because that's how it looked on Google Maps and then everything else up here is going to be just industrial stuff, so color it all yellow and then I'm going to go around doing a mix of medium density and low density like around it. these sort of suburban areas and then probably a lot of row houses, particularly Royal Cresant, which I definitely need to change the name of. We are doing much better, they definitely want to be row houses, as well as around the circus circle now, unfortunately. I can hardly place houses around it, remember the


one, they are like proper terraces, as if there were no spaces anywhere.
I mean, there's a little trick I've learned. Those of you who are patreons, have been watching my realistic bonus series, you will know. I've learned this trick and it's been very, very useful, so if I just put little foot paths on the side of that road, then look, there are no buildings coming out of there anymore, which means I can put my Rous over there for a while. bit. The same thing is easier with this one which is quite long, so I did it a lot in the realistic series, but if I just do that and then I do that, then look, I moved it to the front and now I paint that, they will look much more connected, so hopefully they look somewhat sensible looking around here, honestly it seems like most of these types of houses are just row houses, yeah, I think in the northern area I'll do that.
I need to go back and add all the parking in very important places, so there's a big old parking lot here and it's not actually on that street because there are houses along the front. Actually, if I take an alley and then put it in the back of those houses, the parking is on that road, so I drive. There are parks there, a lot of houses along the front. I mean, to be honest, I should do this the right way, because you can see those grilles have


towards the front. If I just go ahead and make a path out there, there it goes, then I.
I can make sure that when I color them they are all, they are all off this road, Elizabeth Street, so I also forgot some roads because there is actually quite a bit of parking here, so basically this whole area is actually parked, we have a nice little trail which goes along the back of those houses to there, so where I just painted along this edge of the river, I'm going to delete as the type of back edge so that we don't make that river narrow because then we will have flooding problems and just like in real life you can't just build over a river you have to get planning permission first and because of the flooding your planning permission will probably turn us down so some large car parks In the industrial area it makes sense because people work there.
I suposs you are well. I'm pretty sure we'll have some offices in town too, so let's do those. There are like shops underneath, but I don't want to. To overstate the midsize homes, I feel like most of this is midsize. I guess it's because it's a city that's going to be a lot denser than other places, they have a supermarket here, so we'll put a little bit of blue in there, oh. There are actually proper parks that I can place, they actually look quite similar to real parks. I've been like hands-free parks for the most part.
We'll hit build and then this should start. I really do not know. I know how this is going to be, if I'm honest, before I continue I should probably add a train route so people can get there by train if they want, yeah sure, let's take a look. people, they come, oh, there are a lot of people coming, oh, this is really successful, everyone is already flocking to Bath and yes, our buildings are being built now, so they are not the most like Bath. I feel like they've definitely been Americanized like they're covered. in the advertisements, I mean, every building has some kind of advertisement, neon lights, it's not the most British thing I've seen in the world, but the city is certainly growing, oh, happiness started to rise there, something that I didn't really search.
Let me get back to this, what if we search for schools where is the nearest school? So yes, there are schools spread all over the place that may only teach cooking, but it's still a Skool, so let's add a Skool because realistically, there's another one going that way. Well, yes, is there a police station in this city? Oh yeah there is, so there's the train station at the bottom, it's up there, okay, so the train station down there we need police somewhere on this road, so there's the police. fire station so it's on top kind of out of reach I built because I built to like these things remember still I'm sure we can put one on top like there that would do and then finally , a hospital, oh, they're miles away, hospitals are actually miles away, what's up with the doctors?, oh, there we go, there's two doctors there right next to the station, so I guess one was on that road and the other was down there.
I feel like a people in the city probably have internet so I should probably build some internet, they will have TV too so I build it here the right way and then we can take a look, there are definitely quite a few people visiting. the place where the parking lots have started to fill up buildings are being built, we should start receiving train passengers soon. I mean, there are people parking there, so there must be a train at some point. How is the Royal Cres? Royal Cresant doesn't look very good. The circus trees haven't grown yet either, but I could leave this running for a long time and then we'll come back and wonder: what are we in October 2024?
What if we wait until 2025 and see if a realistic city actually does it? It also works in City Skylands, so hang on there, okay, so there's the real one. If we blur it in my game, it looks something similar. I think it's okay, we have the most buildings in Now with a population of 5000, it's really not too much. bad happiness, everyone's happy, there's nothing negative to say about the play, oh let's just ignore, let's ignore Jennifer, she doesn't know what she's talking about and even though we don't get some of the more unique aspects of the bathroom.
I think we've definitely shown that if you want to create realistic


you need to put more parking on more bridges. I mean, there are a lot of bridges in this place and yes, surprisingly, probably the most surprising thing about all of this is that there is no traffic. I thought the traffic would be chaos, but it seems to be very well distributed, considering the popularity of this place. Look at these parking lots. The roads are very, very clear, so maybe all those people marking the City Sky lines, maybe they are. They just built their


wrong after all because I think we've


n that building a realistic city and city


2 is extremely successful, so on that note I'll say peace, love and goodbye to the bathroom.

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