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I Rebuilt EVERY Biome in Hardcore Minecraft

May 14, 2024
so Minecraft Java Edition currently has 63


s and in this video I'm going to try to rebuild each one of them, even the void, the void, but instead of putting them in these little exhibits like


one and their grandmother has seen before, I'm going to build a mega base in the middle of the ocean with



and structure in the game because that is definitely the best way to spend the next three weeks of my life. Well, I'm going to divide this project into three phases in phase one. I will need to choose a location to build this monstrosity and prepare the area for construction.
i rebuilt every biome in hardcore minecraft
Now I have the place in mind. You're probably wondering what makes this place so special. I want to have an end portal directly in the center of all the biomes and if I dig here Bingo it's almost like I planned this and if you look closely you'll see that this place also contains an ocean, the ocean is essential because I think it will look cool in the thumbnail and that's it. Actually, now that I have chosen the location, it is time to mark the corners and now all the water inside the square should disappear. The good news is that the handle has a water remover design that will make this process infinitely easier.
i rebuilt every biome in hardcore minecraft

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i rebuilt every biome in hardcore minecraft...

The bad news to drain as much water as possible, the ocean floor needs to be flat, which it isn't, so it's time to dive. Mining and so I don't have to repair my tools every 10 minutes I'm going to Okay these things should last me forever as long as I don't break any of them that's all I need so let's start outside the flattened square this will take a time and that's the entire ocean floor flattened up to y45, now I can. finally I start draining the water to do that I'm going to need some materials starting with slime leaves, sand and sinister banners you'll see why in a minute and with all that collected it's time to build the sand and leaf walls.
i rebuilt every biome in hardcore minecraft
The ones placed are now called bumpers or at least that's what I call them, they will give the water remover something to bounce off of and speaking of water removers now, technically, I could start activating them one by one, but I think it will look better. if they all move together as a unit that's where these banners come in, if I place the first one on this Observer and then connect the rest of the banners, remove these chests and then break the first banner it activates them all at once. Those were the easiest 800k water blocks I've ever removed, so we're almost ready to start making this hole deeper, but we have a situation down there, all the excess water needs to be removed, and as you saw in this spot.
i rebuilt every biome in hardcore minecraft
It turns into a gangster farm at night. I'm going to address the water issue first, but first no, that sounds stupid. First I want to outline the circle that we are going to build in perfect condition. Now the water, how many sponges, okay, yes, not that. I'm going to work, thank you, foreigner I can work with. I'm sure you guys have seen how sponges work before, so I'm just going to make the water explode and for my next trick, I'm going to make these mobs disappear as well with a super simple mob switch. by enxo4, that should be enough silverfish, so as long as this log loader is working, we should have a working mob switch.
Okay, it worked, that'll make the next part a lot easier, so we're almost done with phase one, but if I had to. Start building now, the mountain biomes would be about 15 blocks high and I'd like to shoot for at least 30 blocks so I have some mining ahead of me. I started by removing as much sand, dirt and gravel as I could find. It wouldn't get in my way while I was mining, like my cat did and then I started mining using some discomfort to help collect the blocks, but it quickly became clear that trying to keep the blocks would also make this time-consuming.
Although I left that idea for a long time and focused on mining as fast as I could but even that wasn't enough, it was at this point where I started digging tunnels and filling them with TNT which I made using gunpowder I got from my RAID farm and this en When I started to see real progress with only a few layers left, I decided to perform one final massive explosion, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next, not even the nightmare I witnessed on day 21. Are you jumping on the bed? This was much worse.
The goal of this phase is to place all the concrete and have everything ready to start building the biomes. To place all the concrete we first need to get it now to convert it, that should be enough for now. place some blocks and voila, that looks amazing, so if you've seen one of my videos before, you'll know that I like pain and what's more painful than spending three hours placing a giant cylinder of white concrete and spending a few more hours doing. That cylinder is two blocks thick because I think it will look better in the miniature, which didn't look too bad for the floor.
I placed two mini HUD holograms as a reference. The brown circle is where Mushroom Island is going to be. The blue one is where the biomes are going to start. oceans now I just need to dig a trench for the oceans and cover everything with a layer of concrete. Filling the rest should be easy since it's flat, but I want to set up something that will save me some time. Later, the mobs I built earlier are great for temporarily clearing mobs, but every time I exit the game I have to blow up a thousand blocks to turn it back on, so to fix that I want to build a mob switch right in the center of the biome. so that everything is mob proof at all times, okay, I have emptied the area under the final portal for the mob change and now I need to kidnap some villagers and trap them here so strange that now I can take them across the chasm. and right here in the mafia changing room, heal them, put up a bunch of beds, change the gray beds to pink beds because they are better and feed them so they can replicate.
Looks like I made a Farm Orange cat, okay? I'm going to do my best not to kill them this time. Now I can move on to the awesome flooring so everything inside the walls is ready for phase two, but I can't leave the outside like this, it's disgusting and after several hours of filling in water removing the bumpers adding sand to the bottom and planting tons of Seaweed still looks pretty bad, but you can't see it from the inside anyway, so I can't be bothered during that. I also worked on the mob switch turning everything around a bit. villagers become cartographers and block their trades by buying maps, so now if I can understand this guy, no, this is exactly how I wanted it to be and while that zombie is having a great time, I'll explain to him what exactly it is. the gadget does, since I switched with all the villagers, they can't spawn even once they've been zombified and are counting towards the mob limit, meaning the entire area will be spawn proof as long as it's within range. 128 blocks of them, pretty cool. so with the mob swap done, the inside of the wall is done and the outside done, I guess that means it's time to get it done, this is where it all comes together.
I hope otherwise I just spent 60 hours building a bowl, so this is the plan I'm going to follow. To divide this circle into eight sections, each section will contain biomes of a similar type, the first will include the temperate biomes and what better way to start than the spinal plane, for that I'm going to need a lot of grass. of grass with what was collected I will start with the coast mixing grass and sand to mix it. I want the biomes to gradually increase as they get closer to the wall, that way the mountains can reach the top and cover themselves. all the concrete and if I just complete it I can start adding details and our first mini structure, so the left half here will be the Sunflower Plains and on the right I want to add a mini Village to the regular Foreign Plains which actually looks very okay, okay, as much as I'd love to show each block I'm placing, if I spend one minute in each biome like I did with the planes, we'll be here for another 61 minutes, so it's time to start choosing.
Pick up the pace, the next two biomes behind the planes will be the forest and the birch forest, behind them is the flower forest and the tall birch forest. While working on them I had to get more grass and decided to relocate this ruined another portal to our Flower Forest, so that's a more completed structure and to get the tall birches I grew birch saplings over Birchwood fills, which was a quite big brain. If you ask me, with those six biomes complete, it was time to make the mountains for this section, which were the Meadow and Stony Peaks and I wasn't quite prepared for how exhausting it is to build custom mountains.
The mountains for this section took three hours just on the Stony Peak side. I added a dungeon as our third structure for the section using Golden Blackstone as a fake generator and I added some oars for variety while I wait for the grass to grow. I think it would be cool to add a waterfall that runs down Stony Peaks and through the birch forest forming our bile river and I will run it into the frozen river. biome in section 2. To finish Section 1, I added flowers to the grassland biome and then started working on our first ocean, which is the normal ocean biome.
Quick disclaimer, some oceans have a deep variant that's a little hard to represent when you're doing everything mini, so I'm considering the deepest point, the deep ocean, and the shallower parts, the normal ocean. I also realize now that I lied, there is still one more mini structure for this section, and I need an alien sea lantern, now that is. what I would call a monumental success, so section two, which I guess I gave away with the frozen river, this section will contain all the snowy biomes, starting with the soon to be snowy beach and the not yet snowy plains and then the frozen one. ocean, which is where one of our structures will be and I've run out of ice according to the wiki, an iceberg is considered a structure-like feature, so don't like it when you try to record a voiceover on your dog. it keeps barking constantly according to the wiki, an iceberg is considered a structure-like feature so we included those two.
However, I can't build the iceberg without snow, so I'll need help and I've got the right guy for the job. With the help of my new friend I spread snow all over the snowy beach and snowy plains and farmed the snow blocks I needed for the iceberg. I think it's a little big, but so are icebergs, so I'll leave it as next. I finished the Frozen River I mentioned before by connecting it to the frozen ocean and decided to design the rest of the terrain to finish that part off, but then something terrible happened. What I lost that day could never be replaced until the next day, when Snowbird 2 arrived with the section mostly covered in snow, it was time to start dividing up the biomes on the left side behind the snowy plains.
I added the snow tiger and on the right the ice spikes biography, which was interesting to build, turned out pretty good. but I ended up improving it a little later, from there I went up the mountain adding a Grove biome which is basically a snowy mountain with trees and to the right are the snowy slopes which are like a snowy mountain. no trees, then I added ice to the left half of the mountain to make the Frozen Peaks biome and to the right I added snow on the stone for the Jagged Peaks and that's it, wait, oh yeah, I added a deep dark ravine. biome and a mini foreign ancient city, we have the final biomes and this ended up being one of my favorites.
I didn't even mean that the end is the only Dimension that doesn't naturally generate liquid, so it wouldn't make sense. To add an ocean biome in this section, I wanted to mimic the emptiness that a biome turns out to be. Now realistically I couldn't build the void because it's literally nothing, but what I could do is recreate a fog effect with black glass to make the hole seem endless, so I went back to my starting village and farmed some of materials and while I was at it I decided to collect all the final stones and chorus fruits I was going to need as well with the resources gathered.
I had everything I needed. I needed to start building and began cladding the edge of the snow biome and the entire back wall with a layer of black concrete. From there I started working on the void, first adding the small biome and Islands and then creating the final Barons, which is basically like the edge of a final island with the completed ones, added all the black stained glass and completed the fog effect it creates. a pretty convincing void and then it was time to work on the three remaining end biomes, so I filled in all the end stones trying my best to replicate the end terrain and it was time to get creative.
The end isn't exactly that detailed, so it was important to capture its most distinctive features on the back left. I wanted to build up to the ending that sounds like a dump. Just kidding, but that's literally the name of the biome, it'sbasically the main one and the island, so I wanted to build a lot of obsidian pillars around the final podium. I used deep slate for the podium as it's the closest I could get to bedrock and then used concrete for shaping. The space for the obsidian pillars turned out to be pretty good, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, so after a quick trip into the abyss I was able to create enough final crystals to top off all the pillars and even added some iron bars to two of them, which tied everything together after that.
I noticed the rest of the ending seemed pretty empty, so I planted a bouquet of chorus flowers in the Midlands biome and what would soon be the Highlands biome, so to finish. In the highlands biome I'm going to build a final mini city, but first I need to pop some chorus fruits, just a quick stop at the super foundry, there we go, time to build that density as it's built . I want to say a big thank you to Blocky Bryson. There were a few different walkthroughs for many structures, but I like this final city and the jungle temple you'll see the most.
They later relied on his tutorials. Okay, that looks great, but the problem is that you can't really see it. I guess that means it's time for the next section, which will be the interchangeable section, so I went on an adventure, gathered all the blocks I needed for the swamps, and then got to work, placing the shallow swamp water and giving it a mix of soil and clay after a quick reminder that I'm not a dreamer, I scattered a bunch of water lilies all over the water and decided to address a recurring problem with this build. You see blocks like grass and leaves that have different shades depending on the biome they are in. but since this whole base is built in the ocean, the grass and leaves don't care, I need them to be dark to make a swamp, in this case I can't do anything with the grass, but I tried to use the swamp trees. oak logs with birch leaves to darken them which worked surprisingly well and as the grass grew I also added a mini witch's hut and then laid out the mud for the mangrove from there I started adding the mangrove trees which were sort of disaster.
To be honest, it took a little effort to get the spacing right, but once I did I started filling in the extra space with dead bushes, grass, and marsh flowers. I decided to place the dark oak biome with the swamps, but I had to get creative since I didn't do that. I don't have much space left. I built a plateau that reaches to the top, got a lot of saplings. I did my best with the Woodland mini mansion and filled all the land and filled all the dark oak trees and then it was time to For the second cave biome, I chose drip.
Stone caves. Here I carved a hole in the mountainside and built the cave in stone before it rained a real trickle. Stone cave for the materials to decorate it and I am very happy with the result of the last part. of this biome is invisible at least from the surface, fossils have a chance to appear in swamp biomes, but they only appear underground. I guess I'll leave one block exposed because why not? And they are four of the eight complete sections up to the initial section 5. with the ocean as usual, if you're wondering why one side is Stone, it's because the next biome will be Stony Shores, this is a cold ocean so basically it's a normal ocean, but we pretend it's colder from there .
I finished Stony Shores by adding Stone to the shores, then set about grabbing the rest of the blocks I would need with the blocks in stock. I started working on the ocean ruins that I blatantly stole from a neighboring ocean and then placed the next two biomes. My plan was to have the old Girth Spruce on the left and the normal Taiga on the right now, the only thing that makes the two old Girth Tigers different from each other is the types of trees which I can't control, so I passed a stupid amount of time growing up. and chopping down trees to get the specific types, then I finished the normal Taiga before getting a sign from the universe that I've been spending too much time on each project because this is the second build in a row I've had a skeleton trap on.
Anyway I lined up the frame for the remaining biomes and started filling them. I added the giant pines behind the spruce, then the windswept gravel hills, followed by the windswept forest and windswept hills, completing the section. One thing I forgot to mention is that these biomes are covered in moss. The rocks are considered structures, so we can mark them and there is another structure for this section, but I forgot about it until the end of the video, so yeah, that's when I decided to go back and revamp Ice Spike's spiral even more. The space in the back was bothering me, so I filled it with a few more spikes, yes that's much better now, the jungle section starts with the warm ocean, which excites and intimidates me at the same time to build, then the beach and all the scenery to be able to I was done with that part, but before I could do much with the jungle I had to spend forever collecting jungle saplings because they have half the drop rate of all the other saplings;
With the saplings finally gathered, I built the sparse jungle and then the normal jungle. with a mini jungle temple on the left half, I used giant tiger trees to spread podzel for the bamboo forest and then I noticed that a neighboring jungle island had bushes on the slopes, so I replicated them on my own mountains, which to be clear, don't really count. as a biome, it only needed to cover the concrete. I buried my berry under the beach, crossing buried treasure off the list and then I started working on the Lush cave and every Lush cave needs its own azalea tree.
From there it was just a matter of Terraforming a cave and shining it, that's the Lush cave done, but like the final city, you can't see it, so I'll have to cut out each material and place rope on top, which I'm sure it won't be tedious. ok now there is a rope on top of all these bamboo stalks but i have to cut them off so the top will grow back with leaves or its fruit ASMR and bamboo ASMR in a video and now things are about to get spicy, why is it spicy because it is?
It's time for the nether section, so first there's the lava lick, it's not a biome, but there are no oceans in the nether, unless you're Kalani I guess, and here's a quick recap of how the next hour went and half. I feel like this. It shouldn't be something that is good enough. I'm going to fill it with blocks anyway and I want to just collect all the blocks now, so that's the basic layout for the Lower Wastes and Soul Sand Valley now. I just need to go through and add some details like magma blocks, gravel, one of those basalt pillars, another one here, maybe yes, another fossil which is one of our structures, there we go, a group of Glowstone and in this space I have here. to place the mini Bastion this is the type I chose as a reference it probably has a name but I don't know but here is my replica it's not bad at all for the next two biomes we have the Crimson Forest and the Warped Forest for these Actually, it was just a matter of using bone meal and everything, wait why is this one so tall it's taller than the jungle trees and the last biome for the lower one is the basalt delta which ended up taking six or seven hours to finish ?
I lost the account I used. So much basalt that I had to make a makeshift farm, which I put together in a few minutes, and from there it was really just a matter of grinding it up despite almost going crazy while building it, this was probably my favorite biome. The entire megabase when terraforming was finished needed to add a background in front of the white concrete. The basalt delta has a sort of grayish-purple color to the air. I guess I tried using cyan terracotta to replicate it. Hey hey hey hey hey hey Which ended up looking a little average, but then I realized that the light blue terracotta actually looks light purple, so I tore it all down and replaced it with the good stuff after dealing with some guests surprise.
The only thing left was the lower fortress, so I made a quick trip. I went to my own Fortress to try to figure out how to build one and these gases just wouldn't leave me alone when I was ready. I came back and got to work. I wanted him to get out of the Basalt Delta and into the Warped. A bit of forest, which worked out pretty well, there's even a mini Blaze generator and it's time for the next section, starting with the warm move that will house our final underwater structure, the Shipwreck. Now I would admit that I stole this from another ocean, but I prefer to call it relocation.
I relocated it like the ocean. The rest of these biomes are of the warm variety. I designed the land for the first four biomes and started detailing them by adding cacti, a desert well, and a desert temple. For Savannah I ran into the same problem I had before, other than the acacia trees the only discernible feature of Savannah is its dead looking grass which I can't replicate because I'm in an ocean biome so the next best solution was use path blocks. to mimic the color of Savannah of course this meant I couldn't put grass there so I compensated by using patches of course of soil to plant all the foliage which I think looks pretty good.
The next two biomes are a little extravagant before. I could start, although I did a quick trip with my cat to collect all the natural spawning terracottas, got Red Sand and started, that's eroded Badlands and Windswept Savannah, which still needs some work, but I want to start in the mountains. which will be the Savannah Plateau Forested Badlands and the normal Badlands. Now the problem with using path blocks is that it leaves these little gaps that I have to fill in all over this mountain. Thanks now for the details and time to add the wood to the wooded Badlands using birch leaves again to give a darker look to the structures.
I'm going to add the Pillager Outpost here and then a mineshaft in the Badlands overseas with a fake cave spider spawn and some cobwebs from this abandoned village to finish it off. and boom the whole megabase outside area is complete now, as much as I'd love to start the final biome. I have to take care of that structure that I missed earlier in the tiger biomes. I'll just need some of these few. snippets that give that section A little pizzazz a little zest a little panache Panache yes Panache now I'll just clean up my mess I'll grab some mycelium and some of these on the way I don't have a silk touch Mix it up and now the mushrooms That is, Mushroom Island is complete, but there is still one more structure left, hence this hole.
I'm going to build a fortress themed gateway here and yes you can hear a lot of mother changing from here so here are all the biomes and structures in Minecraft.

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