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Building An Entire World For EVERY Minecraft Biome! - The Underwater Kingdom

May 16, 2024
In my quest to build the craziest creations ever seen in Minecraft, I'm




s, all within one epic Minecraft universe,


styles that weave together more crazy creatures and much, much more. After building the Underground Kingdom, we had plans for tons of other


s existing in the same universe, each fighting to prove themselves as the ultimate Minecraft Kingdom and what better way to continue our adventure than with the Underground Kingdom's archenemy, the


Kingdom, this would be my most expansive Kingdom and yet it would double the size of our last Kingdom, filled with more Mysteries. to explore


thing from epic lore to hidden artifacts and even mini-games, and over two years after starting this project, the Underwater Kingdom map is now available on my patreon, but stay tuned to see how I transformed Minecraft's oceans into this huge


immersive and show your support.
building an entire world for every minecraft biome   the underwater kingdom
By subscribing to the channel so that one day we can combine these realms into the craziest Minecraft map ever, as always a mega project like this requires hours and hours of research and planning, we brainstormed the main builds we would include taking all your comments and opinions taken into account Steph worked hard on the story, gave this Kingdom its history and planned how the story lines would link through our fantasy universe anyway, with our plans ready, it was time to Get them started, first things first. I started with World Painter. and I traced the seabed of our kingdom.
building an entire world for every minecraft biome   the underwater kingdom

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building an entire world for every minecraft biome the underwater kingdom...

Creating something at this scale is simply not possible without using tools like this. I think my PC would explode if I tried to create terrain of this scale in the game, but as you can see, we have tons. of space to fill and trust me, this place will look crazy when we're done. I wanted to give this setting a prehistoric fantasy feel, so I painted the walls of the Reef Fall with a layered rock pattern inspired by ancient layered rock formations. Like Doom Priest in Ireland, I've also created a custom setup for our coral reef using the blob command to create some interesting rock formations over the last couple of years.
building an entire world for every minecraft biome   the underwater kingdom
I've learned and progressed a lot as a builder, so some of the techniques I used previously on The Project definitely differ from what I do now and you'll even see me going back and improving certain parts as I learn new techniques, but overall, despite By using some outdated techniques at the beginning, I definitely achieved the exaggerated fantasy ocean landscape I had envisioned. I also built. some seagrass to spread on the ocean floor, although I saved some of this for the end of the build, so with the basic terrain ready we researched different types of coral so we could build with a lot of variation and bring the seabed to life. more authentic way.
building an entire world for every minecraft biome   the underwater kingdom
In any way possible, I built a table and a brain coral that you may recognize if you've played Subnautica, as well as Staghorn Tube and more. This place already looks more lively at this stage, but there's a lot of empty space to fill with all the amazing things. We have planned before continuing with this epic ocean kingdom. I would like to thank our sponsor World of Tanks. World of Tanks is a PC tank battle game with incredible attention to detail and historical accuracy that immerses you in the battlefield. Mention that it's free, over 100 million people have already jumped on their tanks in the game and with over 800 of them to choose from, it's no surprise that you can choose tanks with different strengths, from light to heavy to destroy us and artillery, allowing you to choose.
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castle, home of the ruler of the ocean-dwelling merfolk, who have some of the best stories of my Minecraft creations, as always. .
Designing a floor plan and for this I wanted to make something really unique and organic, almost as if the castle was a living creature with


thing laid out. I started on the first Tower creating this really unusual shape with prismarine details and a diagonal sea platform. roof to fit our nautical theme, which was a challenge to perfect. I added smaller windows and towers placing them at different heights to keep things asymmetrical and looking natural, so with my design in motion I went over this build for hours and prepared the rest. The towers add thoughtful details to differentiate them from each other, almost all of the main towers are covered with a different shell-inspired roof, some even offer rooftop balconies, and there is tons of height variation throughout the castle.
I also lit the windows with red stone lamps which gives a nice stained glass effect and helps bring the castle to life when it is submerged and to finish the castle of course I had to add a conduit to its power source, not only is it a great aesthetic and Law-related feature, but also adds some cool gameplay mechanics to this creative build that we'll delve into later. Finally, I added these crazy winding arches inspired by The Little Mermaid's castle which completely transformed this castle into a cohesive piece before entering. Made some adjustments to the Sanctuary conduit. and edited the castle plinth terrain as the plane it was on just didn't look natural, so with the exterior complete I wanted to create an epic throne room in the main tower for the grand entrance.
I reused one of the huge sea platforms. castle roofs and adapted it to create the main entrance. I then built this inclined path and placed it between these large quartz pillars taking inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman architecture, an inspiration that persists throughout this Kingdom. Minecraft warped materials make a great addition to any ocean-themed build, I used them to define the main entrance and created arches through the hallway for the interior of the castle. There wasn't much space to work with, but I decided to line the inside of the castle with some white concrete walls that connect things with a circular hallway.
I then dug up the floor and lined the walls below with sea lanterns to help illuminate the place. Then, in the center I built a platform for the Great Throne of Poseidon. Now you may have guessed that this. The kingdom has many laws and a lot of cool traditions and beliefs. The Mer who reside here believe in a prophecy that Poseidon, the powerful god of the sea, will return to rule them one day, leading them to victory over all other kingdoms on earth. its position as the definitive kingdom of Minecraft, this throne room is dedicated to its long-awaited true king, but in the meantime they determined its ruler through trial by combat in the kingdom's enormous battle stadium, the sunken arena, as you can see who emerges victorious in the test.
You'll be able to enjoy this epic Throne Room containing a mural of the legendary Trident of Poseidon that may be hidden in a very ancient Legendary Shrine in another part of the Kingdom, as well as this underfloor underwater aquarium because the people of Mer like it too have pets, so our Epic Castle is complete and this forms the craziest centerpiece of our epic Foreign Kingdom. Before I started working on the Upper District, I wanted to lay out a few more paths on the ocean floor so I could really imagine what I was going to do. With all this space, obviously the sea people who lived here can swim freely, but the surrounding ocean is full of dangers and its fault is the safest, so most of the inhabitants of the Kingdom do not stray too far from the sandy paths of the seabed.
I began to plot the path for the Upper Kingdom District. Not only is it super satisfying to look at, but it's the best way to start planning a city or any project you're working on that contains a lot of buildings. I also made my life easier by marking To determine the location of the four main buildings I had in mind, with red wool I continued the path around these buildings leading to other sections of the city with the planned paths. I started at the first of the four main buildings, the town hall, this building is located directly in the center of the city with the foundation of the building made up of quartz pillars connected to each other with arches.
I added multiple vaulted ceilings with lots of columns to match that ancient Greek inspiration and even added some small seashells to the design to really emulate the aquatic theme. Throughout the construction, I then finished the roof by mixing different warped woods to achieve a wavy, watery effect within the town hall. I opted for a checkerboard marble floor and slathered the walls with some white concrete to provide some support and lighting to match the exterior. I built quartz pillars with warped details along with a chandelier in the center since this is our town hall. I added a special table for our councilman to sit at during important meetings along with a large clock on the wall that way the sea people know when the meeting is almost over so they can run off their benches to have fun elsewhere in the room.
Kingdom. The second level of the town hall has been dedicated to this huge map table showing how big this ocean is. We will update this at the end. of the project to see our progress anyway I finished the town hall by decorating the top floor with some warped materials, a bit of lighting and a bit of strawberry to spice things up, moving on to the second of the four main buildings I thought the city would need. some entertainment after their long Council meetings, so I thought about building a small amphitheater in ancient Greece. Amphitheaters were used for a variety of events such as gladiatorial combats, the circus, and theater.
They consist of multi-level seats in a semicircle and in this case there is a stage in the center, this is a fairly small amphitheater, but maybe we will build something much larger for epic battles somewhere else in the Kingdom anyway As you can see, I really try to make sure that every element of this project feels authentic to the environment, the sandstone really makes it feel like it was sculpted from the sand at the bottom of the ocean and for the third building main thing I got to work in a large, highly sought-after library. Now when I think of a large library, I imagine something super elaborate and impressive. so I created this complex entrance incorporating many pillars into my design once again to match the style of the city with the full main entrance.
I built a large cylinder for the main body of the library by detailing the walls and even adding another layer to the ceiling. I incorporated another shell roof to match our ocean setting and by some miracle even diorite seems like a good building material in this setting to finish the exterior. I even toyed with the idea of ​​using a glass roof, but ultimately went with the same wavy roof effects used for the town hall now for the interior of the library. I wanted things to look as grand as the exterior and what better way to do it with a huge collection of books that stretches as far as the eye can see.
I built a grand staircase to provide access to the upper floor along with support pillars that function as lighting with embedded sea lanterns and of course a pretty chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling for the final main building. I wanted to build some kind of temple, a fictional place of worship where the Mer people could gather for this I decided to take inspiration from Minecraft's own Village Temple, saving a larger temple. The Sanctuary design I had in mind for another location in the Kingdom, although this building is a little different from the rest, I think it's a really cool way to tie this crazy Bill into that classic Minecraft town we all know so well.
This building is full of intricate details and I think the way the shell roofs are integrated is super satisfying within the temple.I tidied things up and added a long turquoise rug to the main hallway. I then added some intricate arches, support beams and lighting, making sure not to draw too much attention away from the large stained glass window at the back and of course added some benches for the newts to rest their tired tails on. along with a lectin and a small coffin behind it, since I had spent so much time sculpting and perfecting the castle roofs, I thought I should incorporate them more into the city, so I took some of the castle roof designs and changed the colors. to match the theme of the city and I distributed them around the main buildings to make houses for the sea people for the first Shell House.
I closed off the main Shell opening and added a small staircase to an entrance on the right side, followed by a main entrance in the front with some small windows to liven it up. I then worked on this nautilus shell, so I started by adding pillars to support it and then placed them around Colin's Tower at the opening of the shell to act as a sort of watchtower near the entrance to the city, finishing with a small window in the center of the spiral shell for the final Shell House. I built some foundations by placing the shell on top and mixing things up with a block gradient.
Then I finished things off with a small overhanging section with an even smaller shell roof and of course some windows I reused the nautilus shell watchtower at the back of the city since there would be a huge threat lurking behind the kingdom and The merfolk would have to keep their eyes on creating a long sloping path towards an empty pedestal behind the city. I have something really special planned for this pedestal in a later chapter now that I built a big infrastructure, it was time to create smaller buildings to fill the city, as you can see I have a lot planned for this place, so with such a big task ahead Ahead I focused on polishing these buildings making sure to differentiate each building in a subtle way.
From decorative touches to window placement, when creating a populated area like this, it's always important to challenge yourself to build at an angle and at different heights so things don't become too monotonous. You want things to feel connected, but they don't either. I want your city to look like a


, edit, copy and paste, but seriously guys, I spent a lot of time individually designing each of these buildings, reusing the initial designs and creating new ones. There is a thought behind every block that has been placed and I really invested the money. It's time to make this place feel unique, keeping with the aquatic theme while also drawing on some familiar inspirations from our own history.
As you can see, there are so many different types of buildings that you can only imagine the different types of Mer people who live here. To finish off the main structures of the city, I added a small ticket booth to the side of the amphitheater and then created a balcony on the other side overlooking a lower section of land that could become home to a big show in a later chapter. Guess what I could do? I have planned to move to the back of the city next to the temple. I use the leftover space to create a cemetery.
I designed an ornate fence to house the area with a wide variety of tombstones and even a small section that has been excavated to create a new Tomb finishing by laying down some grass now it was time to decorate so I started by revisiting the castle using the custom seaweed that I placed around the kingdom earlier. I decorated the area around the castle to break things up a bit and because I made the castle on such a large scale I had to create some giant seaweed to create a more dynamic seascape since the custom seaweed wasn't enough.
I sculpted a basic design and glued our new custom seaweed at different heights between the seaweed around the sides of the castle and along the main path then moved to the back of the castle to add more seaweed and giant seaweed since there was quite a bit of room left. here finally to conclude this area of ​​the project. I decorated the main city now. I didn't actually build this underwater because it would have been too complicated, so instead I'm launching versions with and without water, which meant I had to really think about how I decorate this place and I had to alter a bunch of commands to added regular Coral without filling the spot with water before the project was finished and as it is a placeholder for seagrass I added grass tufts which once again required a bit of manipulation as you can't place grass tufts in the sand, as you can see by decorating the village with -The game elements were really complicated, but it was worth it to add a little more life to the area and with that the upper district of the underwater kingdom is complete.
I mentioned in the last chapter that I had a big show planned for where the superior was. The district's balcony has a view, so it's time to create one of the Underwater Kingdom's most prized possessions, the sacred Pearl Clan. This Giant Pearl is actually a Legendary Relic that binds an ancient spell that protects the Kingdom from harm. The spell forces a certain threatening creature to do no harm. the underwater Kingdom but to protect it from attack by other kingdoms. I wonder what this creature is and why the Underwater Kingdom needs such a big bodyguard now that we have our precious Pearl climbing position.
I thought what better way to decorate the area for the top. spectators of the district and to disguise the importance of this Relic, when adding some gardens I decided to add some bubble geysers since the common fountains would be completely useless underwater and then I created an algae and coral garden with intricate designs like the gardens that come big. castles and mansions I try to incorporate some recognizable elements that you can imagine seeing in real life while staying true to the underwater theme using coral where possible to finish this area. I built stairs to connect the gardens with the existing custom-decorated paths above. algae that we previously created and fixed the pearl clam pedestal, so our sacred Pearl Garden is finished and I think this area ended up looking really cool, it gives me Castle Gardens vibes but with a cool aquatic touch full of epic story, so that in front of the castle, he had left plenty of room for some really special features, starting with some statues of Giant Warriors.
These particular Warriors are from the military division of the Underwater Kingdom who once roamed the land but were captured by the Seas and given the chance at Redemption. Ground enemies have diverse abilities and invaluable knowledge of the many enemy kingdoms in distant lands, making them a great asset to the Kingdom's defenses. If captured and fascinated by the mysterious siren song, these captured enemies soon became allies of the ocean and forgot the lives they had. LED could previously breathe underwater as they did before, the fresh air riding the Seahorse Cavalry to defend their new home as a reminder to the Kingdom's enemies of the power of the siren song and the power of the Kingdom's defenses, These statues were placed just before the entrance to the castle.
They have stood proudly here for centuries, so of course I had to finish my design with a moss-covered algae effect adding a subtle glow with some sparkly lichen, as that now we have these giant statues that represent our warriors on seahorses. I knew I had to add in a seahorse stable for the Royal Seahorse Cavalry of the Underwater Kingdom, so in the empty area behind one of the statues I built a large stable to house the Kingdom's seahorse team. to differentiate the main Upper City from the more functional buildings of the Kingdom. I used darker materials for the roof including deep slate and broken stone.
Now I know adding this fence may seem ridiculous since we are talking about seahorses, but hear me out, as I mentioned before, Open Water is extremely dangerous and seahorses are tied to the bottom of the sea with enchantments. preventing them from taking damage by swimming too high, so basically the fence prevents them from heading to the Pearl Garden and chewing on the well-tended plants. I added some little seahorses for decoration, which is obviously very basic because of the scale, but I really think they are very cute and bring life to the area to complete this area.
I headed inside the stables to build some small pens and some basic decorations to finish things off and add some off-camera lighting. Next, it was time to tackle the large area I left blank on the right side of the castle entrance the Kingdom's main military base to begin with. I built the military barracks to house the warriors of the Kingdom and provide them with accommodation. I glued some of these in a row taking inspiration from real objects. life Army Barracks for layout and design Before getting stuck into creating more military buildings, I prepared a large ballista since the kingdom definitely needed some long-range weapons to defend itself and of course instead of using conventional ammunition Like spears or stones, these merpeople used magical tridents that surged through the water like high-speed missiles with the ballista ready to double and disperse a little later.
I repositioned the seahorse warrior statues to be a little more prominent on a higher pedestal before designing the walls and watchtowers to house the military area, as open water is very dangerous, this allows the military of the ocean monitor all angles from the safety of the ocean floor. I then placed the walls and watchtowers starting with an entrance that branches off from the main road towards the castle. I continued the wall around the area placing watchtowers at each corner and securing the structure into the rock below and for our main military building. I wanted to create a sort of bastion building loosely inspired by the star thought structure that acts as the main military base for planning and last resort protection, so with that in mind I started working on my design, modifying things a lot to achieve the balance between a menacing Fortress and a building that fits in with the rest of the Underwater Kingdom after a ton of construction, I added a lot. of battlements and details before finishing it off with a small vaulted roof and taller towers to watch over.
I think it turned out super unique but fit for purpose, although I came back to this later in the project to refine the color palette now for quick mixing. I built an interior for this building, placed some pillars and created a large map table in the center ready for military planning and briefings with space on top for many troops to listen outside. I was finally able to place those ballistae around the military base. I decided to place two at the main entrance in front of the seahorse statues with three more around the right side of the base, including small walkways from the walls to the ballista platforms to finish off the military base.
I thought about adding archery. shooting range or maybe a trident shooting range along with some terraces with lots of supplies, then I added a small round building to act as a bell tower to alert the troops with some space for a small medical wing below, Then I worked in a forge building. where the Kingdom's giant tridents are made along with other weapons and armor, the sea people of course use bubble fuel, so the chimney is obviously to expel excess bubbles from inside the building, perhaps later Let's look at the source of this bubble fuel. wool again, as always, to do a little planning before starting on some of the dependencies.
Now I haven't added interiors to all of them, but I imagine they would be used for a food hall. Main medical center. Armor storage. Weapon storage and combat. training maybe one day these buildings will work on an epic Trixie lock server or adventure map anyway, months later I returned to this area to make some improvements to the color palettes to finally finish this base and thus complete it with the higher military area. It was time for one of the craziest defenses the Underwater Kingdom has in its Arsenal, the legendary Kraken, as I mentioned before, the Sacred Pearl we created earlier is actually the key to a powerful enchantment that prevents this big guy from destroying the


Kingdom, can you imagine everything?
From the disaster it would cause anyway, this menacing Kraken has protected the Underwater Kingdom for as long as the Sea People can remember. In an epic battle between three divided kingdoms, the Underwater Kingdom sent itsmost dangerous dragons to attack a galleon from the mysterious Coastal Kingdom. The Galleon was en route to attack the Underwater Kingdom in search of Sunken Treasure from its missing Fleet, but the crew had not anticipated the sheer force of what was hidden beneath the Underwater Kingdom. The giant Kraken of the Underwater Kingdom shot down the Galleon and its magical Trident crossbows opened fire on the powerful Dragon that towered over one of the Dragons was defeated sinking to the bottom of the ocean and the other two fled to new lands.
I wonder where they could be, so two kingdoms were lost to the wrath of the ocean that day, but there were many more battles between the dozens of kingdoms in Minecraft, let me know in the comments what kind of kingdom you hope we explore next with our heads finally complete in true Davy Jones style. I moved on to the tentacles to bring this monster to life, as you can see. I used the world edition. spheres to map each tentacle, which honestly isn't the best method and you can't really achieve a smooth tentacle effect without a lot of manual adjustments, so this is something I revisited later to improve anyway.
I continued mapping each of the tentacles that extended. in different directions and adding large ships to the kraken's claws to finish this epic battle scene. I then painted the Kraken with prismarine and copper blocks to add some texture to its skin with some white concrete and calcite for the underside of the tentacles once again, although this was something I re-tweaked later, but Not least, it's time to add the legendary Shipwreck Graveyard where the Kraken's many victims now rest, where the inhabitants of the Ruined Reef get their building materials, and where the Kingdom's giant sea serpent searches for treasure for its collection. so with all that in mind, I glued together a lot of ships, added some variations to them, and destroyed them with different degrees of severity to show that some of them took more hits from the Kraken or were looted and left at the bottom of the ocean longer than others. anyway.
With our shipwreck graveyard completed, I revisited the Kraken because I simply wasn't completely satisfied with the outcome. I redid all of his tentacles using new techniques to make them look softer and more organic, plus I repainted the


Kraken with a new color palette for a more fleshy textured look and I'm very happy with these improvements and glad I invested the time in improving my build so that the Underworld Kingdom already has some pretty good defenses, but there's actually a bit more to the story beneath the sacred Pearl Garden. Huge ruins of a long-forgotten city, now a military outpost guarding the entrance to a giant cavern leading to the legendary Underground Kingdom.
This ancient base needed to be something really special, as it was once inhabited by some of the early ancestors of the sea people, so I had a lot of planning done with the main structures. I prepared a watchtower design so that the mermen could keep an eye on the open water; They were largely unaware of the threats that lay beyond the sea when this city was built and established with only the dangers of the ocean in mind, staying close to the seabed as usual, like any epic ancient city. I wanted this place to be completely filled with different buildings and details, so this took a lot of hard work.
I keep my inspirations pretty similar to drawing the Upper District of ancient Greece and Rome, but I was also influenced by the Minister from The Lord of the Rings, which allowed me to come up with a really interesting building style to do this place justice, so , what happened here why? This abandoned place, as you may have guessed, has something to do with the Underground Kingdom. Unaware of the presence of Kingdoms beyond the ocean, the merfolk focused on protecting themselves against the threats of the sea, using ancient magic to enchant the giant Pearl you see. Today they were in the Garden to protect them from the fearsome Kraken and for a time they thrived in the depths until one day they were attacked from a nearby cave, the Underground Kingdom had released a deadly poison into the water and in a chaotic attempt to flee with their Pearl Sagrada was damaged and left behind with the enchantment interrupted the Kraken emerged from the distance to wreak havoc and many areas of the city were damaged by its giant tentacles however it soon realized that the water was poisoned and it also fled leaving the city both abandoned. . and now damaged with only a solitary dead coral tree left behind to indicate that there was once life there once the poison released by the Underground Kingdom dispersed, the sea people returned from hiding to take the Sacred Pearl to a place safe and repair it.
It was evident that the old city was too close to outside threats, so they moved and a large vault gate was built in hopes of blocking the Underground Kingdom. They engraved the door with the kraken's tentacles, telling the story of that fateful day in its architecture. The old city was taken and the Mer people were rebuilt and now inhabit the Upper District you see today. The old city was repurposed as an emergency military outpost with some warriors stationed there at all times to ensure that the gate to the Underground Kingdom remained sealed ever since. of the kingdoms in this universe became aware of each other and the Underwater Kingdom realized that most of their threats were now coming from above, so they built the top military base armed with Trident ballistae to protect them from the threats from above. , while this Old City remains largely abandoned.
Being a military outpost and training ground to this day, the lone coral tree remains dead and the ancient city is covered in algae in ruins and abandoned, but ironically, as the poison spread throughout Over the years, this place became covered in new corals and plants and that almost concluded our Kingdom's defenses, honestly, they have an incredibly good defense, they seem pretty unbeatable, but I guess we don't know how strong the rest of the kingdoms are in this universe, but we move on to the next area. I started by renewing the coral reef. I did this earlier in the project to prepare for the Lower Kingdom District Remnant Reef.
This involved adding a lot of new rock formations and laying out some Paths bridging between them, which I built almost like tentacles to make this place feel even more mysterious and alive. The new foundations of the reef were established. I painted everything with a custom block gradient before moving on to dissect a galleon I built from the ultimate survival world project so I could create some really interesting build designs for our reef remains, finding a use for them all. those resources that are brought to the bottom of the ocean by the Mighty Kraken, if you were listening carefully before I mentioned that the Lower District of the underwater kingdom is the home of the captured Souls of the enemies of the Kingdom who are fascinated by the siren song and now serve . the kingdom in the Seahorse Cavalry despite being technically prisoners of the ocean, they really have made a cool little home for themselves on the reef.
This large building is the center of the reef where lost souls gathered to delegate the maintenance of the reef and collect their absolutely tiny details about this ship, from the hanging lanterns to the anchor to the sails covered in decaying seaweed, they look super creepy and ghostly, so I knew I was on the right path to making a home for the Kingdom of Lost Souls and with the centerpiece complete I placed it in the middle of the reef tidying things up before I started designing a trading post, as you can See by searching for everything they could in the Shipwreck Graveyard beneath the Kraken, the lost souls built their own community among the corals becoming very self-sufficient, although they live very simply and spend most of their time training eager to please. to the sirens whose song keeps them docile and passive.
Those captured are forever condemned to walk along the ocean floor and never set foot on it. He lands again and can only escape from the bottom of the sea when he goes on his military patrols or fights the enemy in the Seahorse Cavalry, so be careful if you see them on the map, they will do everything they can to scare you away from their eyes of anyway with the first Trade. I designed the post, placing a couple around the reef so our lost souls could easily trade resources with each other. I then decided to create another market stall variant, perhaps for our lost souls to sell their food and their source of bubble fuel magma blocks that are immensely valuable. in this Kingdom, since there are limited resources and they can only be obtained in the most dangerous part of the ocean, anyway, avoiding too much danger, for now I placed these market stalls around the reef and added some of them to the sides of the rocks to make this place.
I feel really messy and uneven, I mean, it's been built on crazy land with some salvaged shipwreck pieces, after all, for the homes of lost souls. I wanted to keep things simple and just use some old ship holes as basic shelter with a few spare masks scattered around. as additional materials for repairs or future buildings and of course being cursed to walk on the ocean floor has its drawbacks, not being able to have a clear view of the open water is one of them, so help them protect their home as they They can't swim. Towards open water while I was off duty I built this watchtower out of jumbled ship parts and placed it near the edge of the reef.
Of course, I had to give this place a fresh entrance, so I took two galleons and placed them on either side of the path from the upper district with a tired old candle hanging between them to mark the entrance to the ghostly remains of the District of Reefs along with pieces of old ships, the lost souls also searched for some valuable supplies and equipment, they have some cannons that they have adapted to protect themselves using special Pressurized Bubble Fuel along with some cages for captured creatures and prisoners and to enhance the ghostly vibe in this one. area, I was inspired by an Old Lantern design of mine to create a spooky new Green Lantern to hang around the reef made from an old ship. melted masts and cannons and this wouldn't be a coral reef without some life, so I took some assets I had created earlier in the project and whipped up a new glowing seaweed design to go with them.
Then I spent literally hours putting all this together. Seaweed coral and custom shells around the entire reef, breaking up the gray rock foundation with splashes of color and bringing the place to life with so much variation and detail that it makes it quite overwhelming to see from afar, but hey, coral reefs They tend to be very busy. both in Minecraft and in real life, although this place has a bit of a sad history, it is one of my favorite parts of the Kingdom, where would you choose to live in the Kingdom? Another big part of Mer culture is combat, so I had to build the most epic battlefield possible inspired by the great amphitheaters of ancient Rome and Greece, as our small theater in the Upper Kingdom District had a little more Greek inspiration.
I wanted to go for a more classic Colosseum vibe for this one, so I started by building a segment of our epic Sunken Arena and tried rotating it to make a cylindrical amphitheater, but it just wasn't working exactly how I had imagined, so I divided things up into portions. smaller ones to design the exterior before adding all the seating inside. I used some darker materials for the seats to make things look more populated and it honestly looks like this arena is full of spectators when you watch from afar. I then painted each layer with a sandstone gradient to give it a sort of worn effect and gave it a try. leaving some details a little twisted to show that the sandstone has eroded a bit over the years, so the sea people attend many ceremonies in this huge Arena fighting hostile creatures and, on rare occasions, fighting each other to earn higher ranks once a decade.
A very special ceremony takes place and the fiercest mermen fight for the ultimate title of ruler of the seas, although the Lost Souls of Wreckage Reef are of course unable to enter and are sometimes even forced to participate as enemy mobs in the Kingdom. Other combat events remain forever under the control of the siren song anyway to mark the grand occasion of determining their next ruler. The sunken arena is decorated with huge ribbons in the Kingdom's colors, ready for the trials to take place with the entire Kingdom ready to attend. The occasion and an epic underwater arena like this would not becomplete without an amazing environment, so I set it up and got to work expanding the coral reef around the sand to create an amazing backdrop for the fiercest sea battles I really wanted.
This area needs to be as immersive as possible, so it even includes a minigame that we developed and coded ourselves, all from scratch. Take on the trials of the Sunken Arena alone, all with friends, taking on waves of ferocious underwater mobs with custom stats that scale. to balance things out for multiplayer and there's even a special bus to defeat How quickly can you defeat the sinking waves of the Arena? Will you work together with your friends or sabotage them to defeat most of the mobs yourself or will you hitch a ride on the trusty Escape? dolphin and that's our Sunken Arena, what an amazing place for a battle, so with a lot of time spent building in the Underwater Kingdom, I still had plenty of room to work with and some really big plans to finish the project strong and ​some key areas of Realm law yet to be covered and my most ambitious Minecraft Organics to sculpt Since their Triumph against the attack of the coastal and underground kingdoms, the merfolk wanted to build a striking reminder of their strength alongside the remains of the Dragon of the Fallen Underground Kingdom that empower those who take upon themselves the trials of the Sunken Sand and reminding the intruders of the Wrath of the Sea, believing that their growing power was a sign that Poseidon would soon return, the mermen built a massive statue of their true ruler emerging from the depths. of the ocean wielding his Trident towers over the slain enemy Dragon beneath him and when I say our mermen built a giant statue of Poseidon, what I really mean is that I spent days working non-stop to sculpt the largest organic structure ever built in Minecraft, somehow I managed it.
To sculpt the head very quickly, so I got to work roughly blocking out the body. My guy looked pretty heavy and Dorito-shaped, so I made adjustments to the shoulders to improve proportions and made some major changes to the body shape. the base of the statue in rock as if it had risen from the depths to protect its kingdom and after that I honestly spent a lot of time tinkering and that's a lot to sculpt, I'm sure I could have imported a model or gotten one. help from other builders, but I'm a builder, not a build team, and challenging myself to build these creations is just part of why I'm so proud of my builds and why I think they're special to combine just one builder with a story writer. and a developer who puts all of our effort into Minecraft creations and as a result being able to share these crazy worlds with you is something we love to do and we feel very lucky to be able to do it anyway, right now I was just looking forward to this .
It took as long as this time frame, but with the body and hands finally finished, I started tracing the hair. I wanted it to look super dynamic, like it was being carried along by the currents of the sea. Right now he looks a little crazy about everything. bright colors, but this helped me keep track of the shapes and paint and texture each strand separately. Next, I prepared Poseidon's giant Trident and made some adjustments to rotate it on the correct axis and finally it was time to paint. I started by adding some mossy algae over the areas that would be exposed to the most light from above.
I then painted the entire sculpture as if it were a painting to accentuate the shapes I had made using lighter blocks for highlights and darker blocks for depth which seems quite extreme at first but is like blending the shading on a pencil drawing. I mixed it all together to make it look a little more natural and after a lot of hard work, this gigantic statue was complete, but it wasn't finished yet. this epic scene still next to our statue of the Mighty Poseidon. I still had to build those remains of the fallen dragon from the Underground Kingdom, so I drew a huge corpse that curves around the base of the statue buried in the sandy seabed.
I then did a lot of manual adjustments to get the skeleton in the best position next to the statue before making final adjustments to the shoulder blades and starting another sculpt to build the dragon skull. At this point, I had been sculpting Organics non-stop for days. But I went out of my way to build this head from scratch, refining the shape and adding these menacing horns around the crown of the head and lower jaw, and of course, like the Poseidon statue, I had to add some texture to this one. epic sculpture, so he carefully painted the whole skeleton adding some moss algae on top to match the statue, as you can see.
I went through a lot of iterations for this sculpt and it's quite different than working in digital sculpting software, but it's really satisfying to see the journey to the final result laid out like this and I'm honestly really proud of how this scene turned out and, As promised, it was time to make an epic Shrine to house the legendary Trident of the mighty Poseidon. Poseidon was said to have gained the favor of the mermaids who protect his Trident until he returns to To Rule The Seas cursing those who try to wield it with his fascinating song as this Sanctuary was built around the same time as the ancient city.
Steph and I decided to use the same Portal from there and make some adaptations to the layout that opens. the large door to make an entrance to the cave, fixing the damage the Kraken had caused to the old city and changing the design over the door to a trident emblem. I finished the place with plenty of seaweed, coral and shells to decorate before entering. To place the mermaids surrounding the pedestal of Poseidon's trident, I then started painting the inside, which at first looks like wacky graffiti from a skate park or something I was playing with with a lot of patterns as I wanted this area felt super magical and mystical as if the power of the Trident was seeping into the shrine and enveloping the walls in an intricate watery glow, the shrine extends all the way across the grounds breaking the surface with a glass dome ornate with a matching wavy stained glass pattern. the interior walls to enhance the mystical feeling of this cave and play with the idea of ​​Reflections since we are underwater.
I decided to turn the construction around to create a reflection that gives this amazing illusion and makes you feel like you are yourself. You're in a sort of Mirror Dimension when you discover this place and honestly it's really cool to explore in the game, it's really like an optical illusion and on top of that of course we had to add something extra special for you guys, the trident of Poseidon, but this is It is not said that any Trident you see, this great weapon belongs to Poseidon, of whom the merfolk tell many of their own stories, from killing the Leviathan to gaining the favor of the infamous mermaids.
The stories were endless, but Poseidon was elusive, he never had been. seen by Murphy and believed that he had been captured and forced to serve by Zeus, the sky god who ruled a vast kingdom. High in the clouds, they believed that one day Poseidon would return and wield the mighty Trident claiming his right under the water. The Throne of the Kingdom eventually conquers his opponents and becomes the definitive Minecraft Kingdom; meanwhile, the Trident remains in its Sanctuary surrounded by the statues of the Sirens and if an unworthy Soul were to take it, they would be cursed by hearing the song of the Sirens and experiencing their wrath and We literally learned to make music and wrote Our own siren melody to put it on the map, which you can also check out in the description and add tons of special features to the trident functionality.
If you drive it for too long, the sirens will send something unpleasant. It surprises you until you recharge it at one of the Trident charging points scattered around the map. Plus, we added a full minigame so you can have as much fun as possible with Trident Riptide Rings. It takes you on an epic journey around the world. Complete map on a challenging course through all the epic builds created through the project. I think you can beat my time. These features honestly make this place a lot of fun no matter how you choose to play in this world, so what was left to do with some big ones. remaining areas I still had tons of construction to do to finish this epic Kingdom.
This area behind the big Castle was reserved for one of the coolest areas, but I've reserved this final area for some huge underwater volcanoes erupting through the seafloor as mentioned. Previously, merfolk used bubble fuel throughout the kingdom, but where do they get it from? The magma blocks located in this super satisfying classification of these underwater volcanoes provide the kingdom with a limited energy supply and obtaining it is extremely dangerous not only because of the boiling lava no, this place is home to something much scarier, a huge sea creature which is said to have descended from the great Leviathan defeated by Poseidon, the sea serpent.
We'll hear more about its history shortly, but can we appreciate how satisfying this enormous form is? It took me a long time to draw such a complex and dynamic pose for this snake, but it was worth the hard work and, with its massive Slinky body traced, I moved on to the head of our sea snake sculpting a fierce open-mouthed pose that would definitely be enough to warn anyone, but what is it protecting? Of course, our snake wouldn't be complete without a forked tongue and some huge fangs, so I added those along with a few more details in the mouth.
You may also have noticed that I built the head slightly on the small size of the body, this is because I wanted to add some huge fans around the head almost like a realistic version of Gyarados and to take things even further I decided to add a huge fin that ran all the way down. the spine of the Serpent, so I traced large spikes along the entire length of the spine, which was super complicated due to the strange shape and length of this thing. I then curved the spikes and joined them all the way down to create one long piece and that process led I noticed the tail, which looked a little less impressive compared to the rest of this crazy sculpture, so I decided to make this creature feel even more aquatic and add a large caudal fin that curves into a dynamic pose in the water to add even more detail.
I added some long, sharp tendrils to the head of this magnificent beast before moving on to the crazy task of painting. I wanted to do something scaly for the main skin texture and didn't want to overcomplicate the bottom since I already had that rib. texture all the way I toyed with the idea of ​​using stained glass for the fine details, but it just got lost on the body, so after a lot of experimenting, Steph and I finally settled on a color palette by painting a gradient across the entire tail of the body. tail fin and head fins to add more depth, which required tons of fixing due to the overlapping sections.
Then I placed the spilling sea serpent on its huge pedestal, but the real question is how it grew so big, why it nested well on this pedestal. With the large shipwreck graveyard nearby, you may have wondered what happens to all the sunken treasure that goes down with these ships. We know what happens to the crew. They end up in the rubble. Reef hypnotized by the siren song and most of the materials and cargo are. They took them too, but what about the precious cargo behind the big castle? There was once a gigantic treasure chest that contained all the treasures of the Kingdom.
Over the years, the area became dangerous with the surrounding volcanoes erupting and the greedy sea serpent took advantage. of desertion by claiming the treasure for herself and feeding on it, in fact the kingdom is forced to give her almost all of its treasure and in return she refrains from razing the kingdom, but the serpent is cunning and his greed feeds her. . She continues to grow and has reached a ridiculous size becoming an imminent threat to the entire Kingdom. Her only hope is for Poseidon to return to defeat the Leviathan lineage once and for all. Come to think of it, Allah is riding in his return and controlling him.
On the Kingdom's Treasures, their ability to trade and forge peaceful relations with other kingdoms has been significantly hindered, leaving the merfolk more isolated and feared than most, so some of the Serpent's treasure was recovered by the sea serpent. of the kraken's fallen victims in Shipwreck's graveyard and Sam was taken from other Kingdoms in raids and battles, but the sea serpent also keeps his supply up with his own army of snake children who stole some of his treasures.most valuable from the vaults of the Underground Kingdom, behind its treasure pedestal lies there hatching Hollow full. of mystical glowing snake eggs with some fresh hatchlings wandering around looking for nearby creatures to torment and treasures to bring back to their mother with our sea serpent scene complete, it was time to add the finishing touches to the build so I made some new meadows larger marines to scatter on the ocean floor and I also added more algae and shells before I started working on more organics to inhabit Open Water Steph and began sculpting epic creatures to scatter throughout the kingdom, starting with a pair of stingrays big, these were super fun to create and were the perfect complement to the aquatic life in the Kingdom as we were definitely lacking friendly looking creatures.
I then moved on to sculpting some jellyfish, mostly using stained glass with light in the center to make them look bioluminescent and magical. I finally moved on to some smaller creatures and perhaps an obvious choice, some fish. I built several different types of fish to place in small pairs and schools so that this ocean will be busy and full of life when you explore it yourselves by placing the finish. The touches on a project that required so much passion and effort felt a little surreal, and I'm honestly very pleased with the outcome of all this hard work.
This place seemed unfinished and empty for a while, but the building in this Final Chapter just elevated things to a whole new level, so let's flood this place with water and take a look at everything we've built on this epic journey in the future. creation of the Underwater Kingdom, oh alien, taking a look at our updated map table which is made up of over hundreds of maps because of the way we had to update manually. I'm amazed at how far our journey has taken us since we first made this chart in chapter two. This has been a crazy adventure and I'm so glad I was able to. to share it with you and I can't wait for us to have many more adventures together.
Be sure to check out the map on my patreon. They don't have to pay monthly if they don't want to. They can do it. keep the map and end your membership if you only want to pay once and of course don't forget to subscribe to this channel so you can keep up to date with all my future creations. Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to my netherite patreons for the support, you guys are just amazing and this kind of support is the reason we can continue to create this type of content for you, thank you all for watching, enjoy the map and let us know.
See you in the next foreigner.

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