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I Found a Super Weird Instructional Video from 1999

Jun 02, 2021
next millennium live only on pax tv the contrast is so good and remember if you follow these steps you will be able to survive the deadly series of events that will happen during the new millennium it is the new millennium we are never going to die so the next part no They want to talk about hoarding a lot of water, you know, buying two-liter bottles of soda and then filling them with water once you're done drinking. them and then you just hide them around your house, you know, pretty standard stuff, I will say that for the most part, these tips are good for any emergency, I'm not saying hide two liter water bottles around your house. house I'm like they say it's good to have a backup water supply, you know, in case something were to happen and not once did they tell people to stock up on large amounts of toilet paper for no reason, so if so just broadcast this when Kovit was breaking out, we could have, uh, we. might have saved a lot of poop butts, but I mean we big brains had Mickey Mouse bidets anyway, but amidst the rare instances of good advice in this


, there are plenty of times where they say that It just doesn't make any sense.
i found a super weird instructional video from 1999
It brings us to the second of the most important basic needs items, food, but having something that says food on the label may not be enough. I mean, yes, yes, yes. I've watched this


several times and I still don't know what. I mean, but just having something that says food on the label may not be enough, like putting a sticker that says food on a traffic cone doesn't make it like an ice cream cone, right? You can't just eat it like be. you're talking about man, I mean, it's so funny to think that at one point he actually thought that if you put food, if you put the word food on anything, it automatically means you can eat it, you just walked around his house all day like that.
i found a super weird instructional video from 1999

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i found a super weird instructional video from 1999...

Honey, you want, oh, you know, I don't know what you mean, you say, uh, I don't know what you're trying to tell me, come on, what do you want me to add up so you can talk later? on how to heat your house and other survival tips that again are pretty basic, like watching this, I felt like they already had a video called how to prepare your family for an emergency and then when this 2000 stuff started coming out, they said: "Oh, we could." We could just bring some idiots in here to say a bunch of generics and then we'll just wrap it up and post it as a video from the year 2000 and make sure one of the pros has lamb chops.
i found a super weird instructional video from 1999
Thank you, yes, for surviving the apocalypse. You have to have hair here and not here. I mean, I'm not in a position to make fun of facial hair, but I will too. Another thing I want to talk about in this video is very


like everyone else in this video. He's white, like everyone, every single person, the experts, the hosts, the actors they hired for the additional material, like everyone, and I just have to say, man, it makes sense because hoarding supplies and resources for yourself is historically a pretty big thing. white. and then justify it by saying things like you never know or better safe than sorry, I've seen it, man, I grew up, I guess, lower middle class, I would say, but man, when I went to my rich friend's house, it's crazy .
i found a super weird instructional video from 1999
Pantries and basements were like grocery stores, like you know, the big packages of stuff that you get at convenience stores, they would just have them in their basement. I was a kid and I got a gift card to Steven's basement. It's promoted a lot and it's also no coincidence that all the white people bought toilet paper last year, you know, because we're all full of these white people who aren't sorted in the middle and start talking about how the economy is. is going to collapse because of the year 2000, another key element in any preparation program is financial planning, so their advice is to take out a lot of money to have only cash and also have a lot of silver and gold.
I recommend a similar amount. in gold and silver coins, uh, that will protect you against anything that might happen just in case, which is very strange, because like silver and gold, they only have value when they are in a system that gives them the correct value, as if we all just decided that gold was worth about two cents, wouldn't that mean it's only two cents now? If everyone said: Do you know how ugly gold is? Oh, it's a bit silly. I'm an idiot. I don't know anything about money. and I pray unless we're talking about Pokémon games, or should I say oh oh, I just think if the world was ending people wouldn't be like ah well at least I have this shiny rock, looks like I'm going to be a - okay, oh no, oh damn, I forgot there are no laws anymore, damn, at least it wasn't a big shark.
Also, they go off the rails so many times in this video, I mean, I do too in all my videos, but I don't. a cable TV production, okay, like in this video, it constantly feels like they're trying to hit the word count in an essay, they'll fill the time with whatever they can. They like this scene, they just show a house on fire for too long. Another example, they will start talking and just shut up because these experts don't know what they are talking about and they will end up saying


generic things with no substance: you are talking about economic uncertainty.
The number one rule is diversification, don't do anything with your money, put a little in each area, there is a lot of wisdom when it comes to asset diversification, guys, is the world going to end or not? They are telling people to do it. diversify your investment portfolios, should I be worried or should I buy low and sell high? Remember to stock up on food and water because these are the end of days, we're fine, but also maybe invest in dogecoin while you're at it. We know there's a lot of potential there, we need to plan for our future, okay, so we're getting close to the end and they really saved the craziest for last, so they want to talk about how you need to stock up on a bunch of medications. you know, just in case, and they told you that you might need to convince your doctor that you need more medication and then they go on to say this, but they have the right, in fact, they have the obligation to themselves and to their family to request extended recipes.
You may have to fight for them, you may have to threaten, you certainly may have to beg in some cases to make that happen, but if you're living on prescription drugs, I would make sure you have three to six months at least maxed out. advocating threats of violence towards medical professionals only 90's kids remember you know when you ask your doctor you might have to convince him you know you might have to pocket some you might have to threaten him though maybe take him hostage slap him Good time for a pipe in an old bathroom, plays a little clown video of him saying, you know, you know the things you do with your doctor, hey doctor, I need more medication, okay, I can't do that, it's unethical and, honestly, quite dangerous given your history I'll kill you I'm sorry I said I'll kill you straight I'll kill you if you don't give me my medication okay y2k it's next week I have to make sure Sure when the world ends, so with all due respect the world ends.
I don't think you worry about your erectile dysfunction. Keep it low. I'm sorry. Keep it low. I thought you wanted the opposite. Okay, there's one more part I want to show. Guys, at the end you are talking about the attitude you and your family should have when dealing with the Y2K crisis that never happened, this guy Patrick Rogue is talking about things and he just comes out of left field with a wild statement until this period because it's about computers and it's technological for the most part. Women have not had a big say in this at the family level and that is crucial for it to be fixed across the country.
You know, it's kind of a Mars thing. it has to do with computers and time and dates and all of this and yet for it to really take shape in a family it has to be addressed by the loving, motherly side patrick magic pump the brakes buddy patrick rogue you're gone rogue hey give me your badge and your gun on national tv some guy just said women don't understand dates or computer time but since they're growing up that's all they're good they need to carry everything the weight here. with computers and time and dates a lot of people saw this and said yeah that's a good point yeah it makes sense what time it is what computers are and what day it is someone wants to be taken care of lift up the hand, it's also crazy and just Meaningful and sexist to insinuate that women didn't understand the Y2K frenzy when literally no one understood the Y2K frenzy right, there's nothing to understand, idiots, nothing happened, we were fine, sure that it was men who created all this panic around a problem that doesn't even exist, the first thing we have to realize is that this problem is entirely created by man, these women, man, they don't understand why 2k, in Absolute, okay, what is y2k? um, you know, it's dates, time, you know computers and no. it's going to work because of this because of the stand mixers and it's also the uh just give me my erection pills man make sure you write food on them so I know I can eat them okay holy I think that's enough preparing for the year 2000 for one day Most of this video has some good advice on how to prepare your family for an emergency situation, but honestly it's like 40 minutes of scaremongering and just telling people to panic for something that didn't even happen and I feel bad.
If people really saw this in


and really followed all the advice because, holy shit, they just had two-liter bottles of water hidden all over their house, had labeled everything as food so they could eat it, and then threatened their doctor's life while they were covered in silver and gold, that's psychopathic behavior my friend, you will spend new years in jail, fortunately nothing bad happened at the turn of the millennium, the Internet was fine and it flourished and became the most integral part of human life and cultural. development, yes or no, you know it and it's fine talking about the Internet, let's hear a few words from today's sponsor, friends of expressvpn.
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Alright, thank you very much for watching the video, if you enjoyed it, hit the like button because one like is equivalent to a two-liter bottle of water thatI will hide in your house. leave a comment, let me know if you remember the year 2000 or 2012. It's very fascinating and somehow brings us all together, talking about the end of the world, misery loves company, you know, hit the subscribe button because, so as soon as you hit the subscribe button. button you become a valued citizen of Curtis Town if you didn't know that Kurdistan is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah check the description of things what to do my instagram twitter my weekly podcast called vera really good my gaming channel my twitch tour dates going on tour that's crazy okay that's it I'd stay but I have to go unfortunately I have to dive into gold bye

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