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I cooked every MEAT in a DEEP FRYER, it blew my mind!

May 29, 2021
For today's cook, I'm going to show you how I took my air


to a whole new level. I fried each


and let me tell you something, some of them


me away, some not so much. And my goal with this video is to show you that the air


can be used for many more things than just French fries. This is how I




in a


fryer. Let's do it! And we'll start with a beautiful Wagyu tomahawk steak. This is an Australian Wagyu marbling score of 9. It is also two and a half inches thick and as you can see, the marbling of the steak is incredible.
i cooked every meat in a deep fryer it blew my mind
This is some of the best meat you can buy. Now I have fried some steaks before and they turned out fantastic, however each and


one of them was thin. I've never actually had a thick steak, but that's going to change today because we're going to fry this beautiful steak. One thing you should keep in


is that wagyu fat literally melts at room temperature, so any time you fry a thin steak there is no problem, but frying a 2-inch thick monster is another matter. But hey, right now we'll find out how it will turn out.
i cooked every meat in a deep fryer it blew my mind

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i cooked every meat in a deep fryer it blew my mind...

And as you already know, the best treatment for a beautiful steak like this is to dry brine, and all you have to do is season it with salt, put it on a cooling rack, and leave it in my refrigerator overnight. The next day this is what it looks like. As expected, the


red color is a sign that the dry brine worked. To really taste the beautiful flavor of the steak, I will not add freshly ground black pepper or garlic powder. That being said, it's time for the air fryer. I set the oil to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, threw my tomahawk in there and let it cook.
i cooked every meat in a deep fryer it blew my mind
Since this is a thick steak, you don't want to cook it too quickly, which also worries me a lot about the fat, because as you saw me mention before it melts at room temperature. To make sure it


evenly, I kept turning the steak


15 minutes. And to my surprise, it actually took me 1 hour to reach an internal temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit and as I did so, I quickly achieved it and this is what I was left with. I know what you're thinking and that's one ugly steak. As you can see, I would say 75% of the fat has completely melted.
i cooked every meat in a deep fryer it blew my mind
And it was right at that moment that I thought, "My God, what have I done?" Did I just destroy a beautiful Wagyu tomahawk steak? I'll tell you something that almost slapped me in the face. But before I went any further, the only way I could find out was to cut him off. And once I did it this is what it looks like. The internal temperature was 135 degrees Fahrenheit, but it seems much lower to me, but as I continued cutting, I discovered what happened. This is a perfect steak for everyone in the family, because it is medium rare, also known as 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
We also have some raw ones that are one hundred and twenty degrees, but the most important thing is that we have that crust and it is as crispy as possible. But the most important thing is always the flavor and since I had my first piece, check it out! I can't wait any longer and it's time to try it. And since I did it, wow, this is phenomenal! It's a wonderful steak. My God! I'm telling you right now, it's so crispy and juicy that you can tell it's a Wagyu steak. Although it doesn't have salt or pepper, it looks fantastic.
I want to try the rare steak and see how it tastes. And how I did it Oh my God, forget it! This is amazing! Even a rare steak like this tastes wonderful. Long story short, frying a Wagyu tomahawk steak may not be the healthiest, but let me tell you something, it's a big thumbs up from me. Moving on to the next one will be the lobster tail. For this cooking I will use Florida lobster tail. The good thing is that the tail part is much larger than those in Maine. And keep in


that they don't have claws either.
The first thing I like to do is cut it in half with scissors. This makes the job quick and easy. Once this is done, you just have to open the shell and take everything out. If you have never done it, it may seem complicated but it is easy, anyone can do it, you just have to have a little patience. Now, of course, since we're going to fry it, the first thing we need to do is a little bit of seasoned flour. And for that I added a little all-purpose flour, followed by corn flour, a little salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and to finish smoked paprika, mix well with the seasoned flour and that's it.
Since the lobster is quite moist, it is not necessary to add beaten egg. Simply add as much seasoned flour as you like and your lobster tail is ready for the air fryer. And speaking of which, I set my air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and added my lobster. Now, one tip I'll give you is that you have to hold it down for a second because if you don't, the lobster will curl up on you and make some weird shapes. Simply hold it down - the shell is fully set up and ready to release. The goal is to cook to an internal temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
And while it was cooking, I decided to make a quick sauce for it and here's how to do it. I started with mayonnaise, followed by sweet chili sauce, a little garlic paste, I mix it well and that's the sauce. This is what is known as bang bang sauce. Normally it's used for shrimp, but today we're using it for lobster, so in the end I guess you can call it we're doing lobster bang bang. And at that moment, when I was done with my sauce, my lobster was ready too. That, my friends, is a fried lobster or you can also call it a work of art.
Because the interesting thing is that you can give it any shape you want. But hey, no matter how cool it looks, the most important thing is always how it will taste. And when I grabbed my knife, I took my first piece and checked that out. It's a thick piece of lobster. And I don't know if it comes out on the camera but it's perfectly cooked. But I want to say that this piece is even too big for me, but it goes to show you how easy it is to serve lobster like this for your guests or for yourself.
So I went ahead and got a more manageable piece. And as I take my first bite... How incredible! This is how lobster should be cooked. Forget about steaming a lobster and don't make me start boiling it. This is how lobsters should be served. But there is one thing left to do and that is to try it with the sauce. And as I poured my sauce on top and that took a bite. That! Yeah! It's so good. To say this is delicious is an understatement. I'm pretty sure you've already had bang-bang sauce, and if not, you should, because eating it with your lobster is a life-changing experience.
In short, fry your lobsters, you won't regret it. Now let's talk about the duck. And I'm talking about a wonderful, tasty duck. Yes, this one will blow your mind, as it did me. And of course I'm going to use duck breast. If you've never cooked duck breast before, one of the great things about it is the skin. It is difficult to resist that freshness that the skin gives off. Before the skin can even think about getting crispy, you need to melt all that fat and if you try to do that directly in the fryer, it will overcook the duck and as you already know, the breast should be served medium-rare.
That's how I like my duck. So first I'm going to fatten all this up. But everything always starts with the seasoning, and for this duck breast I kept it very simple with just salt and nothing else and that's only because in the end I'm going to fry it making a wonderful seasonal flour. To remove the fat I put the pan over low heat. In a non-stick pan I add the duck breast. To make sure all of the skin had contact with the pan, I used a weight and that's perfect because it presses down on the skin and allows it to spread evenly.
And this is where your patience will pay off. You want to do this nice and slow because the last thing you want is for your skin to burn and your fat not to melt away. So let him take his time and do his thing. And after about five minutes I removed the press and it was time to turn around and once I looked at that. This is what I mean: perfectly processed and crispy duck skin. And as you can see, the other side is still completely raw, but the skin is basically what duck dreams are made of.
Now that it's cool, I decided to make my seasoned flour and for that I started with all purpose flour followed by Guga dough, mix it well with the season flour and it's ready. Now you should feel it very well to make sure there is no excess oil. Dredge it in the seasoned flour and make sure all the edges are coated. And to be honest with you, you can finish right here and fry this as is. But we want to take that to the next level and that is adding breadcrumbs, to be specific, and adding panko because I think it's so much better.
I'm using the traditional method of frying anything with bread and that is to go from the seasoned flour to the beaten egg and straight to the breadcrumbs. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that each edge is covered because in the end we want a nice, crispy duck breast. Speaking of which, it's time to fry and I set mine to 325 degrees Fahrenheit, threw my duck breast in there and let it cook until it reached an internal temperature of 135. While it was cooking, of course, I decided to make a simple sauce for accompany him.
So I started with strawberry jam, followed by garlic paste, ginger paste, soy sauce, white vinegar and finished with chili oil. Now all that remains is to mix it well with the duck sauce and that's it. And that's how to make a quick duck sauce because you know you always have to make it so you don't piss off Gordon Ramsay, that's the last thing you want. And once I was done with the sauce, so was my duck breast. As I remove them you can see that the breadcrumbs are perfectly golden. And I present to you the fried duck breast.
I mean, just by looking at this, you can already tell that this crunchy texture is next level. But of course we have to go for the portion and once I looked at that. Perfectly medium-rare just the way I like it. This is how duck breast should be eaten. Yes, there is still a little bit of pink, but that's what makes it good. But when I take my first piece you can see that it is perfectly cooked and I can't wait for my first bite. And while he was doing it... What! This is duck breast to the next level!
It is very tasty and the crunch is fantastic. Of course I have to try it with the sauce and while I put the sauce on it, let's go. Alright, let's try this with the sauce. Oh, I mean, this is so good I have to try some because we all know that anything that goes in a taco is 10 times better. So I made some mini tacos, put some salsa on them and added some parsley and look at this. I urge you to try this. Because let me tell you something, it was amazing! And I definitely recommend you try this one.
I ate them all. This one is dedicated to all the young people because we all know that there is a little child inside all of us. And they are hot dogs, but not just any kind of hot dogs, special hot dogs. And of course the first thing we are going to need are some sausages. You can use any type you want. I am using the ones that my children like the most and they have a little cheese inside, but any will do. The first thing you should do is put them on skewers. Try to be as precise as possible and insert it right in the middle, but if you deviate a little it's not the end of the world.
Now take a kitchen knife and start cutting. And this is what you are trying to do; Basically, you're going all the way around until the skewer hits. You're trying to make fun food here, so make sure you have some fun and do it slowly. There is no reason to be fast. Now spread them slowly and carefully, the wider you can the better, just be aware that if you push too hard they will break. For the dough I am going to use these premade cookies. You can definitely make any type of dough you want, but we're trying to make something fun and easy for kids to even help you with.
And even though they are pre-made, they taste amazing. And if you've never seen them, check it out. This is what it looks like. Basically, you just need to use your hand and spread them out as thin as possible. And if you have children, encourage them to lend you a hand because it's fun. As you've probably already noticed, all you have to do is insert the batter through the sausage and your hot dogs will be ready for the air fryer. This is quick, easy and so much fun to make and you should definitely try it with your kids.
And if you don't have children, try it anyway because we all know that there is a child inside all of us. Now it's time to move on to the fryer. Speaking of which, I set my oil to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. I threw the sausages in there and let them cook. You don't want to cook any hotter than that because if you do the dough won't cook completely. And there is nothing worse than a good dough that is crispy on the outside but raw on the inside. So while it was cooking I made a quick sauce, which consists of only three ingredients; a little mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.
There is nothing easier than that. Now all you have to do is mix it well and your sauce will be ready. When I was done with my sauce, so were my hot dogs. And these my friends are fried hot dogs. Hey, it's exactly the same as a regular hot dog: you have the sausage and the bun. But to make it even better, it is fried. And let me tell you something: not only do they look fantastic, they smell fantastic too. And the funny thing is that I did this with my children and while I was showing them through the camera, look at them in the background just taken, they couldn't wait any longer and I don't blame them because it's notIt is necessary for me to do it.
I describe to you what these taste like. And one of the reasons I love cooking is to share it with my family and friends. And of course, if you love salsa, be sure to put it on, but if not, try this one because your inner child is asking for it. Now let's move on to the pork belly, and yes, we are going to make chicharrón style pork belly, also known as ultimate crispy. And for that we will need pork belly. If you want to make a chicharrón you must have the skin but the most important thing is to try to look for one that has a lot of meat.
If there is something that pork belly always has, it is quite fatty. The first thing I like to do is start by boiling some water, then I add three bay leaves followed by a little pepper and a good amount of salt. I threw in my pork belly and let it cook completely. Depending on how big you are, it could take anywhere from one hour to four hours. The best thing about boiling at the beginning is that you will get a nice crispy skin and most importantly a tender piece of meat because from previous experiments if you cook this thickness all the way through with a deep fryer it won't be as tender and as everyone, know that tender is always better.
Now the next thing I like to do is put it in my refrigerator to dry overnight. The next day this is what I got. That, my friends, is as dry as it gets. It's also exactly what you're looking for when you want to fry something to make it crispy. Speaking of which, since it's completely cooked, all that's left to do is put it in the fryer. So I set my deep fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and threw it in there. The only thing you have to remember with pork belly is that there will be a lot of oil splashed on it.
Make sure you do it safely. I recommend using a backsplash, this will not only keep your area clean but most importantly keep it safe. But after about 10 minutes in the air fryer at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, it was time to remove it and as you can see, the skin starts to get nice and crispy and the edges get a nice crust as well. To finish, I raised the oil to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Now you want to throw it in there and fry it until it's completely cooked. This is where the pork rinds will come out. It will literally take between two and five minutes.
To know exactly when it's ready is when it looks like this. Just make sure not to burn it because the oil is hot. And here we have fried pork belly heaven. This right here is exactly what you're looking for. Crunchy skin to the maximum and even though it was fried it is absolutely dry because none of the oil will penetrate the meat. And the best way to enjoy it is by having a good drink of your choice. And in case you're wondering if it's crispy, check it out. Make it as crunchy as possible. Of course, the first thing I should look for is the crispy skin and I'll let you hear that.
Oh yes, my friends, that's fantastic. I know you've had pork belly before and you know what it tastes like, don't wait any longer, everyone go make yourself some fried pork belly, you deserve it. Moving on to the next one, we are going to fry some delicious scallops. And this is what they look like raw. Making them is the easiest thing in the world. I started by seasoning them with salt and freshly ground black pepper. To make them even better than they already are, I wrapped them in bacon. It's pretty simple and easy to make, you just have to use a toothpick to secure it and as you can see when I'm done I have them ready for the air fryer.
Speaking of which, I set the oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, added them and let them cook because I was looking for an internal temperature of 145. While that was cooking, I made a nice simple sauce to go with it and started by melting two. butter spoon. As soon as the butter starts to brown a little, it's time to add the other ingredients, so I added garlic paste, followed by parsley, a little lemon juice, and heavy whipping cream. Now all that remains is to mix all the ingredients and we have the sauce ready. Now I tell you one thing, this sauce is fantastic to accompany any seafood.
It's creamy garlic and, most importantly, delicious. As you will notice, I did not add salt or pepper because our scallop has a lot of flavor. And speaking of which, by then my scallops were done and that's exactly what I'm looking for, a nice golden brown color. And I'll tell you what: frying scallops is 10 times better than cooking them in the oven, which will ensure that the bacon cooks completely without overcooking the scallops. And once I'm done with all of them here we have fried scallops. I mean, come on, take a look at that. Is there any chance this isn't surprising?
I do not think. The best thing is that you can serve this as an appetizer or main dish and if you are wondering if they are fully cooked, look at this perfectly cooked to perfection, including the bacon and scallops. But obviously the most important thing is that flavor because I can't wait any longer and since I took the first bite it's incredible. I'm talking all the way to the moon. It's sweet from the scallops, smoky from the bacon, and overall a perfect combination. Of course, now we have to go in with our sauce and see how it will taste and as I cut and take my first piece...
It's phenomenal, absolutely incredible and like every sauce I make, more is always better. I think scallops were made to be fried and if you've never had them you should because as you can see, even my family members couldn't wait for me to finish filming. And, of course, we have to cook some kind of poultry, but if you think it's chicken, you are completely wrong. This is a pheasant. If you're not familiar with it, you shouldn't do it. Many hunters know what it tastes like and as you can see this one was air cooled which basically makes everything better.
I made a full video explaining how it works and you can see it in the card above below. But after taking it out of the package, this is what it looks like. Yes, I know what you're thinking: it looks like a chicken and you're absolutely right, let's say a smaller chicken. To cook it in the air fryer, I'll treat it like regular chicken, and for me, buttermilk fried chicken is one of the best. So I started by pouring a good amount of buttermilk into the bowl, followed by my favorite hot sauce. For the seasoning I chose garlic powder and a good amount of salt.
Now mix it well and your buttermilk marinade is ready. Throw the pheasant in there and make sure to cover everything with the buttermilk. You can also do this directly in a ziplock bag, but to make it easier for you to see, I'm using the container. I covered it and let it marinate in my refrigerator for four hours. For the seasoned flour, I started with all-purpose flour, followed by the Guga dough, mix everything together and combine everything with the seasoned flour and you are ready. Once the time was up my pheasant was ready. You want to make sure you strain it as much as possible and pour it right into the seasoned flour and don't be shy, make sure you add as much as possible because as we all know, a nice crispy skin is the best thing you can have. chicken and I hope the fans and it's the same.
And as you can see, when it was done, it was ready for the air fryer. And for that I set my oil to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Now here's a tip, if the oil starts to get too hot, a good tip is this; Of course, the first thing you should do is turn off the heat, then add more room temperature oil, this will immediately lower the temperature. This is a good easy and effective way to lower the temperature as quickly as possible. Do your best to maintain that heat at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the optimal temperature for frying pheasant because once you reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit in the breast, this is what you are left with a perfectly fried bird.
That, my friends, is a fried pheasant. I'll tell you what, this thing is crunchy to the max and I wonder if it's juicy on the inside. So, of course, the first thing I should choose is always dark meat. And when I pulled out the first leg, wow, that's the juiciest thing ever. I couldn't wait any longer, I had to go take my first bite and as I did, this tastes amazing and here's the brisket, oh that looks juicy to me, there's nothing dry here. Of course I have to go eat something and since I did, yes, it's like chicken but better.
And I think I have a solution to make it even better, so I went ahead and added some of my favorite hot sauce. I mean, we all know that hot sauce and chicken were made for each other and when I took my first bite with the hot sauce, forget it. I could tell you right now that this is the best chicken, also known as pheasant, I have ever had in my life. That's all the meat I currently have in my house. I cooked everything, everyone. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video, if you enjoy it make sure to like it.
If you are not subscribed, be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember that if you are interested in something I use, everything is always in the description below. Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one. Stay safe, keep cooking, if you keep cooking, I will. See you next time, take care everyone. Bye bye.

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