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Oven Fries — CRISPIER Than Deep-Fried

May 30, 2021
I swear I've come up with a recipe for baked potato chips so crispy you'll think they were


. Unlike real French


, in quotes, these are easy and clean to make at home, they are not quick, but they are easy and clean, how do you get them? so crunchy, well you have to think like a brit. Hey, real quick, this video is sponsored by Squarespace, which I'm using to build and host my new website. Squarespace is a one-stop shop for my business and yours could be headed to Squarespace. .com slash Ragusa enter the offer code Ragusa and you'll save 10% on your first website or domain purchase.
oven fries crispier than deep fried
I think this recipe could work with all types of potatoes, but today I'm using large russet potatoes, one per person and I'm peeling them just to maximize the starchy surface that will be crispy, but you don't really have to peel them if you don't want to. Now cut them into whatever fry shape you want if you're obsessed with uniformity. You want them all like a line of soldiers, feel free to waste the curvy outer pieces personally. I'm a big fan of heterogeneity and food, but I'm trying to make sure each fry is about the same thickness even when they're not all the same shape, even the girth is equal to the cooking time, speaking of girth, you might be thinking, wow, those are huge


, yes, but no, they will reduce by about half over the course of cooking and will still be on the big side like french fries, but they will have to be thick otherwise they will fall apart with this cooking method, if you really want to make your life easier, cut the potatoes into wedges, easy to cut and super resistant during cooking, in a large saucepan, they go and yes, this is a lot of fries One of the advantages The biggest takeaway from this recipe over conventional French fries is that you can cook enough for four people in one batch and make them all at exactly the same time.
oven fries crispier than deep fried

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oven fries crispier than deep fried...

Real french fries you have to make in small batches unless you have a giant commercial


fryer in your house, which I don't know about, I forgot, yeah,


fries aren't technically french fries, they're roasted potatoes and who makes the ones? best roast potatoes, the British, what is their secret, they boil them first, that is enough water to cover everything and I put it on high heat, the lid helps them boil faster, this step has the effect of making the pieces fluffy, it will make the inside of the finished fry spongy and create a fluffy, starchy exterior.
oven fries crispier than deep fried
Incredibly crispy when roasted in fat for a long time, the excellent EES British roast has a glass-like exterior - you basically boil them until you're terrified they'll fall apart, which is a particular danger with the long, thin shape we're with working. how flexible it looks that scares me and it should, as Jamie Oliver once said, the secret is to boil them as long as you dare, I did it for about eight minutes, okay, these are too delicate to just throw in a colander, luckily the best option It's my favorite. The method to drain anything is to simply open a small space between the pot and the lid and let the water fall out.
oven fries crispier than deep fried
The fries are intact and there is no strainer to wash. Here is my large roasting pan. I make my Thanksgiving turkey in this, you could use it. instead a baking sheet, anything large enough to hold all the fries more or less in one layer, just gently tossing the fries on some of them will break them up and that's okay, they will be extra crispy bits. Now I use olive oil because it tastes good. But if you want a more traditional


flavor, use a neutral oil like peanut oil. I'm putting a lot in, they don't need to be swimming in oil but they do need to be very well coated and putting the oil on the potatoes instead of the pan first really helps to coat all the sides, now keep in mind that they are very delicate in this stage, shake them up, we're just coating the pieces with oil and placing them all in one layer on the tray. that spongy, pounded surface in the frying that's the magic that's what will be incredibly crispy in a 450 degree Fahrenheit


here they are after about 45 minutes I'm just going to turn the larger pieces over to make sure they don't stick nothing if they are looking a little dry I'll add a little more oil no I don't think they are less caloric than chips then just shake them again they will be a little stiffer at this stage so you can be aggressive.
Back in the oven, they go until done, which for me was another 45 minutes. It will depend on your oven and how you cut the potatoes. You might be thinking, OMG, this is a long time, well yes, but it's mostly unsupervised time, unlike real French fries. that require York, love and attention and this is the time when we can prepare the rest of the meal because no one eats just a plate of fries unless you're Canadian. You're making poutine. That's an idea for a video. I want to be conservative, I cooked this batch a hair too long, the super brown pieces tasted a little burnt if you're worried about the fries not feeling totally crispy and stiff, but keep in mind that they will get very hard as soon as they cool a bit.
Little, how do you drain and season them? It is easy. I'll show you in a second. Hello, thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring this recipe. Squarespace is an all-in-one toolset for creating and running a professional online business. presence that I need and if you have, for example, a food-related business, they have beautiful templates waiting for you, for example, you can place an open table block on any page and accept reservations right there on your site. It starts with something simpler built around a frame from my lasagna video. The good thing is that Squarespace has a built-in image editor.
Now generally you want to increase the contrast, especially for mobile screens, that's something you discover very quickly as a YouTuber and then you just go into it. in your information and that's it. I'm going to work on this a little bit and show you where I am in a couple of weeks, but you can start yours for free right now at and whenever you're ready. ready to publish your site or buy a domain, go to, bar Ragusa and enter the offer code Ragusa, you will save 10%. The link is in the description. Okay, here is the drainage method I got from Anthony Bourdain's book.
Rest your soul towel. It goes in a large bowl, throws the fries into the towel, absorbs the excess oil, then with the towel outside, it goes back in, a lot of coarse salt gets in there, and since we're not being traditional anymore, let's go crazy, little shake of garlic powder a little. of ground pepper, chopped coriander, then grate a bunch of parmesan and mix, you may hear that they have that glassy British roast potato exterior and think there's no giant pot of hot oil to clean up after dinner stinking up the house while we eat and here's another bonus: they stay hot and crispy for a surprisingly long time, like you have a good 20 minutes to finish the rest of your meal and on the table if you really want to eat fries at home, I think this recipe is the way to go

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