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I Coded a Minecraft Update in 7 Days

May 14, 2024
In just 7


, I'm going to use Cod, the ultimate Pillager upgrade, transforming you into a deadly killing force protecting a fortified city, and to top it all off, I'm going to use Cod, a custom Pillager boss with a crazy twist if you prevail. In battle, your fame will spread far and wide and you will rule the plunderers with an iron fist. Your legions will burn the houses of your enemies and throw their ashes to the wind. Can I really do any of this? So here's the game plan. I'm going to fix Pillager Outpost's biggest problem. An outpost is a military settlement away from the main Force.
i coded a minecraft update in 7 days
There is no main force. I am not going to lie. I thought Pillager's base of operations was Woodland Mansion, but no, there isn't a single one there, so let me go. This is clearly everyone's friend during raids, but looters aren't invited back to the bachelor pad and where do looters go outside of raids? Do looters sleep in these stores and smell like pumpkins? I have so many questions on the first day. I'm going to clean up this mess and give these looters proper housing. My ultimate goal is to make the town feel like it belongs in basic Minecraft, so I spawned a raider outpost next to a village and I basically want to combine the two styles from raiders.
i coded a minecraft update in 7 days

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i coded a minecraft update in 7 days...

It reminds me a little of Vikings, why not give it a Viking touch? After 4 hours of hard work, we built the ugliest village ever seen. This sucks. Everything is online and strangely loud. Well, eventually all of this will be procedurally generated in the world. and when you trust me, you will look good like a normal town. Every house is built with a purpose. We have the barracks, the blacksmith, the banquet hall, the Fletcher, the sawmill and the stable. The Fletcher is my favorite, not just him. He makes the arrows, but he's also the one who makes the pumpkin dolls you see everywhere.
i coded a minecraft update in 7 days
Everything was great until I made a huge mistake, one so embarrassing that I debated removing it from the video and pretending it never happened. You'll notice I did. I have two versions of the same house. I had this elaborate idea that the player could upgrade raiders' houses using a fancy new block and basically teach the raiders to be the best version of themselves. I wasted a lot of time on something I had. In the end I discarded it for being low quality and I'm not proud of it but I gave up and just went to bed completely defeated but when I woke up the next morning I was very clear that I was going to do the definitive Pillager


i coded a minecraft update in 7 days
I need to prepare. I still have 6


and that's more than enough time to change things up, so I dive headfirst into the unknown and spend the entire second day working on roads. I have never done this. before, so I have no idea how hard it's going to be or how long it's going to take. What I do know is that I have almost 100 puzzle blocks with over 1000 lines of configuration code and zero margin for error. a long day, uhoh, okay, then the roads appear but our houses are missing. I guess it's because they don't have enough space, yeah, so I made some smaller houses and they seemed to work well.
The good news is that I set everything up perfectly without making a single mistake, the bad news is that due to space limitations this was never going to work in the first place and I did all that work for nothing. I spent an hour making some larger paths and luckily it seemed to work well, whatever is good enough. move on, it's dawn on the third day and something about this Village is off, yeah, it still floats around a bit and even goes underground from time to time, which can be really cool, but it's usually ugly. I want you to look at the vanilla Villages, how they fit into the landscape.
It's a math dance between man and the Earth a dance that will be my last challenge done apparently Mojang did it so I could change this variable here and then magically the paths just stop being flat. I'm in this strange situation that I ended up in. everything I had planned for today in literally 10 minutes, so I feel pretty good about myself right now, but looking around the Village I can't shake the feeling that something is missing. You see that the raiders are idiots, so naturally they are going to make a FL iron defenses like a giant Viking palisade.
I tell you, you're behind enemy lines and when you turn around and see this giant spiked wall at your back, your heart starts racing because it feels like you're not. It's supposed to be here, but my favorite part is that the wall adapts to the terrain and we even have guards in the watchtowers, since they are the ones protecting the homeland, they should be equipped with the best raider weaponry that the money can buy, so I gave them those rockets, that sounded great at the time, it seemed easy, but there's a problem: you can beat them by standing still and having a snack.
Can you imagine defeating a Navy SEAL by eating a gym skinny? He might have been willing to overlook this if he didn't have Stormtrooper aim either. I'm not even moving. It was a nice thought, but forget it. I'm, I'm, I'm taking away the Rockets, it's more trouble than it's worth. Quick pause. I only realized it during editing. I could have easily fixed this problem by changing the trajectory of the rocket. I've done things like this before. It would have been easy, frankly, I wasn't thinking rationally, in fact I was starting to panic. We are far behind what I thought.
I'm at this point and honestly, I didn't budget my time very well, but that's a problem for tomorrow, it's tomorrow. Okay, it's pretty clear that I'm going to need some backup, so I reached out to my friend. zton, amazing YouTuber, by the way, everything this guy does is just a masterpiece of art. Well, I asked him to build a great Viking hall, maybe something similar is Skyrim's Dragon Reach while he does it. I want the village to feel more colorful and alive. Adding some shots I imagine these Merchant pillagers are like Pillager World's dad disappointments. I don't know how to tell you this but I knew this day would come Billy, you are my son and I love you no matter the team. bates so no, it's not that I don't want a loot I want to sell succulents and other desk plants, so I made a plant shop, a fishmonger, a candle shop, a bakery and a bar that sells scary dairies, the Pillager. drink of choice when you drink it it gives you a bad omen effect nothing too crazy oh yeah that looks pretty cool.
I decided now was also a good time to fill the houses with loot and even add a new type of chest, but yeah, what do you do? The guys think Mojang should give us more chest variants. I mean, when I think about it, it's pretty strange that we have a dozen different ship types and then there's only one type of chest. Furthermore, I decided to exchange the worst houses in Pillager for the best ones. Since the textures of the village seemed too bland before and frankly, Zeppelin Tin's house blows mine out of the water. I mean, just look at what he built, it's such an imposing centerpiece, a grand hall really fit for a looter.
I eat zeppel to conserve. the interior is empty as its only purpose is to be a Boss Arena. You may also have noticed that there is deep slate in this construction. If you've ever been in the deep dark, you'll see Darkwood planks scattered everywhere. Could looters have tried to loot the place? In the deep darkness, I imagine this didn't go so well for them, but what if a Reaver survived the massacre and honored the memory of his Fallen Brothers by mining the very deep slate they died on from the Earth to serve as foundation of a new nation a blatant display of power and resistance reminding his enemies that he is the most powerful plunderer who ever lived and reminding himself that his Empire was carved in blood or perhaps zeppel as deep slate.
I didn't ask, it's day five and thanks to my very generous Patreon supporters. I was able to hire Maguay, a professional 3D artist, to model the boss because he is beautiful and while he was animating him he couldn't stop thinking about the immortality totem around his neck. I'm pretty sure M just meant. I thought this was decorative because we didn't talk about it at all beforehand, but it got me thinking about ideas, so I've been struggling with a difficult decision: do I behave responsibly and only have one boss phase for reasons of time and my sanity or am I going completely overboard like that's a real question when you kill the darling he will channel Odin's power and transform into a Lightning God, start levitating and create four additional copies of his massive Buster magic. sword and control them all with telekinesis, this guy looks like he wants a good hug, can I give him a hug idiot?
It's a trap because he will turn to the side and start stabbing, that was the plan but most of you wanted him to keep it. As simple as possible. Good message received. Instead, we'll make him stronger and faster, give him some modest lightning powers, and then make it so he can use a sword and deflect arrows like an anime superhero. It's day six and we now have our animations complete. I just have to import them into the game oh god look at it slide oh sorry it's okay we'll fix you we'll fix you oh oh dude his lights are moving where did he go?
Okay, that should have been fixed. No, it was a lot harder than I thought, but I finally made it all work, although it's too early to celebrate. I have less than 2 days to code an entire boss battle, a task that seems almost impossible, but I'm capricious. I'm not usually a quitter, so I looked for answers in my previous data packs and what I found were notable sensible file names, code comments with words of affirmation. I know I can do this because I've done it before. Everything turned out wonderfully and I'll show you in a minute, but first this guy called afrh music contacted me to make a custom music album for my next


, then he offered to make a song for the boss battle and I said yes, no. expected. 2 seconds I'm going to send something, okay, 14 minutes later, I can't believe I doubted this man, that this was just the demo he improvised, the real song is a million times better, forget the music album we're going to engrave.
Play the song as background music in the game when you are fighting the boss. It's dawn on the last day I spent testing the boss and getting the music to play properly, but at last the yarl is complete and when you approach it, Trigger the boss battle. His first attack is an overhead strike that will cut through the best armor like butter. His second attack uses his arm-mounted crossbow to fire a flurry of arrows, leaving his enemies riddled with holes. For his third attack, he leaps into the air and offers a quick death to those foolish enough to enter his Great Hall.
See these animation keyframes? Yes, that's Braille. He says you can kill him pretty easily by keeping your distance and using a bow. Honestly, the first phase of the battle. It's not that bad, but just when you think you've won, his immortality totem activates and the Pillager yarl becomes the God Pillager, he's faster and hits harder, he shoots flaming arrows and has much better aim and now his attack jump summons lightning bolts. of lightning, well this is all very similar to phase one but now the Reaver God can block arrows and believe me this changes everything because I guarantee that 99% of the players will rely on a bow at the beginning but this means that You will cross swords with a literal God in a one-on-one duel to the death, in my opinion Minecraft bosses are not very interactive and in most cases it boils down to a damage rush.
I understand that Minecraft's combat is pretty simplistic, especially if you're not running fast or doing competitive PvP or something, but you have to remember that these boss battles are made for the average player and I think I struck a good balance here. You have to run in a different direction depending on the attack he is using. and obviously this isn't very mechanically demanding on the part of the players, but it's also more than just eating a golden apple and clicking, clicking, anyway, we have one hour left and obviously we should reward the player if they emerge victorious, so that I imported the Pillager. yarl in blockbench removed the Pillager yarl and now we just have a giant sword which I then imported into the game.
It looks really big, imposing and very different from the other swords, but it's actually just a retextured netherite sword, which means no. offer some advantage to other players in a PvP environment. I think it would be cool to see Mojang add different variants of items like this. Personally, I always appreciate the in-game cosmetics, especially when you don't have to pay for them, but you do when you have the sword. in your inventory, the raiders will recognize your strength and bend the knee, you will become the ruler of the raiders, you are their yarl and they willyou'll be taxed come on guys let's look at those W2's as you can see you get a lot of goodies and this one is It's going to be a bit controversial but they also have a low chance of giving you diamonds making it the first renewable source of diamonds in the game.
In my opinion, mining diamonds now is terrible. We need a way to automate diamond collection or a way. from insta mining deep slate because this is boring so yes there is the update but is it fun? Well, I gathered my YouTuber friends to try it out, do I want to enter? I'm afraid of these guys up here, right? I'm just walking in, I see you, I own this place now. Wow, you really took it up a notch with this one. Oh, there are so many. There are so many times. I'm just ignoring them. I'm going to have to clean this whole place.
It's going to be a ghost town. By the time I'm done I'll take a bullet for you shovel no you're blocking it oh no red die quwi okay I'm going to enter the building furthest from the big creepy tower in the middle. I found you, the one with the steepest hill possible. Yes, great love, you are hurting this poor defenseless person. animal here let me let me match it for you there we go yeah wa Josh look where they come from no oh this is so weird oh man this is epic oh you know what I'm going to do a Santa Claus yo I'm going to go to the chimney, Pillager Carl, let's talk about this, what is this?
There are so many arrows, oh he's bringing reinforcements that weren't even part of the boss battle. I'm going to do it, yeah, that's right, oh, he's on the Wall Tea Bag, easy, oh, look at you, little anime boy, he's old now. What I didn't tell you, Josh, is that there's a third phase, no, I'm going up here, no, please, too hard, I'm down, I'm down, oh. don't do it don't go to bed well macin it was fun it was very fun

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